hey shalom shalom most high and Christ bless uh welcome to another in the classroom I'm captain zakar today's class is going to be called Matthew 18 for the spiritually carnal all right Matthew 18 for the spiritually carnal it was either going to be that title or Matthew 18 for the old man in us either one all right take your pick all right let's get Romans 15 and4 let's start out with that Romans chapter 15 verse4 uh-huh for whatsoever things were written a four time were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope read it again for whatsoever things were written a four time were written for our learning now we have to relearn that's the thing we have to Humble ourself when we come into this truth and understand that we have to relearn history um and we have to learn relearn how to live according to God um we have to live uh relearn how to live as that righteous nation that God intended for us to be upon the Earth representing him our cuz we lost those things give me that in Ecclesiastes 7 and verse 29 that's what things things is written for so we can read learn how to please God after falling Ecclesiastes 7:29 Ecclesiastes chapter 7: 29 Lo this only have I found that God ha made man upright but they have sought out many inventions so Solomon is letting us know that when God made us he made us upright uh he made us uh uh In His Image right but there was a grain of evil seed in there that we were supposed to deny that thing so it would never come to fruition but when God made us and he made our forefather he made him upright without sin Eve without sin made that and that man that God's talking about is ultimately the Israelites give me that in sarak chapter 24 and uh let's read verse one cuz I I mentioned Adam But ultimately when God said he was making man upright he was referring to the Israelites that would later come on the earth 24 verse1 ecclesiasticus of the book of Sarat CH 24 and verse1 wisdom shall praise herself and shall glory in the midst of her people wisdom shall praise herself and glory in the midst of her people so now we got the context of what we about to read about wisdom right jump up to verse 11 verse 11 likewise in the Beloved City he gave me rest and in Jerusalem was my power uhhuh and I took root in an honorable people even in the portion of the Lord's inheritance and I took root in an honorable people that uh another word to replace honorable for is upright God said that he put wisdom in and gave it power in Jerusalem and wisdom was to dwell in an honorable and upright people not just Adam but a people so when God created man upright that man he was talking about to live upright and honorable was the Israelites upon the Earth the princes and princesses of God that was supposed to show forth what his praise let's get this let's get that in Proverbs chapter 28 and verse 6 now the way you carry yourself uh ain't based on whether you got wealth whether you're poor whether you're tall whether you're short wisdom ain't worried about that Proverbs chapter 28 and verse 6 Proverbs chapter 28 and verse six better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness cuz we see that many times uh today that those with wealth they don't walk in uprightness they don't walk in an honorable manner they degrade themselves to get that wealth read that again better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness than he that is perverse in his ways uhhuh though he be rich though he what though he be rich though he be rich many people upon the Earth they use their wealth to to think down or think less of people that have not um reached their status of uh in society when it comes to money God said he ain't worried about that that means nothing to him that wisdom and that honor is supposed to be in us all Now read that again Proverbs Chapter 28:6 better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness in his integrity and his honor read then he that is perverse in his ways though he be rich though he be rich give me Proverbs 11 and verse 4 Proverbs 11 and verse4 yeah read that riches profit not in the day of Wrath read that again riches profit not in the day of Wrath uhhuh but righteousness delivereth from Death now righteousness in the context of what we talking about with this class Matthew 18 for the spiritually carnal would be what how you deal one with another and that's a major part of our Salvation as a people that we Overlook we tend to overlook that we all want to oh obey the Commandments I love God keep Passover but we tend to look over the righteousness that delivers us from death and a major part of that is how we deal one with another In the Flesh um get that in Matthew 23 let's prove that or Matthew 22 and uh verse 34 Matthew chap 22 and verse 34 remember what I said a major part of that righteousness that Deliver us from death is how we deal with one another let's read that but when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence uhhuh they were gathered together then one of them which was a lawyer asked him a question tempting him and saying so this is a lawyer this is somebody that knew the law that had and uh copied out the law ascribe is he studied this thing right read Master which is the great commandment in the law so he's tested his wisdom cuz he's a young man Christ is a young man he's between 30 33 years old he's young in the eyes of these masters of the law these Elders these Pharisees these Sadducees that he's putting to silence so one is testing him we want to see where his wisdom is read Jesus said unto him Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind this is the first and great commandment and the second is like unto now now let's get that where he got that from CU a lot of people don't know and we've been running into this a lot with people that we meet on the streets so meet in clubhouse meet anywhere we we talk to people they don't