Transcript for:
Emergency Alert and Global Crisis Overview

hello welcome to our Channel we appreciate each and every one of you there's an emergency alert every state in the Union has declared a state of emergency that's not anywhere in the entire media 90% of the media works for the Department of Defense and they're told what to say I track down who does what and the money all goes back to Rome because the Department of Defense is owned by the king of England which answers to Lucifer incarnate which the pope claims to be all roads lead to Rome so we have an emergency alert now in terms of our sponsor which is a fabulous sponsor I got to get a get the te hat I got to make one man I've been wanting to do that for a while well we've had so many family crisises and you know our money that we get from YouTube tends to help a lot of people so I couldn't do this computer thing without Vision support my eyes get I mean they're cranking something up on the computer and my eyes are getting fried well with all the hours that you have to put in on in doing the videos it's only about three hours a day imagine somebody on there eight hours a day oh you're on there more than that yeah probably and then of course according to the National Institutes of Health pine bark extract helps with vision this is the NIH owned by the CDC so if you're a doctor and you don't prescribe these and you prescribe drugs instead of what the National Institutes of Health say which is owned by the C Centers for Disease Control which helps license the AMA and the doctors if you don't do what the NIH says you could be in deep dooo and then of course whenever you give a supplement according to the National Institutes of Health you got to give somebody seaweeds because the seaweed One Drug takes so much vitamin C another drug takes so much magnesium another drug needs mang manganese and pretty soon your body is short of minerals and Along Comes health problems so according to the National Institutes of Health sea vegetables the particular sea vegetables in here because I looked it up in the National Institutes of Health the specific sea vegetables in here blad whack rockweed oh sea lettuce I don't really like sea lettuce as a as a seaweed because I try them all but the rockweed is fabulous the particular seaweeds in here especially the red rockweed are very good to balance your body out so you don't get health issues and a lot of the health issues according to the National Institutes of Health tend to go away we have the report right there you can't erase it cuz I've got it anyway um the best pine bark extract the best Vision support and I I think yeah this has zinc because zinc is you needed with vitamin A zinc gets it into the cells that's the transport well that's why we take extra seaweed in case we don't get enough zinc and the pine bark extract has high levels of res veratrol and according to the National Institutes of Health we're talking NIH that helps slow down the aging process maybe reverse it and the one thing that shocked me about pinebark extract is the National Institutes of Health Report on heart health how it helps rebuild the heart that blew my mind and this is the best pine bark extract I found um anyway what's on the agenda today well we're a familyfriendly channel so we got to say kids hang tough to your dad and mom you'll be fine and Dad and Mom listen very carefully because we talk about food water toilet paper ammunition heat Communications gold and silver medicines which I consider this kind of but not according to the NIH or the CDC and then of course snookies so hang tough to Mom and Dad they're going to provide all that you'll be fine don't panic uh nothing is more important than what's happening outside your front door nothing but first the US sold North Korea over 256 firecrackers in one whack it was in all the North Korean papers we did TV show after TV show after TV show about the 15 to 50 kiloton firecrackers North Korea bought from John krey who broke his thigh bone and then suddenly we have a new John Carrey by the way one of the congresswoman said Cala Harris is human she can learn whatever which meaning she's not human we got a lot of Clone she was black that on a TV show I forget who it was which meanor the senator she's not human Camala Harris is a clone or is a human she can learn that gal who said that's not human she's probably clone like Gavin Nome anyway so North Korea has all these firecrackers John krey sold them 10 ICBM ones range 6,500 miles Russia helped rebuild them and then they sold him a bunch of long range missile launchers North Korea sent a representative to Iran after Israel blew up the chief murderer of Hamas who was going to try to create peace with Israel so the next day hundreds of us-made missiles rained on Israel and Israel shot him down with hundreds of us-made missiles so now Iran is talking about launching everything they got at Israel so the Israeli government has gone underground and said Bring it on Bring It On they're all underground remember remember that movie where the whole US Government goes underground B52 slim picking going Yeehaw well we're at that point so the cowards are hiding underground North Korea also has 70 submarines with Torpedoes and icbms built by Russia they can be tipped with anything so we're in a very dangerous time in the Ukraine their army has has fallen apart Russia just moves in there's no resistance like uh March 1945 when the Americans came into Germany there was no resistance but they stopped because they had a deal with Stalin to take Berlin and the rest of Germany so the American Army stopped well they went down south to stop to uh seize their uh they had an underground base that made that was making another shall we say 20 kiloton firecracker the USC That