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Differentiation - Basic Concepts
Jul 16, 2024
Differentiation - Basic Concepts
शुरुआत डेरिवेटिव्स और डिफरेंटशिएशन की
सेशन में पेसिफिक डिफरेंटशिएशन
Part 1: Basics of Differentiation
Class 12th syllabus में शामिल
What is a Derivative?
Derivative का मीनिंग: स्लोप (Slope of a Tangent to the Curve)
Derivative = Slope of Tangent to Function’s Graph
Mathematical language: अगर पॉइंट के कोऑर्डिनेट एक्स और एक्स प्लस एच हों तो:
Slope = (f(x+h) - f(x))/h जब h -> 0
Derivative notation: f'(x) या dy/dx
First Principle Method to find derivatives: lim(h -> 0) [(f(x+h) - f(x))/h]
Important Formulas
Derivatives of basic functions using First Principle:
Slope of f(x) at point x is derived as: lim(h -> 0) [(f(x+h) - f(x))/h]
Examples Using First Principle Method
Derivative of sin(x): Using first principle, derivative of sin(x) with respect to x is cos(x)
Derivative of x^2: Using first principle, derivative is 2x
Basic Differentiation Formulas to Remember
Trigonometric Functions
d/dx[sin x] = cos x
d/dx[cos x] = -sin x
d/dx[tan x] = sec² x
d/dx[cot x] = -csc² x
d/dx[sec x] = sec x tan x
d/dx[csc x] = -csc x cot x
Inverse Trigonometric Functions
d/dx[sin⁻¹ x] = 1/√(1 - x²)
d/dx[cos⁻¹ x] = -1/√(1 - x²)
d/dx[tan⁻¹ x] = 1/(1 + x²)
d/dx[cot⁻¹ x] = -1/(1 + x²)
d/dx[sec⁻¹ x] = 1/(|x|√(x² - 1))
d/dx[csc⁻¹ x] = -1/(|x|√(x² - 1))
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
d/dx[a^x] = a^x ln(a)
d/dx[e^x] = e^x
d/dx[ln x] = 1/x
d/dx[logₐ(x)] = 1/(x ln(a))
Polynomial Functions
d/dx[x^n] = nx^(n-1)
d/dx[k] = 0
d/dx[√x] = 1/(2√x)
Theorems for Differentiation
Sum/Difference Rule
d/dx[f(x) ± g(x)] = d/dx[f(x)] ± d/dx[g(x)]
Product Rule
d/dx[f(x)g(x)] = f(x)d/dx[g(x)] + g(x)d/dx[f(x)]
Quotient Rule
d/dx[f(x)/g(x)] = (g(x)d/dx[f(x)] - f(x)d/dx[g(x)]) / (g(x))²
Chain Rule
If y = f(g(x)), then dy/dx = f'(g(x))*g'(x)
Advanced Differentiation Techniques
Understanding and applying the above theorems
Eg: If f(x) = e^(sin(x)), using chain rule:
f'(x) = e^(sin(x)) * cos(x)
Practical application in simplifying complex differentiation problems
Practice and Application
Various examples to practice using the mentioned rules
Emphasis on attempting problems for mastery
Encouragement to share solutions and actively participate in discussions
Recapping the importance of understanding basics for mastering differentiation
Future sessions to cover more advanced topics and applications in differentiation
Full transcript