know that Christ is actually just quoting Old Testament scriptures on another level with of the wisdom that God has given him Matthew chapter 6 I believe I mean Deuteronomy chapter 6 I believe it is and I think it's verse four or five Deuteronomy 6 verse4 and five go ahead read those Deuteronomy chapter 6 and verse4 here o Israel here oh Israel go ahead the Lord our God is one Lord and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might there you go see and this is what what confuses Christianity so much is that Christ is in jus Jerusalem speaking to Israelites he doesn't have to keep saying over and over again here oh Israel love the Lord thy God with all that command he doesn't have to say it over and over again it's just like me and my brother or my sister cousin having a conversation and we say Hey you know Mama gonna get you we don't have to say her name in order for both of us to understand who that person is what we are talking about that's all Christ is doing in the New Testament so he got that loving God the greatest commandment from the law of Moses Deuteronomy chapter 6 now let's go back to Matthew chapter 22 and let's read verse 39 now Matthew chapter 22:39 and the second is like unto it Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself remember we just came from Proverbs talking about righteousness riches don't profit you in the day of Wrath righteousness part of our righteousness is what it says here Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self it's a major part it's so major read the next verse verse ver 40 on these two Commandments hang all the law and the prophets what does that mean the whole Bible is about loving God and loving your neighbor the prophets are talking about loving God and loving your neighbor love God with all your heart mind and soul no matter how they put it It ultimately ended up to loving God when they talk about uh um thou shall not kill thou shall not steal thou shall not commit adultery no matter how they phrased it it all LED back to Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy s now I want you to get it in um The Book of Mark let's get in the Book of Mark cuse in Deuteronomy it actually tells you the context of who those two Commandments is actually for but it even say said it in the New Testament in case you didn't read the law of Moses Christ made sure he backed it up Matthew I mean Mark chapter uh 4 uh 12 and um 28 let's get 28 start there mark 12 and verse 28 and one of the scribes came and having heard them reasoning together and perceiving that he had an answered had answered them well uhhuh it's the same account read asked him which is the first commandment of all which is the first commandment of all again go ahead and Jesus answered him the first of all the Commandments is here o Israel now Christ quotes it verbatim of what is written in the law of Moses in the book of Deuteronomy in The Book of Leviticus here oh Israel read the Lord our God is one Lord and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind and with all thy strength this is the first commandment uhhuh and the second is like namely this Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy but he mentioned in context who is talking to the Israelites are to love their neighbors as they love their self and their neighbors is not the person that lives on the same street corner as you get that in uh Leviticus we got to go to make sure we cross what it say cross all our tees and Dot all our eyes for those that are new to um applying Matthew 18 read that uh Leviticus 19 Leviticus chapter 19:1 17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart we're going to come back to the scripture too go ahead Thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbor and not suffer sin upon him when we hear the word neighbor now God is going to explain who our neighbor is read Thou shalt not avenge nor bear Grudge against the children of thy people your neighbor is your people those that you live in the projects with in the hoods with that look like you that talk like you that got the same experiences as you that grew up in the same the same type of way of you that's your neighbor that's your brother that's who you are to love like you love yourself now go back to uh Matthew or Mark chapter 12 and I want you to read verse 31 again Mark 12:31 and the second is like namely this Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself Thou shalt love thy neighbors as thyself we just read it the children of Israel right go ahead there is none other commandment greater than these read that part again there is none other commandment greater than these righteousness there's no greater righteousness than loving your neighbor as you love yourself loving God with all your heart with all your soul but what happens with us is is that we we tend to focus on the first one and we we uh we lightly esteem the second part of it but we'll get to that in a second but why is loving God so important verse 26 Genesis chapter 1 and verse 26 26 and 27 go ahead and God said let us make man in our image now that man as we've said before that man was always in God's mind it was always talking about the Israelite man uh let's get the proof of that uh well no we we'll get to it we'll get to it let's finish it out and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the foul of the air and over the cattle and over all the Earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the Earth so God created man in his own image created man in his own image go ahead in the image of God created he him male and female created he them there you go so it says let us create man in our own image Now give me that in second ezras chapter 6 and uh let's read verse 54 let's show you that that when God created Adam in the beginning that man that um he had in his mind of being in His image was his people the Israelites read that