Transcript for:
The Simple Secret to Happiness

two one have you ever met somebody who is happy all the time I mean they happy when it's raining they happy when the Sun's shining they happy at holidays they're happy on work days they're happy when they're playing they're happy when they're working but you've seen other people it don't matter how good it's going they are miserable as the day is long something's always wrong they're like glum from Gulliver's Travels Gulliver will never make it right and that's their whole theme of Life today I'm going to talk to you about this subject the simple secret to happiness or how to be happy all the time is that even possible well biblically speaking yes like in the natural realm like Naturally Speaking I would say that's probably an impossibility but biblically speaking oh yeah oh yeah I'm going to read something and I I saw this word this morning I'm like I've been reading the Bible for decades I've never seen this word before I mean I've seen it I've read it but so I I'm I'll be transparent I've got a little dyslexia going on sometimes words move and letters switch places and like I read stuff that ain't there so if that makes you feel like you need to judge me do you thing baby okay I'm going to read a passage to you and I'm going to share a word that I've never seen before it blew my mind it's in 2 Corinthians chapter 4: 15 through 18 this is the first like six words are mind-blowing or seven words are mind-blowing verse 15 for all things are for your sakes I mean we can just stop right there for all things are for your sakes what okay I'm not going to get sidetracked CU that's so good that the abundance of grace through the Thanksgiving of many redound that's the word I've never seen before to the glory of God like redown like renowned rebound what's redown it means Superfluous it means overly abundantly that the Thanksgiving of many over abundantly to the glory of God huh glory of God from the thankfulness of many that's fascinating what am I thankful for the fact that all things are for your sakes this is so good it's mind-blowing simple and yet so good for which cause we faint not but though our outward man perish okay though our outward man perish what does that mean this physical body is deteriorating and getting weaker and dying for uh but though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day for our light Affliction what Affliction is that whatever Affliction you in which is but for a moment for what is your life it is even as a vapor that appear for a little time and vanisheth away worketh for us a far more exceeding Eternal weight of Glory wait what do you what our light Affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us my Affliction when the doctor gives me the terrible news that's working for me when I get the phone call that I lost a loved one that's working for me I'm so confused when the boss calls me in the office and tells me that security is going to escort me out of the building with my stuff in a box that's working for me when my spouse tells me they want to divorce after a decade or two of marriage you're telling me that's working for me I'm so confused right now how can what you're saying possibly be true all the difficulties that I've gone through in my life I've been in a wheelchair for the last decade two decades three decades I was born blind I have a child that has a learning disability you're telling me that happened for I'm I ain't telling you a I'm reading for our light affliction which is but for a moment now I am not minimizing that we all go through difficult things that's clear that's clear that's clear in the scripture in this life you have tribulation right but be a good Che I'm overcome the world hey guess what God Said the Affliction that you are going through is light it's not light compared to not going through any Affliction it's light compared to the reward that you're to get when you're done going through the Affliction are y'all tracking by the way it's easy to be thankful and grateful by the way how how could you possibly be happy all the time how's that possible it's easy be thankful all the time you can't be thankful and unhappy at the same time when you're unthankful you're unhappy and when you're thankful you're happy you can't be thankful and unhappy at the same time you got to pick one baby how many yall tracking and so and then it says for our light Affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory but the only way to do that is to do what it says in verse 18 here's what it says while we look not at the things which are seen what we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are Eternal I am so glad that God revealed this truth to me before I went through the most difficult trial I've ever gone through in my life I'm so glad I got this awareness this Rama word this Revelation before I went through it because otherwise I might have lost my mind and what Revelation is that that inv that physicality is not reality oh if I can help youall understand like you're going through life reacting to everything that you Fe feel and see and hear in the natural world and you're wondering why your life isn't working because you're responding to temporal things that that have been that been ordained by God to strengthen you and that the enemy sent to deceive you what just happened and what happens we get so caught up in how things look and how things feel and how things sounds and what what what it feels how hard it is for me to go through this thing right now really so as you're going through this hard thing are you becoming stronger because if you are so focused on the pain of the experience that you ignore the growth opportunity in that experience um you're not becoming better you're becoming bitter and you're becoming bitter because you're not trusting in the sovereignty