good afternoon folks here we are uh this one's going to be maybe a little longer uh than normal a lot of information here uh I'm going to title this one 1099 hey uh check out the good news uh because 1099a seems to be what gets everybody's attention here uh and there's a lot of stuff I'm going to put in this video that may not even be related to that some of it's going to be uh but I got to get y'all's attention uh there's a lot of stuff I've got to share that everyone needs to get their heads wrapped around uh first off uh in my last video I made a few mispronunciations of some words and uh I thought just for shits and giggles I would uh go ahead and share them uh uh one of them was uh yam that was the tribe that I the word that I hacked up like crazy uh how the fair skinn people came about uh they were shepherds of the northern uh uh sea Black Sea and the other word was shrank right I I stumbled over that one big time uh but yeah it was shrank and structure uh which means they got shorter uh other than that though that was the only thing I think that I laughed about when I came across these words because I said shrank or before I should said even something close to shrank I hacked that word all up too but um I'm dyslexic okay uh I've had to learn how to uh read backwards basically that's what it is and uh I grew up with uh learning disability ities and uh read especially reading so I'm not that still not that great of a reader but uh uh you can achieve uh don't let anybody put you down uh one of the things that I wanted to share was uh I'm going to talk about the 1099a matter of fact I'm going to get into some crazy detail with this stuff I guess uh because there's a lot of folks out here that that really aren't getting this and part of it's because uh they haven't got their head wrapped around the concept uh nor do they are they even watching the videos um you know and I say that constantly uh if you want to know who you are and the and and what kind of uh Power this has you have to understand it um you can't sit back and and breathe through this stuff and and I understand some people have learning disabilities like I had that makes it hard I understand it I get it it's hard uh but you have to get your head wrapped around this uh people are doing some stuff that is going to get them in trouble for instance uh last night I got some photographs of some 10 1099a that were sent out uh oids uh 96 and 1040v uh and I got to looking at him and dude was like Hey man uh I sent these out to the to the uh Treasury and uh you I hope I don't get flagged uh can you check them over for me and see if make sure that I done them right uh hey dude you probably should have sent that to me before you did that um because you frigged it totally up uh I keep telling you all and uh in the comments mostly in the comments some in some in uh in messenger too this isn't a bank okay a trust is not a bank uh if it was a bank it wouldn't last long uh because you would go in and suck the trust dry uh before before you you could uh reach the ultimate goal of what a trust is uh it's not a band folks you cannot freaking I've had people say uh you know could I just deposit a 1099a into my account uh no you can't you know uh I get it people that have questions they do uh but it's not a bank uh another thing you cannot use this to jack up your business okay uh the trust was set up to meet your needs not your company's needs or your corporation needs or your 501c3 or 508 it wasn't set up to do that uh you're touching on fraud is what you're doing you're touching on fraud when you do that uh the trust was set up to take care of your needs think about that man that's as simple as it gets folks uh this was set up to take care of my needs well what are my needs uh I need uh a place to live I need a car to drive uh that's what you need to be concent trading on uh I know what what most people are doing they're trying to figure out how can I scam around and get some money in my pocket from this thing doing this 1099a well I've told you time and time again it's the conditional acceptance where you put the money in your pocket at uh using the 1099a to meet your needs uh is doable it is super doable uh I I get messages all the time uh I got one just last night uh somebody who sent the 1099a and coupon in on a credit card uh and they said uh yeah I sent it in and they canceled the debt and uh or they uh closed the account and my my uh credit score went up six points like you said Mr Chris uh they also went on to say that you uh uh that you still owe the money in the note uh uh we're closing your account due to uh uh a violation of the contract you still owe the money you still owe us the money uh in my response back to this individual was did they send you back the 1099a and the coupon uh well no they didn't send back either and I've done this with two credit cards well guess what if they don't send back the $199 a and the coupon or and or the coupon uh then they have accepted the payments why else would they have closed the account uh they're shucking and D ding uh if you turn around and you say well I guess that failed I might as well just go ahead and make the payments you Rec contract man you Rec contract uh the first time you deal with these clowns You Rec contract now if they want to take you into the tribunal