Transcript for:
Lecture on Jezebel Spirit

[Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] what's going on super natural life family gonna hang out with you guys let me turn that let me turn that back on real quick hey come on i like this man got some jamming tunes baby it's that low five music they offered me man it's pretty cool yeah what's going on everybody good to see you guys tuning in i can see the chat over here man let me know where you're from i see we already got it alberta canada over here all right good to see you good to see you come on i want to see where you guys are tuning in from we got the bahamas here the grand bahamas we'll see you guys soon now what's going on arkansas is in the house we got a boston in the house valdosta georgia fort worth texas is here australia north carolina texas miami florida the philippines the bronx virginia is in the house new jersey baby we got baltimore the bay area let's see new zealand what is going on tulsa is in the house we got utah pennsylvania papa new guinea greenland all right waxahachie california indiana chicago what's going on san bernardino we got the uk out of ho good to see you guys man wisconsin isn't out south carolina the kingdom of god that's right damn that england is in the house cali baby long beach colorado i'm gonna see you guys soon colorado springs alabama is here come on brooklyn new york tennessee let's go florida amen amen hey guys as you guys are tuning in and listening to these tunes go ahead and like and share wherever you're at man like and share this is a great this is a great subject and it's one everybody should listen to and know about all right jezebel's all over the place we need to know about her and how she's operating and who she's operating through and have discernment for it you know so make sure you guys are liking and sharing the stream all right also you want to be a forerunner go to the website join right here on youtube you can also support on facebook i think that yep that's the ways and if you just wanna you know if you just want to be a partner you can do it through the website also we have a freeze app that we use that for partnering partnering or you can partner through paypal but anyway god bless you guys good to have you all right going to turn the music off right now and we'll we'll listen to it at the end but i want to get into the teaching aspect of this all right so anyway god bless you guys so good to have you okay so we're going to talk about this thing and we're going to get right into the meat of it but before i can really talk about this spirit and talk about the 12 signs of jezebel and how she influences the 12 signs of how jezebel influences someone and we'll also talk a little bit more after that about some things we got to know who jezebel is right we got to know who who this this woman is in the bible and then we got to see how why how her characteristics and spirit form are still working today and how that those same characteristics work in people so it's going to be good man and this is some of you guys now look don't feel bad if you get convicted as we listen tonight and you go hey this spirit could be in my life because of things that have happened and things things like that this this spirit is a very influential spirit this spirit influences a lot of people okay it preys on a lot of weaknesses so just keep that in mind once again before i go into teaching guys like share push it out there let's push this out into the algorithm let's let youtube know that jesus is alive let's let facebook know jesus is alive let's let twitter know jesus is alive twitch know jesus is alive let's let every social media platform know that jesus christ is alive and he's working today in his power through the holy spirit all right guys i'm going to um bring something up here from christian on i'm going to read right here like i said i don't have to reinvent the wheel they got a great article explaining who jezebel is in the bible some of you may not know so we're going to talk about it i'm just going to read right here and talk through the article and then i will shift over to another screen and i have the 12 signs on actually on a on a powerpoint slide and we will talk about that now i'm going to trust the holy spirit in this i've had a lot of experience with this spirit i've battled this spirit in my own life actually because of where i come from and background i think we all come head-to-head with this spirit at some time in my life we we face every type of spirit i mean jesus he was tempted in all ways right so we go through temptations too the devil's always throwing temptations at us and doing crazy things so we're always going to face some type of demonic attack or something and we're going to have to be able to pick the right stone to knock the giant down right just like david he knew what stone to use and he knew how to use it and that's what we need that's why we have the word of god so we can know how to use it against the enemy all right remember our battle is not against flesh and blood it's never against flesh and blood remember that the battle is never against a flesh and blood human being it is always against some spiritual force working through them all right i'm going to bring this up really fast and we are going to talk on this thing okay so the question is and if you guys want to know the article it's up here you can go here if you want to re-read it so i'm not ashamed to use other resources to to get information right that's how we learn and how we grow i mean it's how the word world turns around so anyway so who who is jezebel in the bible now i'll tell you straight up without reading any further first kings is where you find out all about her okay so who was jezebel queen jezebel she was a queen all right queen jezebel was the daughter of ethball king of sidon and the wife of ahab king of israel jezebel promoted the worship of false gods in israel harassed and killed god's prophets and arranged for an innocent man to be falsely charged and executed okay let me read that one more time queen jezebel was the daughter of ethball king of sodom and the wife of ahab king of israel jezebel promoted the worship of false gods and israel harassed and killed god's prophets and arranged for an innocent man to be falsely charged and executed which would be naboth which we know about his vineyard right so all right queen jezebel is a well yeah she's she's a demonic queen pretty much all right so let's go down here jezebel and king gaha king ahab who did more evil in the eyes of the lord than any king of israel before him we find this in first kings 1630 jezebel making her the queen over israel now just to let you know this is was a big no-no god is a jealou he's a jealous god and he told israel don't invite idols don't invite strange worship don't invite these things into the land all right now as as we read the old covenant we have to have our spiritual eyes on because we we right now represent in our body the we are the body of christ so we are in it in a way israel right now in this form so you can look at your body when you're reading the old covenant and see how the enemy's working uh he's working in a spiritual way there is still a physical israel so don't i'm not one of those guys that don't believe physical israel i believe physical israel is israel that is still israel prophecies are being fulfilled today and physical israel has to be there in order for the bible to be played out so just to let you guys know that's where i stand on that i believe israel is still israel over there okay that that that land is still the israeli land okay okay we also learned in first kings 16 31 jezebel was the daughter of ethbaugh who was the king of the sidonians or phoenicians so that look guys even back in that day okay there's a lot of political stuff going on all right there's israel and then there's the surrounding nations and stuff and i mean guys if you really think about it just look at america even or look at your country wherever you're tuning in from and really just you'll be able to see who's running your country as i read through this all right it's pretty it's pretty crazy after if you really catch the revelation before becoming king fball was noted to have been a priest of astarte which was the greek form of the moon goddess asteroth astarte is what the phoenicians called her according to the easton's bible dictionary asheroth was frequently associated with the name bao the sun god the phoenicians chief male deity jezebel's father f ball was politically remember i said the name politics right i said the word politics not name word politics was politically connected to king ahab in israel which could explain the marriage between the two this influence led to the promotion of false gods among the people of israel you know when i tell christians you know you when i'm when i'm talking to christians and they're about to date somebody or something like that that i'm discipling always tell them excuse me guys always tell them find out the history of who you're about to marry all right you find out where they come from not that god can't redeem anybody but figure it out like like find out their history because you're going to deal with whatever you're bringing in you're going to have to deal with that and then you're going to have to probably help that person clean it up so it's good to know the history of things and that's why i'm reading through this because it's good to know the history of this right now all right so we see that there was probably a political alliance between ahab and jezebel's father f ball they were probably very cordial with one another if you look at the political realm of today it's the same thing all right trying to befriend people who don't have the best interest in your not standing firm not letting p ahab was a weak leader he was a very weak leader okay ahab was terrible all right terrible leader he actually did evil in the sight of god's eyes ahab was was was a person who was very passive aggressive he tried to do any he was a man pleaser he was trying to do anything to just keep everything calm but in the midst of doing that he was causing trouble by letting the wrong type of people come in get his ear and cause a lot of mess man and that's what happens with even world leaders today they get the wrong type of people in their ears and and that's how jezebel works she gets into people's ears and you'll see that when i'm talking about the signs and she manipulates and so ahab was that type of leader he lit just anybody in his ear and it just it makes it makes a mess so we got to be careful especially people like me and others in ministry that have positions of influence on who's next to us and who is influencing us and who is moving us all right so we gotta we gotta be aware of what type of people are around us and we're gonna talk about that in the 12 signs okay as detailed in first kings uh 16 31-32 jezebel persuaded her husband to promote the worship of deity so we see right there what i was just talking about baal and ashrae among the people of israel it was common there in this era of kingdoms for the king to establish worship facilities for foreign wives in this case jezebel required the installation of a temple and altar for bile which was built in samaria since she was a phoenician jezebel more than likely had a role that was more active than what was normal normal in hebrew rule okay so just so you guys get an idea i got a picture right here of bao so you guys can get an idea of who ballot so bao is like a bull man type thing okay um i've actually dealt with people who have actually ex uh encountered in the spirit realm this god and this sometimes people will act i had a woman one time actually tell me this this principality bal actually stepped out and had had in in the spirit had intercourse with her is the craziest thing and the deliverance for this woman was wild but i've actually seen people who have actually seen this animal and say this animal this this demon bow right and another thing about this is they they offer child sacrifices to bow okay even today when we talk about abortion and things like that you're that's almost the same it's just a little they're offering sacrifices to a demonic god still today anytime there's any type of child sacrifice that's why when people go and they commit abortion and stuff there's so much demonic bondage that comes in behind that so any of that is terrible so abortion's terrible we know the seven things and proverbs it talks about the lord hates you know there's seven things and one of the things he hates is that abortion he does not like abortion abortion is bad so what but what we have right here is children being born and offered to