Base looks just like one of the um nuclear power plants north of us as you drive north on I5 on the left looks just like that underground so anyway um unbelievable presid the prime minister of Ukraine is demanding that zalinski who lives in Miami get out of the presidency because he's no longer president and he's also demanding peace with Russia prime minister of where of Ukraine is demanding peace the chief General is demanding peace they're going to kill and Biden says they don't want peace we will fight for Ukraine to the last ukrainians as another 2,000 ukrainians died yesterday Jesus that's almost 2 and a half million ukrainians and over 15 million have left a country of 48 million is now down to 21 million people have fled that country left and right anyway um the US Stock Market plunge has been Biden Lurch the seven foot tall Biden he's about this tall now and and cackling Cala the gibberty flibberty jibit because all she speaks is filiberty jibbit she's a filiberty she just speaks filiberty I don't know how else to put it the weather is sunny there are no clouds in the sky sunny weather is good it has to do with the weather that's Sunny which brings warmth she's a fliy gyet she speaks and says nothing um but anyway they've gone into the the US Stock Market was took a dump all around the world but fear not in the United States the plunge protection team has brought it up 500 points and there it sits they can't get it any higher can they no well what bothered me yesterday is the market went down right Y and then it went up and then after it closed it went and it was still operational after it closed now how does the stock market stay in operation and how come the charts don't match the numbers up above the market goes like this and they say it goes up three points there's so much confusion they can't even get the Dow chart the Dow Jones and his Industrial Average the only thing the Dow Jones has in relation to reality is nothing when you toot it goes poof into the air that's what the Dow Jones Industrial Average does it's meaningless if you add up the top 30 stocks they're only valued about 3,000 so it's an industrial average it blows your mind cuz when Apple loses a quarter point how does the Dow go down 500 points huh yeah it's an average it makes no sense so the plunge Protection Team it goes as everybody's selling off they everybody sees what's coming in August Mass confusion so birkshire haway Black Rock State Street Vanguard all sold off two weeks before the stock market crashed it went and guess what now they're going to buy it's going to go up either that or they going to let it fall and stay in cash we don't know what Burkshire hathway has planned we don't know what BlackRock the CIA has planned bangard the CIA Burkshire haway the CIA bangard the CIA we don't know what the CIA has planned do you Jane all we know is massive confusion and massive destruction beginning in September we're going to see the dollar crisis but now they're going to try to create a dollar crisis and in the White House the 7 foot tall Biden and cackling Cala fty jibbit go into the War Room oh Fort mcferson the two3 size white house it looks full-sized except they squash it so they squash it so it doesn't have they go into the well it doesn't have a worm it's a total fake reporting because there's nobody at the white house there's nobody in the Supreme Court Supreme Court decisions are the CIA decisions like the latest Supreme Court decision uh they can go ahead with sentencing of the of the Stormy Daniels trial for Trump that was the CIA decision to create massive confusion they're going to sentence before the appeal which is illegal all hail the CIA I'm not going to z h I promise I'm not going to Z so they go into that in the meantime time in the meantime while fliy jibit is going and gets three people to her latest rally you know she drives down the road Jane people go like this to her there's no rally for her they find out as fber old fty jibit this is the sun today this is what's coming o looks like it's the whole sun is exploding it's gone it's gone oh did they did yeah okay so what they did was they they killed the you touched it is what happened no this happens to me all the time I'm on a story and it goes see that off to the left can they see it okay Jane yes that's what's coming six days but this spot here is here and that spot there is coming in 4 days so starting in about remember when the Lucifer trust said we're going to crank up the Sun and make it hot hot United Nations said we're going to crank up the Sun and make it hot okay they weren't kidding when they said they're going to make it hot they're making the sun so hot we're looking at potential sunspots that will fry the Earth within the next six days well now we got floody well now we're getting into the weather across the United States every state has declared a state of emergency now why would every state from Alaska to Hawaii from Florida was Washington to Maine all the way to California now we said we discussed that I don't know if you can see this here the green the green on your right is where Debbie's going up and then another storm is coming down south we're not getting 2 inches of rain we're getting 20 Ines of rain in one day now the yellow states have declared a state of emergency for both fires and floods which is bizarre all those to your left all the ones in blue have declared a state of emergency for fires now this all happened between July 26 and July 30th every single state in the Union what do you mean where's the blue part this where you have all the straight lines okay has declared a state of emergency because of can they see okay yeah because of fires the stuff in yellow see the stuff in yellow y sorry we're going back to the old technology