go go in there and say look I sent them the payment I argue the coupon with the judge argue the 1099a with the judge uh if that's what you want to do go in there and do it hey your honor they didn't send back the coupon they didn't send back the 1099a well then it's rece it's a payment received when you do these with the credit card companies folks okay in your letter do like I said in the 1099a video where I'm explaining how to do the letter to the CEO set your your your uh letter up like that and inside the letter put the postal rule put it in the body of the letter put the postal rule in it and then at the bottom of it make make a spot on it to have it notorized uh set it up uh the B the back last page of the conditional acceptance that I send most of y'all has an example of how to set up a Notary go down to your bank and have that notorized and then send it certified mail and check it out man the postal rule is a rule of common law contract uh when you put that into the body of the letter and then you send that certified mail these folks have already agreed contractually agreed that they accepted your payment they cannot turn around and say oh well we can't accept that uh you already he did you accepted it and you contractually agreed that you accepted it put the postal rule in the body of the letter also put the definitions oh according to Black's Law this is what a con a statement is according to Black's Law this is what a uh a bond is and this is what an instrument this is the coupon uh some of them even come back and said it's not a coupon how is it not a coupon when it says freaking coupon on it uh that's what you you need to remember they're going to shuck and Jive they're going to try and scam you out of that to get you to rec contract oopsie that didn't work I guess I'll just uh have to pay them well the minute you send them or the minute you respond they call you on the phone hey man this isn't a payment man uh you used to low us this much money uh we've closed your account and we need to uh uh set up some kind of payment plan what can you send man like 20 bucks well yeah I guess I could send that much you know uh that's the same thing that they do when you go to these these companies that do the debt uh the debt reassignment stuff where they they help you get your uh debts back under control they stop the cards and then they take payments and then they send the payments out well remember folks they are they've the credit card companies already been paid they've been paid by your trust that's where the money's coming from uh so look folks when think about that I've had other people WR send me messages and say well you know I went to the dealer and I did the I did the application and I did uh uh the the the the the order order for the car and I wrote down I did the 1099a and I handed it to them they said I'm not sure if we can accept this I we'll get back to you in a day or two uh and then they call and say oh we can't accept that but they don't return the 1099a why not why can't they return it cuz they've already accepted it folks that's when you roll up on them with a conditional acceptance well wait a minute you never gave me back the thing oh well we shredded it well prove it prove that you shredded it uh if they don't give it back to you then they have accepted it there's no doubt about it uh so uh think about that uh that was one thing I wanted to touch on uh another thing I wanted to touch on is uh because the cat's already out of the bag I guess uh with quite a few folks uh the telegram uh platform it got so out of control so quickly uh and I figured that it would and I've had a few people say well I got kicked out of the group uh I was saying this and I was I got kicked out of the grip for no reason uh you know well there was probably some reason whether you agreed with it or not there's probably some reason uh be it on your part or on administration's part I don't know actually I do I know a lot I know a lot more than what you all think okay uh well I got one today well I got kicked out of the group and I helped a bunch of people and and uh I got kicked out of the group you know for just because I'm talking about something that's a little different than yours but is actually the same or really related to uh and you're not even there dude hey guess what folks I am there I have been there okay uh the telegram I'm I'm just going to say this because it's it's already out to a bunch of people the telegram uh uh page is uh a vetting page okay uh if you got in there and you clowned around I know who you are uh if you got in there trying to sell some I know who you are uh if you got in there uh leading people astray I know who you are uh if you got in there totally green uh and the reason I say green you're going to hear me use some terms that that relate to uh cowboying because I've been cowboying for I don't know 45 years I guess love to ride horses uh racking horses I don't ride Quarter Horses anymore because I got a bad back but I still like to ride uh so you hear me use Cowboy terms uh green green horn uh another one you're going to hear me say probably in this video is irons in the fire I've got a lot of irons in the fire folks uh I'm at this 16 17 18 hours a day uh and like I said the the telegram channel has been used as vetting process you get in