this god so this is what jezebel was bringing into the land what's going on in in let's say in america right now some of these politicians are pushing for abortion to be okay and everything to go you know just be whatever well no that they're actually instituting the same thing that we're that we're looking at right here the same thing they're trying to institute bowel worship that's what's happening today so this is this is just it's just what's happening there's nothing new under the sun solomon says right so there's nothing new under the sun so back over here so during ahab's reign in israel the people were deeply divided as to either worship and serve bowel of the lord so that's another thing when jezebel's in the land it causes confusion it causes division it causes a mess all right animosities were so heightened that jezebel ordered the death of the lord's prophets while she fully supported the prophets of bow and ashura okay so let's just let's take it right here let's talk about america again all right what do we see all these movements popping up all these weird things happen in this causing division any movement that is demonically driven by division or bringing in fleshly carnal ways and trying to institute that into society is straight from hell it's straight from the devil himself okay so that's what we see right now is that that bringing this bowel worship this movement into the land caused so much confusion caused animosity and the lord don't like that i'm going to tell you right now and even in the midst of all that but if you look they the prophets were still god's prophets were still amongst bows prophets they were still in the land so they were contentious towards one another and of course jezebel being in a position of authority well god's prophets were being murdered and stuff and going through some stuff because of her until as you see down here elijah versus jezebel's prophets i'm not going to go down and speak to that but what basically happened is jezebel wiped out a lot i mean elijah wait that wiped out a lot of jezebel's prophets in mountain on mount carmel and you can look at the showdown on mount carmel it's a pretty awesome thing so i think that's it then we have naboth where jezebel you know ahab got a little upset and and jezebel didn't like it her boo was upset so she went over and had an aboth killed and god didn't like that and nabos blood started to scream from the ground and we see that prophet came in the house and was like hey guess what we ain't playing games no more you're going gonna get eaten by dogs all right for your for what you've done so that's just a little summary of who she is guys so i wanted to to let you guys know who jezebel is give you an understanding of her and um so the characteristics of what you're seeing right here with jezebel in person form is the same way that spirit is operating today okay she's manipulative she's nasty she brings sexual uh immorality into the land she causes confusion doubt discord division you name dissension you name it whatever it may be she calls us a mess she causes men and women of god to fall somebody said is it on is jezebel only and a female no jezebel can operate in a male okay i'll tell you this people that are in perverse lifestyles are always always influenced by this spirit so if you're talking to somebody and they are not living the heterosexual lifestyle they are influenced by this spirit i mean every time almost it's almost every time this spirit is uh having its way so jezebel is influenced by this also um she's a queen of witchcraft so usually when witchcraft is being sent she's somewhere sending it okay there's different opinions on this spirit some people call it different things some people say jezebel can't be in the person some people say that jezebel's just a principality it depends on who you're speaking to i know personally and you guys have seen my videos i i run into jezebel in people i run into that spirit she manifests and make herself known she's always screaming she cries she tries to do all this stuff she throws herself on the ground throws a fit like a little child that's what jezebel tends to do when she manifests so i i know that spirit makes itself makes itself known in people it operates within it's a she is a ruling spirit so remember that she's a queen spirit she's a ruling spirit so she is in there i don't like i said you might hear a different teaching from somebody else about jezebel spirit okay that it isn't in people but normally what i see is the people that say that jezebel doesn't inhabit person don't know how to cast out demons they don't have any idea they're just talking about it you know there's some people that operate in the prophetic movement in the prophetic realm that they just sit there and say no prayers and pray in tongues and think they're casting out demons no you have to cast out demons by authority okay it takes authority to cast this spirit out and jezebel knows if you lack an authority just like she knew ahab was lacking authority okay let me get this set up right here and we're gonna we're gonna go into talking about the 12 signs of this spirit all right so let me switch myself over right here all right oops sorry guys all right 12 signs jezebel is influencing some one remember if you want to know about jezebel guys you go to first kings she's also if you read on and you get to the part about jehu she's also in the book about j in the in the in the chapters about jehu well we know what jehu did he got it thrown out the window by the eunuchs so you can read on it's awesome story to read i love reading first kings i love reading second kings i love reading it uh because it's it's so like your imagination can go wild in those books you know what i'm saying some people say the old testament is boring it's not boring to me at all i love reading it because it's awesome it's awesome just to see just to be there and envision it as you're reading it i try to use my imagination it's it's awesome it's just awesome to read okay let me go over here uh okay so number one we're going now guys okay 12 we're going and i'm just straight talking okay i'm just straight shooting this thing all right but i'm going to also allow the holy spirit to bring scriptures to heart and and anything that i've learned over time will come as i speak on this guys people influenced by a spirit of jezebel always have fear issues of rejection okay the way jezebel usually comes in a person is through through through rejection they control others so that they will not be hurt all right generally there is a history of trauma or abuse so there has to be a doorway or a gateway for this spirit to come in sexual immorality being taken advantage of um generational perversion immorality divorce abandonment these things cause the spirit to come in because what happens is that spirit likes to self-protect okay it has to protect itself so what happens with people who go through trauma people who go through abuse they build up protective barriers okay and they're easily offended that jezebel spirit gets offended like that i mean super quick okay anybody who has offense issues strong offense issues this spirit's in operation i always can tell when people get offended quick when they become hurt when they become wounded this spirit is waiting to leap in and take control all right jezebel is a victim all right and we're going to talk about that so people influenced by a spirit of jezebel have fear issues of rejection they're always scared people are going to leave them people aren't going to be around them uh that people are going to reject them so they use control and manipulation to keep people under their claws usually in a ministry if it's a pastor leading it if it's somebody going on that pastor or leader or whoever will will use manipulation and control to make it make you feel like if you're not there anymore you're going to fail you're not you're not going to be able to succeed you need this person you feel like if i don't have this person in my life i can't go anywhere a good leader inspired by the holy spirit is always willing to let people go remember that because we know a good leader knows that it that and ultimately the sheep are gods right and people should be able to choose to stay they should be able to choose to stay because they want to be there they see your character they see your later leadership they they they want that a person that is the opposite is going to use it like victimization and manipulation and control to try to make you think you need them you absolutely need them because they're scared of being rejected over and over and over again okay all right number two look this is truth all right jezebel ahab remember jezebel ahab they target the headship she needs to get right next to the leader they offer free help watch to be their top assistant you i'm telling you guys this is crazy because they want their protection so jezebel doesn't really have power within herself her insecurities are strong but she gets next to a person of authority and plays off of that authority to build her authority and eventually she will take over right because she makes that leader think that that leader needs to hear she's usually or he is she is usually the the prophet of the house or the prophet of the hour right guys i'm going to tell you something i love prophets i do i love them but at the same time i'm checking them because prophetic people are subject to this because prophetic people tend to suffer with rejection okay so jezebel can operate from from from an extent on a person's gifting okay so they target the hit ship they offer free help to be their top assistant because they want their protection okay it hides from leader's view but manifests in front of others now this is going to get some of you guys all right it hides from the leader's view when it's in front of the leader it puts the face on it's it's like hey hey pastor i'm okay i love you and then when it gets in front of the people the congregation it flips face and it manifests and shows its true colors i know that we've all met people like this i'm telling you guys if you haven't liked and shared this thing you need to like and share it you need to hit the like button now if you're watching on youtube facebook hit the like button now share it this is some good stuff i'm going to promote this video because it is that good let's like if you haven't hit the like button do so now and share it they target the hit ship they offer free help to be their top assistant because they want their protection it hides from the leader's view but manifests in front of others anytime i go and i go into a place and i meet a pastor i meet a leader i always look at the person right next to them now obviously if it's their wife or their husband i can't you know what's whatever i'm looking at the assistant i'm looking at the one right there i'm saying okay who are you i'm discerning quick because i want to i want to know who i'm messing with here you know i want to make i want to see what's going on and that's okay you you know check the spirit nothing wrong with that it says test the spirits okay so anyway and then remember it doesn't show the leader it's true colors it'll show everybody else and if you ever notice people like you have like four or five people in the church saying hey this person right next to you this person is crazy they're manifesting and acting half nuts over here and you just let this person stay next to him because the person's like oh it's okay you know she's nice he's nice they need to be around you know and and then and then the people start leaving the church and jezebel inspired churches you'll see that the people will start to gradually leave because people there's everybody in the church ain't dumb they're like hey i ain't dealing with this person you know i ain't dealing with this person i'm not messing with it uh if this person is going to stay there i'm out of here you know so and i'm not saying people need to leave church just because there's a jezebel there no sometimes you need to pray for your pastor and their seed for that spirit to be out of the way you know because when that spirit gets in there sometimes the things get deep you know all right guys let's move on to the next one all right watch this they make commitments and promises quickly they will always i'll do it i'll do it i'm there i'm here i mean because they got to show the man or woman of god or whoever's in authority this could be in the business setting too or in the family don't don't get it twisted this could be anywhere they make commitments and promises quickly i'll do it i'm here i'm there right and use recommendations from others to impress others so they get the ear of what's