Transcript for:
Higher Dimensions and Upcoming Challenges

there are higher dimensions you will be persecuted because you'll dare to go there the days that our head will be harder than any days you have walked in times past hear the word of the Lord but what God has prepared for you in the days that are ahead of you will bring more persecution and more tribulation and more hungry people will identify with your message and the religious will say we told you so the day will come says the Lord of hosts to this house the people through the nations shall identify with you and those you called your friends shall deny you those that you've discipled and those that you fathered will say I never knew you and those that you've never met face-to-face will say you have been a father to us without ever seeing us for this house has always paid a price this house has never got anything easy the Lord says other churches I have blessed our prospero for everything I've done in this place the Lord says it has cost you it has cost you people it has cost you friends it has cost you those that you loved and those that you cared for now the day is ahead that it shall be even worse says the Lord of hosts for the accusation shall fly and that they shall come that those that have praised you will condemn you and those that cried Hosanna will cry crucify the articles and the magazines that bro prays for you shall begin to question you theologically says the Lord of Hosts but you shall preach my heart for the Lord says I've never called you to fit in the religious circles I called you to preach to my people and there are people who have been broken and had nowhere to turn this shell I spoke to you in the beginning says the Lord of Hosts and the Lord says to this house there are two people that are welcome there are two people that are always welcome here is the Lord of Hosts the hungry and they're hurting so the Lord said I should send to this house those that are hungry and those that are hurting and those that are not hungry and those that are not hurting I shall remove but there are some that sit in your pulpit now that will not sit in your pulpit two years from now there's some that have called your father but will deny they ever knew you there are some that you have mentored trained and poured your life into and the Lord says that they shall deny that you had anything to do with it count it not a strange thing for these are the things that you've already counted up the Lord says announce the day that you shall walk them out fear not for you shall not lack in anything to understand that you shall take for those that are rejected you are the religious but those that will accept you shall be the secular the Lord says such a strange thing shall begin to take place for you shall begin to find doors open Eze and ever even as I have already done since the Lord of hosts but there shall be doors open to this church in strange places strange television strange radio strange strange things says the Lord of hosts never that the religious world was separate and distinguishes up but you shall begin to find my presence and the strangers of places and the strangers of people the phone shall begin to ring off the hook says the Lord with people of renowned names who said I've never felt comfortable in anybody's church but I heard you and for the first time I feel like I can be accepted for who I am and not what I have the Lord says to this place behold you asked for it you get it you've called yourself higher dimensions now the day is coming that I shall bring you to places you could not even begin to perceive for the Lord says that this day shall be a unique and strange day says the Lord of hosts Asia comes such a mandate upon my manservant and even his wife says the Lord of hosts I shall be such a strange anointing and such a strange ministry that shall flow through her says the Lord of hosts that it will not even be perceived for she has literally been a vessel filled with truth and there are those who have literally questioned her maturity in the kingdom and what right does she have to be speaking in conferences but the Lord says her maturity came not because of her spiritual age but because of her openness to my spirits as the Lord of Oz for she was unlearned in the ways of the church but learned in the ways of God and the Lord says that there's a word in her that shall deliver many people shall set many people free and she shall even make more friends than you by acts and she'll make more friends by accident than you did on purpose the Lord says literally she shall Minister out of her own heart for she's a woman who can minister the heart of God the compassion of God she can love anybody anywhere and we'll meet very famous and important people that she literally said I don't know why I don't know what it is about you but there's something about you I just like God says he shall give her a voice to the multitudes to heal those that nobody else would want to touch to heal those that no one else would want to be connected to so the Lord says to higher dimensions prepare yourself for there's a realm in God that you're about to experience a place that you're about to walk into a level of God that you're about to see God says don't fear when the radio reports come in the television and the Christian television magazines for all of those things you have already counted the cost and it should not be important so I did not call you to be accepted by the Pharisees I called you to preach the gospel to those who would hear so the Lord says behold they're coming those that you have prayed for knows that you have cried out for coming and when they come you shall stand in amazement say where did they come from for the pagans shall come the unbelievers shall come the Muslims shall come the Jews shall come the Hindu shall come and they will come and they will sit and they will not believe immediately says the Lord but they will come and they will listen and they will be touched by the love of God that this house will share for the days are coming ahead that there shall be unique doors that should be open for you show me major people in major television networks and you shall have words for them they will not mean necessarily that says the Lord but they should be words of friendship and words of healing and unique things shall begin to take place in this church the miraculous is about to take place in this church the Lord says tonight there's strange things taking place even now and some of you are sitting and you're looking forward to happen in one big exposure when the Lord says as truth was coming you were being healed as you began to divinely connect to the power of the Holy Spirit you begin to understand what was in you was absolute power and authority it was God Himself the thing that you'd been worrying about you'll find yourself your testimonies will come in this week even as you're standing in the presence of God testimonies will come about cancer disappearing about you'll go back to your doctors different situations the blood pressure will begin to go down heart condition there's a hole in the heart that will be healed there's different situations that will begin to be turned around even in breast cancer lumps in the breast will begin to disappear even now in the name of Jesus the Lord says that there there's ovarian cancer that's being touched in heels right now in the name of Jesus there's even a woman who's been unable to have children the next three months the Lord says she's she will literally become impregnated by her husband the Lord says and they shall give birth to a child in a matter of one year from this day the lots of strange things unique things will begin to take place not because anyone laid hands on your not because but because you chose to believe for that because you chose to acknowledge there are realms greater than I can proceed there are things in God I'm longing for I I longed for more this house shall be a house for the hurting and a house for the hungry and they will come and people will not like them because they come and they will not like you because you let them come