of God I'm going to tell you something life don't always give you what you desire in fact it gives you a whole bunch of stuff that you don't desire and if you don't believe me just keep on living happiness is the result of thankfulness and if you can think of an area and I my that's an oversimplification okay just because it's simple doesn't mean it's not true and generally speaking the truth is always simple it's lies that are complicated happiness is the result of thankfulness and the Bible tells us where to be thankful CU sometimes I'm in a place where it's kind of hard to be thankful maybe I'm in a Works Space where my boss and my co-workers don't appreciate me maybe maybe I'm in a marriage where my spouse doesn't appreciate me maybe I have children and they don't appreciate me maybe maybe the people that I've given the most to they don't appreciate me I've got friends like whatever the situation the Bible tells us where to be thankful let's go look at 1 Thessalonians 5:16 through2 this is this is a parallel passage to Philippians chapter 4 it says Rejoice ever more re means to do again joice have joy again again have joy when ever more hm that's pretty clear pray without ceasing how am I going to do that though here's how in everything where do I give thanks in everything give thanks that's where in everything in the hospital room give thanks in this is painful it's difficult but it's real in the funeral home give thanks in the unemployment line give thanks in the rehab center of visiting a loved one give thanks in an abusive relationship give thanks I'm not saying give thanks for the abusive relationship yet I'm saying give thanks in it because the scripture tells us where to give thanks and so if it's telling us to give thanks in everything guess what that means I can give thanks in everything God doesn't God is not in the habit of frustrating his people he's not in the habit of giving us commands before he gives us the capacity if he gives us a command that's a sign that he gave us the capacity if he gives us the assignment that's a sign that he gave us the ability the ability is there how do I know the ability there is there because the assignment's there in everything give thanks for this is the will of God how do I know the will of God for my life I can tell you what the will of God is for your life be thankful where in everything yeah but I mean I mean I mean like like God's Sovereign will okay here's a sovereign will be thankful you know why it's called Sovereign because he knows everything and when you're not thankful you like I this is not a judgment I'm not judging you I'm just making you aware of something maybe you never thought of before when you are not living in a space of thankfulness you are judging God's sovereignty and attempting to replace it with your own that's real talk what does that mean you think you know better what should be happening than God well this this is this is something is so you don't understand this bad thing I'm going through I would say you don't understand if that thing you're going through is bad it's painful but every just because it's painful doesn't mean it's bad it's difficult but just because call it what it is we haven't lived long enough to know if it's bad are y'all tracking we haven't lived long enough and died in Christ and seen the Savior face to face to enough to know if it's good if it's bad and 2 Corinthians 4:15 says for all things are for your sakes like I didn't put that in there what what if God is also telling the truth about that as I like to say God ain't going to be right about heaven and wrong about everything else he certainly ain't going to be right about heaven and wrong about everything on Earth no wish I had some help be thankful where in everything are you in something that's causing you pain now here's the question are you allowing the pain that you're in to cause you to not focus on the grace that God has already given you and by the word the by the way the word Grace means gift are you ignoring all the good things that you have in your life that you don't deserve let's let's let's don't get that part Twisted I don't deserve it either I don't deserve good things I'm a sinner where my Sinners at I'm a sinner I don't deserve the grace of God God has Grace on me because he is good not because I am good and anything good if I have if everything that happens to me for the rest of my life is painful and difficult and devastating God is still good to me why because I'm not looking at the things which are seen because they are temporal but I'm looking at the things which are not seen it's it says in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you okay that's cool guess what it says next quench not the spirit what does that mean what is what is one does anybody remember what this what the Bible says the spirit of God does it calls all things to what our remembrance it's the spirit of God's one of the the holy spirit's jobs is to remind us of God's truth so when I'm tempted to be depressed because that's that's part of the human condition and when I'm tempted to be angry and I'm tempted to be sad and downtrodden and disappointed and distraught and feeling hopeless when I'm tempted to do that and the spirit of God says but what about this goodness that God's given to you and what about this goodness that God's given you and what about this grace that God's given you and you got you got like Health in your body you got soundness in your mind and you're surrounded by people that love you what about that are you counting your blessings or are you only counting your burdens and you say I can't deal with that right now I'm busy being depressed what am I doing I'm quenching the spirit I'm silencing that's what the word quench means it means to squelch I'm squelching the spirit that's reminding me to be thankful so