there and you're throwing down and and cutting up and acting a fool I know who you are um and administration too I know what the who and what in the administrations uh what they've done I Know It uh because folks get kicked out and they come to me and they messaged me and oh so and so kicked me out and for no reason at all and and this is what they did uh a so and so was in there man and uh uh is doing some kind of system there and you know ripped me off in the past and and then I got kicked out because I called him out and and uh you know and I know about this too folks I I know a lot more old Chris is a lot smarter than uh quite a few people have taken uh notice of I get in there and I look at the messages that you leave me the personal messages that you leave me and I look at uh comments that reference my name in there and I also get on there like I said folks I only sleep about an hour and a half sometimes two hours on a good night uh I'm usually in there at 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning uh 3:00 in the morning and I'm going through there and I'm reading what everybody's put in for the day uh I may answer some of your stuff and some of your stuff I might not uh but I know who's in there and I know who isn't and there's a lot of folks that are in there that are in there with genuine intention there's a lot of folks in there that are just super green and uh they're even being shunned a little bit because they're not as advanced as other folks trust me Greenies you're the people I want uh you're you're fresh you're not cluttered up with a bunch of freaking and uh you all you got all we got to do is show you the right way you'll pick this up and you'll run with it that's what the YouTube Channel's kind of been like the YouTube Channel's kind of been like the school on Little House on the Prairie uh you got one teacher and you've got every age of student in there uh you got people that know a lot you got people that think they know a lot you got people that know nothing at all and then people that know some stuff you got agitators uh you know you got your little Nelly Olson's and uh you know you got that in there I see that man I'm telling you I see that uh I've got a whole notebook full of folks uh you know and you've been put a lot of you been put into categories uh and I know uh some of you have been invited out into other groups uh doing different things that's what the intention of this this whole uh uh telegram channel was about uh getting folks in there and figuring out who's who and who's doing what and put the folks in the right grip uh it's the only way that you can keep out a lot of the police and the bullshitters and the super freaking gurus uh that know how they got it and believe me man there's a lot of you guys that are in there that know some stuff I know it I've I've watched your stuff I've read countless freaking articles that you're posting in there and a lot of you guys know what's going on you really do and a little later in this video I want to I want to speak directly to you guys out there who have done the uh uh the the hundred million uh what is it the Redemption I don't think it's Redemption manual uh but there's I've seen this a lot from a lot of you guys you've gone through this process and you've uh uh you know got your situation straight and you uh done all this paperwork and you've got papers that uh I spoke to one guy today that was put out of the out of the uh the out of the telegram uh and he did this process that you guys are doing where you've got uh a document or documents uh uh saying that you have a $100 million uh but here's something I haven't heard none of you all talk about where'd you get it uh where's it at uh you got documents to say you got a hundred freaking million dollars and uh but you're you're not chilling you're not chilling somewhere you're not getting the money you don't even know how to get the money uh if you did You' got it already uh stay tuned because I'm going to work with you on that I'm going to explain to you something that the freaking Guru who sucked you into that uh and took your money uh didn't bother to explain to you how you get paid I'm going to do that okay uh like I'm saying in the telegram group there's people that are grouping together and that's what the intention was with it was to get people together you got people getting together because of foreclosure you got people getting together that that that specifically want to learn how to write the conditional acceptance uh and those are people that have been vetted out uh there's going to be other folks um uh I've been uh emailing back and forth the pretty intelligent guy uh who is working on a conditional acceptance uh and uh and and I'm assisting him at whatever he needs with it because folks he is working on a conditional acceptance that you're going to be able to use if you were fired because you refused to take the vax we got your guy uh yeah that's another group that's going to get together and and think about this uh we could do a a class action conditional acceptance from the people who were fired for this mandate uh and guess who the first name on the conditional acceptance is going to be Joe Biden how would you like to lean Joe Biden all that money he scammed off the people working in freaking Congress ain't