Transcript for:
Exploring Genesis and Self-Reflection

[Applause] [Music] it's who i got everywhere to if you're in genesis chapter 1 say amen hallelujah we're gonna do some work is it okay if i teach this morning and i'm trying not to work up us what we can get excited in the next service amen hallelujah i feel like god has a word for us today hallelujah ah okay and it says in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth yes we're in the king james version we're going to be reading to about the 26th verse amen when you sit you will not have to stand unless you choose to amen so it's okay if you're seated right now i'm a kindly ask that you will stand in reverence for god's holy word amen hallelujah it is the custom of the house that we stand for the reading of god's word amen hallelujah i believe we have viewers watching even all the way in sierra leone and so i want to bring you greetings from sirilian this morning listen i'm being so intentional because if i begin to talk about the trip there's not going to be no preaching amen we had an amazing time and not just was ministry successful but the people were so blessed that they have already requested us to be back in sierra leone next year the same time in fact they have requested that we are there every year hallelujah if you would stick around for the next service dad has put together a amazing video of all the phenomenal stuff that took place there so that you can watch and it can be a blessing to you all the gifts all the contributions that you made the people are so grateful and they wanted you to see just how grateful they were amen we want you to see that your gift and your sacrifices your contribution they were never in vain amen and that even as you would have put towards the work over there that god has something in store for you and so at the end of the next service we're gonna be playing this video if you would stick around amen hallelujah i promise you will be blessed because there's so much more work to be done amen i'ma go right into it hallelujah verse one in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth hallelujah verse 2 the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and god and the spirit of god was hovering over the face of the waters verse 3 then god said let there be light and there was light and god saw the light that it was good and god divided the light from the darkness amen god called the the light day and the darkness he called night so the evening and the morning were the first day hallelujah then god said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters hallelujah thus god made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament hallelujah from the waters which were above the firmament and it was so hallelujah somebody said it was so hallelujah and god called the firmament heaven so the evening and the morning was the second day it were the second day keep going then god said let the waters under the heavens be gathered together hallelujah into one place and let the dry land appear and it was so somebody shouted it was so hallelujah verse 11 is that where we're at hallelujah no nowhere at 10 hallelujah and god called the dry land earth and the gathering together of the waters he called seas and god saw that it was good hallelujah then god said let the earth bring forth grass the herb that yields seed and the fruit the fruit tree that yields fruit hallelujah according to its kind whose seed is in itself hallelujah on the earth and it was so it was so hallelujah and the earth brought forth grass the herb that yields seed according to its kind and the tree that yields fruit whose seed is in itself hallelujah according to its kind and god saw that it was good hallelujah so the evening and the morning were the third day somebody shout the third day hallelujah then god said let there be light in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night hallelujah and let them be for shine somebody say science seasons and for the days and the years amen hallelujah and let them be for light in the firmament of the heavens and watch this to give light unto the earth to give light to the earth and it was amen hallelujah you're with me amen then god made two great lights the greater light to rule over the day hallelujah and the lesser light to rule over the night he made the stars also amen god said god set them in the firmament of the heavens who to give light on the earth hallelujah and to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from the darkness and god saw that it was good amen so that evelyn who in the morning i feel god hallelujah were the fourth day i'm keep going i'ma keep going then god said let the waters abound with and abundance and i feel the holy ghost uh of living creatures and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens hallelujah so god creates sea creatures and every living thing that moves with which the waters abounded hallelujah according to their kind and every wing bird hallelujah according to its kind and god saw that it was hallelujah and god bless them hallelujah ah saying be fruitful hallelujah i want you to pay attention to the blessing this morning and god blessed them and this is what he said he said be fruitful and multiply it shed and fill the waters in the sea and let birds multiply on the earth hallelujah so the evening and the morning were the fifth day oh jesus then