that I can wallow in this feeling because well that's what we do we're human we're only human human right no we're human but we're not only human can I get a witness because the B God's not going to tell us to do this and we can't do it we can do if God said do it we can do it and I know I I get it cuz that's this is like somebody like if if it weren't me saying this it were somebody else but it is me so some people say well yeah that's easy for you to say Mar you have all this money money you think money can make you happy all the time money can multiply your Sorrows hey hey if you can't be happy when you broke you going to be real miserable when you got money cuz you can multiply the things to be miserable [Laughter] about hey I was hey I was happy when I was broke I wasn't happy that I was broke but I was happy when I was B how many yall tracking why because I had gifts like we okay the scripture says we have two basic human needs I mean physical needs two physical needs do you know what they are food and rainment something to eat and something to wear having therefore food and rment therewith to be content a house is a bonus a car is a double bonus air conditioning in Florida that's a canle bonus and we're going through life so zoned in on what's missing that we're missing everything that's there and we're not being thankful for it and we're not being thankful for we want we want God to give us more so we can be thankful for even less of more well all we got to do is like if you just sat down with a pen and a piece of paper a pen and a piece of Pap I'm going to challenge all of you on YouTube grab a pen and a piece of paper and just start writing down the blessings like when you look at that pad you can say thank you God that I have sight and when you start writing thank you God that I have a brain that can comprehend these words and then when you start writing thank you God that I have hands that are not paralyzed and down by my side I can write there are people who' have been paralyzed from their neck down and many of those people are way for decades and they're more grateful than you are why because somebody somewhere taught them to focus on what's there and not what's missing you you can always be thankful we can always be thankful we we we we're we're not often like here's real reality in The Human Condition we're not often thankful and we're certainly not often enough thankful it's so interesting like I am fully aware all day every day it don't have to be this good when I was broke as a joke and ready to choke I was fully aware all day long but it didn't have to be that good see here's what we know for a fact we can always find somebody who has less than we have and can do less than we can do and is surrounded by less love than we're surrounded by but we're so zoned in on What's Missing in our lives it's making us miserable from the time the sun comes up till the time it goes back down again and it it's it's it's literally an affront to The God Who daily loads us with benefits it doesn't like how's it serving you to constantly be scraping off the scabs of what's missing in your life how's that serving you I get accused of being positive sometimes but I'm not but I'm not positive in fact I'm by Nature a very negative person I am like like it's my nature I'm just being honest to be suspicious and like like keep one eye on somebody it's my nature like the my first thought is but what if it doesn't work what if it goes wrong like what if like like I am fully aware of the fact that you know the Great Tribulation could start any day I mean I'm just keeping it real like I'm biblically aware of that say no would the Rapture happen first okay I'm going let you keep believe in that I'm not I don't have time to I don't have time to mess with your theology right now I'm G let you do I'm G let you do that I'm G let you believe that but let me ask you a question if you're believing that and it doesn't happen then what then what you going to do okay so it's my nature to be negative okay why cuz I am a person with personhood and if you're a person with personhood it's your nature to be negative too but guess what I cannot not acknowledge the grace of God in my life when I wake up in the morning fully aware that there are people who went to bed last night who did not wake up this morning there are people who went to bed last night who all of their children didn't wake up this morning or their parents or their spouse didn't wake up this morning and like if I don't get another gift all day if I don't get another gift all week that's enough for me to dance Hallelujah all around the city a Tampa hands in the air shouting and praising God because God has been good to me happy child I'm happy as a lark in the park that is assuming that Larks are happy in the park why I'm I open my eyes and they can see think about this you know how to make yourself look you have no idea how to make yourself see and you can have something other than gratitude and thankfulness for the gift of sight but my and I don't have sight okay you have the gift of hearing and you know how to make yourself listen but you don't know how to make yourself hear do you understand like maybe this is what it means when the scripture says that when Jesus said without me you can do nothing the gift to perceive that you've received a gift is a gift how can I be anything but grateful hey I live in America oh America America ain't perfect but have you been anywhere else I show I woo I've been to other places man I got back here so fast I was over in Europe I took some clients to Europe one time we're in Europe we're at a restaurant they're from Texas and they weren't in a hurry and they didn't really talk really fast anyway cuz they were in their probably late 70s and we're at a restaurant in Holland and the guy comes up and wants to take our