never worked a day in his life and you're going to get in his pocket because he broke freaking laws all kinds of laws and this guy that's working on this is is fairly fairly smart uh he didn't even put it in the format that that that that I do mine in uh he just basically wrote one and I was super super impressed uh yeah you guys are going to want to get with this dude uh and I will group you all with this uh and but let me get back to this other guy sends me a message hey man uh you know I did these 1099a and uh he did one for 130,000 uh as as uh as his uh payroll he did another one as bonus he did another one as a company car and then when he writes on the 10 on the 1040v uh he writes [Music] uh was it the 1040v or the I think it was he writes himself uh right here you'll see I've got the name right here right the the the name all right and down here it says if a joint return spouse's first name or or initials and then the last name see that where it's blank on mine he wrote up here in all caps his trust name or his or his yeah his trust name and then down here he wrote his human name but in all caps that's totally screwed up man hey man I hope I don't get flagged whoop whoop whoop yeah you just you're just gonna get flagged buddy uh no that's not what I freaking tell you all to do look it man it is it even says if a joint return spouse is are first name and initials uh dude screwed this 1040 all up all right so by doing so right by doing so when he fills all these out okay three of them on one page uh and then he sends it in he's got himself he's got himself as the the he's got the treasury as the as the lender and himself as the borrower okay but then over here on the 1096 right he's got himself as the beneficiary I'm the beneficiary in this one because I created lean Securities that were meant to come back to me okay that's why you see my name on that and I told told everybody in the last one when if if you're doing if someone gives you a 1099a and you're the trustee of this trust action that you've just created with the beneficiary by accepting the 1099a and the other document that you created to put their social security number on say it uh build an a porch uh and you accept that 1099a and the in the paper of the contract the dude social security number on it you now just became a trustee in his trust which means you can do the oids 1096 and the 1040 vs but you're going to be the beneficiary not in the trust action but the beneficiary of the payment from the treasury okay this dude putting himself he he put himself up as the as the all caps benef uh the trust name and then he put himself in as his spouse as a joint return uh in all actuality folks this this dude is probably going to get hit with uh there he's probably going to get a letter from the IRS and it's going to say uh we received your your uh income tax filing uh you just filed income tax on $130,000 of of of uh money that you're claiming you got from your income another 30,000 for your your bonus and uh another $20,000 you're saying this was income on your company vehicle yeah dude you're flagged uh more than likely you're going to get a tax bill uh where they're going to want their taxes back on $200,000 worth of freaking uh yeah you messed up and then you come to me you will send your pictures and send a message to me hey man I just sent this off is it okay uh you got that a little backwards there partner uh you should have freaking came to me first and I would have told you no you're doing that wrong or if you would have watched the videos or if you would have read the comments uh it's not a bank you cannot do this with your freaking company your company is its own trust if you've set it up as a as as a trust you can't take money and give it to your trust your company trust that's for your benefit not your company's benefit you got to remember that corporations are persons they have a birth certificate just like the the humans get birth certificates uh if I move my Corporation from from uh uh New York to Texas I have to create another Corporation in the state of Texas I have to basically kill the corporation in New York and create a new one in Texas that's what happens when companies move from their Co their corporate headquarters they have to kill the TR kill the corporation and create another one that's what's happening uh yeah you messed up dude uh look folks don't think you got your head so wrapped around this that you can just run off and do whatever you you think CU it sounds good uh no run it by me I'll at least look at it I'll at least look at it it may take a little time but I'll look at it and I'll let you know a lot of you folks out there know that I do this uh quite a few of y'all I've had to babysit through this a process uh answer every question about every possible in and out of this process uh and I and you could do this by finding these answers in the videos uh uh and you know I don't mind doing that and as far as working oneon-one I have I have I have worked oneon-one with quite a few people uh if I don't get to you right away uh hang in there uh I'm I'm only one man I can only do so much I'm doing what what's pressing uh there's a lot of pressing stuff out there uh I've had quite a few people come to me you know uh I'm going into foreclosure next week damn you know that's not even