hey there welcome to Conan O'Brien needs a friend and I'm hanging here with Sona messian hey son hi Conan and uh Mr mad gorley hi know I don't know why I did that hello Mr President I'm just happy to see you guys I I have something I want to bring up to you actually that's sounds something this weekend that I realized okay did did you hear he just said he was happy I know I know and I want to cuz there's always it never last I really was I haven't seen you guys in like I don't know 10 days or something and I was happy to see you so there you go so anyway let's hear your thing what is it what's up no now you just threw me off no no no what is it let's I hate this okay all right well okay so my kids go to an Armenian school I don't know if you knew this I'm Armenian and then we they learn about notable Armenians and one of the most notable Armenian composers is araman who's like he's like well known everyone has like heard of something what kind of stuff does he comp well I will tell you I will tell okay I'm sorry I'm coming in hot cuz I just realized something this weekend that upset me you took his most famous composition the saber dance and you made it the theme for the masturbating bear and I um when I figured that out you that was our guy and you made him the masturbating beer thing because that's what I used to hum when I masturbated as a teenager oh out of respect for The Armenian culture I well I just loved him I think he's one of the great Armenian composers but you got to admit it works really well with a bear masturbating it's just I think there's there's a generation of people who think that was made specifically for the masturbating bear and they don't realize it's part of a bigger beautiful thing well first of all don't you think that however they hear the music it's introducing them to a great Armenian artist and then they can go and appreciate the music on in its own right by singing bees bees he's it's also it starts right as he grabs his junk and starts jerking it yeah that's when you would I mean in comedy that's when you would hit the music but it's not even like hey here's the intro for the masturbating it's like that's the theme song for him jerking it is is is is well is this work by this Armenian composer well first of all we didn't say what Armenian song would work well with a bear masturbating it just happened to be that that was the best song and I think that speaks to this man's creativity also sabber could be a euphemism and maybe he wrote it for masturbate no it's a saber dance the people dance with Sabers in it yeah that's a euphemism like I danced with my saber last night the dick dance yeah no it's masturbting no I remember he's in there dancing with his saber I said to Matt you know how'd it go last night he said oh wife's out of town I did the Old Saber dance last night that's right and I I remember he remember you he said that yeah so bad I couldn't sit down yeah it's a grown man in a bear costume jerking it to no he was real he was a real bear oh but anyway um I don't know why you're upset about this honestly I don't know why you're upset about it because what because so many young kids know that song or some over the years because of the masturbating bear which was a very popular character and I mean Eduardo you would never have heard of the saber dance unless you had seen masturbating bear I would have been honored if you did like Mariachi loo to it so I don't know why you're upset that's not true no you wouldn't yes he would we have so very little and I think you took one of the things you talking about you have Sher you have do the you have uh the Kardashians you have Dr kavorkian glissan glissan you know no no you have you have you have all kinds of dried fruits and apricots oh my God no seriously you have a beautiful culture you don't say we have so little you have so much no I think I think that you I you could have used it for any other bit and then you used it for the masturbating bear and now people like when we were listening to it playing for the boys in the car T was like isn't this the song for the masturbating bear and I was like no way and then I Googled it and it was what do you mean no way you work for me this was one of my biggest cultural Achi achievements and you didn't know that this was the music that went with the masturbating bear I have a bigger question when was this written is this guy getting royalties from the masturbating bear or is it like oh this is this is a long time ago how long ago you don't know anything about him oh I don't know he he was during the Soviet era I know I think he was like in the you know late 60s maybe wait so he was under he was under wait a minute he was under Stalin's thumb when he wrote this he was under the he was under the iron Jack boot what difference does that make though well I'm just saying you know now I have different implications with that song can you change it no it's been done it's happened it's over and can I say something his estate I'm not I'm sure he's not around I'm sure he's pass yeah Stan took care of him um but Jesus um but uh I want to assure you that his estate has made a lot of money off of that that they can use towards all kinds of cool uh projects to further Armenian culture so you have no right to be angry with me none whatsoever and as the judge here I find you I find I throw this not only do I throw this case out but I fine you for bringing it who made you the judge I think you own my entire community in apology isn't it Con O'Brien needs a okay you should just apologize to no how much I I went to Armenia with no I went to Armenia with you I have done everything I can to uplift and uphold I married you no that's not true I no no I I christened your children in the Armenian Church I was okay I learned lines in Armenian yeah uh I have performed an Armenian wedding didn't I do that no well yeah you you married my friend Christina piss and her husband don't call her piss yeah okay so you're thinking I'm disrespecting people you're Armen you're good Armenian friend his name piss yeah but you took our one of our most famous composers took his music and put it for the masturbating bear and I just think because I knew that that would spread joy every yes I was going to say just think of all the joy that that song is given people also I will say we've had many musicians on this podcast not to go against you son I'm sorry but and they've always said they create a song and it goes out into the world and then people bring their own meanings to that song in in in this in this you know in this example that meaning is a bare masturbating but I'm just saying you know it's it's people bring their own their own meetings to the song the doesn't belong turning in his grave he's turning in his grave from what you've done grave Stalin didn't oh God when he shot people in a basement they just went away There's No Grave I'm sorry you know I'm fine using the music this is going too far okay