foreign hello everyone I'm Audible am I Audible okay note 9 please write your names as your this one yeah see congratulations to all of you we have landed on Moon properly today I brought with me my Windows system foreign [Music] first of all congratulations to all of you the success of Chandra and three hope all of you have seen the landing thank you sanjana okay so today mutually we'll have two things to do one is your will create demo devices for our setup and second we will go for yeah second the second point will be we'll create the Raspberry Pi virtual setup anyone who is having Raspberry Pi does have to skip that part and directly bring out the SSH screen okay okay [Music] so yesterday we ended up with pop test sorry okay let's uh faded to that don't have the habit of using idle that is the main scenario my voice is okay today yes it's okay yeah loud and clear okay so yesterday we were doing this LWT we have put up okay publish one chat will create so today we'll create some dummy devices I will show you how to create data devices which will behave just like our uh our own device okay foreign [Music] have you guys tried different things with mqtt slip machine but we want to you to speak a little louder okay uh wait I will do some setting changes let me see you can do something here [Music] you will not be able to speak more louder than this I don't know where I can increase just a second pause caption settings where are the settings [Music] [Music] use the fonts your font size I will increase don't worry don't worry about the first series then it will be important you will definitely see it enable annotation height Shear sign optimize video clip creating info share sound domain no I should not share this item just a second guys I think I'm not able to do anything here and this one oh okay fine I will try to speak louder I think now it's clear to you guys just give me a thumbs up if it is or just tell me yes or no on the in the chat so we will increase this one to something okay so here what was our broker which you are using not this one eight because this 52 Dot yeah it's also have to increase the font right in edit I have to go uh format options I think configure either it's okay everyone you want bigger font uh I will make it that's just very much High 29 degrees yeah this looks okay okay thank you loud and clear okay so let us look into this now so what we are planning to do is we are planning to create two devices uh which will replicate our own device which we have created yesterday that is your uh so let us keep this like this here we will leave this Wilt set will set will not use today uh connect is okay publish we were publishing in sensor okay now the data which we like to publish will be in some format so we'll use a foreign that is your temperature or we should make a simple Json file okay wait we'll create a Json object because see finally when you are writing complex devices now you have to send the payload in some format and in most cases we use Json for that you guys know Json right and the code mqtt link is there and this is a test client cloud testclient Dash Cloud Dot foreign [Music] broker ID is this one this is your broker ID to see your webpage thank you you can use the web client also you can use the Subscribe dot py also whichever one you want to use how many of you know what is Json [Music] who all don't know what is Json just ping me so that I can understand how much I should explain okay I understood so Json is a data format um used with JavaScript so what I will do is I will open the normal idle first [Music] how I should open and we'll run some a little bit code so that you understand what is Json okay open your idle right import report just see I will not go deep into this you can go through Json this is a very common topic just read about it what is Json how to uh what is the format in which it is said I will just simply give you it is something like your dictionary it is something like this x is equal to let's say single inverted commas inside so this one we are writing a dictionary let's say okay so I should say sensor is equal to scn is uh we have one key which is let's say temperature once let's say we will start with ID Dev ID okay divide is your first thing this I'm giving you ID it is uh test 0 1 is our first device ID okay then we have something like uh it has temperature to light it as temp and the temperature is I should write 22 .00 humidity it has which is again let's say 60 .00 and anything else is there temperature humidity here also add a timestamp to this later on I think you know what is time stamp just second everyone okay so I will keep it like this only for now later on we'll add times times and things like that more relevant okay after this what we do is we have two major function dump dumps load loads so let's say we create this uh data format called Json format Dot loads when you convert a dictionary to a Json object Json object is similar to your dictionary but not exactly that dictionary is for only python Json format is accessible by any code language call code language has some Library so let's print this out you can see the inverted commas are different here and if we call it like this y uh sorry yeah why let's say we put it as Dev ID sorry okay you can get the values like this everyone is clear with this I will write another example here oh the backspace does it work so here let's say we put temp okay so y can be accessed for each and every key so this Dev ID is the key and test uh 0 1 is the value