god said let the earth bring forth the living creatures according to its crying cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth hallelujah each according to its kind hallelujah and it was hallelujah and god made the beast hallelujah glory to god of the earth according to its kind according to its kind according to its kind cattle according to its kind and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind and god saw that it was but watch this watch this then god said hallelujah then god said then god said let us [Music] let us hallelujah let us make man hallelujah according to our image and our likeness hallelujah and let them have watch this dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the ear and over the ghetto and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth hallelujah i feel like saying this part again let us let us come on look at somebody and say let us ah now this is what i want you to do take your phones out turn your cameras on put it on yourself and even as you look at yourself i want you to say let us do this let us do that let us come into this father in the name of jesus christ of nazareth hallelujah we have come to hear from you and you only oh god and so even now as i heal myself as a vessel of honor hallelujah anoint me afresh for this assignment speak to my mouth to us your people deliver us lord god even as you deliver unto us your word let there be breakthrough today in the name of jesus christ and let it begin now in the name of jesus we decree and declare that the service is blessed that the life is blessed hallelujah that our souls are blessed and we thank you for the blessing in jesus name as you take your seat i want to introduce to you today the holy ghost as he brings a word to you oh i feel the holy ghost i want you to tell somebody the sermon title today i think it's time we had a talk [Music] come on say it again i think it's time we had a talk hallelujah my subject today is change and my objective today is to provoke change and so whilst i'm here to encourage you to edify you to build you up i want to also provoke change this morning and so even as you listen listen to the lord and what he is saying hallelujah with this in mind hallelujah in genesis chapter 1 hallelujah what we see in verses 1 hallelujah to 25 is the holy spirit working in concert with god in other words what we saw in genesis chapter 1 from the first verse to the 25th verse was the holy spirit working alongside god the spirit of god working alongside god in concert with god amen hallelujah throughout the creation process when we look and we read we pay attention to what was happening in this hallelujah i need to get my timer going amen because i don't wanna i don't wanna go over my time this morning amen ah glory to god i feel the holy ghost so i gotta i gotta put some reins on me amen glory to god but by the time watch this we get to the 26th verse when it was time now to create man hallelujah we saw something different in genesis 1 to 25 we saw the holy spirit the bible says that the spirit of god was hovering over the face of the deep hallelujah and it was in that moment that the bible says that god said let there be and there was and so in other words what we saw again is the holy spirit of god working together or in concert with god but by the time we got to verse 26 whenever it was time to create man we saw something different what we saw is that god said to himself god spoke to himself he had a conversation with himself and he said let us make man hallelujah i know there is so much stuff about people who talks to themselves but i wanna shikotobra santa i wanna shift your thinking just a little bit this morning so that you will see that despite what doctor said it is healthy to speak to yourself hallelujah come on somebody ought to say this titled again it's time we had a talk amen hallelujah uh it was at this point that we were made knowledgeable of the revelation hallelujah of the trinity hallelujah in other words we were introduced at this moment in time hallelujah of the concept hallelujah of the triune god hallelujah we were introduced to god the father the son and the holy ghost because before the 26th verse he was just commanding and things were coming together but whenever it was time to create man the bible said he had a conversation with himself he decided to speak to himself and while i was studying hallelujah i had to ask the question god why is it until this point that you actually decided to say let us all throughout creation you were just speaking things into existence and it was happening but whenever it came on to man the bible says that god said let us had a conversation with himself hallelujah and while i was asking and inquiring of the holy spirit the bible hallelujah tells us that we ought to inquire of the lord amen hallelujah for it is watch this the glory of god to conceal a matter but it is the glory of kings to seek it out amen and so i had to sort out what it was behind this thing the significance of why it is so important for us to speak to ourselves every now and then hallelujah and as i spoke to god hallelujah the holy spirit began to download and what he said was that watch this the dominion mandate was never given to animals it was never given to the things that was created prior to man hallelujah and so because of what man was going to be entrusted with it was so