wait but like but they were so bad okay okay so game one we have uh don draper against tony soprano so let's see okay e4 e5 knight f3 d6 quick question for you um are the ratings close like will there be a massive gap between them uh no i think that basically there can't there can't be more than 200 rating point gap so it's like the player is basically like 1200 1400 or 3 2 800. it's a 200 point gap so we're not guessing a player's elo who's a color we're guessing the the elo of the game basically the elo of the game yes aha okay okay so bishop e2 already okay castles oh okay not i mean after d4 i think it's still probably okay but d3 okay this is strange okay okay c6 is probably a good move a3 c6 is a either genius or excellent probably accident i'm guessing again because the ratings can't be super far apart that's why that's why you know it can't because i can see this being like a 2500 is black and like 2 000 is white but of course it's 200 point differential so 97 d5 takes takes takes okay yeah everybody everybody taking everything is is okay wow rook b8 that's actually they started yeah but after bishop b5 i mean white's probably better here somehow it's very dangerous for black i mean maybe queen e6 and black's okay but again very hard to play actually cleaning six is bad isn't it because you can you can take take take take rookie yeah 157 or d1 at the end yeah just to show that for people yeah this takes takes oh my god okay but if they found that then you know i would make a youtube video about them and right they might be like the youngest billionaire in the world right something like that yeah look at that i set it up and you spiked it nice current events joke yeah yeah okay you know what's funny about this game that this actually has the shades of that um more morphe versus the uh duke of brunswick if white if white goes 95 like this this has some real shades of that like rook d7 or d1 that very very similar looks very similar okay so rookie one a6 fish bay b4 b5 makes sense uh-huh okay they underscore devil's underscore angel shut down okay yeah very very well having a great day very very weird yeah it's knight b8 94 okay it's actually a great move but weird um was that what was that out whoa oh there it is that has to be a mouse slip right oh that messes everything up then damn okay okay oh boy i just want to see how how how well black converts converts it yeah yeah black means oh that's not high level conversion oh guys you got to use your queen you're an extra queen yeah this is uh because have an extra queen you're not using it i mean at least black goes king of six it's starting to get really dangerous there for a second oh my god okay there it is there's the queen can't waco rook have seven and richie iii yeah oh you you king g4 though and there's no there's no repetition i guess man check check okay really is trying to set up a mate here that's a weird one okay yeah okay finally you get to a familiar checkmate oh my god all right so i assume probably we should do this the same way that the boat has it where we just like mute ourselves for like a minute or two and try to figure out what we're gonna make our guess as um and go from there so whom do we submit guesses i well basically the way we did it is that i just like i say it and you say you say it i mean i said we're not gonna be guessing like one point difference like if i say like 875 i assume you're not gonna say like 874 right uh yeah i'm not gonna go like the price is right yeah yeah because i was saying i realized if you go first technically someone could do that but um but yeah all right okay so i'll just mute myself for like a minute or two and then yeah back and then i'll just say and then you say and pretty and then we i'll see i'll uh i'll wait for your cue okay sure okay cool all right you guys so tough to figure out i mean there are some moments there are some moments of uh of brilliance but there also are a lot of moments of um confusion like i really don't know what to make of this game because like white had chances white makes the mouse slip which is bad so i guess i'm gonna do what i always do which i'm gonna look at the uh i'm gonna think about what is the high end of this what this game could be and what's the loan i think the high end that this game could be up to is maybe maybe eleven hundred i'm gonna say eleven twelve hundred twelve i'll go i'll go high let's say twelve hundred bottom end is probably about i think it's probably like 700 there were no real blunders like white blunders a pawn and white blunders the queen with the mouse but there were no like objectively huge blunders so i'm gonna guess that it's probably my guess is probably like oh maybe like 1000 i don't this is if this is 1500 i'm going to be upset because 1500 doesn't do this i think it's probably like 900 1 000. i'm gonna go with 900 probably that's what i would say i think it's probably like 900 ish i mean black missed a couple of easy wins but i think it skews higher if anything so probably i should go a little bit over 900 so i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go with like 950 and i'll go with like 950 975 i think i'm gonna go with 9.75 wait do we just am i just scrolling on the