temperature is the key temperature is the value and sorry temperature is the key and 2.22.0 is the value humidity is the key 60.0 is the value okay [Music] so this is your normal Json and again when we convert this say Json Jason dot dumps which converts your Json data to your object so if I do here now let's say type uh sorry type bracket my y so y will be a Json object it's a dictionary class here similarly if you do type oh sorry not type if I do a dumb uh Json Dot dumps for y okay you can see it has come back to the original form what was sense send and this is same it's mainly the inverted commas which are different here that's the only difference not much not much more than that okay now if you want to see a type of this also the type will be same only because python this doesn't differentiate between the two so this becomes a string so this becomes a string and this becomes a dictionary text okay so we'll use loads for this one and terms to send it so let's work this around for our code we will do import Json whatever it's showing us you can follow the same things you will not find any error you have done import Json I was doing it in idle you can see the steps [Music] okay okay now let's uh go back to our main code and try to create something from this okay so let's work this out we'll use uh something like this only copy paste this okay now it will become y uh or send data is equal to Json dot loads and in bracket will have set okay so now we'll get this as here but we want to do this I want to publish this on a regular basis okay so let us create a random value object because we want our device to behave like a real device so it will change the temperature so we'll keep the temperature ranged from 20 to 25 and humidity range from 55 to 65. okay so for this we'll use the random module just send so we want to create a float value um we have to see random float value you want right that's the same guys random float so first need to import the module these are all modules which are there already so we'll write it as import random okay now here uh in place of what we'll do is send data foreign then we I want temperature right temp will be equal to random wait it would be equal to random Dot random dot uniform random dot uniform okay in the bracket of what we said 20 20.00 to 25.00 not zero zero single digital okay this is your random temperature now similarly we will get the random humidity also see the code properly and write down wherever I'm doing changes let's do it not humidity fully quick foreign okay I'll copy paste the code again so don't worry about it so here we'll write it from 50 to 70. 50 or 55 to 65 that is okay this is your data now this changes your Sen data object now we'll cut this up from here and paste it before publish and this publish will put it in a while loop just while while true we have to indent this I give four spaces for my indentation okay after this we will give some delay so that this happens properly so I'm also importing time time dot sleep is the function for delay let's say every five seconds okay every five seconds it will be delayed will have random values coming to another one sensor and the payload is send uh underscore data but the problem here is that payload should be streamed always if it is number also we have to convert it this way so to convert the Json loads to string what we need to do is we need to do Json dot dumps and sensor data should be interested no sound coming everybody is not able to hear me guys you are able to hear me not a message was outcoming Audible hello I'm Audible it's audible not loud okay it's okay now [Music] these are okay how to increase the sound of the mic I don't know anyone can help me how to increase the sound Amar can you let me know how I can do that from my control I'm not very well versed with Windows normally uh Amma can you hear me okay I will be louder and near to the mic in the meantime okay so we have done Json dot dumps and I think this should work okay so let me see I will save this and do a control F save this first Ctrl s and then I will do a F5 to run this attribute Json has no attribute I think it wrong everyone wait just signal [Music] got it we've been dumb good dumps the MPS sorry guys it would be d-u-m-p-s not dots you're dumping the data the data is not dumb okay this time it should work let's see I do not print anything okay wait let me make it print also that will be better uh I will do a print here send underscore data for print Karana okay yes now if you subscribe or it is coming to me okay no issues for us it is okay let us see we will do it here what was that this one five two I'm again writing this yesterday we have done this already so I think you guys will be able to do connect okay I'm doing it on a burn Dash hash I'm doing simply so that we can subscribe as a wild card my data should be here in some time here it is okay yes new data has come we five yeah I'm getting it here you guys also will be getting it here check it out okay everyone is fine you are able to get this data yes so next we'll add a timestamp to the data so that when we see the data we know exactly how and where it is so we have already imported time so let us check it out first the ideal shell will do import time uh we're just testing a import time this is called I don't know it will give an Epoch on which way it will give yeah it is giving an epoch so I think box is not good let's say date time will do so we have to import date time date time not data type report date time um we'll see this