Transcript for:
100 Days of Code: An Introduction to Python

Welcome to 100 days of code guys In 100 days of code, we are going to learn Python programming From zero to job ready Which means here if you gave your 100 days Dedicated 100 days So in byte sized lesson I will tell you Python programming We will take it from 0 to advance In start you will feel that, It is so easy. Python is a kid's game. And after that as videos will move forward We will go up to day 100. We will raise the bar like anything We will be working on complex projects We will be working on things that are used in industry So too much of excitement and fun is gonna happen. Python is a dynamically typed Object oriented programming language Which was made by Guido van Russom in 1991 Guido van Russom was watching a show named Monty Python's Circus On TV when he was working on this language. And he thought why not name it as Python. And since then its name is Python In this course, along with theory We will do lot of practice, Many exercises and quizzes are going to come in this. And many challenges are waiting for you guys. So I will enter on my computer button And I will introduce you to different and unique Python. So like this video right now, And by subscribing turn on the notification. So that you don't miss any day. And everyday you receive notification Because it is very easy to get lost in sea of YouTube. So everyone accept the 100 days code challenge. And in comment section write I accept 100 days of code challenge. So, here I am on this google chrome browser And I will tell you guys How to download and install Python. So as you will write Python Then you will come to And as per your platform You will get the latest version available for download So you can see I am on mac os. So for mac owners 3.11 It is giving that, so I will download it. until it is downloading You can download any of your favorite ide or vs code. To use Python in your computer But here I will use Replit And you guys can use replit This is a collaborative browser based IDE. I am using this because, Because I find it easy to use, And along with that, It is easy for me to share code with you guys So here I will sign in with my google account. And after that I will be redirected to the screen. So as you can see all my repl's are over here Replit basically gives you an online way of writing code. If your computer is not fast Or if you have problem compute wise Which means if your computer lags a lot, Then you just need a browser tab. And you can follow with me. And because I will use replit It will be easy for you guys to follow me. So quickly, over here I will go on myrepls Here I have already made some repls And by scrolling below, I will go to Python zero to job ready folder And this is the day 1 repl ok. so here as you can see, You can see my video here in floating pane. And here will be my content. And here I will write code. So I will write the console over here. Along with that the code I will show you, I will close this over here, I will write code, And here we are going to get the output of the code. So quickly I will make a file over here, So I will click here and open Actually I want to over here . So look how easy it is to use. Here will be tutorial. Here we will write code. Here there is going to be the output. And here will be my video. Which you can watch. Now, here I have added a demo video. Here you will get to see the day video. If you are thinking how I did it, So I will give a link in description, You will get to know how to do this thing. In case, if any teacher is watching this Now, lets quickly talk about Python. But before that, I would like to talk , what is programming? As you can see, Programming is a way to tell computers what to do? We are trying to tell computers, What to do? And we do it with the help of programming. If there is a calculator in your house So calculator is programmed In such a way, that we can tell it How much is 5+9 Now, you will say 5+9 is 14. If I know, then why should I use calculator But how about 23453453 * 56456 You can calculate it, But you can't be as fast as computer. So in such situations a good communication with computer Is very important So we use programming. In the way you and me talk in hindi You talk with your friend in English. You must be talking in spanish Or if you must be talking in any other language, To talk with computer We use programming languages. Like Python, c,c++,java There are many more programming languages in market But this course is going to be dedicated to Python. And this is because Python is very easy. According to me Python Is the easiest learned programming language. Because when you learn Python After that you start doing things, Then you have fun at a different level. What is Python? Dynamically typed. General purpose programming language Which support object oriented paradigm It also supports functional approach. If you don't know what is this? So we are going to learn it in this course. Now, it is interpreted. It is a high level programming language. And Guido van Russom started working on it in 1989 Many people ask When was Python developed. So it was not one day or one year From 1989 over the period of years Guido van rossum created it. So many places you can see 1991 And some places you may see 1992 You