spreadsheet oh oh we both got oh we both got punished i think we're both gonna be dropping the score yeah just scroll down levy on the score sheet to where we put it in oh oh oh it popped up oh i'm sorry yeah i didn't i didn't really oh oh yeah yeah and it's a big one for both of us too big o oh they're 1460 yeah yeah i mean this is what i'm saying there's always gonna be like one or two of these where you take the guess and it's like we're both off by a lot i think we're both gonna be dropping the score to be fair that's pretty insane actually i think about that's really insane wait but like but they were so bad okay well um wait is this some are these three or five minute games i think it can be it can be either but um dude these guys are trash oh my god i'm sorry like listen i know i'm supposed to be like positive for like guys oh god okay all right bring on the second game yeah okay yeah okay okay okay let's put it this way anyone watching can be 1460 based on that game true so very true all right jesus okay let me invite you okay i just got over a thousand rapid well you should get to 1460 based on these games um all right what do we have banco um interesting okay knight d2 i don't even is that is that really a move i've never seen it i've never seen that move like i think i mean i know there are lines like you can play like you can play like a4 and like knight c3 i know you can play like knight c3 here i don't recall 92 really being a move i mean i think it's probably a move but it's not more than that but anyway that's fascinating okay b3 good understanding though to play b3 is it good okay well i mean i think i i mean i feel like this is probably the point by the way i just noticed what the name of this is called and i'm guessing that is this 92 this is called the bengal gamba decline the quote-unquote quiet line i've never heard that one before um wait was it the quiet line is is just knight d2 the quiet line that must be what it says because i'm just like it says the a57 says bango gamba declined quiet line quiet line okay i i mean maybe it is i don't know but okay so g6 b3 actually i bet g6 is wrong because i think after b3 white gets what he wants like with this bishop b2 no the computer hates this for white but i agree uh yeah e4 now okay castles again though shouldn't white just take the pawn of beef yeah yeah yeah i think white's just not taking oh okay okay normal oh man okay actually not taking on e6 is probably a huge mistake too because now black gets a free attack because the whole queen side is close now it's just king's indian okay high level move wow this is yeah so far this but so is knight e6 i mean this is actually this is very high level it feels like it takes okay well that that there there was an interesting moment like i would have never gone knight e4 but it might even be the best move like i think look keep going keep going forward like rook d8 i would have just played rook d1 like rook d1 instead of before but knight e4 is actually a decent move too so i yeah 94 is either a move that you play by accident that's really good or you're really good it's like one of the two yeah because you realize that c5 is weak yeah 94 is a very very good move if you if you know why trade okay damn i guess we'll see though how good is the conversion rate k5 is good rook a7 it's good knight d5 oh my god oh my god oh my god nice rook behind the pawn black sword can't move wow this is this is tough yeah all right that was a no blunder game i mean black got outplayed but it was okay um all right this goes up to 3 000 right so like there's no yeah i mean technically i i guess like the highest that you could guess is i mean if you assume it's a game of mine maybe i could be like three thirty two hundred and like daniel could be like three thousand fifty to thirty one hundred but realistically i mean three thousand is as high as generally going to get okay no all right okay i'm just holding my shot okay you guys um okay this is uh there are no blunders here queen d5 and queen d6 is very very good i mean i think this is pretty high level but i'm gonna do what i always do as i said where i'm gonna think about the skew of where it can go so bottom i think it can't this game could not have been played by someone lower than probably not lower than 2200 i think because showing knight fg 596 makes sense um 25.86 is strong so i would say the lower end skew i think i'm going to go higher is 2300 i'm not going to go 22. i'm gonna go 2300 on the bottom end and then up the upside could i say be up to probably 20 could theoretically be up to like 2 800 so i think i'm gonna go like 25 75 or something around there that's my guess i i don't think it's a 2300 game there are no real blunders a lot of really good moves yeah and i'm gonna go 25 75. if this is an 1800 game so be it like if this is 1800 so be it but i i think i'm somewhere in the range that's right yeah i mean that that's my guess i i mean maybe it could maybe i'm wrong but that's just my guess in terms of what it could be it's hard to think i i just don't see this being a 2300 game i just don't see it i mean queen e5 queen e6 feels very very good like it's tough 94 is good i mean i'm i think i'm gonna go like 25 50. 