here import date time I have done enter import date time so import date time if you want to get the date time date time dot date time you have to do time dot now so it will give you current time okay [Music] now if you want to see it in a proper way how to see it in a proper way it is Dot timestamp [Music] if we make this like this date time now if we take this and we make it let's say current time CT is equal to date time then CT Dot timestamp we have to do so this gives you this one uh just a second current time should be date and date time dot now I have done something wrong date time date time dot now I should do date time dot now I think this should also work and I'm getting the epoch here on main menu just just a minute guys let me just check out which is the best way uh the formatting is very idiotic here just check it out also I'm trying in my system once it is done I will run the timing not need book from timestamp such as date time Dot from convinced time or getting it properly I'm not enjoying it wait just a second relax give me one minute I'm just looking at that time directory dogs this works around us it gives you [Music] not getting a timestamp type of format for this anyone who has worked on timestamp anyone here dt.dt dot now uh that's what I did here date time dot date time now but I'm not getting it from this I'm getting this and I don't want this format or wait one second I will just do it I'll save it to something and see equal to TS is one no that is date time date time only I don't want that I want only the timestamp okay date time to date time you have it TS Dot just saying it like this but I'm not getting let's say from date time I will write it like this date time import dirt down okay from okay it doesn't go back I don't really sucks just a second yes date time dot date time DT is equal to uh date time dot now [Music] Okay then if I print DT what it would be is right it was not printing TS before let me see print TS will give me the same thing I think my mistake [Music] print TS ah my mistake I can do it simply like this and then delete this from here okay guys here we are getting the data properly now let me add one more thing here as yes okay so we'll add to this send underscore data uh data everything data this will be TS there will be a new addition in this and this will be equal to time now I'm importing importing date and time import uh date time okay this import is done now we have a device ID here we have a timestamp the timestamp should come before so it will be better it doesn't matter actually [Music] it will be always added at the end so I'm saving this and I'm restarting this one and again starting it again starting it as should close and here I am doing F5 by running it what is the thing so there's no serializable okay wait wait wait okay type error not serializable time okay I got it here I will make it a string [Music] the type cast is to string so that it becomes a proper string okay yes now we are getting this PS also and in our uh this one also we should get the TS in our data points yes you are getting a timestamp now so we exactly know what's the time at which the data is going and we have this device ID as 0 1 so this is our first device uh we'll rename this as Dev 1 dot UI okay I will copy paste this and I will create a new file I will paste this I will save that new file as dev2 everyone is following here I will just write it as test 2. and Save guys you are able to follow so we have created two devices one is uh test one one is test two okay and this test two let's have something extra here or something different this will be our let's say temperature and humidity temperature will be there in place of humidity will have something else let's say we have or let's say we have pH will be seven point one little bit more so this hum will become pH okay and this will be between 3.02 [Music] 9 the pH between 3.0 to 9 is okay we will have another value here called EC you know what is pH everyone right so I'm making a water quality I'm making a water quality sensor here device so we will also have TDS TDS you know total dissolved solid this gives you the value of what is the uh this is close to 1.0 and this will be randomized [Music] um we are doing it in Mobile import times C time okay this is also good anyway just if you can do anything else and put it there are not many ways in which we can put the timestamp so it's okay you mean good good work okay so let us uh see it a different way device to what we are doing we added TDS here okay and here we are putting up uh random pH was the random TDS also input GDs is between 0.52 they're just random values uh they relate to real life senses because normally in normal conditions you will not get more that things than this okay under one sensor page device test two let us save this and do F5 okay so here the issue is that we cannot do more than one right okay so we'll we'll stop for running this idle I think I don't want this to know okay what we'll do is we'll run it through our command prompt not this one I'm going to start another quantum this is using something else just try just open your command prompt and find wherever you are writing this go to that path for me it will be uh D so I have to first go to D drive okay then I have to go where I have to go here somewhere okay CD space I have to remove the D drive here yes I'm inside this uh this code is somewhere here okay so I'm going to CD pops up python okay inside this uh we have our dev1 python dev1 okay it has started running