Transcript for:
How to Rank Number One on YouTube for Any Search Term

at the end of this video you're going to know how to rank number one for any search term within your Niche because if you're not ranking for search you're probably not getting views 24/7 and you might get a lot of views some days not a lot of views in X day and this is one of the worst things that could happen to your YouTube channnel cuz you want to make sure that you're getting consistent views and consistent growth if you want to get more brand deals or if you want to be able to sell more products and make more money from YouTube because the last thing that you want is 1 month to make $10,000 and then next month make $1,000 because it's totally dependent on you going viral in fact it's a worst thing that you could possibly do on YouTube and I've used the exact strategy I'm going to share with you to have over 310,000 people sign up for my programs in addition to that I've gotten over 25 million views and over 500 million impressions simply by using the four strap strategy I'm going to share with you in this video and you can do the same exact thing no matter what isure in but first I need to make sure you smash that subscribe button if you want to go quick on YouTube Instagram or Tik Tok I literally upload a video every single day about how to grow on these Platforms in fact I quit my job working forv to help you grow on YouTube so please make sure you support me so when it comes to actually ranking for search on YouTube there are four things you need to pay attention to the first one is going to be your title the second your description the third the tags that you're using and then fourth you need to make sure that you're actually talking about whatever you're trying to rank for in the first 15 to 30 seconds of the video because if you're not YouTube is going to look at that transcript and see that you didn't even address the user search and they're actually not going to show your content let me give you an example if we go through look for something like affiliate marketing which is an incredibly competitive term we're going to look at the top few results and I'm going to show you how you can actually do this so this one right here how to start affiliate marketing without a following the reason that this video works is because if we click into this and go to his description his description is literally how to start affiliate marketing without a following and then a bunch of times within this description if we search for it he has affiliate marketing I mean look at this it literally shows up on this page here 54 times and the reason that he's doing this is because it makes it very very obvious to YouTube what the actual video is about in addition to that how to start affiliate marketing without a following is going to be a longtail search term if you don't know what longtail is Let Me Show You by coming to a YouTube keyword research tool like vid IQ so if we come into vid IQ and we search for something like affiliate marketing we're going to see a bunch of different things pop up so first and foremost you're going going to see that this search term has a ton of different searches for it there's not a lot of competition for it with only at a 45 1.4 million people a month that is a lot of people so it would be really hard to just rank for affiliate marketing so what did this person do how to start affiliate marketing without a following so what we're going to do is affiliate marketing without a following and this is going to be a long tail keyword and what you're going to notice it's only 1,800 people are searching for this and if we look for this exact search it's only 1,400 people but guess what this Creator was able to do they were able to use this longtail keyword to get a ton of people interested in that piece of content because I would bet that the majority of people that are actually searching for affiliate marketing don't have any followers so this is actually really good and solves a problem that somebody searching for just affiliate marketing would have in addition to that they have the keyword right here and if we look at the transcript of this video right here I bet yep at the 4 second Mark he mentions affiliate Market and the reason that he did this again was because YouTube is going to be looking at this transcript and they're going to want to make sure that the video is actually about whatever they're saying and if we scroll down here the same thing when we look at their video tags you're going to see affiliate marketing for beginners affiliate marketing affiliate marketing Amazon and he literally goes through and lists out all these different tags and all four of these things combined to be the reason that this video ranked for search most people stop here and just think that it's about the titles the tags the description and the transcript of the video but that couldn't be further from the truth because the other thing that comes into consideration is how long your video is and whether or not your video actually sticks out amongst your competitors so we need to dive into those things too so in order to find out how long you should actually make your piece of content and what type of content you need to stick out around you need to again go to a search on a tool like vid IQ by the way if you don't have vid IQ you could go to the pin comment below register right now for $1 for the next 30 days personally I would have never been able to get so many views get so many people to sign up for my programs had I not ranked for search and vid IQ is my secret weapon for doing that so I strongly suggest you try it out for the next 30 days what's the worst that happened it doesn't increase your views you wasted $1 and you could just cancel your subscription so you're going to do a search for something like affiliate marketing you are going to come down here and it is going to show you a bunch of questions around this a bunch of matching terms and a bunch of related keywords which by the way in just a second I'll tell you what to do with these but what you want to do right now is come down here here and actually see what types of videos are doing well under here so this video right here obviously was ranking number one so I'm going to come over here I'm going to put that in a new window note this video is 11 minutes long this next one same thing I'm going to do this we have to watch this ad quickly and then we're going to have to click skip ad boom 11 minutes long are you noticing a trend we're going to do one more right here and this video is 22 minutes long so what I would do here is not make a video that's 8 minutes long I would not make a video that's 10 minutes long you want to make a video that is at least as long as these videos because if we're going to assume that these videos are getting a 50% average view duration which by the way is a very safe bet because if you want to actually get views on YouTube ideally you need to be getting over 50% average view duration so we're going to assume that they have 50% so if a video is 11 minutes long you get 50% that's about 5 minutes and 30 seconds if people are spending watching that piece of content YouTube essentially when it comes to search is literally just trying to show the viewer the video that is going to solve their problem and as a proxy of whether or not it solves their problem they're going to look at whether or not people are clicking on it and how long people are watching the video for it because if they're watching the