order and he says to the lady that's W the older lady that's with us so are you going to order or not I can't stand here all day oh yeah yeah that what he said can't he wasn't just thinking it came out his mouth I'm like well that was rude right but they don't do tips over there so like they don't care like what I'm mean I'm going to serve you the food and anything else is a bonus so what you going to order right like I go to London uh I'm just not no offense to London like I go to England I'm back here fast as I can you say m what are you saying I live in America like it's not perfect but I don't know that I could have done this well somewhere else at least I had a chance it wasn't a good hey there were some people that might have had a better chance than me but I had a chance are y'all tracking we got we're so zoned in on what's wrong with everything around us that we're missing with what's wrong within us and what's wrong within us is the fact that we're not counting our blessings I can see I can stand up I can walk I may not walk as good as you and so can't run fast as you but I can walk there are people who've never walked a step in their life I like do do you you don't all I'm saying is I'm saying like it's our lack of awareness that creates this lack of appreciation and my desire here here's the here's the reality thankful people attract more blessings Than unthankful People period cuz people like giving stuff to people who are grateful for it I give you something you look at me it's like that's all it's going to be a long time before you get another and y'all know people like that right oh you okay that's okay well thank you thank you good for you that was sweet right kind of pun you in the face with a compliment y'all know what I'm talking about that's why you laughing be thankful all the time tells us tells us when to be I mean where to be thankful tells us when to be thankful what did it say at all times Rejoice ever more what do it um in everything uh uh um rejoice in the lord always uh Philippians 4 4:4 rejoice in the lord always and again I say rejoice when is that always do you understand it is a biblical command it is not a suggestion it is a Biblical command it is a pattern it is a way of life it is a it is a it's a prequisite to live in a state of Perpetual joyfulness my you don't understand what's going on in me my life okay that sounds good but I don't think you don't I think the real problem is you don't understand what's going on in your life there have been there are people in Tampa right now in Tampa who've been in the hospital visiting the hospital every day with her dying evaporating expiring loved ones like you don't think you have anything to be thankful for I'm telling you it'll change your life because you will start to attract people to you when you are grateful that you cannot attract when you are ungrateful when the Bible tells where to be thankful everywhere in all things when to be thankful all the time so in all things talks about our position at all times talks about our priority thankfulness becomes a priority what would happen in your life what would happen in our lives if thankfulness became the priority I'm going to I'm going to give thanks to God and I'm going to give thanks to human I'm I'm not just going to feel thankful like feeling is what I like that's like I'm I'm I'm aware of it yeah grateful for that okay but but then I'm going to give thanks I'm actually going to like say the words thank you and mean it what if that became our way of life what if we could actually go through life and appreciate every sacrifice anyone who has ever made anyone who has ever made to do something for us even if we could have done it for ourselves and just to show appreciation that they cared enough all times now this is this is the hard one y'all I saved the hard one for next to the last Almost last last before the next to the last when where should we be thankful in all things when at all times where I mean for what should we be thankful for this is the hard one for all things Lord how can I be thankful for that though well here's what it says Ephesians 5:1 17 wherefore not be not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is oh there's that will of the Lord again and that you be not drunk with wine wherein is excess but be filled with the spirit speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs and singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord giving thanks always for all things unto God and the father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ what but my you don't understand I just got bad news from the doctor giving thanks for always for all things that's pretty inclusive ain't much it leaves out how can I be thankful for all things always cuz cuz God said so but like how though it seems so hard well he says be wherefore be you not unwise and understanding what the will of the Lord is first of all understand that it's the will of the Lord for you be thankful always in all for all things if it's God's will for you to do it h maybe there's something to it wow that rhymed that wasn't even intentional that was that was one of those accidental Rhymes okay okay and then it says be not drunk with wine wear's excess but be filled with the spirit I don't know if that confused you but when I first read that that kind of confused me be not drunk with wine wearing his exes but be filled with the spirit what does that even mean like what why that seems like two opposite ends of the spectrum drunk joke over here filled with the spirit over here why because when somebody is drunk with wine the wine controls them when someone is filled with the spirit the spirit controls them but there are some par even though there are some differences there are some paral El to drunk folk and folks who are filled with the spirit that when they