Transcript for:
Exploring the Hebrew Concept of Belief

thank you [Music]   I was astounded by what I discovered when I  was working on the Hebrew concept of believe   yes it is an action word not something in the  mind but the Hebrew discloses who causes us to   believe sometimes God sometimes you then in  searching the New Testament with this Hebrew   understanding I learned not only who will enter  God's presence which is eternal life but also win   let's take a look at the New  Testament word for believe   and what we're going to find is very interesting  because three times in the New Testament   Paul and then I believe it's James uh quotes from  the Old Testament so the concept of believe in the   New Testament should not stand alone by itself it  is definitely connected with the Hebrew scriptures   let me show you one all right this is the Apostle  Paul and he says for what does the scripture say   Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as  righteousness now the capital letters identify the   quotation from the Hebrew scriptures and this  is a quotation from Genesis 15 16. we need to   take a look at the Greek word for believed which  is epista usen now Pista uo is the verbal root   the Epsilon at the front and the sigma make it an  heiressed an heiress in the in the ancient Greek   koine Greek is a completed act so let's take that  understanding and take it back to the quotation   and we read here that Abraham believed in the Lord  and God reckoned it to him as righteousness well   here we have a Hebrew word for believed so let's  take a look at that one and Abraham believed is   now Amman is a three-letter verbal root I've got  in red the hey at the beginning makes it a heath   eel you can't translate that into English the  heath eel is causative so somebody is causing   something to Abraham to believe is it Abraham  causing himself or is it God it's actually God   who's causing Abraham to believe and once Abraham  had that complete complete complete belief then   God reckoned to him as righteousness  so let's take a look at the word Amman   to support or nourish Now isn't that  interesting how did we translate it believe   well I want to show you from the verbal root you  can generate other things you can generate nouns   you can generate adjectives you can even even get  adverbs so I'm going to give you two words that   have been generated from the verbal root and I put  the verbal root in Red so you can see the Amman in   in both of them one of them is O minute the other  one is on Note now what are they I'm not going to   tell you I'm going to give you a verse and and see  if you can figure it out let's take a minute first   Naomi took the child and laid him in her  lap and became his nurse nurse is a minute   look up above Amman means to support or  nourish which one describes the nurse   it's nourish so Amman which we've translated  believe is a visual image of a nurse nursing   a tiny little baby now let's look at the other  one which is omnote and I'm going to take you to   two kings 18 16. Hezekiah he's kiahu was one  of the Kings of Judah cut off the gold from   the doorposts the door posts is um note which he  gave to the king of Assyria because the Assyrians   had already conquered the northern kingdom and I  have a picture to show you from Solomon's Temple   taking the gold off those columns well look up  above are those store posts support or nourish   their support so what we have is an action  word that means firm faithful reliable and   that has been used for the concept of belief  so in the Hebrew When You Believe that belief   is so strong it's not going to waver it's not  going to go away it's not going to get lukewarm   that belief is firm that belief is faithful that  belief is reliable that's the Hebrew concept   of believe and there are these pictures that  you get visual images that you get with with   the concept of the Hebrew word Amman now I want  to take you back to translation here they mean is the sacred name of God but I was  taught by a Jewish teacher the Jews   don't say the sacred name so they  so I was taught to say aronai which   means Lord so that's the way I'm  going to do it now listen again foreign all right let's take a look first of  all it's in the heath eel that the valve is a   connecting letter the hey signifies that it's  Heath eel Heath eel is causative someone is   causing something to happen that's what he feel is  you can't capture that in the English translation   and it's in the perfect sense which is  completely completely completely complete hello to the car let's see the verb which is I've  highlighted in red means to give value esteem   consider or think now the way it's used  here is to give great value and esteem   and guess what it's in the he feel which  is causative now it's in the imperfect   but it follows The Vow so it's the reversing  valve and the meaning is perfect or complete   so God caused Abraham to completely stand firm  in his belief that's the meaning of the Hebrew   and then we get God caused Abraham to be  esteemed and honored and valued in righteousness   that's really what the Hebrew is conveying so  we ask the question now what did Abraham believe   Abraham said since you have given no Offspring to  me one born in my house is my Heir so I I want I   want to have descendants but they're not going  to come for me they're going to have to come   from the head servant in my household God took him  outside and said hey look toward the heavens and   count the Stars if you are able to count them and  God said to Abraham so shall your descendants be   now what is Abraham going to believe he's  going to believe that God is going to give   him a son and through that son there are  going to be just so many descendants that   you can't