Transcript for:
Hip Hinge and Forward Fold Lecture Notes

hip hinge maybe forward fold where I want the action to be one of the pelvis moving on the legs and this last year the cue that I found that is Works whether somebody is young or old it just works across everybody gets it is the butthole so the first thing I'll ask somebody before I even set them up is do you know where your butthole is as they're standing there like they kind of Laugh Smile yeah I know where my butthole is because we all do okay so then I just set them up the way I want to set them up maybe it's a single leg maybe I've got them on both legs I'm like okay I want you to bend over and pick that thing up but I want you to do it from a reference point of your butthole so where your butthole is right now I want you to take it and point it pitch it up on the wall behind you I might add that I want that butthole because I want weight in a certain point or reference point I want that butthole to not only go back on the wall behind you but I want it to yaw a little bit towards the stance leg or the back leg so I'm going to get them to Y towards that stance leg I'm going to get them to yacht towards the back leg gets me the weight where I want it in that standing leg and the hip hinge is great people know where their butthole is try it