going on they listen to what's going on around them right and then they'll say it's my idea i caught that i i did that you know and and it remember it plays off of the power of others all right plays off of the power of others it has to use others ideas because the insecurity and the rejection is there and there's no like she she doesn't feel like she has it within herself so she has to use other people okay they make commitments and promises quickly and use recommendations from others to impress others all right so that's pretty much self-explanatory i don't have to spend a lot of time on this but uh let's move forward now this this right here this right here they i'm gonna say this right here to every one of them because it's crazy right they seem super spiritual in an exaggerated way to gain acceptance and attention watch they have their own agenda they are looking for disciples of their own they whine until they get their way let's let's go back up top here they seem super spiritual i'm i'm prof they will i'm prophet so and so what do you mean where is your church oh i'm a street prophet okay they i prophesy right i know how to prophesy and listen the spirit can operate in words of knowledge okay they seem super spiritual in an exaggerated way and i mean like from from a psychic ability okay i'm not talking about from the holy spirit they seem super spiritual in an exaggerated way they exaggerate their giftings i have this awesome gift of healing you just need to come with me so you can see it you need my gift of healing in your life you i have a great deliverance anointing and you need to just come on over here and i this the greatest deliverance anointing ever i prophesy so accurately you need to get around me and hear it i you know i have the biggest discernment gift i know about everybody i can tell you about anybody around you you know they seem super spiritual in an exaggerated way watch out for these people guys i'm going to tell you something all you got to do is go to a couple christian conferences and you will run into jezebel trust me they are all through the crowd trying to infl and impress people you ever been to some of the conferences you go to the conferences and they're always wanting to pray and prophesy over everybody they need to be seen they need their gift to be seen the holy spirit told me to pray on everybody here they need to be seen that no you don't need to be seen god needs to lift you up but they always in that place causing a mess and wanting their gifting to shine okay so they seem super spiritual in an exaggerated way to gain acceptance and attention and here's another thing they have an agenda they have their own agenda okay jezebel has a selfish agenda it's all about her okay and if it she nobody else is getting the attention somebody else gets the attention that thing will throw a fit if anybody comes in and looks like it's going to take her position she will do anything she can to discredit that person or or to she'll want to get them out of there they're looking for disciples of their own when she's in there she's playing up on the week she's looking for hurt people traumatized people you understand they're looking for disciples of their own they want to make eunuchs jezebel needs eunuchs guys she needs people that'll stand with her when there's a plot in the church that uh absalom spirits around jezebel's around that spirit is very similar to one another they need their reinforcements so when they come and they're ready to strike and they're really to take down when they're really to pull down the pastor they really to pull down they got people around them to say to to point the fingers and accuse i mean look at david i believe i believe absalom was definitely influenced by the spirit also okay all right guys here we go they isolate and pit people against each other privately and individually behind closed doors give you an example i'll use me for an example in the ministry somebody in the ministry goes to somebody else in the ministry and they're like you know daniel and then somebody else go hey you know daniel it goes door to door door and then you'll come to me and be like hey you know this person right blah blah blah blah next thing you know seeds of discord and division have gone into my heart in that person's heart and now we're coming at each other and jezebel is standing on the outside watching all of this take place guys watch out for the gossipers backbiters and slanderers they are usually influenced by these spirits okay by this spirit people who gossip back bait and slander and also the rejected group of people you ever seen people who are hurt by ministry i mean i got groups of them people all over the place right they get hurt by a ministry because they are automatically they're coming to the ministry for the wrong reasons opportunist rebellion they didn't get delivered so they keep their trauma they keep their self-protection they get hurt and you'll see these people leave out of a ministry and they'll come together and they'll continue to gossip and discord they'll try to get into the ears of the people that are still in the ministry so they can still continue to cause mess so they isolate a person so they get a person alone that so that they ha that person has to listen to that that jezebel's information and pit people against each other privately and individually behind closed doors she is a sneaky serpent she's a sneaky witch okay a sneaky witch all right here's another one they play the victim they are never wrong guys a jezebel will not i'm telling you something they will never admit they are wrong they will never humble themselves they will always be the victim all right they blame everyone else it's everybody else's problem everybody else has the problem now this is going to get some of you guys right now they blame everyone else they play listen guys listen they play on compassion to block discernment this is tough for you nurturers out there for you mercy gift people for you grace people they use your compassion i see this all the time they play on compassion to block the gift of discernment to block discernment their victimization plays on that mercy gift you know daniel he was mean to me and he corrected me too hard even though he was right he shouldn't have come that hard and then the person goes a person with a compassion gift will be like oh you know yeah daniel was mean to you next thing you know you got a seed in your heart and now you have you've lost you've been given over okay you've been given over because they play the victim guys i was telling somebody today i was telling somebody today i have no compassion for rejection i have no compassion for self-pity okay i'll give you love i'll give you correction i'll give you a way out but if you want to stay that way my compassion goes to zero and my correction goes to 100 and i say hey gotta go on because you're going to be a divisive person you're going to cause all kinds of problems and all kinds of struggles around me nothing against you but you need to repent you need to get this thing out of your life i got to go you know people just don't understand okay if i'm going to tell you something else guys if you know there's a man or woman of god they're integris and they're running a ministry and these people that are rejected and hurt are coming to you looking looking for your compassion look they're playing on it it's right here they play on compassion they will take advantage of a merciful person i'm i'm really highlighting this because there's a lot of mercy gifts out there in the body of christ you guys are so easily manipulated i'm not saying i don't have mercy okay i needed mercy a lot of it but these spirits and these people play on compassion to block discernment next thing you know you're agreeing with them your discernments went to zero okay guys so i don't care i don't care who it is if there's no 100 evidence on anything they're saying you know even even i'll take it even a step further let's talk about king david did king david want slander or gossip or back bite against saul no he always honored king saul that's the person we need to look at we need to look at david how how he did with king saul okay unless in the body of christ a leader is causing people to fall into immorality and into nasty sin and stuff like that don't listen to these people's stuff because they're operating from rejection and jezebel yes they will drain you they play on compassion to block your discernment and now guys i'm not saying don't be compassionate stay compassionate stay loving but have discernment ask the lord to give you discernment okay give you discernment and don't entertain gossip back biting and slander i mean you can get some it tickles your ears and you feel good in the moment but it'll strike you like a snake later all right watch this they use false humility and feel entitled or owed something oh you know i'm so humble oh you know i i don't deserve that you know and i'm such a i do so much work around here and you know i'm just not worth it i'm not worth it you know that false humility you got to look out for that and then they feel entitled to things okay there is an entitlement mentality they're really pushing entitlement in in the countries right now they're trying to make everybody feel entitled right by likes and shares and all these things if you don't have all that you're not entire you don't you're not getting anything you're entitled okay my way my way entitlement or owed something jezebels will always feel like you owe them something you owe me forgiveness you owe me this because i'm hurt i'm owed this no the vengeance is the lord's the vengeance is not yours you're not owed anything and i've told people that they've tried to command me i've had sometimes people in ministry they will try to command me to to get to ask them for forgiveness i'm like you you're you're trying to manipulate me to make you to feel sorry for you and ask you for forgiveness because i've hurt your feelings no i don't think so i owe you nothing and people don't understand why i'm so black and white with this and i'm so i'm so cut and dry with it they're like oh daniel you don't have no compass no because i'm not entertaining that spirit i'm not going to do it yeah i owe nobody nothing okay now if i've caused the offense that's another thing but but you're not gonna you let the holy spirit give me the revelation to come to you don't don't come and manipulate me and make me feel like i owe you something you see what i'm saying we're not owed anything it says to forgive your enemies to bless your enemies do good to those who do bad to you do good to those who speak evil of you all right that's how you win your brother over over show your christ likeness walk out and look like jesus christ nobody owes me a thing the way i look at it i've played the victim card in the past right but nobody owes me nothing i'm not owed anything don't you none of you guys on here don't owe me a thing okay jesus didn't do nothing but say forgive them for they know not what they do if he can say forgive them on the cross of calvary then guess what we should be able to do we should say hey forgive them father for they know not what they do all right so they use false humility and feel entitled or owed something watch now this is a good way to find a jezebel jezebel they are not accountable to anyone and guys i'm going to tell you something so let me stop right here they have no friends they work with nobody they're loners you're not going to see them share a stage okay guys if you'll listen to me really good you'll be able to find out who's who i'm giving you guys some good info right now they're not accountable to anybody and they will not share the stage because of their anointing it's there there there them them them i i they are not accountable to anyone man i've come to the point where i know that i'm a part of the body of christ and i i will stand with whoever that that is integris you know when i do meetings with some of these men of god you and women of god you know you'll see if i if if we stand on the stage together that's a good thing that shows unity is what it shows that the body of christ is unified but there are some people you ain't getting on the stage and standing next to any happening man they work with nobody they're accountable to they're not accountable to anyone you can't find nobody around them there's nobody because why they can't be wrong they cannot be wrong and they often accuse others of being a jezebel okay they will often accuse everybody else they're never the jezebel oh that person's a jezebel that and let me let me let me tell you guys something they find a jezebel everywhere if you're around somebody and the only