20 by 50. we'll see maybe i'm wrong but i'd rather go on the low side than the high side i mean i i don't know like black played really well too like that's the thing like it's not a badly played game it's just night at 195 96 like it's not poorly played black plays this game very well too but then again as i think about black's play it's a little bit dubious so maybe i'm guessing too high it could be lower i think it's probably like i think it's i'm gonna go 25.50 that's my guess yo uh i guess you went first last time so i'll go first oh man i'm i'm very conflicted uh give me five seconds to decide 22 20. 20 to 20 okay then i'm gonna i'm gonna go 2500. okay let's see but you're saying that based on white's play well i know there can't be more than 200 point gap but also what did black do wrong though did black really do anything wrong here i mean i know knight h3 is not the best move but what did black really do wrong either like that 2143 or is that the 2743 let's see that's 21.43 wow okay i i actually said i said hi 2100 so i'm actually kind of happy that really yeah so no blacksmiths are that bad they're really yeah they're bad they're bad it really felt like an uncontrolled attack like black made a couple of just belligerent aggressive moves that didn't do too much that's how i felt i think i think you gave i think you gave white too much credit i tried to base this on black's play so fair enough okay okay fair enough all right uh let me get the next one that's really huh i guess yeah maybe like if you're stronger you play like knight h5 or something but here's the thing white played 2500 level chess black did not and since uh my logic was that uh black played so poorly i would imagine that since it's within 200 that uh-huh uh probably white is high 22 23. do we have a game link do we have the link to the game uh i think we're not we're not doing that just so we don't shame the players uh but oh yeah yeah that's fair yeah people gonna send the messages whatever i'm sorry yeah wait why is it not working one second just give me one second it's not letting me copy the fan well guys we don't show the names because people are [ __ ] frankly like they'll if they see the name they'll go message them something so um those are not the actual names on the screen guys that we that we changed okay there we go all right invite you people are not very nice uh okay okay c4 knight f6 c4 g6 knight c3 bishop g7 okay all pretty standard bishop e3 c5 actually this shows i think pretty good pretty good understanding uh playing c5 here because i would not expect players below a certain level to play this because this is a pawn gambit um this line of c5 the diva e6 wow this is main line is this mainline samish well d e is wrong though yeah you know you never take yeah you just go over here you just go like queenie two or knight g2 yeah okay but but fe 6 is also really bad though i mean isn't it isn't this should be six much better i think i don't know bishop e6 knight c6 94 i think has to be right or or like bishop e6 like something like 96 95 yeah okay so takes queen d2 knight c6 rook d1 okay knight t4 shows good understanding i think d5 also shows good understanding oh white took on d4 okay yeah obviously you should go 92 when that knight gets there but well i mean the reason that this has to be well-placed because like the line that i grew up playing is quite different but like the line that i grew up playing was this um like it was like this line like yeah yeah yeah and then some knights you want e5 d5 knight t4 you try to get this knight in and play like c5 so this shows some good understanding by black to play d5 queen b6 i think is also a very good move because now you just you just play for quick uh quick attack well white has not developed anything on the king side it takes bishop c4 is probably good but bishop e6 yeah but not taking on d5 with check is like okay that's this is i think i mean i think bishop c4 is probably the best move yeah it is that's what i'm saying it's good so queen b3 very good move wow trade 92 also a good move rook d2 okay wow because i guess if you check on d1 after king f2 there's just a checkmate on the back rank yeah you have to find queen b6 king g3 bishop e5 takes rook yeah so it's pretty it's pretty difficult giving your king some breathing room so king f2 rook b2 rook d1 someone's getting mated oh i don't like rook a2 uh-oh i mean rookie it's a bad move all the players could be getting low on time here as well huh okay okay gotta like bring the queen like queen f7 here for counter play yup nice oh oh oh i like that move i guess the pawn runs uh-huh does one win this game or is it probably a draw i'm guessing yeah this looks okay yeah it's just yeah it's just a draw yeah i have no idea on this one because again when players get low on time weird things happen oh man we're gonna need some time on this game jeez tricky all right let's see uh i don't know this one is very problematic this is a very difficult one i don't like the opening is very well played like knight d4 like the thematics of knight d4 and d5 and queen b6 are very very good bishop c4 is a good move by white this is very difficult um like how good is this like i have this