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Overview of C++ Standard Template Library
Jun 21, 2024
Lecture on C++ Standard Template Library (STL)
Importance of STL
Essential knowledge for C++ coding
Saves time in writing code
Makes the program more effective and efficient
Main Components of STL
Classification of Containers
Sequence Containers
Vector, Deque, List
Associative Containers
Set, Map, Multiset, Multimap
Unordered Associative Containers
Unordered Set, Unordered Map, Unordered Multiset, Unordered Multimap
Various Data Structures in STL
Static data structure
Direct access (access elements by index)
Example code: creating, printing, setting array, etc.
Dynamic array
Concept of capacity and size
Examples of pushback operation
Deque (Double-Ended Queue)
Allows adding and removing data from both ends (front and back)
Example code: creating, adding, popping
Double linked list
Without random access
Examples of front, back, pushback, pushfront operations
Last In First Out (LIFO)
Examples of push, pop, top operations
First In First Out (FIFO)
Examples of push, pop, front, back operations
Priority Queue
Access elements based on priority
Examples of max heap and min heap
Unique elements
Maintains elements in a sorted order
Examples of add, erase, find operations
Key-value pair data structure
Maintains values with unique keys
Examples of add, erase, find operations
Other Types of Containers
Unordered Set and Map
Operations like find, sort, reverse, etc.
Example codes: binary search, sort, max min, reverse, etc.
Important Points
Efficient use of STL containers and algorithms
Essential for coding competitions and interviews
Focused on providing detailed knowledge from beginner to advanced usage
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