spirit that they can see is jezebel now don't get me wrong jezebel is a prominent spirit so i'm not talking about actual manifestations i'm talking about somebody that's just calling people jezebel and not doing nothing for nobody but everybody's jezebel but nobody ain't casting the demon out you know what i'm saying oh that's a jezebel that's a j and i've asked people i say okay that's a jezebel go tell them i've been around these type of people i'll tell them straight up okay if that's a jezebel confront them because all you're doing is telling me they're jezebel and doing nothing about it you're doing nothing about it all i hear is that's just oh that's leviathan over there oh that's that's that no man that ain't what the bible says confront that spirit test that spirit go talk to him if that's jezebel show me that's jezebel all right people don't like people don't want to hang around me because i'm gonna put them on spot go check it out go check it out and tell me what you see okay so all right they are not accountable to anyone and often accuse others of being jezebel if you're seeing these characteristics and people that you're around guys um just i would run man honestly if they ain't repenting and they ain't ready to change i would say get out of there all right let's see all right here we go they look for others who are hurt and wounded watch this to mentor them did you hear that they look for others who are hurt and wounded to mentor them jezebel has to find other victims has to find people that are also hurt and wounded and then she will what she will do is she will come in and and show her super power and she will mentor these people all right you're not going to i'm telling you man it's so true if you go look it don't take much guys i'm giving you some keys you can go into a ministry and if everybody's complaining if everybody's gossiping if everybody's hurt and traumatized hurt people hurt people that's what i tell them hurt people hurt people they look for others who are hurt and wounded to mentor them okay crazy stuff man i've seen it so much in ministry so much in ministry it's wild okay here's another one for you they accuse people falsely uh that jezebel spirit will twist you up choke you out and throw you away they they will say you've done things that you have not done all right she works with leviathan by the way just to let you know that prideful spirit but they accuse people falsely they they'll say this person's doing this and that ain't never talk to the person ain't never had a conversation but this person is this that and and and the third they just say that just this person did this and that person ain't never done it they ain't never done it you know so they they accuse people falsely someone come on somebody i know i know you guys are catching revelation on this this is some real stuff all right now they operate with insecurity these are some super insecure people okay um you will notice they do things okay look i'm gonna i'm gonna go on a limb for you right here i work out i work out five days a week but i don't like i went on a trip recently and i'll tell you why i'm talking about this that i didn't i didn't get to work out every day okay and that's fine sometimes i go on trips i might get two days in or something i believe in keeping the body good right but when you see an insecure person they if they don't work out five days a week seven days a week they lose it i'm just using this an example okay if they don't put their makeup on every morning jezebel has to look pretty she will not come out without her makeup on because she's ugly inside she needs her makeup to be seen in public you see what i'm saying the man that's operating in jezebel his muscles have to be right before before he goes out and does anything they operate with insecurity okay they operate within security they hate themselves strong self-hatred is there all right strong self-hatred they do not like them and that's the problem of everything they do not like them if you're watching this and you have this addiction to to you need to look some type of way and you ain't gonna do anything unless you look this type of way i mean look jehu shot sewed up on the scene and she was putting makeup on because she could not be out in public without her adoration without her adornments right so just think about this if you're that type no offense to you females okay no offense but if you need your makeup for anybody to accept you there's a problem the makeup is now an idol you see hey man if you need to be full of tattoos for people to think you're strong and cool there's a problem you see if you gotta go and you gotta have your steroids or whatever for people to respect you there's a problem all right there's a big problem they operate within security right insecurity you will always find this in that spirit always always find it in the spirit they always they just hate themselves all right now guys this this one right here they initiate witchcraft prayers based on selfish motivation i'll give you an example um when they're targeting other ministries they're hurt right they're targeting other ministries they'll pray prayers like lord take this person down lord we just call judgment on to this person right now lord we just we pray that you'll remove them from leadership lord we pray uh you know that you just put sickness on you that's witchcraft prayer that's charismatic witchcraft prayers jesus didn't know in no way in the bible did you hear him say pray that way okay they initiate witchcraft prayers based on selfish motivation so they're they're gonna they're gonna use witchcraft to to shoot it at people with their mouth to cause these problems you gotta listen guys let me tell you something when you're in intercessor groups when you're around preachers when you're around anybody pay attention to how they pray if they're praying in a way of of condemnation they're working that's witchcraft coming out of mouth i'll be there i'll bind that witchcraft in their mouth right now in the mighty name of jesus christ late god be god is the avenger of the brethren we don't have to pray witchcraft prayers god knows what's going on man we honor people we show people that we're different okay so people that are rejected and hurt they they and they fuel it man it's fueled from that selfish motivation because they know look jezebels are always waiting for somebody to make a mistake so they can step into the position that's good right there they're waiting for somebody to make a mistake so they can take the position all right a lot of you have just tuned in on youtube we have 619 we're up to 800 total watching right now like and share the broadcast if you just tuned in guys like and share this is good this is really good i'm actually surprised at how much revelation the lord has given me as i'm preaching on this they initiate witchcraft prayers based on selfish motivation okay like i said before i'll say it one more time listen to their intercession listen to how they're praying okay the lord said pray in philippians he says pray with all prayers with thanksgiving and supplication thanksgiving and supplication okay and yes thank you maria jezebel is waiting for somebody to make a mistake to take the position because her witchcraft prayers are attacking you ever been sitting there and you're like man why am i under this attack you know there's somebody praying a witchcraft prayer towards you right i've had it i've had it man i know sometimes when people are praying i can fill it in the spirit when they're praying selfish motivating prayers okay uh people okay so i'll give you an example people who have been traumatized if they see somebody do something that is related right to their to their trauma if if they okay so i'll give you an example here's here's a crazy example there's a man and a woman the man cheats on the woman the the the spiritual person over here uh is traumatized by that because they haven't truly the jezebel hasn't truly forgiven being cheated on in the past now they start praying towards this uh situation i command that man uh to to to to die command judgment upon his head for what he did to that family he doesn't deserve to live he needs to be six feet under he needs to be this he needs to be that that is not the way to pray for anybody who has been caught in transgression galatians 6 1 says to restore a brother uh restore somebody who has been caught in a transgression gently who has been caught and said gently lest you get to fall into the same temptation okay so guys i'm gonna tell you a lot of you are watching this right now you have a lot of traumas in your life and you're you're watching people do things that are triggering your traumas you're getting trauma triggers you're gonna have to take authority over those trauma triggers and pray correctly okay and if you're getting triggered in trauma you need to go back and forgive the person who has traumatized you or go find deliverance and go find help so you're not praying witchcraft prayers okay you're not praying witchcraft prayers you know you don't want to do that man because what's going to happen is hot coals are coming up on your head but you're praying towards that situation god's not going to have anything to do with it so pray correctly man you're not supposed to pray from your trauma you're not supposed to pray from your rejection all right plus god ain't in no way he don't have nothing to do with unforgiveness all right he don't have nothing to do with that nothing we pray for awesomeness we pray for restoration reconciliation healing we pray these things and look you can even pray for restoration and reconciliation from a traumatized place do you ever you ever know that i've seen people do that they're praying from what they want instead of from what god wants oh that is good a lot of times we pray from the flesh instead of praying from the spirit that's why sometimes you might not know what to pray you might be like man this situation is upside down turned all around it's a mess right now you know how you should pray then you go to praying in the spirit because you know you're going to you're going to say something slick out of your mouth that's going to come from your flesh and you're praying in the wrong direction there's been times i went to prayer closet and i i didn't like something and i just shut my mouth and i said spirit you got it holy spirit you got to intercede on this because man i'm going to pray something crazy right now you know so i'll just start praying in the spirit you know so it's very important i'm throwing some good info out there for you guys i want to encourage you let me see if there's anything else over here all right guys that's 12. so we look we got we got 12 over here i'm gonna go back and uh i'm going to start from the beginning and i want to read through one more time with you guys okay so i'll read through one more time with you guys and that that'll be the end of this part but we got more to talk on okay so just uh just be ready because some of you just tuned in and i want you guys to see that all right here we go people influenced by spirit of jezebel this number one have fear issues of rejection they control others so that they will not be hurt generally there is a history of trauma or abuse number two they target the hit ship they offer free help to be their top assistant because they want their protection it hides from the leader's view but manifest in front of others number three they make commitments and promises quickly and use recommendations from others to impress others number four they seem super spiritual in an exaggerated way to gain acceptance and attention they have their own agenda they are looking for disciples of their own they whine until they get their way number five they isolate and pit people against each other privately and individually behind closed doors number six they play the victim they are never wrong they blame everyone else they play on compassion to block discernment number seven they use false humility and fill in title or owed something number eight they are not accountable to anyone and often accuse others of being a jezebel i think this is number nine number eight they look for others who hurt and then wounded to mentor them i think this is number nine i missed it all right anyway they accuse people falsely they operate with insecurity they initiate witchcraft prayers this is number 12 by the way they initiate witchcraft prayers based on selfish motivation hey one thing you get you guys can say this about me is i keep it real on here okay it's not perfect so you guys you know this is i like coming live and just being real because i've completely forgot what number i was on right there but number 12 they