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Exploring the Day-Age Theory in Creation
Aug 3, 2024
Genesis Lesson 6: The Day-Age Theory
Focus: The Day-Age Theory
Brief review of creation chronology in Genesis
God exists, eternal, no beginning
God creates the basic elements of the universe
Creation of angels (learned from other Bible passages like Job 38)
Holy Spirit's role in energizing creation
Rejected Theories by Atheists and Evolutionists
Atheists' view: Random selection over billions of years, matter is eternal
Believers trying to reconcile evolution and creation
Gap Theory
: God created the world, destroyed it due to Satan's rebellion, and recreated it
Issues with the Gap Theory:
No geological evidence of such destruction
Implies sin existed before Adam
Day-Age Theory
Proposes each 'day' in Genesis is an age (geological age)
Each day represents millions of years
Problems with the Day-Age Theory:
Geological table order differs from Genesis
Death and sin appearing before Adam contradicts the Bible
Grammar: Hebrew word 'yom' usually means a 24-hour day, not an eon
Genesis 1:3-5 Analysis
Creation of light
Elements for light created
Holy Spirit energizes the world
Word calls light out of darkness
Triune nature of God revealed
Father: Source of all things
Holy Spirit: Energizer of all things
Word (Son): Revealer of all things
Establishment of Day-Night Cycle
Light is day, darkness is night
This cycle has been consistent from the beginning
God creates the basic matter of the universe
Creation and judgment of angels
Energizes matter to give it form and motion
Creates the basis for light
Sets the day-night cycle
Rejecting God's account for man's account
Faith and Creation
Hebrews 11:3: Belief in God's creation by faith
Understanding the coexistence of visible and invisible
Faith in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit despite lack of understanding
Belief in six one-day periods of creation
More verses and less theory will be covered in the next lesson.
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