because we're not allowed to show pictures from on the internet on our this this is fine this works just fine the yellow has every state in yellow has declared a state of emergency between July 26th and July 30th for both fires and floods now how do you declare a state of emergency for fires and floods and everything in the green is being flooded all right and they've declared a state of emergency here in Florida once again which never got a hurricane until NASA took over has going to get 20 inches of rain let that sink in Hawaii declared a state of emergency over lack of buses on the 1st of August and school doesn't start for six weeks don't you think the Hawaiian government can hire a few bus drivers Jane oh and that city that was burned down except the blue cars and the Blue Roof buildings with lasers yeah they awarded the participants 4 million or 4 billion you know how much the people are going to get yeah the people Nothing CU they don't own the property anymore it's all been sold to developers the governor passed a law that sold those plots of land to developers as soon as the homes burn down and the people are not allowed into their homes to collect their valuables still I'll hail your master in Hawaii bad hand they stole their homes they stole every piece of property they own it was done in connection with the Hawaiian government why else would they not allow you onto your own property now what does this mean to you we've talked on number two where to buy food because think about this where are the most sh sh in the United States they're not coming into port cuz we're at Tacoma we got nothing coming into Port we are the closest port to China and Japan nothing's coming in most of the ships go up and down the Mississippi they're in a state of flux because they have floods and fires the ships can't operate because if the river is too high the the barges can't go under the bridges if it's too low they can't go past it and the lower part of the Mississippi is swelling because the US government using the oil companies is pumping fos Gene gas into Thunderbird the oil deposit under the Mississippi River in hopes that it's going to bust open Fing gas we covered that on television it was confirmed there's no sense looking anywhere else YouTube FBI we already confirmed it so I want you to think about boat traffic shipping food you know beans rice barley corn Airline traffic is being totally disrupted on the East Coast you want to go to Brussels you want to send a package to England the only thing flying is UPS and FedEx because when they go overseas they bring illegal aliens back plain loads of illegal aliens several hundred per plane FedEx just lost a contract to you PS with the post office they're both owned by Black Rock which is the CIA so the CIA is doing some sifting they own every corporation in America that's over 200 people all hail the CIA which answers which is owned by the king of England which answers directly to Lucifer incarnate I don't think she likes those anyway um think about it boat traffic plane traffic car traffic and truck traffic trucks are being rerouted so you're taking a load of tomatoes because California is shutting down the Tomato crops by polluting the entire Southern California with huge levels of fluoride and lithium still smoking commut so they're going to declare those farmlands polluted and unusable they're going to shut down the most fertile land in the world through pollution all orchestrated by the Biden Administration currently in the W room Lurch and cackling Cala fliy jibet don't think they're not powerful they have September October November December to turn this planet into a into a radioactive dust bin that's what the L Lucifer trust says that's what the head of the United Nations says Lucifer wants to come back one January with no human so they have to remove the humans somehow they're evil to the Core they will if they if they're playing a chess game and they're losing they will overturn the chess board if they're playing a Monopoly game and they're losing they will overturn the Monopoly board so the leaders of the world have to be very careful on their next moves for the next four months so Cliff High says that it's getting to the point where things are happening so fast that they're going to start making mistakes they're going to make a lot of mistakes and they're going to be exposed we've exposed them by name if you'd like their addresses just look up the bowy boys in Germany and then look at their bosses in Switzerland like in Geneva that have underground bases to the underground base that leads to Bohemian Grove underground base in Bohemia uh Southern Germany and then the 412 rail line which goes all across the world anyway um we're going going to see if that Sunspot hits we're going to see shutting down of the internet and if this continues because you can drive a truck without the internet right Hunt Brothers doesn't need a computer to send out their trucks but if this continues fod distribution across the United States will be purp purposely blocked by orders of the governors and the state patrol will block Trucking traffic and rail traffic which HS 95% your food the only thing that will get through is FedEx and UPS because they're the Distributors who can go through that's assigned by the CIA so be ready folks get what you need now because what's coming doesn't look good prey and we're so familyfriendly we're warning you in advance so hunker down prepare for what's coming and watch the show because I don't think the elites are going to be able to do what they're going to do and I think you're going to be fine if your mom and dad wake up and do what they're supposed to do kids you're going to be absolutely fine God bless thank you very much and we'll see you tomorrow