similarly we'll open another command prompt so that they all can run parallely that's the idea what was this this was D drive I'm going to my tree drive this is only for Mia your paths can be different CD and just check out your parts properly okay now I have to go to CD of sub python okay and this I will run Dev one I have run then python give not one def two is also there done okay so now we'll get both the values in a separate way one will have temperature humidity other will have temperature pH and TDS why TDS you are not getting random data let us check out the code HR we have not written anything random for HTTP sorry TDS save so I have to break that code again this is the one [Music] it's now it's okay now we are getting all random values everybody is able to follow I will just copy paste both the programs this is your dev2 on the chat I will do that we are also able to do in idle but together you are able to do I don't think so I am not able to do both together if you can uh one idle is only opening I have to open another item you can do it there also for me command prompt sir but okay so this is your dev2 okay now dev1 is here the first one is dev2 the second one is [Music] this is dev1 okay so this the first one is dev1 second one is everybody got it just run both the things and check out your uh mqtt pool here you are able to see the data in a live manner the timestamp for the web page is 13 so this is actually running in UTC mode UTC is five and a half hours ahead of us everybody is able to follow you are able to create you're able to create this okay now everybody has installed downloaded this qm q e m u everybody has I have given a link yesterday to everyone guys you have not downloaded this the Raspberry Pi virtual machine you have downloaded this I have given you the links I think I will be having this here brokers wait one second [Music] read me this one I'll send you the links also guys this will be your package everybody has got this guys please reply everybody has this qmu no image foreign for this if you have not done that I'm just showing you up how to install if you click on this you will get this download click here and and sometimes this download will start everyone is able to follow please click on this link and go to this download everybody is able to follow please foreign okay once downloaded extract it it will show something like this there will be a q emu folder there will be a readme folder there will be a run folder okay I will give you a command here first uh you don't have to click on the bad so the problem everyone please listen carefully the problem is that if I run if I click on the Run button then what happens my terminal or my CMD opens but in that I will just the font size just a second everyone in edit and format in font here which is the font 220. so what happens whenever you are clicking on this run whenever you are clicking on this run there will be a CMD coming up and some kind this kind of a this your qm system dot arm exe dot something like this will be written there and there will be a prompt which will be starting up now the problem with that prompt is it will open up your Raspberry Pi but it will create Raspberry Pi VM but the problem remains that your that VM will not be able to communicate with any uh external or to your host system even to make it communicatable we have to add this read Dash redirect radar TCP colon double two double two dot I will just copy paste that don't worry so this is here somewhere I will give you this uh file itself [Music] this is here okay in this in this file whatever is written after this q e m u this one this part you have to copy this part you have to copy and go to your folder this one you are inside this q e m u inside q e m u you have to go inside this this is your location you have to come to this see I have come here training iot training q e m u q e m u q e m u okay and I will paste this here just a second I will just copy this and enter see this booting up starts this is my Raspberry Pi booting up don't click on the Run directly okay otherwise it will not be able to communicate with your host system and will not be able to communicate anything with the Raspberry Pi setup if anyone has original Raspberry Pi they can simply do a SSH and wait for my instruction until we reach there you are able to follow everyone after once this Raspberry Pi config comes bring your arrow key to SSH bring your everyone be careful bring your arrow to SSH everybody is able to follow guys please message you are able to follow come to raspy config in that you bring down your cursor like this to SSH enter press enter it says would you like this is a server to be enabled or disabled the red Mark is on enable only so just press enter and it will say SSH server enabled you said okay now press the right right arrow key it will come to select then again go to finish press that again two times and enter so let's turn your again back to the SSH so this is your SSH this is SSH terminal you can write all commands here python Raspberry Pi like like your windows Hazard CMD Raspberry Pi has a SSH or we call it terminal and we are accessing this terminal using SSH okay or this is the direct terminal we will do SSH later on till this everybody is clear what we did is we went to the extracted we went to the extracted uh this one inside that we went to so when we extract qmqm qm we have to get inside this we have to get this path on our Windows CMD we have to type this like this and enter my my Raspberry Pi will come