also get to see 1989. But the truth is from 1989 Over the period of years it was made. What are the features of Python? First thing that I will tell you It is simple. It is the most simple programming language. This is the best feature of Python which I like. And after that you can do anything with it. Platform is independent. Platform is independent and It means that, If you wrote code in windows Then you can run it on linux too. And if you wrote code in mac Then you can run it in windows too. You can run it on any platform. I am writing code here in my browser. Max able means I am using the replit platform But even if I write code in mac Then too it was easy for you to run it anywhere for you guys. It is an open source programming language. Most important thing, you don't need to pay to use Python. Which is amazing. And Python provides very big library support. So many people use this easy language. Because of this what happens? All people are working on some or the other project. And the project of all those people The code written by them They effort written by them Maybe somebody made one thing in 1 year And you get to use it for 1 min It is a very nice thing. If I talk about learning point of view. If I talk with error point of view Maybe the error you are getting today 10 years ago maybe someone got the same And he may have found code for it. And has added to website like stackoverflow It will be very easy for you guys. It will be very easy for you get solution of that problem. Ok, Python works on a big library support. And after that integrating it with other programming languages Is very easy. It can be linked very easily to any language. After that this has some applications Which I have written over here you can work on database too. You can work on data science. You can work on machine learning. You can make web applications. With database Many serious and complex application can be made. And to increase your business Many complex mathematical operations You can do with the help of Python. Now, here I am using replit because Sharing code is very easy. Installing Python in local is also very easy. Simply on any platform Simply you can install it. Just like some game. And if you are on mac It is easy installation as you can see on computer screen. But if you are on windows So by installing Python Just pay attention to one thing If you are installing in your computer Path variable @Python 3. which ever version it is There is option as path Definitely check it. Because if you don't check it So maybe you won't be able to use Python through terminal. So if I open my terminal If you are on windows or anywhere Here I will write Python So look here it is written that Python not found. So we need to solve this problem too. If you are in linux or mac like me So if you will write Python Then you will definitely get to see this error. So if you will write Python 3, Then here you can see Python repl Repl's full form is Read-Evaluate-Print Loop And here you can use Python as a calculator. You can run commands like this. If you don't know what is this print statement Then we are going to learn. Over the period of days we are going to learn. Day by day, slowly slowly I want you to digest things. So if you want to come out of repl If you want to come out of this read evaluate print loop Then do exit And you will come out. But do you what I am going to do? I am going to use replit. And inside replit, all the file and Project we make is called repl by replit. And this repl name has arrived from here only. Read-Evaluate-Print Loop of Python Or in many programming languages it is there From there this is derived. So here if I write hello world, And after that if I click on run, So look it is this easy to work with. I would like to see its output over here. And why has the output not arrived here yet? It is here, hello world ok. Now here if I do print 7 Or else 5 and run it over here Here it will run and after that I will be able to see 5 over here. So basically what is happening over here? I am writing code over here but But the code is getting executed. on replit servers. And I am able to see its output over here. In this, even if my computer is slow Then too I can use Python very easily. And I can make new files also over here. I can make new files . I can open new files, And here I can read this text. And I can watch this video. I can keep it wherever I want. Up down front back And if I don't want to watch the video and do practice You can make it very small Very tiny in size And keep it over here. Park it over here. And when you want to watch it increase the size. So you are going to have a good learning experience. So I would like to request you guys The official playlist of Python that I am going to make 100 days of code playlist Definitely access it. Like the video and subscribe to the channel So that you don't miss any day. The journey of 100 days In that I don't want you to miss anything. Access the Python playlist. Bookmark it and save it. Next day I will meet you, In which we will talk about more good things. And our day 2 is going to be dedicated On a very interesting and fun thing. So wait for day2. And we will meet after that. This much only for this video guys. Thank you so much guys for watching this video. And I will see you next time.