welome it's me your favorite chemistry educator students I mean okay soci Instagram WhatsApp YouTube there's a plenty of things are there Bing and molecular structure happy okay minimum 15 minutes no no ma'am no no sir minimim 15 minutes are you guys are ready yes if it's you guys are ready then we can start today's session that is chemical bonding and mo structure biology zyy boty and physics Ma 15 minutes yes let's start today's session called chemical bonding and molecular structure so us approach to chemical bonding and I and coent bonding okay so next topic next session this one hybridation Sigma and next okay okay okay con chemical bonding chemical bonding yeah just we don't need it just there is no life exist because either comp [Music] Jack androse one of the famous first of all okay yes 96 and another movie and inistry b ball first one L approach to chemical bond pictured the atom in terms of positively charged canels andon NE so theel and after that okay so now okay so maximum eight electrons okay Ma maximum electrons I mean electr top most dangerous gang the G stable electr okay keep it in your mind so electrons okay okay that maximum electrons next so Lou po that atoms achieves a stable OCT when they are linked by chemical bond comp right 49949 500 out of 5ur okay so Bond bical Bond chemical bond Reon gang formation okay okay so next formed as a result of yes electostatic attraction between positive and negative ions first okay OCT electrostatic interaction elatic interaction yes to attain OCT okay outer shell outer okay got it so to so electr valent compound keep quiet topi and lii okay means not a big deal number of dots around the symbol represents valence shell valence electrons okay valence yeah valence electrons now this number of valence electrons help to calculate number of like calate the common group or group valence of n Val to attain OCT or noble gas configuration no gas configuration nitrogen no Val El okay Val el el Val to attain OCT okay OCT or noble gas configuration attain noble gas configuration the carbon Department okay orgry dep okay to attain gas configuration got it keep it in your mind next so Lou symol L symbol of Mo hren saf oy okay right am I right or wrong yeah okay Val El dou okay so that's it structure3 o one and R okay next us oy okay [Music] El double bond and the r electrons okay3 CO3 2 minus H3 symbolic next ionic or electrovalent negative charge C positive charge an negative charge C positive charge El Neal okay eneration energy oration ESS okay this is exothermic okay so electron gain okay electron El some neutral at endothermic process okay so first ionization energy electron gain eny opposite charge only positive negative so opposite Char as us it's normal normal electrostatic interaction okay so electrostatic interaction oppositely charg D to become MX I compound okay or the I compound elent okay because electrically opposite charged ion keep it in your mind next factors favoring okay form of iation okay first iation so okay process exic process okay energy then neutral atom so neutral atom okay neutral atom Neal isolated G okay mostly element yes I is next so that's it less ionization energy means greater tendency to form C okay EAS for EAS I bond form simp that's it next electron affinity electron affinity elect elect yes amount of energy released when electron is added to okay so isolated gas at so negative I or c i Caton cat and ion okay so elect exm okay am I right or wrong okay so greater the electron affinity great to to form electron gain eny same different okay okay reaction 100 K per mole okay hypo okay plus 100 K per mole elect per elect gain electron gain so Delta electron gain magnitude like magnitude okay I mean like quantity right magnitude like yes because this is ex pref okay got it the magude elect minus because this is exothermic process electron gain en is an exothermic process now tell my friends in that that's why he is a right one he is right next okay now state for you guys are really lucky lucky okay yeah physical state physical state Crystal yeah it's crystalline hard brittle in nature ions which are arranged in regular ways as lace structure exist in threedimensional solid Aggregates first crystalline I compound I Bond right yeah I Bond so I Bond hard in nature and Britt in nature Britt hard and brutal in nature EAS because Bond charges are rle each other okay Force electrostatic force so opposite charges rle each other and sorry same charges Ripple each other sorry opposite charges attract each other same charges Ripple each repe arrang Dimension okay next boiling point and boiling point what is boiling point liquid gas melting point the like okay IID I next Electric J perf okay so free electrons free electric conduction elect conduct cond El conclusion okay so it's a bad cond next molon state okay molon state in the bond we mate liquid state okay mol State like m [Music] stateus soquid cond i mean electricity possible again solu solution good conductor of electricity okay M and solution okay cond retion okay comp okay water and HF I Bond strong bond comps okay okay because of hydration I Sol is possible because of hydration in polar solvents nonpolar okay so next ionic compounds in Crystal State consist of orderly three dimension arrangement of cation and Anon held together by kic interaction of interaction in ionic solids the sum of electron gain enthalphy and ionization enthalphy may be positive okay okay but still the crystalline structure