up and we have to do the SSH enabling okay everyone is getting this SS Pi at the Red Raspberry Pi prompt you are getting everyone I'll just write the clear command here so that it becomes clear yeah okay guys [Music] your command prompt you have to come to this space and do the things okay guys we will take a 10 minutes break now in the meantime everybody come to this situation if you're not able to please message I will guide you through come to this Raspberry Pi VM update cool Sanjay nice having issue let me know we'll meet at 7 10. okay we'll meet at 7 10 if you have an issue please message we'll help you out to get to this so we have installed our Raspberry Pi VM and we'll access this VM outside see this this VM actually behaves like a real SSH so download it but not able to open Terminal uh where are you stuck harsh if you have downloaded uh I will show you the process uh if you are downloading it like here if you down if you extract it extract it as extract it here extract here once you extract it will look like this extract here if you do it will look like this q u m u q e m u q e m u q e m u now this is the path you have to go this is your path so on your terminal on your CMD right CMD on your start after start button right CMD inside CMD come to the same path in which your folder is qm qemu folder last qme folder is go to that and then copy paste this I have shared a file copy paste this part and enter you will get the Raspberry Pi starting up and then you have to do SSH enable I have shown you that guys if you are joining late or if you are not hearing me out then I will request you all to go to the YouTube video and see it backwards okay I cannot repeat this every time because how to go to CMD just go to the start menu and write CMD I will not be able to repeat it every time if you join in Midway if you are joining in Midway please go through the please go through the sir is that path if we type CMD also it works is in that part if we types it so why you will write type CMD in that path in the you have to go to that path CD what to do in CMD I have told ayush already I don't know you are hearing it or not this is not done yet okay so inside CMD I'm just writing it here once and for all okay inside CMD what you will do you will be some write D colon enter okay you will come to sorry D or whatever is your path if it is in a different drive if it is in the same drive it's okay if it's in a different drive you have to do D Capital let's say for me it was in a D drive and I was in C drive majority So I entered D after that I went to CD my full path enter okay this is your path full path inside the last qemu folder you have to go till that and after that that you have to just simply paste this simply paste this and enter and after that enable select select SSH SSH and enable headline this is in the raspberry in respect config okay one Sunday that's okay you can do that yeah I'm I'm already in break whoever is having issues just let me know I will keep on talking you guys take a break in the meantime okay a nice shortcut okay okay guys give me some time around 7 10 we'll join back foreign [Music] I'm back you are able to run this anyone having issues okay so now all right cool okay nice okay let's go to paint and do something okay so what is the configuration everyone we can start you guys are ready say something here see I don't I'm not able to see you guys if you don't message also how I would know yes yes sir so what is the configuration we are looking at and how we are virtualizing it so first we have to understand this configuration so here what is happening if I make this of this pathetic so we have this as any bad happening right this is your uh we don't have any a here this Dev one too big okay just a second thank you [Music] now after that this is your Dev 2 okay this is my Raspberry Pi VM I will write it as R Pi okay as short form oh wait I'll Pi for me it is VM it's a virtual machine but you can have the real one also so this is actually the Gateway so these two you know fully outlining okay traveling both sides are so I'm just writing that no it's not working very properly okay um double-sided arrows I don't have okay no issues okay guys so these D1 and D2 is communicating with the Gateway and this Gateway is going to communicate to your cloud okay or I should say iot cloud so for the purpose of this training what we will do is dev1 and dev2 is we are able to simulate it with your two devices they are sending exactly same type of data as my sensor can send everybody is clear with that D1 and D2 are two codes we are running but they are actually simulating my device data the way my device sends data Diva D2 is also sending data everybody is clear with that this simulation is clear to everyone I want more number of uses I have around 230 people yeah you can guys please please let me know any doubt in that D1 and D2 is actually simulating my device data and when I run D1 D2 exactly like that only the VM is getting the data any doubt in that anyone [Music] okay now inside your Raspberry Pi and what will be your iot Cloud we will make this iot Cloud as your system itself so your system will simulate the iot cloud we are running a VM in your on your system which is simulating the RPI Gateway we are running two codes which are simulating device D1 and D2 am I clear with this configuration everywhere any doubts anyone if you have any doubts please let me know right away two python codes which are simulating your devices R5 VM is running which is simulating a