Lesson 26: The Music of the Spheres and Classical Mechanics

Jun 24, 2024

The Music of the Spheres and Classical Mechanics


  • End of the current lecture series
  • Celebration with music related to the subject of discussion

Johannes Kepler and The Harmony of the Universe

  • Kepler's discovery of celestial mechanics:
    • Orbits of planets are eccentric
    • Sun is off-center
    • Planets change speed
  • Questioned why the universe wasn't simpler
  • Quoted Kepler: "The Heavenly motions are nothing but a continuous song for several voices..."
  • The concept of The Music of the Spheres:
    • Pythagoreans believed in a perfectly tuned instrument
    • Idea older than time
    • Kepler saw into the mind of the Creator

The Music of the Spheres

  • Kepler's book, The Harmony of the Universe (1619)
  • Music compositions for each planet
  • Modern realization by John Rogers and Willie Ruff of Yale
  • Computer-synthesized versions of celestial music
  • Musical representation:
    • Mercury: Highest pitch
    • Venus and Earth: Major to minor chords
    • Mars: Distinctive sound
    • Jupiter: Deeper baritone
    • Saturn: Growl
    • Uranus, Neptune, Pluto: Rhythm section

Historical Context: Pythagoras and the Brotherhood

  • Pythagoreans' contributions:
    • Mathematics of right triangles
    • Musical harmony laws
    • Perfect squares from odd numbers
  • Vincenzo Galilei's contributions and his son's (Galileo Galilei) influence:
    • Criticized Greek concepts in music
    • Development of harmonic motion and resonances

Galileo's Discoveries

  • Harmonic motion of a pendulum
  • Formula for making music and keeping time
  • Principle of resonance and its significant impacts:
    • Example: Shattering glass with voice
  • Influence of Galileo's father and Greek foundations

Newton's Contributions

  • Baron Gottfried Von Leibniz and Sir Isaac Newton controversy
  • Newton’s law: F = M * A and its revolutionary impact:
    • Explained motion in Earth and space
    • United terrestrial and celestial physics
  • Explored derivative applications in motion
  • Importance of differential equations for describing motion universally

Copernicus’ Role in the Scientific Revolution

  • Moving away from the Earth-centered universe
  • Spurring scientific imagination
  • Opened academic freedom to challenge ancient assumptions

Mathematical Innovations

  • Algebraic to differential equations shift for analyzing motion
  • Newton and Leibniz's contribution to calculus:
    • Integration and differentiation
  • Constant momentum and energy conservation principles:
    • Angular momentum
    • Energy transformation (potential to kinetic)
  • Overall harmony in the universe's mechanics


  • Kepler saw celestial harmony as music of intellect
  • The motion and physics explanation from historical context to modern understanding
  • End of classical mechanics series

Additional Resources

  • Further information about the lecture series available at Annenberg Media