important for him hallelujah to have a conversation hallelujah with himself so that we would know hallelujah the importance of unity hallelujah the purpose of this is so that man will know the importance of unity hallelujah the bible says that behold a good and how pleasant it is for us to dwell together in unity it is like the precious oil that flows from the head of moses the anointed one hallelujah even down to his beard and when you continue to read that chapter the bible tells us that it is in that place what place the place of unity that the lord commands his blessing even life forevermore the blessing is commanded when there is unity hallelujah and so everything that you have seen that does not reflect good the bible says that when god created everything he saw that it was good and so sometimes when we are seeing things in our lives that are not good hallelujah sometimes we have to take a moment just to speak to ourselves hallelujah hallelujah and to come into agreement with what heaven has already said and done because watch this sometimes watch this when we shift out of alignment with god in order hallelujah to begin to see the goodness of the lord hallelujah in order to begin to see prosperity in order to begin to see things come into alignment according to god's divine design what we have to do is take a moment to speak to ourselves hallelujah when you feel like you cannot make it hallelujah it is in that time hallelujah that it is most critical crucial for us to have a conversation with yourself when the devil tells you that you cannot make it you cannot do this you will not make it your marriage is not gonna make it your family is not gonna make it your finances will not make it it is in that place that is most important for you to remind yourself by speaking to yourself of the word of god and remind the devil according to god's word that i can do all things according to philippians 4 13 through christ that strengthens me it is important to speak to yourself every now and then i'm trying not to preach i want to teach this morning hallelujah y'all stop pulling on me like that amen i want to teach this thing this morning hallelujah glory be to god watch this every generated man every regenerated man rather has to occasionally speak to himself in order to come into agreement or into unity with what the word of god is what the ways of god are and what the will of god is for our lives every regenerated man in fact in other words every man that is born again has to occasionally have a conversation with him or herself so that we are reminded of what it is that god has for us and why it is that god created us for there was nothing in this creation process that god created haphazardly without a thought and a purpose in mind everything that god made he made for a purpose with a purpose i want to remind you this morning that you are sitting here not just because you are wonderful not just because you're just here hallelujah by happenstance no you're here because god has divinely orchestrated this moment in time so that you will know that i still have a plan for you hallelujah that there is still a plan for your life that my promises are true concerning you hallelujah and so watch this dad was ministering in africa and he said something very powerful he made a very powerful quote by jimi dean and this is what he said he said i can't change the direction of the wind i can't change the direction of the wind but i can adjust my sail hallelujah to reach my destination hallelujah can i say that again i cannot change the direction of the wind but i can adjust my sail hallelujah in order to reach my destination in other words what jimmy dean was saying is that because the wind represents hallelujah the inevitability of trials and tribulations hallelujah of testings and offenses that will come we have no control over that amen hallelujah he says because i cannot control these things because i have no control over these things when they happen how they happen why they happen i don't have no control over it hallelujah but if i can adjust my sales see the sale represents the mind hallelujah the sale is indicative of the thoughts that we think he says watch this in other words if i can adjust my perception if i can adjust my way of thinking my way of seeing my outlook of life and the afflictions that i face job if i can only see the things that is happening to me around me hallelujah oh god i can only adjust my perception of these things then i can get to my destination because watch this the things that i am currently going through was never designed for me to be stuck in it hallelujah and so if only i can adjust my sale the sale of my mind then i can get to my destination hallelujah my destination of the end product of the thing that i am currently in my destination hallelujah on the other side of hardship on the other side of pain the other side of depression on the other side of anxiety the other side of lack the other side of insufficiency if i can just say katamando adjust the sale repositioning my mind to think and to perceive good in the bad that i am currently experiencing then i can get to the destination of happiness i can get to the destination of prosperity i can get to my destination somebody say i can get there [Applause] [Music] but it takes a process amen hallelujah hallelujah it takes a process paul was writing to the church in philippi