initiate witchcraft prayers based on selfish motivation all right amen amen isn't that good man i'm seeing y'all's comment over there god is awesome man he's amazing okay we're not done yet guys so hang tight now what i want to tell you let me see if i can find this really quick all right i want i want to show you guys really fast six signs six signs that jezebel is directing attacks against you okay i didn't write these down but i want to show you six signs that jezebel is directing attacks against you number one you become fearful all right if you start see filling that spirit of fear upon you jezebel is is targeting you number two you isolate yourself more we saw elijah run into the cave right we saw elijah run into the cave when jezebel was coming after him he went straight into isolation and got suicidal almost all right number three you experience unreasonable exhaustion you you you have no energy you have nothing okay there's those witchcraft prayers coming after you okay number four your thoughts and dreams become sexually perverse okay your thoughts and three your thoughts and dreams become sexually perverse that's another sign that she's after you number five strange and prolonged illnesses hinder you strange and prolonged illnesses hinder you number six freak accidents become more common place freak accidents become more common place all right you number one i'm gonna say it again for you guys okay number one you become fearful if people want to put this in the chat for me number one you become fearful number two you isolate yourself more you want to stay away from everybody number three you experience unreasonable exhaustion you have energy to do nothing number four your thoughts and dreams become sexually perverse number five strange and prolonged illnesses hinder you and number six freak accidents become commonplace freak accidents become common place these are s that's six more signs that jezebel is directing attacks against you and i can tell you i've experienced all these things myself when i'm being targeted by this spirit this spirit targets men and women of god especially people who operate strong in the prophetic okay people who operate strong in the prophetic it's very normal for the spirit to come after them and want to attack them and take over okay so that's that's six ways right there for you thank you guys in the chat that are putting that down for me that jezebel is directing attacks against you guys there is so much information in here somebody wants me to give a little bit information on number six freak accidents become commonplace uh you're getting car wrecks um something stuff is falling on you out of nowhere you're falling down stairs uh doors are slamming on you you're getting hurt in the gym you know freak accidents that's what i'm talking about accidents that make no sense and it's it happens often like it's an often thing it isn't like it happens one time and it's over no it's this thing is happening to you all the time that's a good way to know uh if you're having these freak accidents so that's how you know if jezebel's coming against you and i know there's a lot of people in the chat right now you are getting some some really good info right now okay that's funny he said yeah you're right you're right she does she'll send that now guys i want to tell you something jezebel operates off of sexual seduction she's a seducing spirit obvious most the time she'll use her looks she'll use her giftings she will use her sexual power to entice you and bring you in that's what she does she was she's known by bringing sexual immorality into the land okay anybody anybody who is is hindered by sexual immorality i'm gonna look for the spirit this spirit in operation okay people who give themselves over people who are addicted very strong to pornography people who have very lustful appetites and stuff like that i'm gonna look for this spirit to be in operation when i'm dealing with them okay jezebel is a seducing spirit she's all about seduction she loves to seduce that's what she does all right so so you guys may be watching this and i believe just by the spirit when i'm feeling some of you guys are really convicted right now it's okay all right there's a way out all right so let me tell you about the way out his name is jesus christ there is this thing called repentance you can turn from it if you're involved in a jezebel driven church guys get out of there okay run as quick as you can say hey uh you're gonna bless me out you ain't gonna bless me i'm out of here and sometimes you don't have to wait for the blessing okay get out get out don't hang around and i'm gonna tell you something else if there's pastors and leaders watching this right now and you're yolked to somebody that's over there sleeping with everybody's wife or or whatever it may be you're guilty you're guilty too you're just as guilty as them stop it get away from those people repent turn we don't need that stuff okay get away the bible that's why paul says if somebody is caught in immorality and in sin and stuff don't even eat at the table with them if they call themselves a brother and they're doing that stuff don't don't sit down with those people man because you're going to get caught in their gossip they're slammed in their back bite and their mess you're going to get caught in it okay so that's why that's why paul says that we don't get caught with that all right that paul didn't tolerate it jesus didn't tolerate it you don't have to tolerate it either okay it don't let these pitiful people all right this is for somebody don't let these pitiful people that are that are mature christians i'm talking about mature christians not right off the block christians these mature christians be pitiful around you and drain you and say they can't overcome their sexual problem or they can't get out of their situation no you get you tell them then let the devil give you a revelation because you ain't listening to the revelation of the holy spirit i'm moving on with my life i gotta go don't hang around these people we gotta stop this in the church all right what did paul say when that young man was caught slept and sleeping with his stepmother he said kick him out of the church so the devil can save the soul at the end of the day i mean so the devil can have his way and his soul will be saved the devil ain't saving nobody but you know the devil can be used so his soul can be saved at the end i mean if paul's talking this way then what are we doing stay away from these people they'll contaminate you go you know bad company can well you know bad company corrupts people the people you're around all right bad company is bad what's the saying go what's saying somebody help me bad company corrupts good character is that what it is bad company corrupts good character i think that's what it is yeah so look guys the the bad company man stay away from it if people say that they are brother and sister in christ and they're not a brand new believer and they should know better step away from them if they ain't changing and they keep going down and they're okay and they're giving over to their sins and lust go on you know one of the best things in the past that happened to me was people i i got all alone jezebel dropped me on my head man and i was all alone but it was one of the best things because you know god that situation calls me to become who i am today and have the revelation i am today right i got i had to come back why because i repented i turned from sin i recognize sin i recognize the mess i recognize the destruction it causes you know when i ask for mercy and ask for grace and god completely will give you another chance but you have to repent you have to turn you have to turn from the sin man you have to say this ain't for me okay stop enjoying somebody watching this right now stop enjoying that woman on the screen stop enjoying that foreign person women stop enjoying that that seducing man who you know i hear sometimes the ladies they'll get together man yeah he's this no no you're being seduced you're being seduced he's playing on your weakness and you're about to go over there and bite into something you wish you never bit into it's because it looks good don't means it's going to end up good you hear that everything that looks good is not god all right so remember that all right be careful today even today i was in the gas station today and there's a man sitting in the there's a man in the at the counter and he's like who's a gas station one and i look over and i said oh my door's open on the truck he said no no look again look again i said what are you talking about bro i was not i was oblivious i look over and there's a lady pumping the gas and he's like i'm like i'm like bro that ain't me bro and he's looking at me like oh this this dude is not entertaining me no i'm not gonna entertain your seduction i'm not gonna you need to stop bro that's somebody's daughter out there you want somebody looking at your daughter that way you know that's me that's me and i just walk out the store man i'm not entertaining all those people you know i'm not doing that so that was just today that's how the enemy works he even even me in a store he's trying to seduce me to look at things because the enemy knows that i was going to come talk about this today so he wants to set up some stupid situations to get me in something stupid i ain't stupid i ain't looking over there i'm gonna pray for that person i'm gonna pray for that woman y'all looking at and lusting over y'all need to y'all should get over yourself you see that we gotta we gotta hold each other accountable we got to show the world we are not like the world we come from another place man we are we are sent from heaven we're heaven sent people amen that's where we're from we're from heaven we're living in epistles people need to read us and see and when they read us they need to be reading the word because we are going to be the only words some people re write read right so guys the way you operate in the kingdom you know also i just want to say this if you're in a group of rejected people i'm going to tell you right now say bye to them and tell them they need to repent of being heard of whoever they're hurt by don't be in hurt parties all right that's for somebody watching right now don't be in hurt parties get out of the hurt party don't it's so easy in the body of christ to get in a hurt party i call them hurt parties you don't want to be caught in that you don't you don't so get out of there if there's a bunch of people sitting there talking about how life sucks get out of there they're not going to take you nowhere you know you're you're going to be just like the next the person that you're next to the person closest to you tells a whole lot about you right so get get away from them hurt people no hurt parties no pity parties none of that mess not hurt people all these hurt people that have been hurt by everybody you know it's like no offense to a a alcohol is not everybody i'm an alcoholic no i'm a hurt person from the ministry i'm church hurt i'm reject there is there should be no such thing as church hurt it really shouldn't the body of christ should be teaching people not to be hurt all right but i hear so many times i'm church hurt i'm hurt i'm hurt and yeah i know what happens i know there's some real bad leaders but you know what most the time when i speak to these people their lusts and their father issues and stuff led them under that type of leader you know so there shouldn't be any church alert let's get let's get church hurt out of out of the body of christ okay that's almost a hypocritical statement did jesus say i'm church hurt did apostle paul say i'm church hurt did peter and andrew and john did they say i'm church hurt people keep stoning us with stones and and whipping us with whips and and all this stuff i'm church hurt what what no there is stop saying that word cut it out repent of saying that word you're saying when you say i'm church hurt you're saying i'm rejected oh come on now when you're saying i'm church hurt you're in agreement with rejection oh no yeah so stop it stop saying that because what's going to happen is you're going to go to the next church or you're going to go to the next group and you're going to get hurt by them too because you ain't never got all of your church hurt so you and they're all rejected and church hurt you see come on man no church hurt we're done with that word that word that should not exist we are not a rejected people we are more than conquerors in christ jesus okay and and and some of you now some of you are probably upset with me right now that's okay you can hurt anyway you're gonna be upset with me i'm just revealing something in your heart some