feeling this should be lower though this this could be title players but i doubt it somehow actually you know the problem is white took on e6 in the opening which you never do so it's like i would never in a million years take on e6 so that's what i have to base my first thought on is when can when wha what rating would white take on take the pawn on e6 versus playing traditional i'm guessing that if you're above 2 100 you would never take so i think it has to be below 2100 but how low but below 2100 it's a question and i i think like i don't know i mean black saw the checkmate by the way on c8 so i i think it's below i think it's probably about 2 000. i think it's about 2 000 that's probably what i'm gonna go with and if it's really high then then i'm gonna be disappointed but i think it's i'd only have 1750 because like black's black avoided the ch black void the back rank made like i just mean like in this position you guys black avoided this mate with this h6 move so it's like i mean i i don't know i think it's like 2 000. levy can make moves also i believe levy can make moves as well can't he he can make moves too um my my instinct is that it's probably about 2 000. oh he can't oh oh oh sorry let's make him wait make him an owner wait i think he can make moves now maybe maybe i'm wrong oh okay well we'll figure it out i thought he could um but i'm not sure like i don't know i don't know i don't know my he can't but but both streams see yeah okay i mean my guess is that like i think it's probably about 2 000 maybe i don't think someone over 2100 plays d takes e6 i just don't think so but i i don't know that's very hard though i mean it could be lower too like maybe i'm guessing too maybe i'm going too high i think maybe i'll go a little bit lower i think i'll go lower on this one i'll go like 19 i just don't think a 1750 sees this i just don't think a 1750 sees this mating pattern i i just i don't think a 1750 sees it so i think i'm gonna go with like um i don't know i think i'm gonna go like 1950 probably again or something i'm not sure all right all right go ahead this is very hard i'm gonna guess that based on the opening taking on e6 the the black has to be below a certain level and then or you know players have to be below a certain level and then also just saying this background checkmate with queens see it so i'm gonna go with um i'm gonna go with 1950. 1950 yeah you think it's much higher uh yeah i'm going to go 24.80 okay i think i don't think a 2480 would ever take on take on e6 i don't think anyone above 2100 would play pawn takes e6 that's what i'm basing it off of i i agree but i feel like the game was just i mean if they're like 1900 2000 that's just really impressive like nah you're right okay you're right so i don't know so 2400 plays d takes e6 really that's surprising yeah oh surprise wow oh wow yeah i'm surprised that the 2450 really 2400 takes on e6 because it's very bad yeah well no but that's not the point the point is though like if you play the same issue it's a system though like it's a system setup where you always get the setup you never take on e6 any lines so i don't know why a 2400 would do that because like i'll give you an example when i was 2400 around 2400 this is when i started playing d4 much more than e4 and the system i played it was the sameish and um so like i learned the same issue and like every line you play d5 you never you never take um like every single line with like bishop e3 c5 d5 you never take on e6 so i'm just very surprised i mean maybe maybe i'm just assuming that 2400 knows their opening lines in a way that i guess 2400 online is not um 2400 online is like what that's 20 20 100 ish something like that yeah like yeah that's my guess yeah i just i assume you play the system you always know to not take on e6 that's what i would say so yeah i i i see so my logic was that was the one thing in this game white did poorly um and but i felt like just i mean just because think about this like white played normal moves yeah i think white took on e6 with the intention to make d6 a weakness which kind of makes sense but then black played like dude queen b6 like come on queen b6 that's true queen b6 is a good move actually yeah that's true i was thinking too much for i was i probably focused too much on this one move the steve takes e6 oh that probably was a mistake yeah i was thinking about that i mean they just played and think of like some the other thing that i said is when they got to move 40 and 50 they played way too well with low time like just like no 1900 would they would probably blunder a mate or something in that time scramble so i just i think it really is allows for that but yeah pr probably what it is is a one move i just didn't think i didn't think that at 20 i didn't think that a 2400 would ever take on e6 because i know when i grew up like every single line that i looked at in this you never trade the pawns you always you always like take back you leave the pawn on d5 and take with a c4 pawn but that's got to be what it is yeah the other thing is that uh white knew their opening for seven moves and then completely didn't know their opening so right but 2400 should have a set opening repertoire yeah