Transcript for:
Castlevania Chapter Overview in Dead by Daylight

what is up YouTube It's spook loops and hope you're having a fantastic day so far I'm on ptb 8.2.0 only about 30 minutes since dead by daylight has released their newest upcoming chapter Castlevania we have Dracula we finally have a vampire as a killer new survivors Trevor Belmont I'm a big fan of the franchise super excited to get into this this video we're going to be covering just Dracula all the perks that power everything like that you know what we do here let's take a look and see what he is all about and obviously we have this in terrible UI but here we are the dark lord first looks first looks here we go I am a creature of the night dude he's he's huge look at this this is Dracula everybody he looks looks great wow all right shall we jump into the perks in power let's go first perk hex wretched fate after one generator has been repaired a random do totem comes the hexem and curses the obsession the obsession suffers a 33 repair speed penalty they also see the hexem or within 12 meters I mean like is this like a kind of a reverse Dying Light you know how Dying Light Buffs the obsession but kind of curses everybody else now obviously you can probably switch your obsession around while that totem is live with you know other Obsession rotating perks okay let's move on the next perk is called human greed you see the aura of unopened chests and survivors auras are revealed for 3 seconds when they enter an 8 m range gain the ability to kick chests to close them this ability has a 60-second cool down survivors unlock these chests 50% faster uh and the last and final per is called dominance very cool name the first time each totem in each chest is interacted with by a Survivor that totem are chest is blocked by The Entity for 8 seconds the orders of block totems and chest are revealed to you in white for a vampire was kind of hoping we'd have a little more dominating perks especially with a perk called dominance uh but so far I mean these perks seem okay I guess the first time each to the first time I hate the wording of this the first time each totem in each chest is interacted with by a Survivor that totem or chest is blocked by the nty for 8 seconds it feels like you would want to run dominance to protect any type of hex perks I suppose and when they're being interacted with they get blocked so you get to see the aura of them in white uh let's hope that the that the the power is cooler let's take a look vampiric shift I'm super excited special ability shape shift okay you know here we go the dark lord has access to three forms and can freely change between them each form has unique abilities and strengths vampire form in his default State the dark lord can use the power Hellfire spell which creates Seven Pillars of flame that travel 7 m and can be cast across low obstacles okay wolf form in wolf form the dark lord has access to several abilities that allow for more effective tracking movement speeds increase blood pools and scratch marks are more apparent and survivors leave trail of scent orbs behind them the dark dark lord can collect these scent orbs to charge a powerful pounce attack in the last and final form is bad form while in bad form no point intended the dark lord gains the undetectable status effect additionally he moves faster ignores Vault points and can teleport to any Vault Point within 32 M survivors become invisible but scratch marks can be seen okay so we have a lot to unpack here the perks we're going to take a look at these off you see how they how they perform in game I'm really really excited to try a vampiric shift and of course you already no we're going to play the Moran game traditionally let's get into it let's go cool dude yo do I hover too no do I I'm so tall all right so we're on the uh I'm on the B look at my castle look how cool that is uh there is no map with the chapter apparently though um you get to see the castle whenever you play against Dracula so it's kind of like kind of the wayp point to know whenever you're reversing one so I'm in my vampire form now let's take a look I'm going to charge this I wonder if it's a ranged attack it looks like it's range attack okay gotcha and then we can shape shift let's see let's get into a Chase with Survivor first let's let's take a peek good evening good evening so it goes 7 m dude the music is great yes dude yes here's a basic attack ooh baby now remember my Hellfire dude let's go my Hellfire goes like under low obstacles like low window probably low like trash loops and stuff I don't think it goes through walls let's see I can hold this out nice dude very cool all right we have not shape shifted yet I'm really excited for that chase music is cool this is Trevor Belmont by the way it's in my in my arms now a lot of us were confused we we weren't sure if it was going to be from Castlevania from obviously you know the games but or so it is definitely the games all right I see the aura of uh of my totems in my chest right all right let's time to Let's shape shift here we hold control we go wolf form cool so in wolf form I'm a little bit faster and then survivors leave scent orbs behind it's good to know that all my powers like my uh my perks still apply I'm not going to lie I feel like I'm a little slow okay these are scent orbs nice you can attack okay very easy attack there nice you get killer instinct which is nice as well too here the sent orbs let's follow this okay so okay so the scent ORS allow me to charge a little bit faster can I break pallets while I'm in this mode okay you you only break it while you're in Dracula form so now let's charge our pounce let's get a little bit closer to this Survivor here we should be able to get here right there we go we go nice all right um the shape shifting I is cool obviously it's a really cool touch with the wolf wolf form I feel like it says I go a little bit faster I'm curious theatric does seem like I'm going that fast though yo the Gen like