gateway iot Cloud will run on the system itself so it will work like that so now you see this is your Raspberry Pi's uh direct if you go inside this directly you are getting this this okay headless if you run a headless uh this one but because this is normally in a remote scenario or it is not nearby so from our system we will do a SSH okay SSH we will do and will connect to this VM okay let's let's see for that we need something called putty uh just download this okay search for p u t t y put T installation yeah download 40 this one uh copy link Raspberry Pi login details okay login details Raspberry Pi login is my username is pi so first you have to write pi and then password is raspberry okay here you need to download according to your this one okay if you are running a x86 that is normally 64-bit go to this installer or 32-bit work with this installer nobody is using arm I guess okay installed putty installed everyone has installed putty I will open my putty now it looks something like this I cannot increase its size here you can see host name it is written host name see because what we have done now okay if anybody is left with putty just let me know I will go ahead and talk on the other part of it okay so if you have if you are not done yet please write if you if you are done don't you don't have to do anything if you are not done with put the installation and this putty configuration is not coming to your place please let me know I am giving one or two minutes for that everyone please download and let me know if you are unable to download once this putty configuration comes what to explain in the download you have three you have three options here 62 a 64-bit x86 which normally will be your MSI now 32-bit if you you're having an old system and if I'm if you are using Chrome or any other uh Chrome Arm based I don't think so you are using Arm based so x86 64-bit x86 will be most of the cases if you are using an old laptop 32-bit x86 okay put the config should come like this everybody is getting it I'm going ahead okay so in place of the host name you write local host why localhost otherwise what will happen if you are normally having a Real Time Raspberry Pi then you can go you can check out your router and check at what IP address your Raspberry Pi is and you have to write that IP address for the SSH okay here if you see this code this one here we have done this we have converted the tcpe to double two double two normally it is on double only two we have made it two to two Okay we have redirected it otherwise our system and this will have a conflict that's the only reason there's no other reason if you are having an original one original Raspberry Pi you have to directly write the IP address in place of hostname and in our Port you will write 2 2 but we are using a virtual one so we are adding two two two two four times two and we'll do open here it will ask for yes you have to press yes here it will say login as login as Pi p i Pi localhost what is the password password is Ras uh one second login as it will be written this will be pi okay and for password it will ask you right yes password is raspberry okay see we are inside this Raspberry Pi so this is actually SSH we have done from our local system to the VM running so this is your VM and this is your local system both are same but will always do a virtual or SSH and we'll go inside and work around okay everybody is clear with this I can increase or I can zoom the screen anyway other than this this you cannot zoom anymore q e m u is is your virtual environment for Raspberry Pi you don't have a Raspberry Pi if you have a Raspberry Pi you can directly use it if you don't have it you can simulate it to understand the configuration in which we want to work see our configuration is this these two are do I see you can have real-time devices also you can have a real Raspberry Pi Gateway also and you can have a real Cloud also but for the sense of this training we are using because you all have to write the code and understand the philosophy we'll do div one we are making a simulated code for it Dev 2 we have made a simulated code for it RPI Gateway we have made a VM for it and we are accessing that from the device okay so if it was a real Raspberry Pi also you will get a same kind of uh sir please Control Plus scroll up this will not swallow pipe it no it is not this is this is RPI this is not happening there okay I'm doing that I don't like this assistance at all but can't help it this is your window SSH can't help it more than this okay I will also write let's say whatever I'm writing whatever I will write here I will write there also okay so that you guys understand so now next what we will do is our next task is install mqtt broker on less pi okay this is our method so for that what we are doing this broker name is m o s q u i t t o okay just a second guys I will just open my Dev list yeah this so we will do a mosquito install like this s-u-d-o pseudo space inside this VM you have SSH you have to write a sudo space apt install minus y m o s q u i t t o okay I will just do that I will write I will copy paste this here okay command is not found okay consequence who do foreign okay we have to do some update upgrade so let's do that uh we will do sudo apt if PT get up date okay let's do that let's run this command one more time it will take some time it is finish um much upgrade happening okay let me see foreign [Music] to see the problem is with Y without further chat remove the Y minus y is not required no issues from