even count them just like the stars  in the sky that's what Abraham has to believe   so Abraham acted on what he believed  by faith Abraham when he was tested   offered up Isaac and he who had received the  promises was offering up his only begotten   son now let's stop and just think for a minute  here Isaac is going to be the son who's going to   have all the descendants so if he's going  to sacrifice Isaac he's going to be dead   how can he have descendants if Isaac's going to  be dead now we have here the word tested you know   God doesn't cause testing I which I think a lot  of people think I think it's something that kind   of we stumble upon and God kind of looks at us to  say okay how are you going to deal with this are   you going to deal with this in a Godly way or are  you going to deal with this in a worldly way well   The Godly way was to believe God's promise that  his son Isaac would would have me you know would   have many descendants so let's continue in Hebrews  it was he to whom it was said now capital letters   quoting from the Hebrew scriptures in Isaac your  descendant Shall be Called Abraham considered that   God was able to raise people even from the dead  from which he also received him back as a type   I think that's really powerful so in the New  Testament the interpretation is that Abraham   believed that God was going to allow Isaac to have  just so many descendants like stars in the sky so   if he killed Isaac which you do in a sacrifice  then God would have to raise him from the dead   somehow that that's the interpretation that we  get in the New Testament but the point here is   the concept of believing in the Hebrew believing  is to be so firm to stand so solid in your in   your belief that you're not going to waver from it  and look at what what Abraham did he believes so   strongly that God would give him a son and through  that sum there would be descendants like the stars   in the sky that he was willing to go ahead  and do what God Said was to sacrifice his son   of course we all know what happened you know God  brought a rant for a sacrifice instead of Isaac   but I think that more than anything this really  gives us the the Hebrew concept of of believing   now remember that the the believe was  in the heath eel which is causative so   somebody has to cause something in the case  of Abraham God caused Abraham to to have this   this incredible firm belief to the extent  that he was willing to sacrifice his son   so I want to take a look at the how this Heath eel  causative is used in Hebrew and here we get Moses   before the Red Sea and we read that the Lord saved  Israel that day from the hand of the Egyptians now   the saved is in the heath eel so the Lord caused  salvation for Israel that day from the hand of   the Egyptians because he parted the Red Sea so he  caused and Israel saw now this is the perfect if   you know any Hebrew okay so that's it's in the  Pastime and it's absolutely complete complete   complete so the the people of Israel completely  completely completely saw what what God had done   and they saw the Egyptians dead on the shore and  that this passage continues and we're going to get   to believe as the passage continues so we read  here when Israel saw now that's that complete   pass and it was done they saw the great power  which the Lord had used against the Egyptians   the people feared the Lord this is not causative  this is in a complete sense so when they feared   the Lord they completely completely completely  completely feared the Lord they believed that's in   the heath eel they believed that's the causative  it's complete they believed in the Lord now I   think here that God is not causing them to believe  they saw the miracle that God accomplished and it   caused them in their inner being to believe so  in a sense they're causing themselves to believe   and I think this is important because in our  own lives today you know there are times when   we don't just believe we have to something  may be so extraordinary that in a sense we   cause ourselves to believe it's so extraordinary  and then we have to stand we can't waver once we   believe we can't waver we have to stand in it  now um I'm going to give you another example   of this Heath eel causative where the Lord spoke  to Moses saying take the rod you and your brother   Aaron assemble the congregation and speak to  the Rock before their eyes that it may yield   as water so they're in the Sinai desert and they  don't have any water and they're thirsty they've   got to get water so God is telling Moses what to  do now what did Moses do Moses lifted up his hand   he did not speak to the Rock he struck the rock  twice with his rod and water came forth abundantly   well Moses did not follow the Commandment he did  not do what God told him he did not speak to the   Rock he struck the rock so what's going to happen  the Lord said to Moses and Aaron because you have   not believed now believe that there's our Amman  that's our our Hebrew word and it's in the heath   ill and mean it's in the heath ill which is  causative so let's continue and and see what   we have here therefore you shall not bring this  assembly into the land which I have given them   Moses has not believed it's in the  causative Moses you have not caused   yourself to believe to the point where you will  stand firm and completely completely obey me   so I think this is important because we have to  understand that when we say we believe something   it's not in our mind it's in in our actions and  our actions have to stand firm and waver and   don't waver at all now I'm going to give you  one more example here all right we have Saul   the king who's decided he's going to kill David  because David has become so popular David says I   