but it's like they didn't know they didn't know the idea of the opening beyond the setup so yeah no no of course obviously um yeah so okay let's let's go on with the next one um yeah guys the the queen move queen it it's not that i guess i understand queen d2 is not a winning move in the opening it's just you're you're playing a setup that's what you're doing so yeah yeah okay um okay let's so let's keep going let's do the next one okay okay what is this is e3 d5 g3 97. oh sorry i didn't invite you sorry yeah one second yeah okay let's keep going okay so far so good yeah knight c3 okay c6 very very weird d4 bishop g4 bishop three bish should be seven okay this is very very strange okay so trade yeah this is very very weird i like how white is like a little better or something like oh white is playing on the wrong side of the board okay e4 good move so these people don't know that they're gonna be selected to be on our show right well no this is just from the elo gets their website so it's literally what the the mods do is they just go take that they just you know click on the game make a random guess so they can then find the names and take the elo and all that other stuff but yeah they're it's not like this is not like planned so these are probably half the people in these games nobody even knows of not all of them um okay this might be the first double digit elo game i've ever seen in my life well actually it's an okay i guess rookie h1 there's a f5 but okay the chance of that happening is like negative oh wow nice very weird game oh yeah very oh please end in stalemate that's not gonna there's probably a mate okay and white resides here um yeah strange very strange all right yeah nice to see you soon uh i have no idea what this is but i mean this has to be pretty low actually i'll i'll i'll um i'll pass the ownership to levy yeah yeah i passed ownership so levy can make moves on this board um i mean it could be a gba but this has to be very low rated but the thing is since i'm behind by quite a bit i also have to try to nail this right on right on the right i have to be right on the edge um yeah i don't know i don't have a straw i don't have a strong opinion i just don't have a strong opinion here also i think i'm letting chad influence me too much like the previous one initially i had the right idea like i i had the right idea not so much that i was like within like 100 points but i would have guessed 22 2300 but then everyone's like you know 2000 plays this game so i i really do need to focus on um on my own instincts here um because i should have been closer on that one 1980 was a very bad guess um this one i don't know this one i i'm gonna guess that uh i mean i still would have gotten it wrong i just i just should not have i just should not have guessed 1980 i should have guessed 22 2300 um this one though i really don't have a good idea use the higher end lower end but this one i know like there there can be no this can't be above i don't know like this cannot be a thousand this has to be below 1 000 this is gonna honestly be down to like 500 but i'm gonna guess it's like probably 600 is my guess if this is 1200 so be it but i'm gonna guess like 600 although even that i don't know if it's right it could be like 500 600 but i think it's probably like i'm gonna guess like probably although the thing is since i'm way behind i do kind of need to try to pin it so if i try to pin it i should almost gets really low actually i should almost get lower because levy's probably gets higher here so i should probably try to guess lower um i think i should guess i should probably guess lower and try to get within get really close since i'm way behind i really do need to be um i do need to be like very precise to have a chance to come back so i think i'm i think i'm going to guess like i don't know 9790 it's just a weird game i'm probably going to guess like 500 or something i think i'll guess lower maybe maybe i'll guess 420 but i don't think so i think it's i think it's like probably 575. that's what i'm gonna go with um yo i'm just going to guess i think i'm going to go with um oh i'm i will go ahead and you go first question for you before i guess so um remind me how exactly this works like let's say they're they're exactly 200 points apart would the right answer be the average of their ratings yes correct okay um then i want to say uh 630. okay i said 630. since i'm behind then i'm going to go lower i'm going to go 500. let's see exactly 500. yeah i'm going to go with 500. okay we wait you're probably closer i'm betting oh we're both wrong what yeah yeah that's pretty bad pretty bad pretty bad dude no i mean come on no i mean obviously you did the logical thing you should have clearly taken the under how is this how are they 950 yeah this is this is pretty uh pretty bad this is the worst game i've ever seen in my life like yeah by by 900's this is yeah this is really really bad oh man this is hikoro people are out there grinding for months to get to 950. and this is the stuff they have to see today yeah this is not good wow i mean i wouldn't be against throwing that one out too like come on we just saw like a 2500 game like come on how is this a 900 game i i i