this once foreign yes unable to push what is the issue again it's saying to run update between an update and update together just a second let me try this out sudo APK let's see so do it sudo Equity get update and upgrade yeah I have done that oh but from mosquito is not getting installed let's see this time it should get I'm not getting this actually some issue with the network you guys are able to install mosquito anyone anyone here is able to do it maybe some issue with my system so we have installed another mirror what mirror you have installed [Music] um can you let me know what mirror you have installed here which mirror [Music] all right also thanks so it should not look in just a second let me see from okay how should I put this in this wait one second okay [Music] getting UK mirror error is there to change the mirror just a second guys just a second I will just check my mirrors and then I will come to thank you this measure is working and what I'm doing here wait wait I have to do also go to our list c a p t Source list what you are doing yeah that's what I'm typing I will just type that up download we are writing that only this is the first I mean you are writing let me see if I write the bullseye one or not so it will be busy on the bullseye we cannot do it's busy it's not bullseye I will do a upgrade first uh here yeah foreign [Music] once I'm done I will let you guys know upgrade update is happening okay no same issue yeah I understand that you are using that that's why you are using bullseye easy [Music] just a second [Music] it's just give me two minutes to see mirrors you are let's search for another URL so better uh you see this is respire yes searching for some mirrors in order from Europe only India one doesn't work I will check out this one only wait wait I will show you how I am doing that that will be better for you guys okay I'm searching for w h e z y v z uh that is raspi busy Rest by busy okay s5z mirror mirror URL repositories here so here I am taking the first one let's see so industry of ox Sports should work properly uh here we will do full size wh Etc now be very careful everyone with this let me run it once then I will give you the full scenario how you work better same problem [Music] is having the same issue because maybe the VC is not connected just let me let me just search around a bit [Music] find this downloads [Music] yeah we're searching for this link properly let me see archives okay [Music] this busy library is gone from all the servers so this VM what we are running is running on busy busy is a older version of your normal older version for your what you say Raspberry Pi so I think they are not supporting this anymore I will just check it out you can redirect it [Music] but that doesn't matter two spaces one spaces doesn't matter it should be maybe you are right let's see what I'm doing this getting stuck there yeah so it's it's issue it with busy only wizzy is the version which is not supporting yet yeah I wish we have to do that I think I'll check this out tomorrow so I'll just yeah Amar can you send the attendance list they are all asking yeah okay guys we'll we'll do this tomorrow uh what is the scenario here is some issue with the download link itself I will either I will add up and create a problem bigger VM which will have all this together or I will just give you a simple list down how to do that okay so what all will do it is next we will install mosquito on the Raspberry Pi okay then we'll create some uh some python codes which will be client of m q t t Okay the next Stars we have to do a lot of things today we are missing some part um chandran has landed what our code is not our VM is not lending update uh fix missing right so yeah we can do that but um I see the problem is that with wizzy the this one is out it's not about that missing thing just let me check okay check if you're interesting I will try to do this and it's again getting stuck there that's the issue with this archives right is going into the Raspberry Pi archive for vision it's not getting them we'll check this out I will check this out now we'll see how we can get this okay so what we'll do is uh we'll we'll install mqtt we'll create python clients for mqtt so that will be your gateway code Gateway code will be also a client which will get the data from the devices and then it will process that data processing the data in a sense and still create some logic diagrams where this there will be a control this is like your control control code will be there or we will create another uh in this only zero work it will be to create we have created dev1 and dev2 today right we'll create a Dev 3 which will actually be a actuator our current devices are only sensors right D1 D2 device Samsung F3 will create tomorrow that will be actually so the Gateway will give read the data from subscriber data from D1 and D2 and it will give instruction to D3 D3 will be connected to let's say Motors and solenoids okay so this will be your depth and depth 3 for control code and then we'll have a upload code upload code will be something where we will use rest API kind of setups API I should not rested I will use API for HTTP connection HD to Cloud okay Cloud what cloud will be if we complete all this in the next class then we'll do cloud cloud will be simulated by your laptop itself okay where that see all everything is running on your laptop what we have segregated them in different ways the python codes which are running they are simulating the device the Raspberry Pi