get stabilized due to energy released in the formation of Crystal laes comp Str yes so the energy yeah n plus and cl minus okay so solid ions okay sorry okay gas constant I in the gas Conant gas ions I na solid lce energy okay this Energy is known as lce energy so gaseous ions is energy got it yes or no guys yes yeah so L is en or L is energy or okay okay okay energy directly proportional to the ltis energy is directly Char q+ r q minus charges of ions multiply inversely proportional inversely proportional distance r r okay interance is equal to radius of cation Plus radius of anon that's it energy is inversely proportional to radius like inter iic distance and directly proportional to charges of the ions okay that's it now size increases meaning radius of C increases radius of increaser am right so so size of the increases L decreases okay next Co valent Bond Co valent Bond okay Co valent Bond So Co valent Bond mut sharing of el okay for example Caron um yeah carbon okay carbon gas okay got it so this is our coent B so Each Bond is formed as a result of sharing of an electron pair between the at okay each comining atom contributes at least one El okay okay yeah next now so coming atom combining atom attain the outer shell noble gas configuration El okay Val so oxygen electon hyren el el okay okayyy water water molec so water Bond right at the same time two nucleus control Bond El okay okay so that's it sharing sharing so Val no gas no gas so next two atoms two pairs of electron wait yeah next [Music] next okay sorry more One n first Bond second Bond and third Bond okay soes n one 2 okay so that's it triple bond okay okay examples next factors favoring the formation of coent bond first one small size of C large size of okay next high iation neutral atom Neal at like neutral okay that's it so okay next comparable electro negativity okay comparable electro negativity [Music] now FL um Okay so okay okay this leads to better overlap yeah next Co valency coaly the number of coent bonds formed by the at of elements within other at question number [Music] two question number two so next character of coent compound characteristics of coent compound first physical state normal temperature and pressure the coent comp neutral like yeah gases or liquid of low boiling points the coent compound ionic compound solid liquid and gas boiling point Sorry boiling point melting point the boiling point solid to liquid liquid to gas okay so ionic [Applause] solid i b intermolecular interactions okay intermolecular interaction coent Bond comps low boiling okay low melting point Force interaction IND dipole Point okay next in molecular mass are high they are exist as a sulfur and phosphorus yeah High molecular crystal structure okay attractive Force crystal structure or coent solid silica carate okay silicon carate and aluminium nitrate in the simple example the diamond diamond boiling point and the diamond me diamond okay okay it next so melting and boiling point relatively low electric conductivity they are bad Condor of electricity retion like okay so chemical reactions reaction okay so breaking of coal B of reactant and establishing new Bond okay that's it comp comp non partial positive partially negative charges like or negative or positive C2 comp comp polar compounds coent coent compound compounds mostly nonpolar nonpolar coal comps so comp for example compal nonar okay next rigid and directional there are possibility of different arrangement of atom in a shape SP um CIS strand isomer struct function already EXP next okay so most of the G okay most of the G electrical theory of chemical bonding okay next limitation of incomplete OCT of certain atom at incomplete yesl but still the comp stable next berum hydrate so hydrate hydrate next p okay Orum 2 plus okay electr Val elit and nitrogen pf3 sf6 h24 sulfur so in the p and El so phosphorus Florine fline fline so like so more than eight electrons so more than eight electron okay so elements expected I mean expanded OCT so elements in the Beyond third period okay and the expanded OCT attain presence ofal thir second in the possibilities from third row okay from third row in periodic table from third row expanded OCT form next now other drawback of OCT rules in does not explainity of theability and based on chemical inness of no gases however some no gas like Zen okay yeah yes OCT rule overalls perod metals and nonmetals so the metals Metals Metals Metals is elements it has the ability to give El okay metallic crystals all are identical yes Metals mostly metallic BS mostly okay okay so the metallic crystals or metallic bonding like the metallic crystals identical so they this cannot be linked by electrovalent Bond okay so to they so in the metallic crystals free electrons available Point free electrons available okay free electrons available free electrons available at the same Avil El freely avable so this is more important one okay so hold of the free electrons okay now metallic energy because El so fre El should be a sufficient number of vacant orbital in the valow extra El element okay so the strength of metallic bonds directly proportional to number of valence electrons and charge present on the nucleus okay metallic bond strength number of fre electrons like the Val El so number of Val electr electron number of free electron or valence electron Val ELR next next coordinate poor terms coordinate Bond okay NH3 BF3 okay so NH3 elector elect so elect elect okay so the coordinate Lou Lou