Learning Chinese: Tips, Techniques, and Hacks

Jul 12, 2024

Tips for Learning Chinese


  • Learning Chinese can be easier, faster, and more enjoyable with the right approach.
  • Main focus: 10 tips that will make learning Chinese more effective.

The Plan for Learning Chinese

  • Key Focus: Input (reading and listening) is crucial.
  • Follow 3 steps:
    1. Get comprehensible input (listening and reading material you understand).
    2. Increase comprehension (learn pronunciation and characters).
    3. Practice speaking (less important in the early stages).
  • Aim to recognize 3,000 characters.
  • Silent period (3-6 months) focusing on comprehension before speaking.

Beginners' Plan

  • Pronunciation: Start with mastering sounds and Pinyin.
  • Vocabulary and Characters: Learn the most common 1,000-1,500 words to understand simple sentences.
  • Start immersion with graded readers and podcasts.

Intermediate to Advanced Plan

  • Reach 3,000 characters for higher comprehension.
  • Immersion: Use native TV shows and movies with subtitles for advanced practice.
  • Speaking: Increased focus once comprehension improves.

Traditional Methods: Tutors, Textbooks, and Classrooms

  • Often inefficient as they focus on linguistics rather than practical usage.
  • Effective Use: Conversational practice, corrections, and classes using comprehensible input (like TPRS).
  • Exceptions: Good textbooks with articles/audio; grammar explanations can help.

Pronunciation Importance

  • Start with programs like Pimsleur for extensive listening and repeating.
  • Good pronunciation aids in comprehension and makes lasting impressions.
  • Continuous improvement in pronunciation is beneficial even at advanced levels.

Learning to Read Early

  • Reading as the most comprehensible form of input.
  • Daily practice in reading characters leads to quick vocabulary building.
  • Avoid focusing solely on memorizing characters without comprehension.
  • Use mnemonics and memory palaces (like the Hanzi Movie Method) for effective learning.

Efficient Character Learning

  • 3,000 characters can be learned in about 100 hours with effective methods.
  • The Most common 250 characters cover 65% of the language, and 1,000 cover 91%.

Rote Learning vs Holistic Learning

  • Rote Learning: Inefficient; e.g., memorizing word lists without context.
  • Holistic Learning: Learn characters, words, and see them in context for better retention.

Space Repetition Software (SRS)

  • Use SRS for efficient reviewing of characters and words.
  • Key Points: Review daily, don't learn new info through flashcards, ramp up new cards slowly.


  • Practice repeating after audio (individual sentences, paragraphs, etc.).
  • Improves pronunciation, fluency, and content comprehension.
  • Start with familiar content and increase complexity gradually.
  • Aim for daily practice (at least 30 minutes for advanced learners).

Consistency in Learning

  • Atomic Habits Principle: Improve by 1% every day for compounded progress.
  • Never have a zero day: Do something towards learning Chinese daily, even if it's minimal.
  • Base habits around identity (e.g., Chinese enthusiast) rather than results.

Finding Your 'Why'

  • Understand personal motivation for learning Chinese.
  • Deeper reasons (e.g., contributing to the world, cultural connection) are more sustaining.

Enjoying the Journey

  • Recognize that learning Chinese is a lifelong process with no endpoint.
  • Find enjoyable methods of practice and content that interests you.
  • Stay motivated and adapt learning strategies according to life's demands.