which is running on your VM that's simulating the Gateway and your laptop itself will simulate the cloud okay in the cloud will create a server where we can get this data and we'll create a UI where you can see the data as a this one mosquito is a broker we like what you have here five two dot whatever you write here this where's my codes let's say this one so you are writing it here 52 dot this is actually IP address for the broker which is running on this IP all subscriptions and uh Publications are done through this one only okay [Music] let me give a try again foreign [Music] let me see if this works like this just a second I will search for this one [Music] some shoes with this yes by Weezy mosquito es I found some assistant the area they are downloading the repo and all so let's see if we can use this up or not let's see if I can use this student's getting stuck no session let me see if I can do it here so such [Music] dot sh okay foreign [Music] let me reconnect it for DNC localhost [Music] [Music] and five and this is rspbe okay inside this would like sudo now I know most remote dot sh foreign okay we have run this so we'll do CH mode plus X you can [Music] go I'm just doing these things if this works I will just give you the hint of this now it doesn't work I will work on it and I will tell you tomorrow okay so let me see if this works foreign [Music] instrument s delete this again I will paste it and see should work properly because it has all there is Repose or not once it works I will let you guys know wait one second let me delete first we are trying to download the mosquito first and then doing it because sudo apt is not working directly because of this sir can we create our own IP and connect to mqtt yeah you can you can create your own IP on IPL means you can create a VM you can take any of the VMS and you can do something like you can install yes mosquito there it's coming okay let me check it out if we can work it around JC List is there busy list is there let me see yes yes I will do that I'm just trying to do it uh here because other VMS this one is quite old so I'm trying to do that let me see if I can get this report yeah I'm able to get this repo I think foreign [Music] sorry guys I don't think so yeah no it's not available so I will have to search for this um visit list once I get this I will okay [Music] guys if you want to leave you can leave or you can wait or if you have any doubts just paste it I will try to answer it and in the meantime if I can get something I will definitely let you guys know we're getting this Repository foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what happened here respite is not fully configured the aspect is not fully configured I think you have not done the SSH uh um you do sudo Sudo if you are at this point do super sudo I don't think so you require this once if you are you are able to connect I wish you are able to connect to putty once this is run you are able to connect to putting yes then it's not required then your SSH is by default activated and just anything no changes you need to do no configuration other than this for now okay guys I just want to understand you guys are able to uh SSH Deputy right throughputee you're able to do SSH everywhere anybody stuck on that part please let me know [Music] um yeah cool here you have to write ayush in place of host name you have to write localhost and Port you have to write double two double two please don't share pictures here okay mosquito package for this okay we will work it around we'll see okay guys I think we have to pack today I'm not able to find out a mosquito uh repository for this as of now I will search from my archives and I will find it out and I will give you as a separate thing so that you can download it okay I will have some old uh this one so I think okay okay guys I think I will finish off today Amar uh will do a little heavy session next day I will give some I will create some instruction files first of all and I will give it to you guys beforehand host name is localhost localhost no space and Port is double two double two I will share those that document first and once they installed everything up we'll start working on Direct code and architecture structure for the Gateway okay okay guys finish the each class for today okay so guys if you have any clearer question for me please drop in the chat box I will take it up for two minutes and the random decision yeah guys you also search how we can install them mosquito if you get time on your thing you also search I will also search if you get any direct repo it will be good otherwise I have to search for any archive uh this one and I have to give you to you in a separate way if you can get a direct link it will be upload sir upload these materials Yeah the more we will do that [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] which you see is there as one of it we'll go for JC then okay guys let me let me try this off once I will install JC and check it out okay we are doing this with VZ which is quite old so it's better that we do it with Jesse will I will give you the installation and other things in the next class I think with Jesse we can do this okay okay guys I will stop the screen share now I think we can finish the class summer yes bye guys tomorrow we'll meet at six we have to do a little bit catching up 15 minutes we have to bridge that 15 minutes which we have lost today in the next class okay so bye guys okay thank you so much all of you for joining the session we'll meet