Motherboard Repair and Diagnosis

Jul 10, 2024

Motherboard Repair and Diagnosis


  • Urgent job to fix a Microsoft Surface laptop today.
  • Customer is paying extra (total of £130) for expedited service.
  • Laptop has been previously opened by someone else.
  • Main issue perceived: the laptop is dead.

Initial Diagnosis

  1. Power Supply and Voltage Checks

    • Laptop plugged into the original charger.
    • Light indicator is on, but no voltage on the motherboard.
    • No voltage on the main power rail; capacitors also showing no voltage.
    • Suspicion of an issue with the power supply on the board.
  2. Components and Voltage Testing

    • Identified input circuit and two MOSFETs: found 15V input, but no voltage after the MOSFETs.
    • MOSFET gates are not showing the correct voltage (should be 25V).
  3. Battery Checks

    • Battery itself is not charging: initially showing zero volts.
    • Connected to an external power supply to attempt charging: minor success, but still not sufficient.
    • Main board operates from battery power but does not appear to be charging properly.
  4. Possible Issues Identified

    • Problem likely in power management area including MOSFETs and related circuits.
    • Battery capable of receiving some charge directly:

Detailed Diagnosis

  1. Further Power Circuit Analysis

    • Checked various power supply chips and components across the motherboard.
    • Found some capacitors and coils were in good condition, but main power still absent.
  2. Removal and Inspection of Board Components

    • Removed motherboard to inspect the other side.
    • Identified additional power supply components: no visible defects.
  3. Chip and Diode Testing

    • Identified specific power supply chip and double Schottky diode (likely both are faulty).

Component Replacement

  1. Ordering and Installation of Components

    • Ordered new chips and diodes from a specialized supplier.
    • Replacement process for the faulty chip and diode.
  2. Soldering and Resistor Adjustment

    • Replaced burnt resistors to ensure proper current flow;
    • Used a thermal camera to check for any excessive heating post replacement.
  3. Testing and Reassembly

    • Connected charger and checked voltage: main power rail restored.
    • Reassembled the laptop partially for a working test: success in booting to Windows.


  • Diagnosed and fixed a complex power issue on the motherboard.
  • Successful charge and power-on test.
  • Emphasized gaining experience through challenging repairs.
  • Encouraged continuous learning and not setting low expectations.

Final Notes

  • The motherboard repair process requires patience, thorough diagnostics, and often specialized parts.
  • Even successful fixes might come after troubleshooting many non-faulty areas.
  • Overall, a successful repair is also an educational process.