of you right now are looking at that screen at me and going that dude look at him his coc i'm telling you i know how people think he's prideful he's cocky he's all these things no i'm telling you truth and you don't want to hear the truth that's your problem okay i'm telling you truth and love it is what it is all right people don't like me because i want to tell them the truth okay it it is what it is all right i know there's always over all there's almost a thousand people watching this right now it just is what it is somebody watching this either you got people that like you you got people that don't like you and you got people that somewhat like you it's it is it is what it is man it is what it is but we are not church we are not a rejected people but let me tell you this on the other side for the newer believer not for the mature believer but for the newer believer i have compassion okay i will walk with you i'll hold your hand i'll move forward for the newer believer because when we're young in christ they need milk they need to be their babes they need to be taken care of but i'm talking about some of these some of these people that are 10 years in the church still talking the same eight years in the church still talking thing talking about is hurt i'm hurt no you're eight years you're mature you should be over this stuff what you've been doing with yourself you know people are people are people people people hurt each other that's what they do and family you go to your family gatherings when you go to your family gatherings everybody somebody uncle's mad at the cousin or you know daddy's mad at aunt jane you know what i'm saying like go to family gatherings it's the same stuff you think you're going to go from there into the family of christ and not have these problems sometimes we're a family families fight sometimes they have issues but we've got to learn how to get over it we gotta um we gotta learn how to come together in unity i mean god is about unity when you get to heaven let me tell you something some of these people you're mad at some of these people that we're pointing fingers at and we're and we're we're crucifying and stuff like that you got to deal with it you better hope you go to heaven if you get your forgiveness i always tell people you got a problem with this person this person's still over here operating the kingdom you got to be in heaven with them man just like move on you don't don't mean you got to hang out with them 24 7 but just you know you don't have to do all that but stop just get over it just let it go let it go you don't have to hang out okay but love them love them from a distance and pray for them pray for him the right way and i'm telling you god will do some awesome miracles he will do some awesome miracles he'll do some restoration things that you just wouldn't believe that he would do he will so god wants that all right i'm not telling anybody to stay in a situation of abuse or or spiritual abuse or church i'm not saying that but as you walk away from it allow the lord to heal you on the walk if that make you get what i'm saying allow the healing to come don't hold on don't become hardhearted right and and allow that stuff to to build up greater bitterness and stuff because it's going to hurt you in the long run so if you're walking away from a situation you didn't like as you're walking away say jesus i'm walking away from this i need you to heal me because i don't like what i'm feeling right now and i'm telling you the holy spirit will honor what you're doing okay he will honor it and he will heal you along the walk so that you don't walk years and years and years with this stuff in you you see so all right yeah that's it's good stuff man all right guys i'm gonna look over here uh on the chat i hope you've been encouraged before i go over here and look on the chat and turn on some little music right here um go ahead if you if you have learned something tonight put seven i want to see a seven on there okay put a seven on there and uh if you've been blessed if you got in revelation put a seven i'm about to pray for you too okay i'm gonna pray for you guys i'm gonna pray against uh that jezebel spirit also so but i just want to see if you guys have been been blessed amen come on come on god is good come on look at this so good hallelujah got so much going on right now my my little buttons over here kind of messing up there we go i want to make sure you guys you guys can hear me can you hear me tell me if you can hear me guys i should be i should be open again can you hear me can you hear me now let me know let me know let me know tell me tell me tell me am i back in my back sounds back amen amen yeah i don't the the i guess there's so much going on right now it's got the got the system acting a little crazy amen hopefully it stays it stays on come on i'm glad you guys are blessed man the chat man going wild going wild amen amen also guys i i want to i'm a little scared to hit this button over here but guys i i want to tell you also go ahead and uh actually let me pray now that i got my okay my sounds here let me pray really quick guys we're going to pray against this jezebel spirit okay father i thank you right now for everybody watching i command that jezebel spirit that has been afflicting many i command you right now jezebel we've revealed you tonight we've uncovered your works of darkness i command you by the power and authority of jesus christ let these people go now i command every jezebelic attack every jezebel experience you come up and out of them now you leave them in the mighty name of jesus christ i command you to go back to the pit in the mighty name of jesus christ back to the abyss you and your children i bind you jezebel and i bind the children that you brought into these people by the power and authority of jesus christ and i command you to come up and out of them and leave them now in jesus mighty name and i command any of jezebel's witchcraft that is coming out against the people of god i command all of that witchcraft to leave them now i command every witchcraft attack be loosed off of them be broken off of them right now in the mighty name of jesus christ no more witchcraft attacks and i call forth the blessings of the lord upon jesus people now in jesus name people that have repented i pray that you will bless them tremendously lord i pray right now every promise to manifest i pray prophetic destinies to birth i command the walls that have been built up to come down right now in the mighty name of jesus christ and i thank you jesus for great grace upon everybody watching i pray their families to be saved i pray right now lord jesus healings to manifest deliverance to manifest i pray right now any miracle that needs to take place it takes place right now in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray people be baptized in the holy spirit and fire right now in the mighty name of jesus christ receive a fresh baptism of the holy spirit receive the gift of tongues in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth receive your blessing right now in jesus mighty name jesus mighty name amen amen amen amen amen i believe some of you are being completely broken free from this jezebelic attack from the influence of jezebel i believe even the holy spirit is telling some of you to step away from some things step away from some of these groups step away even from some of these jezebel led places you know step away be led by the holy spirit in it though so i believe some of you are going to take actions that are just going to change things you're going to make faith moves that are going to change things that are going to move things for the glory of jesus christ it's going to make you go from glory to glory and from faith to faith in jesus name jesus name come on god is good he is so good also guys i do of course if you've been blessed by this teaching i want to encourage you to give okay i want you to encourage you to give there's so many ways to give you can give through paypal cash app you can give through breeze uh you can give through venmo all the links are up there uh people will be also sharing the links in the chat over here if you want to give i just uh ask you to sew what you can guys you know they always say so where you grow so if you're growing in this teaching guys it don't matter dolla hundred thousand whatever you want to give guys just give all of it goes to the kingdom of god in jesus mighty name jesus mighty name i'm gonna look over here on the chat y'all are rolling on this chat man y'all rolling on this chat boy let me see if i can turn this music on okay we got it okay things cleared up a little bit over here amen all right let's i'll chill with y'all a little bit drink some smart water [Music] yeah so somebody's asking me can we talk more about spiritual gifts actually i talk all about the spiritual gifts in the uh school for the forerunners i have teachings on every gift of the holy spirit but i'm going to come on here and start talking about um stuff like you know the seer anointing prophecy all that stuff i'm gonna start talking more on that stuff i think we've i talked about the python spirit the leviathan spirit the jezebel spirit i've talked about witchcraft attacks i've talked about how the devil attacks i got all kinds of teachings on here now so i'm going to start talking about other things too so amen somebody asked me something up here let me see [Music] all right somebody asked this question let me see if it will come out all right yeah it did revival fire daniel does jezebel try to target or drain you of your anointing as well jezebel wants to drain you dry yes yes jezebel wants to to suck the energy out of you she wants to make you feel like nothing and take you to the the ends of all you have i i have a teaching i believe already about how to maintain uh maintain your deliverance maybe i don't i might have to go back and look and if i don't i will do a i will do a teaching on how to maintain your deliverance but i think i do what was what was reinhard monkey like i mean i didn't meet him a whole lot but when i i mean he was he was an amazing man of god i mean you felt the authority that it carried he was so humble so full of love um his voice was like an incredible voice he was an aw that guy was an awesome man of god i really truly honor that man i mean his school did did so much for me when i went to it in 2014 yeah he was he was a strong man come to jesus you know i learned a lot from him just from leaning from him he was awesome uh let me see daniel [Music] through the forerunner studies okay uh sharon i usually put them out maria usually does an email i this was a uh impromptu live i did today so i'll make sure that maria brings out and we'll get more um what do you call it settled on when i'm going to do these lives and teaching so you guys can be aware do i like to show the chosen people have opinions of it i i i know the bible so like when i watch the shows and i watch it just to see it's cool to watch like how things are happening and stuff and i think they actually i think they did a really good job now everybody's not gonna agree with me on this i don't expect you to you can have your opinion okay people have different opinions on certain movies too but i um i'm not i'm not against it i think kim clement was an awesome prophet of god sad that he passed away can a child have this spirit absolutely a child can have a jezebel screen can your team play call of duty i mean does your team love the lord is your team leading people to christ over the mic i mean it's a tough game i don't know you definitely gotta have a strong foundation or you'll get addicted to that thing can someone help walk me through deliverance uh you can go on the map we have four runners all over the map fill somebody's thoughts and emotions jesus said he knew the intents of the people's heart so it is very it's called discernment you're and getting a word of knowledge when you're feeling and hearing people's emotions and feeling people's emotions and stuff it's called knowing the intents of their heart uh no i'm not i'm not up till september i'm randomly opening myself up it's hard for me to take one-on-ones guys but i do open myself up here and there all right so i'm not booked out to september but just keep your eyes open if you want one i open the schedule up here and there since age five that's awesome do i have an instagram account yes my instagram i go instagram live and pray for people on there too guys so if you don't follow me on instagram my instagram is in the description snl dan i pray live on there sometimes st louis missouri i don't know we need to get it on the map [Music] arizona i am coming to arizona it's already on there guys i'm