second e 6:54 and after these Adam also whom thou mest Lord of all thy creatures of him come we all of him come we all all come from there all mankind go ahead and the people who also thou Hast chosen th has what and the people also whom thou has chosen so the man that God actually caring about carrying on his image in the Earth was the people that he ended up choosing the Israelites it wasn't anybody else it the proof of that is when you keep reading keep reading verse 55 yeah all this have I spoken before thee Oh Lord because thou mest the world for our sakes so when he was making the world in the seven days it was made for the Israelite people read as for the other people which also come of Adam thou Hast say that they are nothing that they are nothing but what but be like unto spittle but be like unto B so this is how we can reform our thoughts and relearn um how important it is to love thy neighbor as thyself cuz when God created Adam in the beginning he had in mind the Israelite people when he said let us make man in our image he wasn't worried about No Other Nation they was spittle to him they was nothing what it say they they are nothing they be like unto spittle keep reading thou has said that they are nothing but be like unto spittle and has likened the abundance of them unto a drop that fth from a vessel there you go that's why he was able to kill everybody hey I'm going drown everybody Noah you get your wife and your kids and them get in the boat everybody else is dead ain't nothing but a drop anyway to fall from a vessel I'll start over with you it's nothing to me the only people that God cared about being in His image carrying on his name in the Earth was eventually going to be the Israelites which came through Noah and came through shim we read about that in the history let's get some more on that uh Isaiah 43: 211 we dealing with why is it so important to love God though right now as a people cuz we tend to focus on that Isaiah 43: 211 Isaiah chapter 43 Verse 21 yeah this people have I formed for myself now this backs up second Ezra 6 this backs up Genesis chapter one read that again this people have I formed for myself this people I formed for myself read they shall show forth my praise they shall show forth God's praise that's why it's so important for us to love God because we supposed to show the love of God upon the Earth dealing one with another and how to love God we have been given that assignment as a people no one else everybody else is like a drop from a bucket he cares nothing about him when he formed Adam he was thinking about the Israelites uh let's get some more uh go back a few chapters give me that Isaiah 41 and let's read verse 8 and N so like I said when God formed Adam it was for the Israelites to represent him let's back it up with another precept go ahead Isaiah 41:8 but thou Israel are my servant Jacob whom I have chosen uhhuh the Seed of Abraham my friend so when God was forming the Israelites he came throughout Noah and on down to Abraham God's friend is how he formed us keep reading verse n thou whom I have taken from the ends of the Earth and called thee from the chief men thereof and said unto thee Thou Art my servant I have chosen thee and not cast thee away even from the beginning we was chosen before we was in the flesh on the earth when we was in the spiritual realm we was chosen we was chosen to show forth God's praise upon the Earth give me those images that I gave y'all uh about our ancestors let's see let's see let's get a visual of those days so we can wash this uh uh White History was it a conoc clasm out of our mind that so much plagues us as a people so this is a a a Russian icon of Adam and Eve uh in the garden you see they is Brown go back man I a i a told you go to the next one yet come on man stay with me they as brown as all Outdoors hell they even got Satan is brown why everybody in the beginning was brown they understood that Satan or the serpent in the um in Genesis was just a metaphor a similitude of a man they understood that but you see the Angels is brown Adam over there talking to him Adam being put to sleep and then you see Eve talking to a man outside of her husband to do some things that her husband did not tell her go to the next one so now this is them being kicked out of the garden now I can't find the one where they got clothes on cuz they weren naked before this they had on garments Royal garments Adam had on a crown on his head cuz he was ruler of the Earth but after they got they was in sin and kicked out they were spiritually naked and we read that through in the scriptures but you see the Angels Brown Adam Brown Eve brown light skid they took some of her color off of her I think it's one in a book where shows a spread of them let's go to that next one there's a spread of it right there uh but it's a different image but you see they still Brown Adam Eve the angels God up there talking to him Brown uh think I got some more on that I got any more images and what but oh yes what it is the scripture says I called thee from the chief man thereof that started with Adam who was ruler of the whole earth God upon the Earth let's go to them other images that right there the chief man thereof that the Israelites were born out of it eventually came came to um seeing who is that Solomon with the crown upon his head and that Prophet that is behind him is Isaiah these are the chief men thereof that God's talking about that he formed us to show forth his praise I think it's another image that's King David we see this one a lot it's King David and his Royal garments with his crown upon his head his Ruddy skin which is brown I should have pulled that up that definition of Ruddy what that meant and that Bible in his hand cuz all Kings had to write out the Bible they to write that thing out when they sat on there that it those it more on out of the one more okay