Survey of World Religions: Introduction

Jul 14, 2024

Survey of World Religions: Introduction

Instructor Introduction

  • Instructor: Roderick Fered
  • Background:
    • Christian for 40 years
    • Preacher of the Gospel for 35 years
    • Traveled globally, coming into contact with various religions

Course Details

  • Course Title: A Survey of World Religions
  • Duration: 20 class periods
  • Class Length: 35 to 38 minutes
  • Materials: Notes available through the World Video Bible School

Importance of Studying World Religions

  • Existence of Religions: 12 major living religions
    • Animism, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism
  • Purpose: To give an overview of fundamental doctrines and beliefs
  • Nature of Man: Incurable religious instinct, historically and culturally consistent

Universal Religious Belief

  • Desire to Believe: Instilled by God, separates man from animals
  • Bible References: Genesis 1:27, John 4:24, Luke 24:39
  • Difference from Animals: Animals lack spiritual nature and eternal souls

Definition of Religion

  • Funk & Wagnalls Dictionary: Complex definition encompassing beliefs, attitudes, emotions, behavior
  • Simplified Definition: Binding man back to God or a set of sacred beliefs
  • Etymology: Latin word 'religio' (to bind again)

Need to Study World Religions

  1. Globalization: Modern transportation and communication have shrunk the world
  2. Immigration & Growth: Increase in adherents of various religions in previously homogenous areas
  3. Militancy & Aggression: World religions becoming more proactive in conversion
  4. Understanding and Preaching
    • Preach to all creatures regardless of religion (Mark 16:15-16)
    • Prepare with understanding of other doctrines
  5. Understanding Global Events: Many events are motivated by religious beliefs
    • Example: Extremist actions in the name of Islam (jihad)

Christianity and Study of World Religions

  • Misconception: Not all religions lead to the same destination
  • Christian Doctrine:
    • One true God (Deuteronomy 6:4)
    • One Savior, Jesus Christ (John 14:6)
    • One Gospel (Romans 1:16)
    • One Body/Church (Ephesians 1:22-23, 4:4)
  • Plan of Salvation:
    • Hear the Gospel (Romans 10:17)
    • Believe in Jesus (John 8:24)
    • Repent of sins (Luke 13:3)
    • Confess Christ (Romans 10:10)
    • Be baptized (Acts 2:38)


  • Universal Religious Practice: All societies have religion
  • Separation from Animals: Man's spiritual nature distinguishes him
  • Why Study Religions: Understanding a smaller, interconnected world
  • Preview: Next lesson will focus on Islam