acid B n23 and oxides of sulfur oxy acids of phosphor coordination comp okay next which of the following contains I and Co no no NN no no no no no and N NC na n NC yes structure na+ and this is a structure of next this is a homework question this is your question number three okay question number okay take your time which of the following has the highest calent character coent character [Music] energy next moment for electro negativity different Bond valent Bond okay so polarity of molecule is expressed in terms of di moment carbon so negative okay so this is a symbolic representation moment so maem dipole moment is equal to charge into distance between the charge okay magnitude of charge so magnitude of charge and distance between the charges so okay just the charge separation so charge separation distance minus 30 okay 10 power minus 30 K CM small C Capital C Small M Okay so magude and Direction so this is the vector quantity next small arrow with a tail on the positive Center okay this symbolic representation of dipole moment okay head pointing towards poom molecules depends on individual Bond dipes [Music] poom yeah oy more elative okay fline and oxygen chlorine nren more elative species oy hydrogen oy more elative so in AR yeah fine moment moment okay Di spatial arrangement of bond here dipole moment of a molecule is a vector some Bond of various bonds Okay so is directly proportional to elative differ okay the charge separation electr negativity so electr negativity increases charge separation will also increases okay so that's Florine more Electro negative chlorine bromine and I next is directly number of L pairs of electron shs electron pairs Lo PA so number of loone pairs okay number of L pairs again nitren number of L pairs Atomic molecules having normal shapes such as linear trigonal tetrahedral posess zero diple mod so moment of this compound will become zero dipole moment zero next water value so okay [Music] B3 okay next3 and3 nit Domin based on elect nit more elative next oxygen next nitrogen chlorine more Electro negative so electro negativity a Florine oxygen nitrogen and more more okay net dipole moment okay net dipole moment of nf3 is small vector and nitrogen already elative Domin next this is because NH3 is orbital dipole dipole due to lone pair in the same direction yeah next so this is the question time which of the following molecule will exibit zero diple moment Z moment ch2 cl2 cl2 NH3 and B yes BF3 has a zero di moment reason Vector sum next time for you guys which are the which one has the highest dipole moment yes first Val shell electron repulsion Val sh Point repulsion okay Val shell electron repulsion electron repulsion yes single okay okay El repulsion definite repulsion because same charges reple each other same charges reple each other okay so Nega okay highly active Okay highly active highly El so L ELR are highly reason next less active third Bond Bond thir okay next the is sidik and po okay and later Modified by these two persons okay next around the central atom next Val shell electron P repel each other in order to reduce the repulsion okay the repulsion the electrons pairs stay at maximum distance B okay so that's it so Bond okay so presence of lone pair of an electron causes Distortion expected geometry of the molecule so Distortion Reon Lo PA Lo PA Lo PA Bond Bond PA Bond PA rep Reon okay electrons El so of electr each orbitals carry a pair of electrons that's why lone pair and bond pair okay oral that's okay angle between electron pair increases so oy hydrogen okay Theta one greater and Theta 2 low less repulsion that's it prediction of geometry of molecules by v e theory now ab2 type ab2 type for examp okay minl S2 2 S2 El El elor chlorine okay so chloride H2 HD2 by2 just simp so number pairs the a no Lan pair so a B2 type don't worry okay actually hybridization linear molecule next 180° okay 180° okay no we are not not considering about okay and example B cl2 Mercury chloride next3 maximum because to minime B lowest Bond angle sorry um uh lowest repul 12 12 okay 12 12 and ab4 type ab4 type plan hydral shape okay next so trigonal B perimeter so AB okay next ab6 type ab6 type okay right don't worry keep quiet okay so molecules contain both Bond pair and loone pair electron linear Bond angle 120 next trigonal planer 120° Bond angle 120° next shape like B9 okay de next Abe B repulsion okay2 a b your compound [Music] a b a to e two Bond one Lo [Music] the shape okay B sh okay got it3 NH3 so NH3 or a okay per shape shap trional perameter okay tet hydral okay that's it so the A3 type question ab2 okay so water example ab2 E2 type ab2 E2 type Bend shape right yeah nextal position okay the axial okay the equatorial equ so alna rotations ID Reas okay Maxim 120 180 the name B3 okay B3 B4 okay B4 okay B4 B4 e because they 12 okay keep in mind a position 12 okay shape okay geometry geometry next ab3 E2 type E2 comp so St shape a B3 [Music] E2 okay next a per square peral got it am I right yeah Square peral so shape geometry ab4 E2 ab4 E2 E2 lo lo at the same time okay square square planer okay so ab4 E2 Square Plan that's it simple and H so now b shape fine nextal that's um AB um 2 trional plan ab2 E2 that's [Applause] it square squal please let me know on the comment box yes until then your favorite chemistry a lot of that's it that's it that's it yes yes yes yes thank you all dear students linear combination of atomic my friends deta until then your favorite chemistry educator Anish bye