Simply Learn - Coding Interview Questions

Jun 27, 2024

Simply Learn - Coding Interview Questions


  • Topic: Coding interview questions
  • Goal: Prepare viewers for coding interviews by covering key data structures, algorithms, and common programming problems
  • Outcome: Understand data structure concepts and ability to code common interview problems

Conceptual Questions

  1. Data Structures: Storage format defining how data is stored, organized, and manipulated (e.g., arrays, trees, graphs)
  2. Array: Stores items of the same data type, allowing sorting and searching
  3. Linked List: Linear structure with elements not stored contiguously; each node points to the next
  4. Stacks: Linear structure with LIFO (Last In, First Out) access
  5. Queue: Linear structure with FIFO (First In, First Out) access
  6. Binary Trees: Each node has two children (left and right) forming a hierarchical structure
  7. Recursion: Function calling itself with a terminating condition, utilizing stack structure
  8. OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)
    • Object: Real-world entity with state and behavior
    • Class: Blueprint to create objects
    • Inheritance: Acquiring properties and behaviors of a parent object
    • Polymorphism: Performing tasks in different ways (method overloading and overriding)
    • Abstraction: Hiding internal details and showing functionalities (e.g., abstract classes, interfaces)
    • Encapsulation: Wrapping data and methods into a single unit
  9. Binary Search Tree: Stores data efficiently; left subtree < node's key, right subtree >= node's key
  10. Doubly Linked List: Nodes have links to next and previous elements allowing bidirectional traversal
  11. Graph: Data structure of ordered pairs (edges) connecting nodes
  12. Linear vs Non-linear Data Structures
    • Linear: Adjacent data elements (e.g., arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues)
    • Non-linear: Each element can connect to two adjacent elements (e.g., trees, graphs)
  13. Deque (Double Ended Queue): Elements inserted/removed from either end
  14. Stack vs Array
    • Stack: Follows LIFO
    • Array: Indexed access
  15. Sorting Algorithms: Different algorithms suited to different data types (e.g., quicksort, bubble sort)
  16. Variable Declaration: Affects memory based on data type (e.g., int -> 32 bits)
  17. Dynamic Data Structures: Adjust size dynamically during program run time

Programming Questions

  1. Reverse a String in Java: Loop through and append characters in reverse
  2. Check Palindrome: Reverse string and compare
  3. Count Character Occurrences: Loop through string and count
  4. Check Anagrams: Sort character arrays and compare
  5. Count Vowels and Consonants: Loop and count based on conditions
  6. Find Matching Elements in Array: Loop and compare each element
  7. Bubble Sort Algorithm: Nested loops to compare and swap elements
  8. Insertion Sort Algorithm: Compare and insert in sorted order
  9. Reverse an Array: Swap elements from start and end to middle
  10. Swap Two Numbers Without Third Variable: Use arithmetic operations to swap
  11. Fibonacci Series Using Recursion: Recursive function
  12. Factorial of Integer: Recursive multiplication
  13. Reverse a Linked List: Descending iterator method
  14. Binary Search Implementation: Divide array and search in half
  15. Find Second Largest Number in Array: Loop, compare, and store second highest
  16. Remove Character from String: Use replace method
  17. Showcase Inheritance: Extend parent class to child class
  18. Overloading vs Overriding
    • Overloading: Same method name with different parameters
    • Overriding: Child class method overrides parent class method
  19. Check Prime Number: Conditions to determine primality
  20. Sum Elements in Array: Loop and sum


  • Goal: Provide insight into likely interview questions
  • Offer: Encourage comments and questions for further clarification

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