enough time to write a conditional acceptance and serve everybody and give them enough time to respond uh I hate it that I come into this stuff later in the game uh to a lot of people have to to do this stuff quick uh but I'm in here when God put me in here so that's where I'm at with that folks look okay let me explain the to 1099a oid 96 40v again there's two sides to this to this action there's the beneficiary the beneficiary only does the 1099a the trustees are responsible for the oids the 96 and the 40 vs I shorten those okay so don't kind of freak out um that's what the trustee does uh I did three or four videos on the 1099a before I even broke out this oid business uh because folks weren't getting it uh too many questions there there's probably a lot of people that have I'm just not hearing about it because they got it uh it's kind of like uh in a marriage uh you know you 10% of your memories are probably bad memories 90% are good but you don't remember the 90% uh like you do the 10 where was bad and you're fighting and fo and yeah horn around stuff like that you remember that don't you because that why because you remember bad stuff more than you do good stuff uh but look when you're doing uh the 1099a and you're giving it to someone you are the beneficiary whoever you're giving it to is the trustee uh whoever has the social security number your social security number or the social security number that was assigned uh to you as the beneficiary uh when you put that number on a document whoever accepts that document uh as a trustee whoever asks you for your social security number over the phone is a trustee uh anytime the trust number is involved it's a trust action if it's not you the beneficiary then it's trustees the trustees are the ones that file all this stuff the only reason you're seeing that in in my business and I've said this before um is because we created lean Securities and we were making the documentation easier for the treasury to move it along uh we wanted them to move it along uh well how long is it going to take if we got to wait on you guys to do all this stuff uh here you go here's the stuff let's make your job easier all you got to do is sign it uh move the paperwork through uh the reason my signature is on the 1090 the 1096 is because I am the beneficiary of the check if you sell uh if you uh sell your house to someone and they have they they're giving you a 1099a uh you're going to fill out all the other paperwork you're going to fill out the oid the six the 96 and 1040 fees you're going to do that and you're going to be the beneficiary of the check as a trustee I hope everybody got that um now let me address lean Securities okay uh the lean Securities were created from the conditional acceptance uh you can't say uh uh the dealer didn't wouldn't take my 1099a how do I do a lean security uh you're jumping the gun there you got to do a conditional acceptance first then you create that creates the the lean security and then once you C create the lean security you can assign that debt to the treasury or the the uh the secretary of the United States Treasury you assign it to him you give it all to him and then you'll create a contract giving them 35% to collect all right uh so now uh and when you do that contract you will send it to 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue that's a contract with the treasury that's where the treasury is uh so that's where we're at folks with uh with that now so I'm talking to this uh guy today he's about my age got thrown out of the group uh and what he was I know why he was thrown out I know uh Administration was that's what they were that's what they do they were designed to do that uh if you're not in their uh talking about uh Chris Howser's conditional acceptance uh then you're trying to add something to it or trying to put some other process in there many of y'all that have been on there seen that have already seen this uh but look there's a lot of you guys out there like him uh that have gone the extra mile and are are well past the green people that are in there uh have a little consideration you were there once yourself uh bring them up bring them up man uh start them off on the milk you can't give them meat right away that blows their freaking mind uh it'll make them sick it's made a lot of them come out it's made a lot of them come out of the group and I know who you are too those of you that have kind of dodged away uh and I understand why it's confusing and it's stressful and all you want to do is learn uh but there's a lot of you guys out there that have done this process and you're setting on documents right now that could be monitorized uh your hundred million thing you got there you could monitorize the back of it and now it becomes money um you can send it to the to the treasury you can contract with the treasury um I wouldn't suggest trying this on your own uh even though you guys got big brains and you've been all down that road I wouldn't suggest trying it until you understand exactly how to do these contracts but you can actually monitorize that uh document that you have by let me see if I've got one right here uh by doing the back of it uh we did it to the to the UCC ones when we did the use the UCC On's and the 3es to create uh lean Securities uh we monitorized the back of