catches on fire is super cool uh we have one more shape shift which I'm super stoked for which is going to be bad for let's go and do that right now let's go all right so in this form is very similar to the spirit I cannot see the actual survivors but I see scratch marks let they just Vault to this and but I get to ignore all vaults so I go right through windows and pallets and things like that which is nice and I can teleport to most to most uh Windows within 32 M right so right here I go like this hold on right click and I can teleport to this Vault this Vault or this Vault let's go here okay h then vampire form it doesn't take that long to get back not too bad I think uh I'm not going to lie I think my my default form is probably the coolest you can't can you actually go through walls wow all right that's pretty cool looks like low obstacles you can do that oh the chase music is just super badass I'm a fan I'm going to kick this and we're going to go follow that Survivor over there I'm going see if we can teleport with bat mode bad mode it is all right teleport so I can just kind of hold it down following the surviv here they're heading this way I'm going to teleport to this this window and go back to vampire form so obviously they see me they definely see me with uh they obviously see me while I'm in bad form I can't see them which is really really bizarre I'm blind the Hellfire is it's so badass so with Dracula you got like you kind of have like you kind of have a little bit of punishment of the damn just like you would with the Executioner you have some spirit in terms of you know with the bat mode and then the wolf stuff is is also really interesting so there's a lot of really really recycled stuff which is cool now remember the Hellfire can go through most low objects right like a pallet should be no problem so she can hit through that that's that's actually pretty powerful let's go wolf form now as soon as I'm in wolf form I I I immediately have one pounce available but you but you cannot feather you cannot feather the uh the pounce once you hold right click once you activate it you're going oh oh she's already dead be over dramatic jeez the ways yeah my bad uh let's go bat for here don't worry we'll get him we're going to get him more here soon all right what we got um let's go to this let's go to this gen here there's definitely somebody here uh the good news I like about that is it doesn't take long to get out of bad form but it's a little tricky cuz I obviously I can't attack in that form right let's go wolf form so wolf form's got better tracking than any of the other abilities it seems yeah see if you miss you have to wait until you can actually get your power back so we have a little power gauge at the bottom here and now we're ready to go dude that's it we're going back to vampire form I like that you're able to toggle in between the between the few pretty fast which is not bad uh in terms of perks we have hex wretched fate which means when gen is completed that Survivor which is my obsession is going to suffer from a 33% gen uh speed penalty so it's like a reverse Dying Light which is really really interesting see we get that very cool uh in terms of the other ones like we have human greed and dominance it's all about chests and stuff like that um we haven't really got really any value that I know of right all right going bat wise no we see the scratch marks looks like they're definitely in the area still teleport really fast this kind of like the dredge a little bit and the spirit combined the good news is I like that you're able to get here and you're able to Traverse and then go right back to vampire form look at that boom everyone's here h life uh Trevor Bellmont is this true so you you definitely slow down while you're toggling this right but it doesn't okay really interesting stuff so it does not go through like big walls like that but pallet it will now they just finished another gen so um hex wretched fate is still alive I think I think it I think it retains the same totem if I'm not mistaken all right we're going to go uh we're going to go bat for for this become undetectable now I can hold down my right click I could teleport to these I wish it was a little bit faster but go Shack I heard somebody right here so go vampire form they just heal like right next to me somewhere it seems yeah there they are go go go go go go wolf form here I like that I'm able to do it instantly and there's not a massive hindrance for doing so I missed what oh okay I thought I missed and we go back for him immediately right this one let's see um there's a little bit of a cool down on the teleport it seems yeah I'm right on top of them right here let me go right back to it with Hellfire damn dude that feels good okay here's going to be our Mory let's get to a nice comfortable spot ladies and gentlemen the Dracula Mory endless Darkness awaits okay dude well that's it ripped out his throat got our some uh some blood and here we are pretty cool I'm not going to lie I think like I like that you're able to go to wolf form for a little bit faster tracking stuff like that faster speed I like that you're able to attack there I do like they able to switch instantly back to the stuff and be able to follow Survivor like this so I'll go like a shack window and I can instant go back to Dracula right which is which feels really good there we go just just like so boom I think his his default form is probably my favorite if I'm being honest I know that there is definitely some utility in the other forms but Hellfire is is is amazing it feels really good feels really really good I can hear them on the jam shape shift immediately to a wolf that when we get when we pick up the set we pick up the scent we move faster how far is that lunch not that big whoa I can go I can go multiple times very cool so I can pounce twice it seems all right let's see here now shape ship back into vampire and then use Hellfire little too far I I bet there's add-ons for