in philippians 4 8-9 and he says finally my brethren whatsoever things are true hallelujah whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are pure hallelujah he says whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of a good report i know i'm going through some bad stuff right now in my life things don't look all that good but whatsoever things are of good report can i pause to remind you that a report is after the fact you don't get a report until something precedes it and so he says whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue he said if there be any praise these are the things that we are instructed to think about why somebody ought to ask why the reason why is because we have the ability to control our thoughts see watch this hallelujah trials and tribulations temptations afflictions offenses these things are not under our control hallelujah but watch this the mind is under our control how do we know this because the bible says it is with the mind that we serve the lord it is with the mind that we serve the lord in other words we are the one that is serving god with our minds our minds is not serving god with us we are serving god with our minds therefore our minds are under our control so my mind is under my control hallelujah and so paul instructs us that in every bad situation if you can shift and adjust your perception you can get to your destination hallelujah ah jesus i'm reminding somebody today that it doesn't matter what it is that you're going through it doesn't matter what your credit score looks like it doesn't matter what the doctor says it doesn't matter what the lawyer says it doesn't matter where you're at if you can only shift and reposition your mind in a place to perceive god in the midst of your trial in the midst of your go through i know that you will go through it and you will get to your destination right now i'm going through it and i'm gonna get to my destination because my mind hallelujah is stayed on him and therefore even in the midst of turmoil i have peace for he keeps us in peace whose minds are stand on him i dare somebody to shift your way of thinking to shift your perception of your marriage to shift your perception of your family shift that perception of your spouse shift that perception of your boss shift that perception of your finances begin to speak to yourself and say listen because my mind is stayed on the lord i have peace in the midst of all of this and i will make it to my destination come on somebody tell yourself it's time we had a talk [Applause] [Music] [Music] glory be to god be to god why is change necessary i'm going hallelujah i'm going why is change necessary why is change a necessity watch this god created every man unique hallelujah but despite hallelujah or peculiarities i want to tell you that there are three things that is common to every man hallelujah all of us in this room has three things in common if you search i promise you you'll probably find more than three but i want to bring your attention to three things that is common to every man hallelujah watch this the first thing that is coming to every man hallelujah is a past somebody say pass hallelujah ah the second thing that is common to every man is a present ah you aren't you all know the third thing right the third thing is your future hallelujah we're talking about our destination every man every one of us has those three things in common and so when we begin to go through hardships and trials and tribulations and affliction we cannot focus on the things that we're going through but rather focus on god because our destination lies in him the bible says that he knows the way that i take hallelujah and not only does he know the way but the steps of a righteous man is ordered by god and so in order for me to get to oh my destination which is my divine destiny i have to focus on him so that he can begin to order my steps because the moment my attention shifts and my perception shifts then i come out of alignment with god and in order for me to get to where i need to be there has to be agreement somebody shout agreement amos 3 verse 3 tells us how can to walk except they agree and so we understand the importance of agreement hence the reason why we have to every now and then talk to ourselves hallelujah because watch this who jesus i don't want to go ahead of myself but i hear the lord hallelujah watch this the bible tells us of an interested story in the book hallelujah of luke chapter 15 ah the bible began telling us that jesus was having some conversation and he kept on giving parables hallelujah because a few folks were disgruntled with the fact that he was hanging out with sinners whom he was trying to save anyhow the bible says that they had a problem with it and so jesus began to have a few conversation in his conversation hallelujah the bible says that he began to talk about the lost shape hallelujah if any of y'all have 99 or 100 sheepies said watch this oh jesus will you not abandon the 99 if one gets lost so that you can go and search for him find him bring him back and then celebrate after you have found him ah he proceeded further hallelujah to talk hallelujah to talk to them hallelujah about the woman that lost a coin and how that in order hallelujah to have a million dollar because she is one dollar short she had to go in search of that one dollar so that my million dollar can be precise so that i can celebrate my accomplishment in christ through god of being a millionaire because if all you have is 900 and 99 000 you're not a millionaire but until you find that one dollar hallelujah you are now at your destination being a millionaire with a millionaire status oh jesus and so he then proceeded further i feel god why are you pulling on me like this i wanted to teach [Music] all are pulling on me good god hallelujah we got another service we can get excited then amen hallelujah the bible says watch this that he then proceeded further and he introduced them now at this point hallelujah round about the 11th verse hallelujah of the 15th tractor he said watch this hallelujah i'm going to tell you now this parable about the prodigal son the bible says that this father which is a representative of abba father hallelujah he had two sons amen hallelujah he had the righteous one christ and he had the fallen one huh adam he had the good standing one hallelujah and then he had the one that was out of order hallelujah he won he had the one that was in his will and he had the one that decided to go astray hallelujah the bible says that he decided to go to his father because he was out of order he asked his father for his inheritance now you know as well as i know that an inheritance is not something that you get until it is appropriate the appropriate time the set time you don't come into an inheritance until some things have taken place but he decided that he was going to be out of order and acts is daddy hallelujah for his share his portion is inheritance the bible says that the father gave him what his desires were hallelujah but watch this after we got it my time is going the bible says that he decided that he was going to take his flight he was going to leave his possession i hear the lord saying and this was not a part of my sermon be careful that you don't leave your position because you have acquired positions [Music] be careful that you don't leave the place that god has placed you because of something that has been given to you he left and the bible said that he wasted everything on riotous living glory be to god but watch this after he splurged and had fun with all the foreigners of the land a famine came again we have no control over these things because we cannot control the wind hallelujah but a famine came and he found himself in lack he found himself struggling suffering and so he was forced to seek a way out of his struggle it was in that place and in that moment that he joined himself having inquired hallelujah of a foreigner somebody in that land for a job he got it and the bible says that because of how hungry it was that the pig food looked appeasing to him [Applause] whenever you are at a place functioning below the place that god has called you to function everything that you see will be a deception and illusion everything that you think looks good it's not good it's never good until you are in alignment with god everything you perceive is off [Music] and so the bible says that whilst he was in this place among the pigs that he is feeding feeding himself with the thing that he is feeding the pigs that there was a moment in time hallelujah that he decided to have a conversation with himself hallelujah the bible says that he said hallelujah i think it's time we had a talk [Music] he came to himself and it never stopped there because when he came to himself he decided to have a talk with himself he said how many hallelujah hired servant does my father have and yet here i am struggling like this i will arise [Music] who was he talking to who was he talking to imma get up and i am going to go back to my father hallelujah and i'm going to say daddy i've sinned against you i've even sinned against heaven i'm not worthy to be called your son ha oh shemanda make me one of your hired servant hallelujah he had a conversation with himself ah you know why because when you are out of alignment with god in order to receive the blessing of god in order to have the blessings of god in order to experience the blessings of god in order to bask in the things of your father you have to come back to yourself into alignment with god and so it requires having a conversation with yourself you have to remind yourself ah this is not who i am i am the righteousness of god not broke i'm not busted and disgusted i'm not divorced why am i acting like it i'm still married i'm not neglected i'm not rejected i'm loving because for god so loved the world that he gave his only son it was wild i was yet a sinner that christ came somebody ought to have a conversation with yourself right now hallelujah it was while i was yet a sinner that christ came and he decided to pay the ultimate price for my sake so how then do i feel rejected how every now and then you have to have a conversation with yourself look at yourself why should i settle in this place when the god that i serve is able to make all things new and make all things well and able to work all things together for my good wow i know you're going through and you're pretending as though everything is good i know you try to smile and act like all is well i know you're still struggling with some stuff you know like nobody else knows exactly where you're at i think it's time you had a conversation with yourself look yourself straight in the face and ask yourself why are thou disquieted within me why are you [Music] like you know what god says remind yourself of the hope that is in christ jesus it is the life of your countenance and that place will cause you to get to a place of praise it will provoke you into a place of thanksgiving come on and have a conversation with yourself david was a man after god's own heart and the bible says that every now and then he would inquire of the lord but we saw in scripture david speaking to himself for the bible said he encouraged himself in the lord every now and then in order to experience change you got to have a conversation with yourself about some stuff the bible says i know i feel weak and vulnerable right now i know i feel sick in my body but let the say i am healed because the lord said it and that settles it up come into agreement with whatever heaven has said and declare her to yourself i am healed for by your strength i am healed i am the shield of the lord in jesus name let the poor say i am rich i know my bank account doesn't reflect it but blessed [Music] in this moment it's good to have a conversation with yourself every now and then watch this [Music] i'm just about finished but the bible says we were just in the book of luke chapter 15 but if you take hallelujah i hear the lord hallelujah i hear the lord we're in luke chapter 15 and he's telling them about the prodigal son hallelujah but let me ask you a question in luke chapter 8 the bible tells us of an interesting story now this is my question to you how much do you have to subtract from eight from 15 to get to eight how much do you have to take away from 15 to get eight seven is the number of perfection it is the number of completion oh i'm prophesying to somebody right now because i hear the holy ghost [Music] because in luke chapter 8 the bible tells us of an interesting story about a woman with an issue of blood i don't know who in this place is dealing with some issues this morning but you ought to hear the lord hallelujah because this thing is locked up in a shift your perfection and completion is locked up in a perception change it's locked up in a change that only takes place in your mind and cause provoca and invoke manifestation in the earth seven steps backwards [Music] we arrive at the woman with the issue of blood after 12 long years she finally got to a place where she decided to have a conversation with herself the bible said that she decided that she was going to talk to herself see it's time ah for us to have a talk i think it's been long overdue you know why because because because in harder to experience healing you have to change frequency you have to change the position of your mind and the place that you're in and step into agreement and alignment with heaven because heaven has already spoken some stuff christ has already done some stuff it was wounded for your transgression it was blows for your iniquities and the trustment of your peace was upon him and it was by his tribes that healing became yours but until you set your perception until you saved your belief until you adjust yourself in your mind then the destination of healing will be far-fetched but i fear somebody to begin to speak to themselves you know what god said concerning your health concerning your marriage concerning your family concerning your finances you've been given a prophetic word before and god is not a man that he should lie he's not the son of man that he should repent he will not repent because his word is true and it is already settled you know what is said about your children it doesn't matter where they are right now even if they are in law debar if you could only [Music] concerning the things that you are seeing and begin to believe god for what he has said then everything that you said [Music] it's gonna happen it's gonna happen it's gonna happen it's gonna happen it's gonna happen it's gonna happen i know my marriage is going through right now but if i can believe god that they call my mama for divine intervention then i fear you to believe it because it will happen and the revelation and he began to sing i believe he was in a horrible place but he began to sing to himself i just can't give up now i've come too far nobody told me that it was going to be easy but i just can't give up now talk i don't think that he's brought me this far to leave me change is coming change is coming change is coming change is coming stand to your feet change is coming up open your mouth change is coming up open your [Music] remind yourself that whom the sun sets free it's free indeed i'm not bound in my mind i'm not bound in my thoughts i'm not bound in my emotions remind yourself speak to yourself say i am the blessed of the lord speak to yourself i am the favored of the lord remind yourself i am the righteousness of god come on have a conversation [Music] with yourself right now right now right now right now all over this place i'm finished enter your feet all over this place and begin to open your sanctified lips and begin to say something to yourself because while you can pretend to have it all together in front of everybody you know what you're going through you know where you're at so you got to speak to yourself and remind yourself of the word of god you got to speak to yourself [Music] [Applause] i refuse to pretend i'm gonna have a conversation with me oh mama [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] you