would have despaired unless I had believed that I  would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of   the living it's in the heath ill Perfect by the  way that believe is in the heath ill perfect so   it's causative so David is causing himself to  believe so completely even if if Saul kills him   he's going to see God so God did not cause this  belief David actually caused the belief in himself   because he knew it says here that he would see  the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living   David is saying teach me good discernment and  knowledge for I believe in your Commandments   again it's the heath ill causative it's  in the perfect complete complete complete   so I completely cause myself to believe in your  Commandments every single one in the word of God   the New Testament word for believe is all the  authors of the New Testament were Jews with   one exception which was Luke but Luke became a  disciple of Paul traveled with Paul and so he was   thinking Hebrew also so the New Testament cannot  be separated from the old and the authors of the   New Testament think Hebrew that's important now  let's take a look at the Greek word piste you oh   very often the word is expressed as a participle a  participle has an ing at the end so you're eating   sleeping dreaming it signifies ongoing action  you do it constantly all right that's that   ongoing action now the word is dunamis and I put  beside Dynamite because that's how I memorized it   because dunamis is power that's just it's not  power in action it's like a stick of dynamite   that hasn't been lit yet it's potential power  it's the gift of the Holy Spirit but you have   to activate the Holy Spirit to make it operate  so the dunamis is the power that's just a stick   of dynamite that's waiting to be lit now what is  the exceeding greatness of his power to us who   believe the belief is in the participle who are  believing in an ongoing basis and then it goes   the working is the inner Gaia which is lighting  lighting the dynamite the power is Kratos okay   which is so it's used for somebody who is so  strong you know I'm putting up here they could   lift the dumbbells so let me go over it again what  is the exceeding greatness of his dunamis Dynamite   which is potential power to us who are in the  ongoing process of believing according to the   inner Gaia thinking of lighting the dynamite  lighting the dynamite when we light the dynamite   we are operating his Kratos the Kratos the power  and strength of of God so this is the way Pista uo   is used in the New Testament now let me take you  to the Apostle John who was probably the author   of the first second and third Epistles of John  and he's going to use these participles in the   New Testament for ongoing action whoever believes  that's a participle whoever is ongoing believing   in a walk of believing that Jesus is the Christ  has been born of God and whoever loves that's the   part of whoever is loving in an ongoing walk  of loving the father loves the child born of   him I think these participles are really really  really powerful and I don't think you see them   in the English translation now let me show  you another example this is ongoing action   who is the one who is overcoming see it  isn't even translated properly in English   who is overcoming the World ongoing action  the word is from which we get Nike shoes and   that's why I've got the picture here of the Nike  shoes and what what do the Nike shoes do they   allow us to go on to Victory and they hear  Nike the goddess of victory for the Greeks   he who believes there's that participle ongoing  believing that Jesus is the son of God so if you   have an ongoing believing in your life every  single time you think you you dream you you   do something you plan something you talk someone  you're you're believing that Jesus is the son of   God then you are in the process of overcoming the  world the one who believes that's that participle   ongoing believing the one who is believing in  the Son of God has a testimony in himself the   testimony is the word of God it's like it's in you  and everything you do every thought every action   everything you do is believing that word of God  and acting on it the one who does not believe in   an ongoing way now you may believe today but maybe  you're not acting on it tomorrow and this is you   the one who does not believe ongoing action has  made God a liar because he has not believed in the   testimony that God has given concerning his son  I want you to try this challenge okay this is in   First Peter and you see what he's quoted from the  Hebrew scriptures behold I lay in Zion a choice   that's God's choice of a Remnant by the way and  that's my work in scripture the choices the choice   of a Remnant a precious meaning having value and  he who believes in an ongoing action in him will   not be disappointed now we have to go back to what  Peter has quoted and that's Isaiah 28 16. so we   have behold I am laying in Zionist Stone a tested  zone now that's referring to the Messiah a costly   Cornerstone for a foundation firmly placed but but  Peter's saying is ilay and Zion a choice Stone a   precious stone and he who believes in him will not  be disappointed is talking about those Believers   in Christ who are now dedicated so expanding the  tested Stone to include beliefs in Christ also   so it continues he who believes now this is the  he feel we're in Isaiah he who causes himself to   believe in this tested Stone which is Messiah will  not be disturbed I just want to leave you with the   concept of believing and I hope you put it into  your life that believing is something that is an   ongoing thing you stand firm and you do everything  that is in the word of God with that I say shalom