that I'm actually going to let him go and we'll go back to this CH cuz I know it was almost finished let's see I should be able to hear him on it yep I miss cuz I'm buns so you got to break it at okay that's cool they do that so he breaks it in like some like some like spe form which is nice I can't go through Windows though but I do get killer insti when I pick up an orb and I get double pounces if I'm not mistaken we do super cool brutal dude it's so brutal it's so brutal man oh jeez Louise his perks are very very just okay um didn't really get much value I imagine they're more so for pairing and with Synergy and stuff like that which is which is cool but yeah his perks uh they're okay very okay power is fun Super Fun Time holy yeah he's a good time he's fun all right recker's yard okay do we see the castle on recker's yard do we see it do we see it let's find out nice there she blows all right I don't normally do this on PTV videos but I wanted to try um another match with the killer yeah I definitely heard somebody nearby definitely did um yep here we go okay so I'm getting some value out of my perks here human GRE if I'm not mistaken double bounce nice not being hindered and stuffff is really nice it's a really good thing boom I'm trying to see I'm trying to stay vigilant here guys so I can see if anyone is actually tinkering with any of the totems and stuff here we go Trevor Bellmont here love to see it remember goes through low obstacles right then Hellfire goes on a brief cool down and then like we might as well like I think once you actually down somebody and hook somebody you can break the pal with a pounce very Prett cool a little bit of a cool down double pounce here maybe no too slow too slow seems so like if you miss like a pounce you have a survivor in range you probably instantly just want to go right back to uh to Dracula mode dude the Castle's so badass looking I hear so many I hear things I don't know where they are though here we go think HT be breaking a totem I did nice that's so cool Hell Fire is nice I want to give him to drop the pallet be over oh no way wow that range is pretty big if I'm being honest holy cow then with dominance is the first time a totem or chest is interact with he gets blocked for 8 seconds I'm trying to see if I see any of that stuff I'm going to t you right over here to the back I hear them healing right back to Dracula mode it seems like whenever you hook somebody you instantly want to go right to bat for just because of how you're able to Traverse the map okay so I'm seeing I'm seeing their Aura from down from the the chest in the basement I want to go back for him does this make sense let's see we're on the run I can see the scratch marks L literally right here damn go chase her with wolf [Music] form and what about Windows I wonder I wonder how wonder how Dracula does with Windows okay we're getting sent remember remember we got double here ooh wol form you can definitely get hit through a window but it seems like after you miss a couple times it's probably not your best bet you want to go back to Dracula yeah you're going through that now they can see me as a bat obviously right but I'm undetectable so I'm not of meing a terar radius I can't fly up can't fly over things right even like stuff like this can't fly over it oh here we go that gets blocked we know somebody's here super cool that's going to be dominance that totem is blocked and you can see that uh you can see for a brief moment it looks like probably for the 8 seconds and it's blocked so if you're if you're staying super super Vigilant about it you're trying to protect like a devour hope totem or something like that ruin you can push them off that which is neat can't go through yeah remember can't go directly through walls right yeah that's so cool man like why want to go bat mode IM me likez you can you can switch so fast we'll go to this window here H kind of a guess I suppose she can switch so fast it's almost like why why would you not want to do that you know what I mean big fan of the big fan of the uh Chase music okay so they broke my totem so now my obsession is no longer cursed with with wretched fate should be a pal still up here get killer you remember we can double pounce if we need it nice so the double pounce is automatic it it seems like it's automatic if you miss all right bat form it is T over this window might as well and then instantly switch back to Dracula all right this gen's good this gen's good uh wait for our power to come back on and we should be to go wolf form and Chase a little bit faster I wonder how much faster it really is nice good lunge good lunge there good lunge there okay goodbye I'm off to suck some more blood and ass cheeks oh yeah it's like they are dude the flames on the J look so cool man some of that Kool-Aid pick up some haste here we should double pounce here right ah nicely done so it's very cool that like the Survivor gets an opportunity to dodge multiple multiple attacks which is neat wait what the did you go in here oh you're right right here sneaky sneaky sneaky gives a lot of interaction to uh whoa I don't know where he went it gives a lot of interaction to the Survivor which is nice you can dodge Hellfire you can dodge the uh the wolf which is neat yeah let's take a look at the Grab animation let's see Trevor well it wouldn't be DVD without being bugged I suppose right right lock animation looks bugged unfortunately take a look at another more here hope he doesn't glitch give me some of your neck juice having the castle on every single map is super cool dude looks super good if I'm not mistaken I think it's August 27th is when this chapter actually hits the store for you guys to pick up right now if you're on Steam you can test out the ptb for Castlevania thank you so much for watching hope you enjoy it his perk I his perks are very mid I would say his power is a lot of fun and that's what's important about this he's a good time to play he's fun see you guys on the next one