[Music] [Music] welcome back to mr. Reagan everyone were playing support while of the sword in basketball legend of zelda breath of the wild in the last episode we did the first leg of the beginning trial pain here we are again for leg two I actually recorded a section before and I died I've got absolutely white that's so hard that's so hard I have to do it all over again lay down I've cooked a few meals here I've got some some really good defense stuff here and I've got some other stuff here some attack if you attack we're gonna use a body meat skewer here because he's gonna give us l5 hearts with a little bit of attack so it's gonna be good this is a water area so we've got to be very careful of swimming Lazare forces they're really really annoying because you're you're literally at a disadvantage as soon as you hit the water we've got guys over there a bad guy over there and shoot this they're gonna get electrocuted and we're gonna attack alright let's this is freezystar a second oh yeah I'm in danger I am in danger huh it's two of them out get out ow okay he's getting health as well I just need a fight one at a time would be fit oh my gosh okay just just killed one oh my good putting this water why don't go for two of them all at once okay ah let's get some health pills is probably gonna be really good right now that's probably the best thing we've gots gone for us right now here we go you are on fire okay just pick that up want to get him good I killed one okay get on fire it's probably it's gonna hit him it's going for the gone for the kill here get out get out of the water just oh my gosh [Music] just can you die please how are you still alive okay what's in here what are you what do we got give me something good no you just die get him in the head just really just going for good okay he's dead okay well that was anticlimactic we're not here for entertainment we're here we're here to live Oh I sneak strike them good a sneak strike a sneak strike all right I'm the ground-floor number hey there's that bad guy over there oh yeah it's one over there as well okay woof a silver bow oh that's nice that's you you are dead you see me good all right get him down Jim okay no he's up where's it where's he where's he popping boom oh my goodness he's he's staying around the edge of the water oh just let's just keep this do this because because he's just he's being a buck he's staying out by the water she's really annoying look at him no I don't stop move oh well that was so close look how far out he is come and fight us like I know my boy broke as well okay yep come I'm just gonna use the brachial arrows cuz I'm gonna run out come on thank you good Guardian that was ridiculous [Music] beautiful thank you alright now this next one is the one where I died so I'm not looking forward to this at all as soon as we get in there there's gonna be a lizalfos that's gonna spot us and we have to shoot him straight on if we don't do it we die alright let's go get him sees us no come on in head butt yeah alright he's gone okay yeah it's true there it's too dead that's all we got to do the day of white ones what we're gonna do is we're gonna get our big bad boy like this come on one level no come on kill him kill him come on don't you okay one more yes I've got one okay one is dead hate water levels so much let's get worst what are we gone please give me something good please give me okay all right lots of arrows what's it lots of Erised lots lots of arrows yes it was annoys me yet come on come on come on the moment won't he see me throw over there okay okay don't get in the water no man don't do this get out of the water you butt-faced okay arrows good you have to use something okay oh oh we're gonna use our attack up oh no don't fall no don't fall in the water do not fall in the water dad Oh quick get out of the get up oh my goodness get out get off that was the that was the worst even he's just he's just bouncing around the water can you get out we do what is he doing [Music] yeah yeah I'm just gonna do this ho please does this this is the worst attacking I've ever done in my life come on this is ridiculous this is so stupid this is the dumbest thing ever done but he's not coming out of the water so it's not really much I can do is there okay it's coming to an end soon oh no okay come on come on this is how we're gonna do it come on one more note one more there we go we did it that was the worst that was actually so bad this is so bad ah man I wasted my attack up for with that that was that was so bad did you make cams there's you're gonna take everything everything we've got and taking it and taking all your money it's not a cool trial I need some chips what's this oh no it's the raft it's the wrong dear all right we're going sailing up to our death no mist aah oh my gosh get him why aren't you going aah oh no my raft Oh raft oh you gave me the bass oh my gosh who's next okay I'm cute another one oh my gosh you're dead as well you know all right good okay rough was actually good remember the last time we battled the raft and we did not have a good time - no no no no no no I don't want to get on this island this is a bad island this is not the island we weren't hold on a second I just got to hit them off into I've got to hit them off that's it that's all I have to do good guy okay okay they're gone oh you think ah what this big one going spearfishing Harper don't need any of these I want the big one thank you very much to do it a little bit of Health is really helpful to have the Rose if we can just hit them off that would be great snake strike we'll go sneak strike but you know see ya good get out I'm head it has to be more this is not good it's a white one this is a joke oh oh no he's coming down downstairs he's coming down the stairs ah oh my gosh oh my gosh just get me there you go all right let's see what he dropped because it was probably really good luck Wow are you kidding he had something really really good our soldiers broadsword yes goodbye oh yes fire is no laughing not us and we're gonna be yes more fire always thank goodness oh oh my gosh she's cut he's coming down he's coming he's coming to meet us it's coming to meet us let's do this yay you're dead that was easy we don't we got all this stuff I can't carry no more melee weapons yes that was good no I think it was good I think it was I don't know if it was doesn't matter how dirty we play we've gotta get rid of that needs that all of course that's well this is like the final boss isn't it that's not bad that's good no that's not good that's that's not the start you want what it's it's made of metal uh ii III you ii agree all right well if i don't have a weapon I'm gonna use the big boy I got him in the box that's good there we go ah it's big boy I'm meeting you in the eyeball why you killing me ah oh I got some stuff [Music] oh my goodness this is bad it's bad ah [Music] all right okay okay this is good because we're just going in hitting him the eyeball a barber the back that he's taking it [Music] oh dear ah he's gonna kill me he's actually gonna kill me ah Oh buddy go go ah don't squish me Chrissy gently oh dear oh my gosh he nearly went for the punch but one more on him I got him ah idea just go let's just go let's go it's let's go I do I do not enjoy this there's a point in this game where it's like this is not enjoyable yes we've done the first leg we've done the first leg oh dear that's that's something we've done the first leg quick okay so the one chosen by the sacred blade I commend your efforts in this trial you were now strong enough to wield more of the master swords power than ever before courageous hero chosen by the blade that's us take hold of the Master Sword gladly gladly we would we would take it let's go isn't that beautiful look at the trees and the volcanoes and mountains and the bird and the camel and all of it that's just that's beautiful it's really beautiful but we just want to get the sword and get out we're taking it with us oh it's good to be back give us give us more power of the Master Sword oh yeah Oh Master Sword you would now is more powerful than before yeah we can do 40 damage that's pretty good that's exciting that's something else isn't it if you desire still more power and wish to retry the blades test once again place the master sword in its pedestal [Music]