that is Samson fighting the Lion Chief man thereof this is who God formed us out of the israelit es read that again back in Isaiah Isaiah 41:8 and9 Isaiah 48 41 and verse 9 41 verse 8 and N 41 and verse 8 but thou Israel are my servant Jacob whom I have chosen the Seed of Abraham my friend uhhuh thou whom have taken from the end of the Earth and called thee from the chief men thereof we just saw a few images of the chief man he's the top man on Earth ain't nobody more famous than our ancestor none read and said unto thee Thou Art my servant I have chosen thee and not cast thee away chosen us all the way from the time of Adam and even before he said let there be light Israel was chosen Now give me that Hosea chapter 4 and verse 7 Hosea 4 verse 7 Hosea 4 and: 7 as they were increased so they sinned against me therefore will I change their Glory into shame that Glory of being God's people is gone now you saw Solomon with that Crown upon his head King David Isaiah the prophet 66 chapters in the book uh in the Bible you saw black images of Adam and Eve be we the first man the first women All That Glory gone for one reason read it again verse 7 Hosea 4:7 as they were increased so they sinned Against Me All That Glory gone because we continue to sin against God all of it gone keep reading therefore will I change their Glory into shame now jump back up to verse one and let's see what took part in US losing that Glory verse one Hosea 4:1 hear the word of the Lord ye children children of Israel for the Lord has a controversy with the inhabitants of the land because there is no truth no truth nor mercy no mercy nor knowledge of God in the land we've gotten to a point now that many of us don't even know the Ten Commandments we give you the three off top we know thou sh not kill steal commit adultery and after that it's a uh it is uh uh um uh um Love Thy Neighbor that's not in the Ten Commandments the knowledge of God is gone and when the knowledge of God left Mercy left truth left and then what came in verse two verse Two by swearing and lying and killing and stealing and committing adultery they break out and blood touches blood a part of losing that glory is also is the way we dealt with each other we lost that Glory that we had amongst the Nations the glory that God uh created us with and we also lost how we dealt one with another when the knowledge of God is gone out of the land then comes in swearing lying killing stealing committing adultery and blood touching blood we begin to deal with our neighbors like enemies and we still do it to this day give me that in Zechariah Chapter uh 7 Ze chter 7 and I want you to read verse 8 so when the knowledge of God left we begin to deal with each other as enemies not as neighbors that's why it ain't no neighborhood no more it's just the hood because we've become enemies without the knowledge of God Zechariah Chapter 7 and read verse 8 on down Zechariah 7:8 and the word of the Lord came unto Zechariah saying thus speaketh the Lord of hosts saying execute true judgment and show mercy and compassions every man to his brother gone that went out the window as soon as the knowledge of God left us that was the first thing that was gone loving thy neighbor as thyself gone and the carnal man took over the spiritual man dormant caral man in full control cruise control going not even the speed limit 90 down the highway full of stealing robbing killing committing adultery read it again verse n verse n thus speaketh the Lord of hosts saying execute true judgment and show mercy and compassions every man to his brother every man to his brother he's not even your brother no more what do these kids say about him now he's my op not don't even see him as a brother now when we was growing up uh even before us around the 60s and 70s they referred to each other as how brother what's going on brother hey brother I remember going to places with my father walking around in the in the hood going to the corner store you see people hey hey what's going on brother and he respond back I can't call it that's a old school term you Judah you might know it I don't know anybody else heard of that around here Jud okay is judite one judite okay send me in over at two okay God love Jud what you say hey what's going on brother I can't call it that's how we talk to each other no more they straight Ops we don't even speak to one another anymore we don't have mercy or compassion upon Every Man's brother verse 10 verse 10 and oppress not the Widow nor the fatherless The Stranger nor the poor and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart that's what we have that's where we are today we imagine evil against one another another we thought evil one of another in ancient times and we ain't changed as a people we still thinking evil one of another we stopped our ears from hearing the the knowledge of God that was calling out to us and and uh specific knowledge keep reading verse 11 on down verse 11 but they refused to hearken and pulled away the shoulders they turned the backs and stop their they prophets talked to them they stopped their ears hey man you need to love your brother man don't do it to your brother I ain't trying to hear that this n is my op go ahead that they should not hear uh-huh yay they made their hearts as an adamant Stone lest they should hear the law we stop thy ears from hearing the law the knowledge of God and then the swearing and the lying and the stealing and even if you don't get to that point of doing those actions toward your brother what inhabited your spirit the imagining evil against your brother that's what take place you might not be a violent person because you fear the white man you're fear going to jail oh I can't do no prison time I ain't doing that no it ain't that bad but you you Foster evil thoughts against your brother which in turn comes out in your actions and in your speech and