coming to arizona go to the events what can we do if the wife wants deliverance but husband has jezebel and don't want to repent gotta pray in that prayer closet pray in the prayer clause and ask god to soften the heart and to bring a situation abroad do i have a church in orlando i used to but i'm on the road so much right now but we are soon going to have uh micro churches i'm going to be announcing microchurches here pretty soon guys so that's exciting for me uh the northeast i am coming to the northeast guys go to the events you'll see all that we're putting new events up too guys does jezebel get triggered easily absolutely super offensive spirit gets triggered hardcore jada i live in orlando florida so i gotta we gotta set something up here again how do you recognize the jezebel go back and watch the video i got so many things this whole video was about it yes i will come to the uk i will as soon as somebody guys you guys are asking me man go on the website and fill out the travel form come go fill out the travel form come on deborah amen [Music] when your ears go numb and out when you're praying you're probably getting deliverance probably getting deliverance what do you do if you have a jezebel spirit repent and ask somebody to help you get set free there's there's a whole map guys on the website on the website we have a whole map of of loads of forerunners that can pray for you certified forerunners i was coming to brazil but the the government changed up things on me so but i plan to come to brazil for sure i want to come to hawaii yes very much so i got a video on self-deliverance if you type it in on youtube [Music] how do i talk about how to talk about dreams i have a video on youtube about dreams i'll talk about them again though i needed to update update it [Music] to get a nose ring okay if you're questioning getting the nose ring here's what i'm gonna tell you guys i'm gonna tell you straight up all right i'm not judging anybody most people i've seen that have nose rings have rebellion issues okay leviathan has no i think it's leviathan or behemoth one of them i have it has it says the strength is in its nostrils right um books in its nose all that stuff i think is what it says you can correct me if i'm wrong so you know why did you get the nose ring what made you get it yeah leviathan put a hook in his nose i've noticed people man i have seen this is truth i've seen people take the nose ring out of their mouth i mean mouth out of their nose and hit the ground and get delivered i've seen it it's crazy because they got it out of rebellion [Music] i would love to come to portugal on my mom's side there's actually portugal in her blood it's pretty crazy huh you wouldn't believe that would you part of europe though what about makeup i mean i'm not against makeup it just depends on why you're doing it you need makeup to feel pretty all the time it's not wrong a little makeup i don't think [Music] yes leviathan's strength is in his neck you're correct but there's other attributes as scales strength is in its neck it still you know it says if you wrestle against leviathan be like trouble for you how do you handle someone with a jezebel spirit get away from them if they ain't willing to repent you got your experience out of rebellion well then guess what beautiful things you can change it amen let me see amen yes leviathan and jezebel do work together no they don't have to have all 12 signs to be affected by jezebel guys amen gladys you're right i need to get watch season two what do i think about sozo i think they need to include casting out demons that's what i think [Music] sozo would work really good if they cast the demons out of people a lot of these inner healing things they don't cast demons out they think they're casting demons out but the demons just hiding while they're cut while they're petting them on their head my opinion my opinion some some people have wonderful encounters through sozo okay that's just me i i've done sozo stuff too but man some stuff i needed cast out of me man so i could get so i could get you know [Music] control over areas now some people some people in sozo do cast out demons i'm not saying everybody all right can i do a video and healing i don't know if y'all want me to do that [Music] i'm not against it though teach their own whatever works guys whatever works i think the the bible i think when jesus uh said it is finished on the cross and we became a new creation we did pretty good at getting in or healed if you can only believe it right can jezebel yup she can directly address you in the dream [Music] exactly sherry that's that's so true it's they think no jesus was talking to legion the demon sororities are not good fraternities are not good why because they make you take oaths they make you humiliate yourself sororities and fraternities are not good because i've had to deliver people from making oaths and there's some people that are deep rooted in sororities and stuff and fraternities and they have some really big bondage man they're very they're a lot like masons yeah exactly ozo is a ouija board demon uh i will come back to he's it's easy for me to get to west palm miami i'll try to set something up yeah i want to come to ohio kids can get demons from anything that they're addicted to yes become a forerunner by signing up on either youtube or the website you can be a forerunner on there i encourage you guys to join man to become part of the team yep they are cults you're exactly right they have cultic ways but you know cult the word cult in itself isn't necessarily a bad word it's just the demonic cults we would say but cult just means a gathering of people in one mindset you know but we we have given the cult a bad connotation you're in the jezebel church that's where god wants me to be to me what should i do stay strong if god hey listen here's the thing priscilla if you say god said there ain't nothing i can say so if you if god told you to stay in a jezebel church then i can't speak against what god said to you i'll tell you this i ain't standing in no jezebel church i can't i ain't not me it's gotta be i got to know that i'm sitting there to to do something crazy and i don't know it's hard to stay in those churches man because it if you're under that head you see what i'm saying you're under the head of that church and that whatever you're coming under you're like saying i'm going to be in under the authority of this jezebel pastor now you're saying hey i'll take anything he gives me you see what i'm saying so it's a catch-22 devil can't take what jesus heals but you can you can get something new by going back into a sinful lifestyle [Music] myself let's see amen liz the only thing was so so they need to enjoy it they need to incorporate casting out demons that's it yeah if it's why be caught if you know that you're in a sinful jezebel church get out of there man no i don't even that's just my opinion but if you said god said i can't say nothing when people say god said i said i don't know you asked me for if god said you shouldn't have to ask any man nothing right because god said if god said people say that to me they say hey god said but i'm going to tell you about it no why are you telling me about it if you know god said it you don't have to tell me about it god said it you shouldn't have no questions um we will have it on the website very soon maria might be on here and be able to tell you what island in the bahamas we're coming to [Music] uh god bless you guys that's all i want to say when it comes to that amen amen wanna [Music] uh my thoughts on john ramirez i like him ain't got nothing against him i don't i don't speak guys you ain't gonna catch me speak bad about a man or woman or god i'm not gonna do it unless i know that they're absolutely leading people into sin you're not gonna catch me and i gotta have hardcore evidence on it i'm not gonna speak out against a man or woman of god don't get caught in those games that's jezebel stuff too [Music] so when you guys ask me my thoughts on ministers i'm gonna say they're fine because unless i know that they're in they're doing some crazy stuff i have nothing bad to say i've learned that i learned that from a man of god he said never talk on anybody on a pastor or anybody unless you know you gotta 100 no there has to be black and white evidence don't say nothing if you don't know anything else what's grave soaking i think it's when you go sit on a dead person's grave to get their anointing they use the verse of elijah's bones to back that up what is a jezebel spirit you're on a video that we just talked about 12 signs of the jezebel spirit you're going to have to go back and watch from the beginning jezebel i'm not i can't explain explain that again that's a lot to explain he is he's a great he's a gifted man john ramirez is an awesome man of god he's helped a lot of people a lot of people that's right bonnie who's my favorite ministers of this era oh um that's a i have to sit down and think on that i'm a little a little on tired side right now there's a lot of great ones still alive right now man that you asked me that question and so many of the ones that i gleaned for on here on the earth anymore that's crazy man a lot of people have passed away over the years all right jimmy i've done i've done i've done ministry with isaiah saldivar i've been on i've actually done events with him before event with him and i'm doing another one in texas with him i love isaiah saldivar he's an awesome holy ghost holiness preaching man leading people to know jesus christ he's a wonderful wonderful man of god at the time he's saying this he's amazing you were crying because jezebel don't want to leave she had to go jezebel likes to cry i would love to come to canada absolutely i hang out with you guys just a little bit longer man yeah where can we learn how about how healing works do we have what what was that um about how healings work do we have to protect them protect your healing just stand on the word stand on the word and your healing will stay believe and have faith faith is a substance thing hopefully the evidence thing's not seen hebrews 11 1. yeah jezebel loves to laugh she's always laughing hey hey hey i always know when she's going to laugh when that thing starts laughing i know yeah priscilla i pray that prophetic gift um to birth in your life in jesus mighty name i would love to come to mississippi in alabama y'all trying to get me to freestyle man i don't know i don't know [Music] yo i kicked jezebel out the window now the body of christ is saying hey ho she's gone we gotta know mo we kick that witch straight out the door she ain't coming back no more heart attack cause why is that her back went crack there you go that's what you're gonna get right now oh man y'all like that i know no no yeah don't mess with jezebel her footsteps lead the hill can't you tell don't you have that smell yeah kicker tail don't hang out with her she's no good she'll lead you to the hood and not the hood the one that's misunderstood she's no good get away don't be the one to play don't want to make it your wife because you know you screwed for the rest of your life yeah that's right i said your life because you can't go around making jezebel your wife get away run away don't stay here you don't want to stay pack your bags get on out because if not she's going to spit you out like a water spout done [Music] oh y'all look funny man there you go you don't want to freestyle freestyle [Music] y'all look funny man [Music] hey man we gotta have fun we gotta have fun hey i got the lo-fi uh royalty-free music playing right now run away that's right run away you can't stay run away to live another day am i into politics oh you best believe i watch i'll watch what's going on in politics prophetically for sure i gotta live in this country man i'm trying to watch what's going on i want to see how the spirit's moving right now what's going on so yeah i watch politics i think it's all corrupt but i'll watch it yeah all right guys about five moments five more minutes i'm gonna hang out with you guys laughter is medicine to the soul come on now come on ariel that's awesome what's my view on alex jones i think that man's wild man he's got some good points he's got some good stuff and then he's got some stuff that i scratched my head on [Music] i did get to meet reinhard bonke in person what did i learn from him one of the things i learned from him is when you get a vision from god you go forward and let nobody stop you if you know it's from the lord of course serve and be around people in the body of christ and be connected but definitely be around people that want to help you to get that out that's one thing i learned from him and i also learned from him he