actually thought you were i mean i thought you were closer which is why it gets lower but i thought it had to be i didn't think it could be higher than like maybe 800 at best at absolute best no i i said it couldn't be higher than 700 like okay there was no way but oh my god but these are chess.com games right yes yeah okay okay yeah they're not 900 leeches yeah right exactly 200 on other websites oh my god oh it's painful that's unbelievable wow okay wow okay let's do the next one let's see okay i feel like there should be a rule if both guesses are off by 300 like it should just be thrown out yeah thoughts on thoughts on calling this guest the elo i don't know man you wrote that like five times it wasn't funny the first time but i appreciate the comedic effort um spongebob okay okay why do they all hang that bun i don't know how you hang that pawn because like i just i don't know how you hang that pawn because i would figure like if you learn any kind of opening like i would expect you to learn like some something like f4 and then d3 knight f3 like i just i don't know dude the last time they hung it upon they were 1450. true also this is f5 a genius move or insane like it's pretty genius it seems pretty genius it's probably going to win white the game or something right okay h6 okay okay okay okay well they they watched the danger levels video and then they also wasn't there a free [ __ ] on d4 here too yeah yeah yeah wait but who resigned this game like what what happened this is white oh okay white one by resignation okay oh so black played 95 and then had enough yeah um okay this is a this is really hard i i think we need like and i think with the game should be like try to be 30 moves we get some insight into yeah this is going to be very tough true true all right well let's try to figure it out anyway yep i don't know i have no idea i have no idea this is like because this like i don't know like i'll i'll i'll i'll give lovey the ability make the moves like i don't know like i mean i really have no idea what what can this really be like this is just brutal this is absolutely brutal um like how do you hang the pawn on e4 like how do you hang the pawn how do you play f5 i mean like i mean like rook f2 is just a blunder but it's not a crazy move i mean i actually think it's higher rated i think it's actually quite a bit higher rated i i think work f2 is just a bad move i'm gonna guess that it's probably like i'll go higher rated since i'm already way behind although maybe it doesn't matter cuz i probably can't can't win anyway after after the 2400 one but i'm guessing that probably i'll go with somewhere like i don't like 1200 1150 1200 i mean it's one blunder like i mean it's been skewing higher so skewing higher so i think i'll go with like i don't know like probably like i'm gonna go higher i'm gonna go higher i'll probably go like 12.50 i think i'm gonna go 1250 1300 that's that's what i'm gonna go with i mean because they they hung the pawn but also they hung e4 in the previous game that was like 1450. wasn't it in that previous game with with e4 where they hung the pawn and went bishop b2 that was like 1450. so now i don't know like because they hung up on a 1450 so this could also be like 1300 i i don't really know i mean i'm gonna go with like 1200 maybe i i really have no idea i would go 1500 and get your levees going to go lower this is your shot to get back in the game yeah i kind of should probably just gamble right at this point and just guess guess over the top in one direction or the other like yeah maybe i should go over the top but then i'm listening to chat too much um i think it's probably 11.50 though i really do think it's eleven fifty to twelve hundred that's my guess no i'm gonna guess like i'm gonna guess like twelve twelve hundred twelve hundred or twelve fifty now let's go thirteen let's go with thirteen hundred let's go for it okay uh who went first last time i went first yeah yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna go i'm gonna be bold here i'm gonna go with um i'm gonna go with 13 50. 1350 yes oh dude that's really bold uh i'm gonna go with the 920. okay let's see okay i mean is the 1400 hung upon e for the previous one no i think i think this is a three digit game i should have guessed higher oh my gosh my chat was telling me be bold guess like 15 or 1600 but yeah i mean yeah i mean i just i i mean i figured he hung the palm but he played out five like i mean there weren't any real blunders were there like i don't i mean i don't know rook f2 yeah but i mean it's just a one move blunder he missed tonight on e4 like i mean the bishop actually yeah you're right leaving the bishop hanging on d for your right actually that's true that's true that i didn't actually really factor that in that's true yeah i guess 700 points yeah don't don't worry i was i did just as badly on one of the previous ones okay wow yeah some of these are crazy wow i can't believe that but that's probably why yeah you need a longer game to have some idea because it's just one move so it doesn't really show that much right yeah okay oh my god all right we got it we gotta get it we gotta get the next game here that was repulsive what i just saw yep you