Lesson 23: Newton’s Laws and Cosmic Orbits

Jun 24, 2024

Lecture on Newton’s Laws and Cosmic Orbits

Conic Sections in Orbits

  • Newton's Laws: All objects in a gravitational field trace conic sections
    • Interplay between energy and eccentricity determines the orbit's shape

Conic Sections and Language

  • Ellipsis: Omission of words that are understood from context
    • E.g., “Physics is more fun than chemistry” (ellipses)
  • Parable: A story with a moral or instructive purpose
  • Hyperbole: Extravagant exaggeration

Historical Context and Mysteries

  • The connection between mathematical orbits (ellipses, parabolas, hyperbolas) and language constructs is mysterious
  • Early Observations: Noted by Ptolemy and later reinforced by Tico Brahe and Johannes Kepler
    • Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion: Explained based on precursors’ observations

Kepler’s Three Laws of Planetary Motion

  1. Law of Ellipses: Planets move in elliptical orbits with the sun at one focus
  2. Law of Equal Areas: Planets sweep out equal areas in equal times
  3. Law of Harmony: The square of a planet’s orbital period is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis

Newton’s Contribution

  • Unified Explanation: Newton explained Kepler’s laws through his laws of gravity and motion
    • Orbits explained via conic sections
    • Orbit shape dependent on energy balance

Types of Orbits

  • Elliptical Orbits: Negative total energy and eccentricity less than 1
  • Parabolic Orbits: Zero total energy and eccentricity exactly 1
  • Hyperbolic Orbits: Positive total energy and eccentricity greater than 1
  • Circular Orbits: Special case with zero eccentricity

Practical Implications in Astronomy

  • Modern Observations: Enhanced by advanced astronomical instruments
    • Reflecting Telescopes: Parabolic mirrors for focusing light
    • Improvements in observation accuracy over time
  • Historical Instruments: Examples include Tico Brahe’s sextants and quadrants

Advanced Discoveries

  • Pluto: Discovered by Clyde Tombaugh based on Percival Lowell’s predictions
    • Highly eccentric ellipse crossing Neptune’s orbit
  • Halley’s Comet: Prediction and observation cycles, identifying periodic comets

Mathematical Principles of Orbits

  • Energy Exchange: Potential and kinetic energy trade-offs during orbit
    • Total energy remains constant
    • Shapes of orbits depend on total energy

Legacy of Astronomers

  • Evolution of astronomical knowledge from early astronomers to current space exploration
  • Kepler and Brahe’s Data: Major contributions to understanding orbits


  • Explanation of celestial structure through conic sections resolved enduring mysteries
  • Pythagorean Influence: Historical significance of mathematical understanding
  • Encouragement to Use Knowledge Wisely: Reminder of the power and responsibility of scientific knowledge