Exploring Secure Multi-Party Computation

Sep 9, 2024

Lecture Notes: Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC)

Outline of the Lecture

  • What is Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC)?
  • Real-world applications of MPC.
  • Dimensions of studying secure MPC problems.
  • Challenges in dealing with malicious adversaries.

Motivation Behind Secure Multi-Party Computation

  • Definition: Secure MPC allows multiple mutually distrusting entities to perform joint computations on their confidential data without revealing their inputs.
  • Entities: Denoted as p1, p2, ..., pn, each with confidential data (x1, x2, ..., xn).
  • Objective: Compute a publicly known function f without additional disclosure of inputs beyond what can be inferred from the own input and the function output.

Goals of Secure MPC

  • Ensure data confidentiality (no additional information revealed).
  • Ensure data availability (data must be accessible for computation).
  • Analogy: Jewels locked in a locker - kept safe but must be available for use.

Real World Applications of Secure MPC

  1. Privacy-Preserving Data Mining:

    • Hospitals (e.g., three hospitals) want to run analytics on combined patient records without disclosing individual records.
    • Function f: Data mining operation to compute statistics (e.g., patient counts).
  2. Secure E-Auction:

    • N bidders bidding for an object; only the highest bid should be revealed.
    • Each bidder learns whether their bid is less than the winning bid but nothing else.
    • Function f: Max function to determine the highest bid.
  3. Yao's Millionaires Problem:

    • Two millionaires want to find out who is richer without disclosing their exact wealth.
    • Example of two-party computation.
  4. Satellite Collision Prevention:

    • Two nations with secret satellite trajectories want to compute collision probability without revealing their trajectories.

Dimensions of Secure MPC

  1. Function Representation:

    • Functions can be represented as Boolean circuits or arithmetic circuits over algebraic structures.
  2. Communication Model:

    • Synchronous Model: Assumes message delivery times are known.
    • Asynchronous Model: No guarantees on message delivery times; models real-world networks like the internet.
  3. Corruption Capacity:

    • Threshold Model: Adversary can corrupt at most t out of n parties.
    • Non-Threshold Model: Adversarial structure allows for more general corruption scenarios.
  4. Corruption Power:

    • Computationally Bounded Adversaries: Can use cryptographic tools.
    • Computationally Unbounded Adversaries: No restrictions on resources, requires different protocols.
  5. Type of Corruption:

    • Passive Corruption: Eavesdropping only.
    • Crash Corruption: Can stop parties from functioning.
    • Active (Malicious) Corruption: Can control corrupt parties fully, leading to arbitrary behavior.
  6. Corruption Time:

    • Static Corruption: Corruptions are decided before the protocol starts.
    • Adaptive Corruption: Corruptions can occur during protocol execution based on observed information.

Challenges in Byzantine Corruptions

  • Example of the broadcast problem:
    • Designated sender must send a message identically to all parties, but may be corrupted and send different messages.
    • Solution requires interaction among parties to agree on a consistent version of the message.

Summary of the Lecture

  • Introduced the problem of secure multi-party computation (MPC).
  • Discussed various real-world applications and challenges.
  • Explored dimensions to study the secure MPC problem.
  • Focus of this course is on protocols that tolerate active and malicious corruptions.


  • Week one of the part one of the course (Lectures 1, 2, and 3) for more details on dimensions studied in secure MPC.