first get drunk they happy the Bible's talking about being happy be be so full of the spirit that the spirit controls your happiness how's the spirit going to do that by reminding you that everything's a gift wow this is so good then drunk people are generous oh I'm buying I'm buying drinks for everybody right go to the family you want to one of uncles gets a little sauce man he's giving out money to all the nieces and nephews y'all know what I'm talking that's why you laughing because you know what I'm talking about right and and drunk people are generous but people who are filled with the spirit are generous drunk people they you get them a little bit more drunk than you get them past happy drunk and they get invincible drunk get them beer muscles oh what people who are filled with the spirit are courageous see the parallels when you let the spirit control you it gives you some characteristics that maybe don't come natural to you like speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs and making melody in your heart to the Lord puts a song in your heart when you're filled with the spirit and you're giving thanks thanks always for all things unto God the father of the name of our Lord Jesus Christ so how can I be happy all the time by being thankful all the time by reminding myself that when I'm not happy it's because I'm not thankful did you hear what I just see people think but thankfulness is the result of happiness you got it backwards happiness is the result of thankfulness it's not the other well as soon as I have something to be thankful for I'll be happy you ain't never going to be happy because you can't even see what's right in front of you thankfulness is the result of awareness what awareness is that myin number one it's an awareness of my sinful nature which means every bad thing that ever happens to me I deserve it and worse oh is that too that that was too strong you too but watch this none of the good things that happened to me I don't deserve any of I didn't earn any of them how do I know every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of Lights with whom there's no variableness neither shadow of turning God don't even like cast a shadow like he's about to change his ways I have good things in my life because God is good not because I am good get that one let that one marinate any good thing I have in my life I have because God is good not because M good M good if you think M's good just don't even be confused about it I was going to say ask some people around me but I was like maybe I don't want them to do that thankfulness is the result of awareness of my sinful nature blessed be the Lord who who daily Loth us us with Benefits what does it say praise the Lord who took me out of a horrible pit out of the myy clay and establish my goings and set my feet upon the rock I didn't do that no religion did that for me only God could do that for me my sinful condition gives me a reason to be grateful because I got good stuff in spite of my sin nature I got good stuff going on in my life despite of my sin nature wow I've trusted in the death bar resurrection of Jesus Christ and I have right now eternal life I'm not going to get it when I die I have it right now huh and I don't deserve it wow because of my sinful condition this one this is one we need to marinate in I need to have aware if I'm going to be thankful I need to have awareness of the sovereignty of God sovereignty means he understands it he knows it he's not worried about it because he produced it he ordained it use one of those Bible words people don't like he predestined it say what what that sounds like fatalism no it's not fatalism at all because I have a choice but guess what God is going to do what God's going to do and when I'm a aware of the fact that he is Sovereign and he knows how it's supposed to turn out and when it's supposed to turn out and if it's supposed to turn up and if it is when it's supposed to turn up then I don't have any stress in me I'm not trying to make anything happen because I already know wherever I am in my life nothing's missing I am where I am supposed to be right now as long as I've been becoming who I've been called to become and that means I'm Joseph in the pit I'm Joseph in the pit if it means I'm Joseph in Piper's house I'm Joseph in Piper's house and I'm going do my best while I'm in Piper's house and if I get lied on and thrown in prison and I'm Joseph in the prison for a crime I didn't commit I'm going to be Joseph in the prison and when you're Joseph in the prison the prison the warden puts everything under your control and if I'm Joseph who gets forgotten about by the butler then I'm Joseph who's forgotten about by the Butler and if I'm Joseph the Prime Minister I'm Joseph the Prime Minister and I'm Joseph who finally has a chance to get my brothers back for all the evil they put me through I'm not going to take advantage of that I understand that they meant it for evil but God meant it for good and I wouldn't have chosen and I don't think just like Joseph I wouldn't have chosen any of the difficult things I had to go through to make me who I am so I could fulfill the assignment for which I was created I wouldn't have chosen any of them would you I get this brace on my leg which helps me walk and when I don't have it on crutches help me walk man that's so bad is it I know how to walk on crutches I can walk on crutches with no legs just hands can you do that but guess what there are people whose legs don't work and they don't have any arms there are people I I've got friends have no arms have no legs and guess what they're happy and they're thankful why cuz they're thankful for what they have they're not so zoned in on what's missing that they can't that they're missing what's there so all the stuff you think is missing in your life you want to trade it for