hello there my name is dr. Albert and I specialize in workplace safety now everywhere I go people tend to agree that safety is no laughing matter but what if I told you that there was a way to give your employees proper safety training while keeping them entertained and interested at the same time sound too good to be true well that's where the knew wrong way right way safety cases from DuPont sustainable solutions comes into play cool huh you see in the science of safety we believe there are two basic ways to perform a task the wrong way and the right way when you perform a task the wrong way it is dangerous unprofessional and can be life-threatening but if you perform a task the right way in the workplace it is efficient safe and meets with industry standards that's why wrong way right way takes both sides of all these safety issues into account for each of these important training points there is a short comedic wrong way scheduled look there's no wet floor sign showing how wrong you can go by not following the proper safety procedures so what's the answer wrong each of the training points also has an informative right way section that follows industry standards and teaches workers how to go about their daily tasks safely and professionally you know we actually just learned some safe lifting tips on how to avoid injury let me show you first you want to take a balanced stance feet shoulder-width apart grip the object with your whole hand not just your fingers draw the object close to you holding your elbows close to your body to keep the load and your bodyweight centered lift by straightening your legs you have to let your legs not your back do the work maintain your neutral back position as you live and never twist at the waist when you're lifting you know being alert to hazards and protecting ourselves by wearing the right PPE may not be new concepts but they are definitely the wave of the future right wrong way right way safety cases inform entertain and make sure that your employees truly understand the importance of safety in the workplace wrong way right way from DuPont sustainable solutions you can trust me I'm a doctor okay who put this here company