today at 91 years old Oral Roberts says he has not finished the work he believes God gave him to do but what he's accomplished in 74 years is impressive in his early days he prayed for thousands weekly ATT Tent Revival meetings he preached on the radio he hit the airwaves in 1955 with these church services and he founded a university on top of that oral is a prolific author and yes he still writes books this book The Ultimate voice God's still Small Voice the clearest and loudest voice you'll ever hear that's right there are people who do not believe that God still speaks today uh you think otherwise well I know otherwise there's there's a scripture that I'd I'd like to bring to your attention in Revelation chapter 3 and verse 20 behold I stand at the door and knock If any man hear my voice and open the door I will come into him and will s with him and he with me if any man hear my voice which suggests to me that he's speaking to all men to every man and every person has to realize at some point in life that the God who created him passionately loves him and is going to speak to him and if he misses that he's missed the meaning of life oral was born into a Christian Home the youngest of five children but as a young boy he was uninterested in the things of God until a Christ convinced them that God is For Real when when you speak of the voice of God you have heard the audible voice of God yes that's the first Contact I had with him when I 17 and A2 years of age I was being carried to a healing meeting where I was to be prayed for to be healed to tuberculosis and I was flying in the backseat of the car that my brother was driving with my parents by his side and he was talking about the Miracles he had seen I was listening and then everything faded and everything got real quiet and in the silence God spoke to me first word was son son son I am going to heal you I'm going to heal you today tonight and you to take my healing power to your generation and someday you're to build me a university based on my authority and the Holy Spirit that's the first words I ever heard God say and I had never heard God's voice before Not only was oral healed of tuberculosis he accepted Christ as his Savior and he stayed true to the words God spoke to him in 1938 he married Evelyn they were together for 66 years until her death in 2005 orl said he misses her every day during their life together they traveled around the country bringing God's healing to thousands my first uh healing Crusade was in a tent and the crowds filled it up it was enormous seene and I prayed for the sick for hours yes sir I did when you started to see people getting healed when you began to see a demonstration of the miraculous power of God H how did how did you interpret that how did well I wasn't surprised because he told me that he would heal the people and uh the the first miracle that I had was a woman of German descent who didn't speak good English her hand would have been stiff for 38 years and when God loosed it she just jumped up and shouted the top of her voice that her hand was was loose and she showed the people and I just thought well that's God doing what he told me he would do gone are the days of tent meetings and praying for the sick for hours but orel's Legacy will be carried on by Oral Roberts University and the thousands touched by his ministry it's a legacy of Faith once you set your mind to believe God as the Mantra of your life it's a different story you're going to believe him every step of the way you're not going to question him on what he said to you you're going to accept it and you're going to do it and I developed the faith obedience plan that I would do what God told me to do because that was the life of faith and the just shall live by faith the Bible says and the second one was obedience I would obey instantly because I had set my plan for my life to obey the Lord