your arms and your legs be thankful you want to trade it for your sight you want to trade trade it for your you want to trade it to go live in a country where the government is more corrupt than the government in the United States of America I had to make sure I said that the right way and more totalitarian you want to go there like stop crying with a loaf of bread under your arm that's what my dad always said to me boy you crying with a loaf of bread under your arm I don't have any bread where's the bread okay anyway it's a lack of awareness of the sovereignty of God God knows how it's supposed to be going you know the word that's ruining in your life I'm going to write it on the board it's such a terrible word and I it's the kind of word I don't like to use I don't like to use ever certainly don't like to use it in public but I'm going to write on the board this is the word that's destroying your life yep you guessed it it's the s word should God should do this my wife should do this my husband should do this my children should my nextdoor neighbor should my brother should my employees should my boss should you should they should everybody should and they go around should should should should should should should and I'm telling you should is the formula for misery if you are miserable it's because you have too many shoulds in your life the more should you get rid of the more happy you'll become because you think you know how things what should be it's amazing isn't it it's a terrible word it's it's like it's it's terrible to sh have shs for God it's terrible to have shs for other people it's terrible to have shs for you well I should be farther ahead by now should you now but we do it all the time and the reason you're laughing because you know you do it awareness of the sovereignty of God Only God knows what should be and if there's no pit and there's no poer house and there's no prison there's no Joseph the Prime Minister why because the disruption that follows Our intention is the thing that makes us strong enough to stay there when we get there and see you want to thank God for a pleasant journey to a place that doesn't matter instead of thanking God for a difficult Journey on the path to your destiny but you have to become aware first not after oh yeah now I can see clearly this I I should have been happy all along well do something about it while you can baby what thankfulness is the result of awareness of my sinful nature of God's Sovereign nature and of Life short nature life is way too short to go through it miserable way too short like way way way too short to go through life miserable like you ain't going to be you you going to be here for for a minute like literally for like a blink in the realm in the in the in um in light of eternity and you going to spend it frowning and pouting and whining and belly aing okay that's one way to do it life is too short but thankfulness is also the result of truthfulness what did it say in 1 Corinth 2 Corinthians 21:14 now thanks be unto God which always causes us to Triumph and maketh manifest the Savor of his knowledge By Us in every place now thanks be to God which always causes us to Triumph that means the difficulty you are in right now is part of your Victory the difficulty that I'm in right now is part of my victory and we're hating it and we're loathing it and we're lamenting it and we're cursing our curses instead of letting them turn us into the person who can stay there when we get there the person who's strong enough to do the thing the scripture makes it very very clear what the assignment is TR aware thankfulness is the result of the awareness of the result of truthfulness what do you mean awareness of the result awareness is the result of truthfulness so thankfulness is the result of awareness um happiness is the result of thankfulness and the truth is the result of awareness the first truth that we need to become aware of is the truth about truth truth is more foundational to life than feelings truth is more foundational to life than Traditions be careful not to sacrifice the truth of God's word on the altar of your Traditions or on the altar of your feelings or on the altar of your relationships be careful not to make that mistake because the truth about truth is that it's always truth and there are people out there talking about your truth my truth his truth her truth none of those animals exist they are figments of someone's imagination who attempted to get rid of God the truth is there is no his truth her truth Your Truth my truth there's only the truth and anything that's not the truth is a lie for people want to have their own truth well that's your truth no ain't my truth I don't own no truth around here I'm G just I'm G adapt it I'm G adopt it but it ain't mine the truth about truth the truth about the truth is this that it is based on the character and the nature and the intention of God that's the truth about the truth when we understand that the word the Hebrew word for truth the Hebrew word for truth truth is the word I meant that was terrible Mar okay that's alive and then meim and then Tav so that's how you spell it you Hebrews from right to you write Hebrew from right to left okay the letter every letter in the Hebrew Alit has meaning it also as a number this is the first letter in the Hebrew alfit this is the middle letter but it's also represents the number 40 this is the last letter it also represents the number 400 so so Hebrew words are built they're not just spelled so part of the nature of truth is we have the beginning the middle and the end what is that showing us what is that showing us about the nature of truth it's showing us that you can't know the truth about anything unless you're looking at the beginning the middle and the end of it so if you've seen if you were there for the beginning and