you can't add it read that again verse 12 yay they made their hearts as an element Stone lest they should hear the law and the word which the Lord of hosts has sent in his Spirit by the former prophets therefore came a great wrath from The Lord of hosts great wrath is what oppression pull up up the images that I sent y'all great wrath is slavery great wrath is oppression great wrath is having Esau's last name that's your slavery right there chains on your neck Whi back toe up so bad that it scar hard and they took a picture of it forever EXT in history 99% of the people in the world don't know that man on the left's name all they know is his back that's the wrath of God go to the next one that's the wrath of God slavery with with wood and trees made into chains around our neck leather uh ties in our or bands in our noses to steerers like horses keep going this is the wrath of God slavery picking cotton with kids that's two three years old out there helping you and then have white people mocked you every February with videos of how soothing it is to pick cotton look at the faces of our ancestors oppressed Souls gone Walking Dead and then after the slavery go to the oppression let's see what we got then the oppression hit have y'all noticed every time I see this it stands out like a sore thumb the only one that ain't walking with a sign telling the white man I am a man is Esau he didn't have to tell a that he didn't his Spirit could not bear witness with the oppression he's just there he Ain walk around with that he he ain't got he ain't grow up in slavery and oppression and red lining he's just there to help a body but he don't know what y'all experienc he didn't know what our ancestors experienced the wrath of God he don't know what it feel like yet everybody look look look y'all pay attention to the people every single black man in that line I want you to zoom in zoom in zoom in zoom in got a sign keep going zoom in zoom in keep going keep going cuz look you even get to the next white man you can't even see his face but he's right in front of the pole I want you to circle around it keep going no next one next one right there he don't have a side y'all the white man has never felt the wrath of God we have because we turned our back on hearing the law of God love thy neighbor as thyself show mercy and compassion nah we don't want to do that the hell with that Lord I got to get this Revenge I got to imagine this evil in my mind against them God said I got wrath for you white man ain't got one you go right be every black man got a sign all right let's just is it more on that go ahead go ahead let me see the other one more oppression look who's behind them y'all them is uh Army Rangers whether they enlisted in the army or captured or moved off somewhere them brothers face look like what oppression look at their faces screaming oppression that's the wrath of God is that it okay now let's go back to the scripts give me that Leviticus chapter 19 I said we was going to go back to it let's go back to it now Leviticus 19 verse 1718 Leviticus 19: 17 get that uh definition ready for me go ahead thou shall not hate thy brother in thine heart uh-huh Thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbor and not suffer sin upon him now how do we hate our brother the first step is you suffer sin you allow him to go on in that sin you allow your sister to remain in that sin that's the first step of the hatred go ahead Thou shalt not avenge nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people uhhuh but Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself I am the Lord the next step of showing hatred towards your people is what letting grudges Fester inside of you letting them set up a root of bitterness inside of you letting it remain there to grow inside of you until it shows forth in your actions and it can't be hidden let's get that definition of Grudge because the the the uh swear the swearing the killing the blood touching blood that's not a major problem in Israelite congregations nope cuz we fear white man more than we do God the problem we deal with most of the time is people bearing grudges roots of bitterness grown in them and they think they can had it it don't you can't it shows let's see that definition of a grudge let's read that Grudge noun a feeling of ill will or resentment a feeling of ill will or resentment that's what we have amongst us as the people of God that are supposed to show forth his rage and when you're in the truth that you can see that that shows where you distance yourself you don't talk to them or you ain't got nothing to say to them in the world it ends up being blood touching blood and murder and no mercy um give me the the uh thesaurus on that on that same definition uh dictionary.com give me that in the thesaurus because it says it a different way we pull definitions I like to get the definition thesaurus and anything else go ahead where we at so this is the uh thesaurus that is synonyms I don't need synonyms I need the thesaurus do y'all know what that is oh God bless your heart yeah go to dictionary.com pull up the definition and along the tab somewhere you'll see thesaurus it's another way of there you go click on it all right let's scroll down I don't need sending them scroll past it go to the definition keep going where we at oh this is different from the phone all right let's let me see keep going down let's see if there's anything else on it there we go keep going I don't see which one is there okay all right man go to uh M well go go to mirams go to mirams cuz on the phone is a little different go ahead okay let me see they don't have it either okay all right let me go to it let me go to it on my phone and I'mma send y'all a uh picture of it okay well maybe that's it maybe that is what I wanted okay go back to it that was right okay go back to it the the source of the dictionary go