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Are Preservatives Bad for You?
Jul 2, 2024
Are Preservatives Bad for You?
A preservative is a substance added to products like foods, cosmetics, and medicines to prevent them from spoiling.
Common preservatives include salt, sugar, benzoic acid, and sorbic acid.
Benefits of Preservatives
Salt and Sugar:
Prevent growth of harmful microbes in foods.
Health Risks of Preservatives
Salt and Sugar:
High amounts can increase the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases.
Benzoic Acid:
Used to inhibit the growth of harmful microbes in food.
Can cause hyperactivity in children and asthma.
Sorbic Acid:
Used in cosmetics.
Can cause skin irritation.
Can cause serious problems for people with asthma (e.g., difficulty breathing, tightness in chest).
Key Takeaway
Important to check the preservatives used in products and consume them in moderate amounts.
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