them okay by doing this little thing we got going on right here okay uh and they were notorized okay uh this document by doing that you can do the same thing to yours monitorize it by putting the information on the back of it and then you can sign it just like a check then you can assign it to the treasury here you go treasury here's a $100 million it's all yours 100% of it yours uh but now we have a contract you you can have this because you need it all when you do the lean Securities that you're going to get give 100% I gave 100% of $24 million to the treasury here you go it's all yours every freaking red Penny belongs to you uh you're entitled to 35% if you collect believe me you give the the treasury uh 35 million of your 100 million they are going to collect for you okay now that's where we're going uh you big guys that have been in at this for a while uh let let me let me see a show of hands right now anybody that's got that $100 million document that's got their money raise your hand raise your hand I wish I could see everybody's hand not going up right here uh okay what good was it for you to go do this and you ain't got the money think about it this way you did all this stuff and you notified your government or the government uh that that you you have this much money uh think about this the treasury is probably setting up there going damn this dude's got all this money and don't know what the freak to do I wonder when he's going to come get his money I don't know how long this process has been going on quite a while though I think uh the guy I talked to today said he did his back in 2017 uh yeah the treasury is going damn dude why aren't you freaking collecting your money every one of yall out got this hund million doll document out there has been going around telling everybody you got it uh yeah go get it then okay look if you've done that process uh leave your email address in the comments or send it to me on messenger if you're not uh comfortable with that uh and I'll leave mine I'll leave my email address in the comments so you can send it to me a messenger you can send it to me by by email let's get all you guys together and let's go get your freaking money uh it's yours uh it's time to go get it uh look y'all the the the telegram channel is doing exactly what I freaking want it to do okay um now that some of you guys know this uh you might start acting right if you want to stay in the game uh because old Chris is vetted about well I got a notebook here has got about 850 860 names in it uh and I've got I've vetted most of y'all uh well no because there's about two two 2,000 a lot of people have dodged out though a lot of people haven't been on there in a little while and I know this too uh I might have been born at night but it wasn't last night uh yeah so uh that's pretty much it look yall don't freaking do because you think you know how to do it uh not without at least talking to somebody uh if you're a doctor and you're you know you're an onocologist say you're an onocologist right and now you you've diagnosed yourself with cancer wouldn't you go get another a second opinion I don't know too many doctors that don't diagnose their yourself that don't get a second opinion I know very few lawyers that represent their s uh I was in Nashville with uh a lawyer he came down from Kansas he was a lawyer and he came down to Nashville and went to a party well he had a big bunch of pills uh and he committed statutory rape with a 16 or 17y old yeah and got slammed put in jail busted with the drugs uh he was disbarred in his State uh and could have represented himself uh I was talking to him about all this challenge of jurisdiction and and all this stuff and he was going yeah yeah man that yeah I know I know what you're talking about man yeah it makes sense yeah it does well dumb freaking bastard went ahead and freaking hired a lawyer anyway you could have went in here you're a lawyer you know this they don't do that folks lawyers hire other lawyers when they get in trouble uh because they've all been brainwashed to believe that uh you know uh uh a defendant that has a has a a does his own representation has a fool for a client uh yeah they're brainwashed into that he could have walked in there and walked out he agreed with everything that I was saying uh that they don't have it and he he was even the one that explained to me the uh the the the oath to the bar that's crazy uh in the oath to the bar they swear an oath to the crown yeah folks they swear an oath to the crown it isn't to the you know it's crazy he put some up on me man he's one told me judges were members of the bar association why are you a member of the bar when you can't practice it practice law From the Bench still had his own so I'm suggesting you all uh before you step on the proverbial proverbial dick uh get some advice uh do you think God to do this and then then on top of that it doesn't hurt to pray uh pray and ask ask the father if you're doing the right thing uh he he will he won't lead you in the wrong direction he never does he'll lead you in the right direction but you may wander but other than that folks it's 45 minutes into it it got a little long like I said it would but uh hang in there let's get together and I'm watching I'm watching peace and blessings good brothers and sisters there