said words one time to a group of people he said you know a bunch of you are sitting in here but not everybody's gonna make it and i remember when he said that i said to myself oh no i ain't gonna be one of them people i had to fear the lord hitting me on that you all y'all trying to ask me comfort uh controversial questions right now don't want to get me hemmed up on this stuff y'all y'all want me to come hardcore with an answer on here and then next thing i know i'm i'm in a category i ain't trying to be categorized here i'm a christian man i'm a christian and loved by jesus christ i know how i know how these questions go sometimes by the way my wife told me i had i had to change my shirt game up on live so she put me in this blue shirt today just letting y'all know that eva said i had to switch it up come on let me see okay opinion of catherine crick's accusers i have no opinion i think people need to shut their mouth until they have black and white evidence that's what i think i think it's too much confusion in the body of christ because people don't have no evidence man there's no black and white evidence like people are people are always saying some crazy stuff about ministers but they they just talk i got this and i got that or they get a they get a demon to manifest to say that the person's name i think let me tell you guys something a demon will say it came from somebody you know that right to discredit a man or woman of god i mean there's some so some crazy immature stuff going on in the body of christ i i need to see black and white evidence before i make my make my um decision on any man or woman of god that's that's best way i could say i don't get caught up in that stuff man [Music] i'm not i'm not doing it now when stuff hit the fan at first i stepped back so i could see what was going on but i ain't seen nothing come out so i'm i'm not i'm not doing that i'm not doing it i'm not getting i'm not getting involved in that mess man yeah a second well is secular music demonic yes and no it depends on what you're listening to because there's some anointed secular songs out there that are that are i mean y'all we see the lifehouse song that's not a christian song that's a that's a secular song but a lot of churches use that song for jesus skits so yeah demons lie man and in the body of christ immature believers get caught all up in the middle of that mess man let you know let let jesus let jesus expose the works of darkness this is what i always say if somebody's in the dark it'll get caught up in the light y'all y'all remember y'all remember ravi zacharias right we can talk about this it's public ravi zacharias was loved until the day he died and then all the mess came out you can live in secret but when you die it's going to come out god will not be mocked man it will come out i tell people now let it be known jesse he needs to repent that's all i'm going to tell you i'm not going to go any deeper on that uh yes i will come to canada i hope he repented too is eating too much food and sin i think you know the answer to that that's called gluttony used to saying gospel and gone secular i'd be like what happened to you i'd be like why are you going into secular music now what do i enjoy when i'm away oh man i that's a lot i got to do a lot of different things i hang out with my family i play with my kids i uh i work out in the gym i do sports stuff and i do all kinds of stuff when when you guys don't see me i live man i travel the world i live that's one thing you can people get when you're with me you live i have some of these people that hang out with me i live this life man yeah i just pray i pray that pain to come out of your heart in jesus name [Music] microchurch in north carolina valor it can definitely happen i do not have one in orlando right now now these beats though come on now vibing on these things at lo-fi baby i am not vaccinated no and i'm not going to be [Music] you catch me slipping man as y'all can tell as time's moving on it was all a game it was all a game how do i deal with religious people i let them yell at me and i walk away i might say something like whitewashed tomb and i go on about my business yup what's my opinion on grave soaking i i haven't done it i ain't got an opinion i don't i don't know i don't know i mean i believe i don't know i i wouldn't go graves up that's just me don't do it it's almost your borderline neck or messy you know but i'm not but let me let me say let me say this though if you are vaccinated god bless you i'm not against you i'm against you all i'd say is i i have the blood of jesus in me i've been vaccinated with the blood of jesus [Music] i i do know that about yes i do know them about marcus but i think you should read a little bit closer to him because i think you might be surprised what he believes now the great are you lord what i will say about you is i i mean just from watching you over the streams and stuff i see the giving heart that you have so i automatically know you're a giver and i know you have a huge heart you probably have a helps ministry of some kind meaning that you have a heart for like those who are who are out like outcast type people i believe that you have a ministry to them you'll be a huge huge benefit to those type people being able to give them resources and things helping people get off the streets i can see that being a part of what god has called you to do guys y'all are asking me some questions that that are gonna that are controversial questions that really aren't they really don't matter you know they really don't matter i can't some of these things are just they're just going to cause an uproar because nobody has solid anything on it amen elijah you are correct that's exactly what i said [Music] i i ain't going to fight no principality i fight i deal with demons and people i let the angels handle the demons in the other place yeah some some of y'all asked me some questions trying to get me get me in put me in the cage i know what y'all doing slick y'all slick boy why'd the chicken cross the road to meet jesus so i didn't get hit by a car [Music] can i dance ask my wife ask some of these people in the ministry i get down get down like james brown come on [Music] i'll cut a rug man that's how they say back in the day cut a rug don't hang around me a little bit longer y'all see might be stiff sometimes but i'll get it going let me loosen up [Music] oh yeah they are they are miracles i like that cut a rug [Laughter] [Music] hey what y'all don't know my wife heather guys she has another level of dancing man like when people see my wife dance they're like what she she can dance ask kevin i mean ask maria maria's on here she'll tell you yo she can out dance me for sure look she got the glasses on my wife's tony i knew she was on here [Music] what am i gonna dance i'm caught in the corner right here i can't do nothing i can fight that's about all i'm giving you that's all i can do right here i mean i'm stuck i can't move and give y'all that shoulder roll hey i like that shoulder roll let's do it baby [Music] i gotta hang out with you guys on live more often y'all are fun man yeah they don't know about that shoulder oh hey i got this from it's called the uncle ed right here hey y'all see that all right now you gotta you gotta do the scoop down swoop back roll roll roll roll swoop back y'all like it hey come on now watch out watch out oh my goodness man y'all got me y'all got me tripping on you [Music] dude sprinkling hey i did that i did that at the uh wedding i was at you know that uh i can't get it right there yeah that's the boxing move that's right you got a duck duck slit split duck yeah man i'm fun to i'm alright to hang out with i'm already hanging out with i am having fun man i had some time on my hands tonight so [Music] i can't breathe y'all laughing right that's right watch out things get serious over here now [Music] oh me see you later my friend yes we have skydived me and heather have both skydive [Music] guys that's the thing though man you gotta loosen up in christianity man we have so many stiff-necked christians and so many religious christians you gotta just you know just have fun man like we act like we we as christians we can't have fun the washing machine what is the washing machine i never heard heather's got to teach me the washing machine i heard a washing machine how often do i fast um [Music] i mean i'm actually me so you're trying to get me to tell on myself see yeah see on this on this stream setting right here they got like royalty free music so i don't know what's really going to play so i pick i pick lo-fi music because you know that's chill and pretty good when you're talking to people you just throw it all around hey if i what's so i don't know how to do a washing machine y'all got to show me i don't know how you do the washing machine hey is that how you do it i'm sweating over here man [Music] hey i'll shoot i'll try flip now let me lose about 20 pounds i'll shoot i'll shoot you back flip brian said he'll teach me amen but you guys are having too much fun right now man come on hey i'll rock that stinky leg boy y'all don't y'all don't want me to do that tell them baby tell them about that stanky legs please don't i don't know what the washing machine is i can't try i have to look that up i ain't doing no tootsie roll man look at y'all trying to see y'all trying to bring see you think cause this stuff happened in the 90s you can talk about it and we can do it now don't be tripping now i remember when i was in the elementary school that they played that song some people are saying they say it please don't y'all better be glad i'm in an enclosed area right here i can't stand up i do some crazy stuff i ain't gonna do that i'm gonna do that we're gonna do that y'all look funny man yeah it was the 90s y'all are funny man hey this beat though man come on i'll give you that head now his wife's about to testify she need to come in here and testify hey you right elijah i'll stick to it boy i'll stick to that boxing baby hey you know what though boxing and muay thai actually helped me with the dancing man it loosens you up that's right yeah you guys are awesome to hang with man i'm glad that you guys are hanging out with me even after the teaching the dryer funny man the dryer what does these dances look like line dance that's some something the cha-cha slide you know after i found out what the electric side stands for i ain't doing the electric slide no more y'all look into what the electric slide is jacked up man maria answer allen for me yeah it does give you that footwork you're right very much so i i don't know what the dryer is i have no idea i have no idea what the dryer is guys if you go back brittany and listen to the beginning you'll see i i talked about that yeah mary so look up what the electric slide really stands for it's not good it's not good oh google it google it i hope nothing comes up but google it about like what what is it actually talking about y'all will be very surprised i crank that soldier boy hey i ain't gonna do it i ain't gonna do it to you i'm gonna do it to you you see you guys saw you looked it up you looked it up and now you see i was right y'all didn't know about that that um about that uh electric slide y'all googled it and now you see bad yeah pretty crazy all you see y'all googling it now y'all didn't know wow so let's see now y'all ain't never gonna be an electric slide again you see look look at y'all see now y'all feel like i did when i found out about it i was like ah come on man guys relax i don't do martial arts right now you're gracious see you can't even talk about it relax it's okay it's okay i'm not i'm not doing that right now all right you know it's all right calm it down [Music] and if if i was in there i'd be leading them all to christ they need they somebody's got to reach them people don't they but i'm not doing that so y'all are all right [Music] i know it's crazy but anyway guys um we'll do more lives here soon man i really enjoyed hanging out with you guys um and i'm gonna go ahead and call it a night right now i pray that this has blessed you guys you guys are amazing i just pray blessings over everybody watching thanks for hanging out laughing with me guys and uh i pray that you you guys have learned a lot and you'll be able to set other people free and thank you guys for all who sewed too i really appreciate every seat guys i really do so thank you so much if you hadn't liked the video make sure you like the video on the way out so no people can see it and all that stuff so i'll kick it more with you guys here pretty soon hey they love you guys for real and it is finished man we done baby for now see you soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign