Transcript for:
Automatisierung von Social Media mit Canva

this is how you use the brand new canva module in make to automate the creation of hundreds if not thousands of unique images and texts in chat GPT that you can then automate and make to post on your Instagram or other social media platforms you've probably seen these types of posts everywhere on places like Instagram because they work and they're a great complement to your social media strategy in this video I'll show you how you build it step by step so you can get rock and rolling and get started my name is Jack and my YouTube channel and my school Community all about three things we're about the latest AI we're about incredible automations but most importantly we're about the stuff that actually works so if you haven't already grab that coffee and let's jump straight in I'll start by showing exactly how this works I'll give you a very simple automation for you to Plug and Play and get started with the new canva module so for example let's say that we create 50 different unique quotes following this prompt for Alex's latest book we would download this into CSV this then comes through to Cana and I'll show you exactly how you do the step by step by the way and we use a feature called create that gives us all these different images so it's exact same everything else is hardcoded the image the background and we can just change the just change text and we can figure anything want to if you want to change multiple text it's super easy to do I'll show you how you that in a second now the cool thing about this new canva API is the fact that now we can post to social media from canva so we actually don't need to download from Cana anymore and upload it this is all done automatically with the brand new canva API so we start off with our tools module that creates an increment for each page this is then exporting the design from canva directly from our bul create we then upload to Dropbox make an API call to get the image and then this image will be posted automatically to Instagram now the reason why this API thing here is really cool with canva is the fact that we can say hey run this scenario every day every two days every 3 days so that once you create it in canva it will run automatically with the canva API what a lot of us wanted to see was the ability to edit text within canva to do that you need a developer account so I'm going to do a video and that in the future cover what that might look like for the Pips of moment this is something you can get started with right now and start using your social media platforms literally today so let's say for example you wanted to get 50 of these types of posts on Instagram and let's say we wanted to do something with Alexa Mery a really cool website by the way is this website here called PDF coffee where you can get the pdf version of most books for the purposes of this automation I'm going to show you how we could take 50 quotes from Alex os's book and turn them into Instagram posts so we can start by giving it the following prompt which is this based on this PDF quote 50 quotes in the below format innovate now plan later sometimes you must invest then investigate use 125 characters maximum this is because of the text length on canva make the quotes valuable bite size information to digest in short form content turn this into CSV for me to export so what I do I then just upload the book I wanted to analyze and I've just uploaded the $100 million offers book which is a phenomenal book and exceptional and if you want to do this for your own work maybe you want to extract the you know the transcript of your podcast maybe with your own books this is an excellent way way for any content you make to get into bite-sized Clips so imagine you do a podcast with a friend for 3 hours we could use this just to draw out you know 20 30 4050 clips and again this could also be automated I just wanted to give you something really simple that you could just get started with to get used to the canva API I've got so many videos on the channel in the school community that go in depth to like the level 10 depth this is just something really easy and fun do you can get with to get started uh if you just want a quick nice Automation and to leverage what I think is quite a cool feature in C so this is analyzing the PDF once it's done that it's then going to create 50 quotes for us so it's going to be stuff and we let's check out the file and see for ourselves we download this file in the file we can see action is a Kure for anxiety do this first then improve what else we got success in business is about practicing practicing offers until you win blah blah blah 50 quotes just like that perfect so then guys then we come over to canva you're going to select on logo for the dimensions like so we're going to get rid of this and then just design this the way that you want the one that I've seen working really well actually is with this kind of background you see so for example if I just copy this as a for instance I'm going to come back over but just design this in any style that you want in any picture canva will also let you match the color of the background for consistency like that so say this is the format that we like and that we want all we would ever do guys is you see in the bottom left here bulk create we just simply click on bulk create we come down to upload data we then select the file from upload data and what it's identified in the CSV is quotes if I had multiple headings it would have quote it could have author so for instance I could have Alex hosi Lea hosi Mr muu hosi and we could basically change that every single post but I just to keep this simple we're going to do one variable field so what we click on this we click on connect data and we click on quotes and now essentially what that's connected with is everything in the quote column with this piece of text now look if I put continue here and look at this guys this has pulled through all 50 quotes that we had but I just say hey generate 50 designs and then the magic happens and the magic is basically brings every single thing that we want right here you see 46 47 perfect now what we want to do is give this a wonderful name so we'll call this hosi quotes 100 million offers and like that perfect now the next thing we need to do is create scenario in make so let's head over to make and build the scenario out so the first thing you want to do guys to make sure that you post one at a time is use something called the increment function so we click on tools and then you're going to search for increment and essentially what this will do is it Returns the value one and then each time it runs it just goes plus one so reset a value never we don't need it for this one and then we just click okay now the next thing you want to do is add in the canva module the beautiful brilliant canva module I must admit one of the things that I wanted to see with this canva module was the ability to edit in Cana that doesn't seem like it's available unless you get down the make an API call so I'm investigating that at the moment and I look forward to sharing some details on that when it's done so in the Cana module what do we need we're going to export a design then we're going to upload a file and then get an API to get the URL for that file and then essentially it's just going to post for you on autopilot so look we come over exported design and basically it's