hello there my name is sue wong i'm a registered nurse i'm one of the facilitators at uts you'll be watching a role play and it's a typical scenario that you may experience when you go out on clinical placement you'll be watching an interaction between myself the student and the patient so when you watched a video hopefully you'll gain something from it take it with you when you go go out on your clinical placement and enjoy and have fun hi my name is raza zahidi i'm a third year nursing student i'll be role-playing a first-year nursing student so hopefully you'll pick up some ideas about how to communicate with patients and other nurses i am jeanette bryant i am in hospital after having a knee replacement my name is roman bryant i am here to see my wife jeanette to uh see how's she going hello mrs bright yeah good morning how are you good how are you not too late my name is razia zahidi i'm a first year student from uts um i'm working with my facilitator today we'll be looking in morning my name is janette hello janet nice to meet you we're going to be looking after you today oh thank you okay first lovely flowers you got there i know she get them for her oh how sweet um i understand that you've had a new replacement yeah how's that going oh not too bad yeah okay i'm just going to ask you just a routine questions about your knee um have you been experiencing any pain yes yeah so it's just on your knees yeah okay so with a scale of 0 to 10 10 being the worst pain you've ever experienced what would you rate that i think um around about a six about six okay well it seems like it's a bit of a pain um when did you first start getting it um when i got back in bed you have to clean up yesterday it started to okay okay um and what kind of how would you describe the pain it's around in the knee and when i move it it's quite severe okay i think i think we'll need something for it really yeah okay how would you describe it generally people describe it as you know into categories as either dull or aching or throbbing how would you describe that i'd say aching you're aware of it okay we're going to have a look at what we can do for you um the physio's going to come around later and they're probably going to have you to walk around and do a bit of exercises with the knee okay and we'll see what we can do with the pain release we'll have a we'll have a look on your medication chart to see what the doctors have supported for you okay he's um he's order uh panadol or um panadine ford which one would you prefer i i think it's the way it is at the moment i need penidene forward all right then okay we'll go and get that for you we won't be too long um have you got hold of your buzzer there i think so do you pass it to me please ray thank you so yeah just just call us if you need us in the meantime but we'll go and get it and we won't be too long okay thank you okay thank you okay now the patient has requested for penalty thought for her knee for the pain in her knee right so the order is for panini ford one tablet and it's been signed and it's printed doctor's print okay caroline here she's a registered nurse so when you check out a medication from a drug covenant you must have two registered nurse nurses or an enrolled endorsed nurse to check the medication out with you yep okay yeah great so what do you know about panadeine fort rossian um well i know this is an analgesic yeah so if you wanted to find out more about a drug that you're giving to a patient where would you go to find that information i'll use that i'm going to have a look for it see what you can find out while getting the drug out of the cupboard i'm going to look it up in this book which is the schedule 4 book which is the book that you sign the medications out so we keep an eye on how many drugs are being given and where they're going to so because they're sort of like ones we want to be careful with so i'll just have a look what it's exactly does okay so it's an analgesic and antibiotic for moderate and severe pain do you want an antipyretic use um for fever yeah perfect good okay so we've got the um adverse effects so gi upset constipation drowsiness yeah yeah so when you give it to her maybe if constipation is one of the big problems with panadeine fort so you might want to just talk to her a little bit about how to deal with that when we give it to it okay anyway sue's got the drug now so let's have a look okay so i need to check it with caroline penadine forge expires 12 2012. okay i'm in the order painted in fort one tablet dr chang you now yeah i'm gonna give her one tablet so what we need to do is to make sure that the um balance adds up and with the book i was showing you before you just find the page canadian footnote it will tell you how many there are in the cupboard so there's 29 in the cupboard here so we're going to check that now and then we're going to check it after we've taken one out to make sure that the balance was correct all right okay so we've got one two three four five six seven plus one is twenty nine okay taking one need a medication cup so we might get you to write in this book in a minute but have you used one of these before i have yes okay so they're a bit tricky sometimes with bunny shaped tablets so that's one tablet one tablet counting it again okay one two three four five six seven which is 28 tablets [Music] okay i'll write it down you just need to do one more check which is against the medication chart paneling forward okay and emptying forward mrs bryant 20 2012. that's beautiful so just fill in the date yeah and the time and then her full name janet bryant yes and then you just fill in the amount given column so we're giving her one you can either write one or 500 milligrams because it's a 500 milligram tablet and there's 29 20 88 left now and just need to write the doctor's name he's prescribed it in that column there so that'll be dr chang yep that's dr chen perfect okay and i'm the witnessing person so i'm gonna sign there and i'm the one giving it so there we go okay we can go and see her thank you thanks great thanks caroline hello chennai we're back with your panadeine forms oh thank you very much for that um caroline hayes who's one of the registered nurses on the wall she's with me because we need to check the medication out with two nurses um so yeah so what we've got here okay i've got pin it in for it and then for yep 500 milligrams you're going to check would you like to check your name sure we're just going to ask you a few questions before we give you medication is that all right yes okay would you be able to tell me your full name jeanette bryant jeanette brian yeah and your date of birth the 10th of the second 32. excellent um are you allergic to anything yes penicillin excellent okay so have a look at your id bend as sorry well yes to lean over you a little bit to see i'm sorry janet brian internet brian 10 second 1932 mrn01001201012 perfect okay now i'll put the tablet over here should you want to sit up a little bit yes yes thank you the water that's okay thank you that's right you should get that down thank you all right then perfect okay well we'll come back in about half an hour to maybe 45 minutes to see whether that paladin has worked for you okay so in the meantime if there's any other questions or any concern that you may have you just give us a call on the buzzer yeah yeah thanks mr sprite see mr bryant there we go okay thank you thank you it's been about 30 minutes now just checking up on you yep how's the pain going now um it seems to be going a little bit better than what it was oh that's good that's good yeah just gonna ask you a few questions again yeah with the pain um from a scale of zero to ten what would you rate it now they've gone down to about two now about two that's great that's really good yeah that's good so we're gonna have the physio coming around pretty soon right yeah so that should help a lot yeah oh good cat is some bad constipation though have you now okay um i was just wondering with the medication causing that yeah the medications sometimes do that as well um in particular with this medication but generally it's other factors as well like you know lying down for too long and not moving around yeah so you know if you have a bit more water drink more we're going to speak to the dietitian to have some more fiber in your food that should help it okay is there anything else you would like no not just your thing well i can always ring with that great okay we'll be out there if you need to thank you very much you