Understanding Significant Figures in Science Pt.1

Aug 22, 2024

Lecture on Significant Figures

Introduction to Significant Figures

  • Also known as significant digits.
  • Purpose: To ensure precision in computations is not overstated beyond the precision of measured quantities.

Conceptual Understanding

  • Significant figures indicate which digits in a number convey meaningful information about precision.
  • Important in scientific measurements to reflect the accuracy of the measurement process.

Examples and Identification of Significant Figures

  1. Example 1: 0.00700

    • Significant figures: 7, 0, 0
    • Total: 3 significant figures.
    • Explanation: Leading zeros are not significant; they are merely placeholders.
    • Conversion example: 0.00700 km is equivalent to 7.00 meters (precision shown).
  2. Example 2: 0.052

    • Significant figures: 5, 2
    • Total: 2 significant figures.
    • Explanation: Leading zeros before the first non-zero digit are not significant.
  3. Example 3: 370.

    • Significant figures: 3, 7, 0
    • Total: 3 significant figures.
    • Explanation: The decimal point indicates all digits are significant.
  4. Example 4: 370.0

    • Significant figures: 3, 7, 0, 0
    • Total: 4 significant figures.
    • Explanation: Trailing zeros after a decimal point are significant.
  5. Example 5: 700.004

    • Significant figures: 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4
    • Total: 6 significant figures.
    • Explanation: All digits including zeros between significant digits are counted.
  6. Example 6: 37,000

    • Ambiguity in significant figures.
    • Without further information, assume 2 significant figures: 3, 7.
    • For clarity, a decimal point can be added (e.g., 37,000.) to indicate 5 significant figures.

General Rules for Determining Significant Figures

  • Do not count leading zeros.
  • Count all non-zero digits.
  • Count zeros between non-zero digits.
  • Trailing zeros only count if there is a decimal point.


Understanding significant figures is crucial in scientific measurements to ensure clarity and precision in data representation. Applying these principles helps avoid errors in scientific computations and improves the accuracy of results.