one click opens to new browser you log in you're ready to go pick the folder ID for me it's just the basics because I'm a Savage I don't have my canva organized in folders yet I know it's crazy oh my goodness yeah if I if I drank less coffees maybe I have more heads space to do it then we need to pick the design ID so the design ID is basically what we called it so we call this homos quotes 100 million offers so let's check if we can find that for Mery ques $100 million offers awesome now export type I want to put PNG lossless now export as a single image you can leave that as no for the moment uh height you can just specify the size if I just said just for argument sake 500 I think realistically you want about a th000 a th000 for this and then you put the pages and then for Pages guys all you do look at this right we click on that and it's just the output from increment function so the first time a snar runs it'll be one then two then three and you know what the sequence looks like so we click on that we click okay Ace now the next thing we want to do to post on Instagram on make what we need is a URL for the image add in the upload file to Dropbox so we come out a little bit click on Dropbox let's go for upload a file like so wonderful I'm going to pick choose a folder it doesn't really matter which one you pick but pick anyone you like so I'll go for m 3 and then for the file we'll just put a file name here which I would just say call it the increment function so for every new project you have so you have file one file two file three file four and then we've got the data and the data is just going to be exactly what we've seen from canva then we click okay now the next thing you want to do guys is the same thing again Dropbox and we're going to put on here make an API call okay awesome now what I want you to do is put in the these exact details so look I'm going to come over make an API call I'll put this link in the description for you so you can just grab and go and get this you come over type that in there perfect and then at the bottom what we need to add in is something in particular for this particular thing which is going to be this which is path path lower okay so we come down again I'll put in the description for you so you can just grab and go and except for this time it's not modle 24 it actually is let me bring it over here so you get a good look at it and we'll just find path glower which is right there and then we click okay and then finally guys let's go for Instagram uh Instagram for business and then we're just going to put here create photo post like so and this is going to load in the background and then it says photo URL and then the photo URL what what we need to do first to get the photo URL is just run the scenario one more time so un link that I'm going to run this uh in particular so let me just uh come here and run once that's export the design excellent the tool incremental function that should be like a three or something and this is fail because we didn't have a proper file name so what you need to do is i.png all right come so let's try that one one more time uh and this should work perfectly this time you know pesky very particular about the pngs so we're just going to run this once so we can get the data to import into the Instagram for business and then you going be ready to rock and roll awesome so then we're going to connect that together Instagram for business we then click on this and then we give it the photo URL so what's the photo URL I hear you saying so what we need to do actually is delete this guy and bring it back in again uh because sometimes if you run a module beforehand it won't prepopulate the items so again click on create photo post like so photo URL and you see now almost by Magic the data has repopulated awesome and you're just going to click on link and then for caption for argument sake I'm just going to put ABC right here of course we can automate that with loads of other beautiful fills and automations of things which is excellent so for example what we could do is just add a chat GPT module to analyze it and then create a text post for us and then just put that into the caption as well just to give us some really good Instagram captions and I'll show you how you do that in a second as a bit of a bonus then we click okay and then guys you've basically created the entire automation so let's run it one more time and see if this works so what we would do is we come down here to schedule settings regular intervals and we just say do it every day and what that means is every day we'll get one post that comes out with our cool homoi quot so I'm going to hit run once tools functions worked what number is it to number four so basically this is now working guys and if you s it correctly image 4 should be what we now see on Instagram and guys once you've got 50 60 100 500 a thousand of these just let it go forever and every day you'll get a brand new post and Chach BT is done a phenomenal job of capturing the essence of those quotes this is something truly auto part and if I come over to Instagram I can see grow or die business is either growing or shrinking guys and that is literally the entire Automation in a nutshell and guys to get a unique caption for this all you do is come here like so going to click on chat gbt uh just type in Vision analyzes image Vision which is awesome and then we've got a prompt then we just add the image and again it won't image URL so again just add the same thing that we had in the last one which is here I'm going to do a prompt and for that guys I'm just going to shut over to my school community and I'm going to grab the um prompt sequence that we've got for making something on Instagram so I'm going to come down to agents uh let's have a look at Instagram real quick and then we'll can pull down the all the code for that Instagram agent which is excellent and then we're going to copy all of this beautiful text we going come back over now to chat gbt sorry excuse me come back over to this now we've got our prompt and then guys just make sure that you select the model there in GPT 40 look to the top excellent and then guys what we're going to do is click okay like so and then what we're going to do is bring these in over here we're going to click on this and then for the caption we'll just going to put the result from chat GPT and then we click okay and then we right click and let's just call this one Vision caption okay cool with of course the eyes CU it's all about Vision okay okay and then we're going to save it and we'll call this one canva build together like so sweet awesome now we align it and all we do guys is we hit play and then we watch it happen and Lally in the background so run once tool increment functions worked Cana is now exporting the design which is excellent draw box make CPI call the vision is now cor the caption and now it's getting added Instagram for business so when I load up Instagram now I should see the brand new image with a caption all completely done on AO pallette from that one action at the beginning and guys if I load it up I can see we've got the actual image and then we've got a caption for the Instagram and guys it is as simple as that and you just made an AI automation with canva I know this video is just a little bit shorter so let me know you think Down Below on this kind of length in any case guys have a wonderful week and I will see you in my next video