video for 1 minute well guess what it probably didn't solve their problem and they're going to find another video but if they're watching for 50% it's a really good sign that it actually solved the viewers problem so they're going to continue to push that video out on top of that YouTube isn't dumb they want to be able to make more money and they understand that if somebody shows a 6-minute video versus an 11-minute video they can have more ads on that 11-minute video so they're going to selfishly make more money for that 11-minute video so you need to make sure that you're playing the game of how long you're actually creating your piece of content because it's going to have a drastic effect on whether or not YouTube is actually pushing it out I know what you're thinking why don't I just create a 60-second video for every single search and just solve the viewers problem in 60 seconds because that's going to leave them most satisfied but that's not actually what you should do when it comes to long form content since you brought that up and thought about it I want to make sure that you understand that shorts is probably the biggest opportunity right now to be able to rank for search on YouTube a lot of creators are ignoring this and this is like a gold mine right now because you can rank for search on shorts solve the viewers problem what are they going to do they're going to subscribe to your channel and then in addition to that if you create a long form piece of content that that same audience is going to be interested in you're then going to get more views on your long form content because if you know how YouTube works the videos that you get suggested are all based on your past watch History so if you watch a video from a creator that is a short or a long form video the next time we log on to YouTube You're Going to see more of that then guess what ends up happening you end up skyrocketing the amount of reach that you're getting on YouTube let me show you an example of this because shorts are now starting to take over the search results especially on a mobile device but even on a laptop as you can see even when you come to YouTube now on a laptop when you scroll down you get shown a bunch of shorts in addition to that if I go and do a search for something like how to get subscribers on YouTube guess what's going to pop up a bunch of shorts are literally the first thing to pop up in fact I have a short here that's been ranking for search that's gotten over 600,000 views and guess what it's going to be majority shorts before you actually get to all this long form content which shows you how important these shorts are because if somebody then watches one of these shorts guess what they're then going to get recommended they're probably going to get recommended my long form video about the same exact topic so you need to make sure that you're leveraging shorts and long form content if you're trying to rank for search which brings me to by far the most important thing that you need to be focused on which is going to be those longtail keywords for which we need to come back into vid IQ and the way that you're going to get these longtail keywords is from related keywords matching terms and questions so yes you want to be able to rank for affiliate marketing because if you rank number one you might be able to get hundreds of thousands or even millions of searches every single month by the way these are based on the month so what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to go through and get these related keywords the matching keywords the questions anything over 25,000 searches a month and again I'm doing this example for affiliate marketing obviously but you can do this for whatever Niche you're in you literally just want to go through inid IQ get all these different related keyword words and then what you're going to do is you're going to list all these out and you are going to create a video for each and every single one of these and eventually some of them are going to start to rank for search and what you're going to notice when you rank for search the same way that if you come into my analytics and watch this boom we are going to go lifetime we're going to come back down here so when I first started my channel December 19 March is really when I started to rank for search we're going to look at this through May and what we're going to see here is look these are my videos going out initially going out initially not really getting any views starting to get a little bit of traction but this traction was from browse features which again wasn't that helpful goes back to not getting a lot of views which if you go back to the beginning of this video is what I wanted to make sure you're not doing and then boom I literally start to rank for search now look this is March 12th and as you could see the views just keep going up keep going up keep going up and if I come in to see more my analytics come to traffic sources look at the number one traffic Source it is literally from YouTube search and this graph literally looks exactly like the content that I was creating back then and if we now come into my content and then go by date you're going to be able to see the same exact thing my content is all over the place here all over the place I'm making videos about how to go viral on Tik Tok I'm making videos about 2019 year in review and only 200 people wanted to watch it and then guess what happens this is the end of January February again I'm making videos about Google ads digital marketing Instagram Tik Tok Facebook and then I finally start to focus just on Tik Tok as we come into march here and look what happens 130,000 50,000 100,000 60,000 this video was a flop 30,000 31,000 and how did I do this ranking for search how to make money on Tik Tok something people search for the top Tik Tok hashtags something people search for how to get verified on Tik Tok something people search for do this to get on the Tik Tok for you page something people search for Tik Tok trends of the week people don't search for that but if I would have been smart enough to go look at vid IQ and type in something like Tik Tock trends for the week I would have seen that nobody is searching for this and then if I contrast that with how to make money on Tik Tok guess what 100,000 people and then if we come over to my content again Tik Tok trends for the we got no views why why did it get no views nobody was searching for it how to make money on Tik Tok 50,000 views why did it get 50,000 views because people are actually searching for it and the number one thing that I want you to take away from this is that it might take five videos for you to be able to rank for search or 10 videos to rank for a search but once you rank for search you're going to get an exponential amount of views on YouTube and it is going to completely change your life because it's going to make it really easy if you to sell people's stuff because instead of interrupting people or hoping that they're interested in what you're talking about you're literally just ranking for search solving somebody's problem and you know exactly what they're looking for so you can make a video specifically around that and provide a solution for them now on top of that you need to make sure that you're actually following how the YouTube algorithm works and if you don't know how it works I strongly suggest you check out this video right here that literally gives you a complete breakdown of the current 2024 YouTube algorithm I'll see you over there