[Music] in book three tacus and Athena disguised his mentor arrive in pilos and they witness a sacrifice of bulls being made to posidon Athena tells telemus to seek out and keep an eye on Nester and also to be bold in asking questions about his father's whereabouts this is where telemus really learned the importance of appeasing the gods now Nester doesn't have a lot of information for them but he does tell the story of Agamemnon who fought alongside Odus in the Trojan War and he contrasts Penelope's Fidelity and devotion with agamemnon's wife Clum NRA's infidelity Nester shows Hospitality to telemus and offers him help in the form of his son pyrus Nester also advised telemus go to Sparta and meet with agamemnon's brother manaus Athena transforms herself into an eagle now Nestor recognizes this and also Athena having been mentor and this brings up an important plot point in the book that we see the importance of Mortals recognizing the God's actions and paying respect to them as Duty in book four telemus Ventures to Sparta where he meets with manaus and Queen Helen and there manaus recounts how he knows odius is alive in the first place mandalas had been stranded on the island of feros unable to leave because he had offered an insufficient sacrifice to the gods there he had wrestled the shapeshifting Proteus to the ground finally pinning him and forcing Proteus to admit that he knew what happened to Agamemnon and to Odysseus telemus is deeply moved by mana's and Helen's love for his father he ends up telling them about what's going on with the suitors and that is when manaus tells him that he knows that his father is alive on oija Stranded by Calypso meanwhile back in Ithaca the suitors and Penelope learn of telemachus's departure the suitors plan to assassinate him when he returns but Penelope learns about this plot Athena sends the Phantom of Penelope's sister to tell her that Athena is watching out for her but the Phantom reveals nothing about odys his whereabouts book four has some major important themes happening the role of hospitality shown virtue in the characters how important deception is and The Limited role of interference from the gods in The Mortals lives