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Learning React in 2024
Jul 3, 2024
Learning React in 2024
Why React is important:
Powerful JavaScript library for creating dynamic, single-page web applications.
Video structure:
Obsolete topics in React 2024
Beginner to Advanced roadmap
Recommended resources and tips to avoid tutorial hell
Obsolete Topics in React 2024
Class Components:
Replaced by functional components and hooks.
Learn only if needed for legacy projects.
Higher-Order Components (HOCs):
Rarely used in new projects.
Replaced by TypeScript for type safety.
While still useful, it's no longer essential due to modern alternatives like Context API.
Other Obsolete Topics:
Use of
hook, forward refs, lazy loading
React Learning Roadmap
Beginner Level
Understanding React:
Importance and features
Setting up a React App:
Use Vite instead of
: Syntax and its purpose.
Functional Components
: Basics and usage.
: Passing data through components.
State Management
: Using
User Inputs:
Handling forms and inputs.
Conditional Rendering:
operations in JSX.
Using map to render lists.
CSS in React:
Inline styling, importing CSS files.
Intermediate Level
useEffect Hook:
Managing side effects and lifecycle methods.
useContext Hook and Context API:
Global state management.
React Router:
Adding navigation to your app.
Fetching Data:
Using APIs (Fetch API, React Query).
Project Building:
Focus on practical implementation.
Advanced Level
Other React Hooks:
, others as needed.
Advanced State Management:
React Query, optimizing performance.
Enhancing React with TypeScript.
Testing in React:
Writing tests, using testing libraries.
GraphQL Integration:
Using Apollo Client for GraphQL.
Using Next.js:
Learning Next.js for server-side rendering, etc.
Learning Approach
Avoid long, marathon tutorial sessions:
Break tutorials down and try out concepts practically.
Project-Based Learning:
Spend 70-80% of your time building projects.
Challenge Yourself:
Tackle projects slightly above current skill level to promote learning through problem-solving.
Practical Learning:
Integrate new concepts into projects as needed.
Avoid Tutorial Hell:
Don't just watch tutorials, apply what you learn immediately.
Like and Subscribe:
Helps to boost the reach of the videos.
Hostinger Recommendation:
Non-sponsored endorsement of their services for web deployment.
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