you're currently there for the middle but you don't know the end you can't know if it's good or not why you don't have enough context only God has that context and so I have to trust the one who is truth that if he says it's good then it's good even when it feels bad how many you all tracking and so the the the um the first letter the middle letter and the last letter it's interesting that the word for falsehood is the word sheer now sheaker these are three letters that are right next to each other in the Hebrew alip bait this is a word for falsehood and but in the olive bait they're in a different order cough R okay um let me see cough I think it's I think I think it's this one's first that one's second this one's last I think anyway the important part I'm saying is this they are three letters that are close to each other but they're out of order what does that tell us about falsehood it only shows us lies only show us a small sliver of a thing and it's always in a in iner order that's the nature of a lie um this is the letter 300 this is the letter 100 this is the this letter represents 200 okay so you say my what does this have to do with anything it has something to do with understanding the nature of Truth separate that a little bit okay so so we see we can see clearly that this if if we add if we add all of this together 400 + 40 is what 440 + 1 so 4 4 1 what's four + 4+ 1 is nine okay nine is the number for truth 100 + 200 is plus 300 is 600 6 Plus 0 is 6 Plus 0 is six okay so this is the number for falsehood is six it's also the number for man probably because man believes Satan's fals it okay you say m what's your point well what is a lie what's a falsehood well six is an upside down n nine what is a falsehood an upside side down truth mind-blowing I mean there we have to understand the nature of Truth itself as a thing when we understand the nature of Truth we understand life better are y'all tracking interestingly enough and do I yeah interestingly enough I'm going to do this so nine is the number for truth why because all of the other numbers from 0o to 9 have to answer to the number nine it's the only number that all the other numbers answer to what does that mean well if you take zero times uh I'm I'm sorry uh not time not zero one 1 * 9 equals n y'all are good okay 2 * 9 I don't want you to help me with the rest of these I got them 3 * 9 and then four * 9 and then 5 * * 9 and then 6 * 9 and then 7 * 9 and then 8 * 9 and then 9 * 9 there we go 9 * 9 okay so um let me see this is equal 1 this equals 2 this equals 3 this equals 4 this equals five this equals 6 this equals 7 oops 7 this equals 8 how do I do pretty terrible oh unless I go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 oh that's interesting why is that interesting because 2 * 9 = 18 and 1 + 8 = 9 and 2 + 7 = 9 and then 3 + 6 = 9 and then 4+ 5 = 9 5 + 4 = 9 6 + 3 = 9 7 + 2 = 9 and 8 + 1 = 9 all you say m what's your point bro here's my point at the end of the day you're stuck with the truth so you might as well start with the truth and you might as well stay with the truth it doesn't matter Edward we're friends for a long time long okay but I I don't think I've ever ask you this question right in front of God and everybody and YouTube what is your age 59 59 give it a for Eduardo 59 okay what's 5 + 9 14 what's 59 minus 14 45 what's 4 + 5 n nine doesn't matter who whose age you do that with it doesn't matter if you do it with a speed limit doesn't matter if you do it with a license plate it doesn't matter if you do it with a birth date if you will add the digits and the number together until they becomes a two-digit number if you do that formula I just did it's always going to come to nine why because the truth is always the truth and truth is what brings awareness we got to have the awareness of the truth about truth we have to have awareness I got to do this quickly we got to have awareness about the truth about timing what's the truth about timing Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us the truth about timing you ready he hath made everything beautiful in his time whose time whose time his time also he has set the world in their heart so that no man can find out the work of that God maketh from the beginning to the end from the beginning to the end the nature of Truth is the nature of timing is only God knows when it's beautiful and it's beautiful in his time and when it doesn't feel beautiful it still is beautiful haha so let us trust that we're in the middle of some pain that that doesn't mean it's bad let us trust that when we are in the middle of difficulty that does not mean it's bad it just means it's painful okay and it lets us in on the truth about trouble here's the truth about trouble the trouble that you've gone through is the thing that prepared you for the Triumph that you have no trouble no Triumph no difficulty no Destiny no Struggle No strength how many y'all picking up what I'm putting down if there is no pain there will be no payoff so those of you who think you're going to start thanking God when the payoff shows up if you're not thankful during the pain you won't be thankful when the payoff shows up because you already have payoff right now that you're not being thankful for how do we how Mar how can I be happy all the time be thankful all the time I know it s feels like an oversimplification but it's not and that's impossible not if you walk in the spirit cuz the scripture says if you walk in the spirit you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh let me challenge you every day from now on for the rest of your life every time you get tempted start counting blessings I mean with a pen and a piece of paper sit down and start writing them down see how long you stay in a stoer hope this helps you stay blessed by the best we'll see you next next [Applause] video have