Transcript for:
Lecture on Media, Propaganda, and Racial Stereotyping

[Music] black men being targeted is nothing new BB Francis crust Wilson spoke about it BB morba Annie spoke about it Baba Elijah Muhammad spoke about it a lot of the greats that came before us spoke about it this is nothing new if you go back to the film The Birth of a Nation and look at the way they portray black people on film l [Music] look at the way they put us on film they understand the power of propaganda they understand because from that film led to the red summer the slaughtering of hundreds of black people across the US led to the the destruction of Wall Street so these people understand if you fast forward Hitler Nazi Germany the way the Germans use propaganda against the Jews let's read it it says Nazi propaganda the Nazis effectively use propaganda to win the support of millions of Germans in a democracy and later in a dictatorship to facilitate persecution War and ultimately genocide The Stereotype and images found in Nazi propaganda were not new but they are they were already familiar to their intended audience so they implant these thoughts they implant this image in the mind of those that they want to convince or those that they want to keep in their way and in their line of thinking look at what was used against the Jews look at the images it says here Nazi films portray Jews as subhuman creatures infiltrating Aran Society look here it says they communicated through ART music theater films books radio educational materials in the press this is all the same things that they're doing today and this isn't to advocate for Jews or to advocate for anybody else because because they were all involved in our enslavement and still are today the difference is we're still going through a genocide so the point isn't to Advocate but the point is to show how they use propaganda against us the power the power of media when they showed you Kobe Bryant when they showed you R Kelly When they showed you Tiger Woods when they showed you Kyrie and how they implied that he was anti-semitic from sharing simp sharing a post which when you go on Amazon the same thing he shared is still up today so if it's so anti-semitic why is this still online but yet they spank Kyrie for showing and for sharing information because they don't want you to know who you are and not only do they want you not want you to know who you are but anything that is shown that is opposite of the image they are portraying of you in the media has to be torn down they understand the power of influence black people with the power to influence think about Beyonce and Jay-Z and how they uh helped during the race riots with Freddy um Freddy gray and Mike Brown Michael Brown and how they helped that was a concern see you got to understand why was that a concern because they have the influence JC and Beyonce had influence that they couldn't just outright help they had to do it in a way but why is that concerning think about all the artists of influence that helped all the way back from uh the Civil Rights era that was of influence and they had these mysterious deaths that nobody can figure out what happened to them come on what do we think happened to them oldis reading Sam Cook this is a reality so I'm only doing this because black people black people we have a problem coating correlating reality with reality they are painting an image of you what did they do to the black athlete when those Brothers stood up and made a fist at the Olympics like Colin Kaepernick see they don't white supremacy doesn't want to be called out when you stand up against white supremacy they don't want to be called out LeBron James think about it what Lauren L what's her Lam said she said shut up and dribble shut up and play they will try to silence you any chance they get they want to silence your voice it's always unwise to seek political advice from someone who gets paid $100 million a year to bounce a ball oh and LeBron and Kevin you're great players but no one voted for you you Millions elected Trump to be their coach so keep the political commentary to yourself or as someone once said shut up and dribble they did the same thing to Jim Brown to Bill Russell and uh who was it that's that um actually tweeted or wrote back and said we're not politicians but we still have the right to speak because right is right and wrong is wrong so you're telling me because these guys are athletes they don't have any right to freedom of speech to say what they're thinking about their conditions where does this come from it's a racial Trope used to tell other races these black Negroes are getting out of hand look at the lynching Memorial that took place in DC why why did the lynching take place because it was of black men that had land black men that owned businesses they're not going to kill the they're not going to do that to the poor black man but the black man with the power to change the conditions of his of his people do you understand so we are watching the modern-day lynching of these black men and only the ones that play along and get along they become accredited faces of our race they become the Black Faces that's accredited to us but in reality we know that they are only doing what's being told and as soon as they step outside those bounds they will be just like anyone else Uncle Luke said it he sat with um Stephen A Smith and he said they will spank thank you they will put you in your place and Stephen A he he agreed and he said yes they will the world a big business when you make an enemy a big business along the way they know enough about you yes they do to come for you when they want to come for you yes yes they do you say and and and and it don't have to involve jail it doesn't have to involve a crime it can involve them squeezing you out of your money making sure they humble you Beyond repair because we really know what's happening we want to pretend we don't but we really really we know what's happening this is the modern day lynching this is the castration this is the villainization of black men they have to make you the villain so they're painting this image if tomorrow your son gets accused of touching a white girl but he says no I really didn't do it if my son 12 years old come home and he says no Mom I really didn't didn't do it and he really didn't guess what he'll be another image too why because they already painted an image and they made you the villain so no I'm not standing up and saying our kelly didn't do it and this person didn't do that when we're listenting these black men we're showing you how they're taking your image and they're making a story for you how many white men done raped uh how many of the popes had these little kids how many of we have an enormous amount of people that will have these same stories and did it for years but they're not put in the media the same way why is that why is it just the black man the racist governor of vain he has a platform to speak these are guys on the name demoney smoothie Shifty uh these type of guys that come from Connecticut New York they come up here they sell their hairo on and they go back home incidentally half the time they impregnate a young white girl world before they leave which is a real sad thing because then we have another issue that we got to deal with down the road Trump has a platform to speak they have the power to influence the minds of the masses so we have to be careful and understand what we're looking at we have black University professors that's committing suicide because of the so-called microaggressions which we know are not microaggressions these are macro aggressions U Dr elae Ferguson Dr Elaine Ferguson came on to the Vantage Point some time ago and she said this is not trauma PTSD this is ongoing trauma this is not post-traumatic this is not microaggression this is macroaggressions happening every day in front of us but we are so distracted with everything else and everybody else and letting them consume our economics and consume our social behaviors and consume our entire world that we're not seeing how our black black men are being affected how our women are being affected how our children that we are raising to be the next generation are being affected so the reality is no this is nothing new [Music]