back to it let's pull it up so the definition of it was a feeling of ill will or resentment right so the synonyms of it on thesaurus.com okay that's what I wanted read those those synonyms of it Grudge animosity animosity can we click on animosity to see what it says what the definition of that is let's read that scroll down is that it noun as in a feeling of strong dislike now stay there scroll down let's see it's only going to give us synonyms for it okay go to dictionary.com on it no no just click dictionary.com it should pop up does it pop up nope okay all right go back go back go back to it oh you just H to click back the arrow back over okay all right go ahead animosity as in feeling of strong dislike okay now go back where we just was to uh synonyms for Grudge pull it up there we go okay go ahead animosity animus antip antipathy antipathy Bad Blood what is it bad blood Bad Blood read bitterness bitterness enmity uh-huh grievance hard feelings hard feelings hate hate hate hate it a it a just wreck they didn't put it there once they put it there twice of Grudge is hate hate go ahead hate hate hatred hatred ill will uh-huh Injustice malice ranor resentment resentment that's what happens with us we have bear we bear grudges until it turns into ha hate animosity hard feelings grievance that you just can't get over give me that let's go to the scripts go back to the scripts Proverbs chapter 29 and verse one but now this is the thing you got to understand The Grudges don't come from hey man you need hey uh you need a your shoe oh hey um you got something on your face right here um your uh you don't get it for oh hey uh you dropped a dollar them make grudges don't come from from those things grudges come from this Proverbs 29 And1 Proverbs chapter 29 verse1 he that been often reproved hardeneth his neck that's where grudges come from grudges come from being corrected that's where the grudge begins and then what happens when you are often corrected which is reproved then comes the hatred then comes the hate hate read that from the top again Proverbs chap 29:1 he that being often reproved hardeneth his neck shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy now and and and if before it gets to the level of ha hate you know why you reject the correction that you need is because you're full of Pride the pride is you can't tell me who are you to tell me that you can't tell me no no what it is and give me that in John chapter 3 there's a filling of Pride that you you believe you know something that you're above reproving John chapter 3 read vers vers 1-3 John 3:1 there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews the same came to Jesus by night and said unto him Rabbi we know that thou are our teacher come from God for no man can do these Miracles that thou doest except God be with him uhhuh Jesus answered and said unto him verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God so what is Christ telling us all of us when you repent you are a baby you're a babe and what are what are babes in need of uh Proverbs 22:15 Proverbs 22:15 what what before what are bab's in need of what are the attributes of a babe read that Proverbs 22:15 foolishness is bound in the heart of a child foolishness means what all the ways of the world that you have learned is inside of you even when you first repent as a newborn babe foolishness the ways of the world the sins of the world are still in you foolishness is bound in the heart of a child so what are they in need of read but the rod of Correction shall drive it far from him you're in need of Correction when you're a newborn babe you're in need need of that because foolishness is in you whether you want to acknowledge it or not whether you want to hide it or seek counsel for it foolishness is in you and the only thing that can drive it from you is correction give me that in uh Sarat 42 Sarat chapter 42 I want you to read one through five but what is the spiritually carnal in their mind think you can't tell me nothing I am such a such age I I'm such a such of status I'm such and such of wealth I don't need you to tell me what to do who are you that's the spiritually carnal mind that thinks those ways read on Sarat 42 1-3 ecclesiasticus or Sarat chapter 42 verse1 1-5 go ahead of these things be not thou ashamed and accept no person to sin thereby of the law of the most high and his Covenant and of judgment to justify the ungodly uhhuh of Reckoning with thy partners and travelers and travelers or of the gift of the heritage of friends of exactness of balance and weights or of getting much or little here's the point verse five be thou not ashamed of what and of merchants in different selling uhhuh of much correction of children God said you're not supposed to be ashamed when you're receiving much correction as a new born babe a child in the truth you're not supposed to be ashamed of those things you're supposed to welcome it because foolishness is in you it's there you're trying to get right you need somebody to tell you how to be spiritual Godly how to dress how to talk how to conduct yourself how to be on time you need somebody to tell you hey we've got this meeting here we've got a a meeting over here we've got to uh uh fill this out we've got to sign up for this you got to be here at this time you got to wear this you got to look like this you can't look like that you can't wear that you need somebody to do that cuz you're a child it's the same thing you do with your children when they first born you don't let them they pop out and they are literally a few hours old and you go in there and see them laying in the uh baby thing hey I just want to tell you figure it out for yourself you don't do that you would say that's a bad parrot you see kids going running around nobody gonna tell this kid to stop nobody gonna say nothing to this child he's out here got a gun on his waist out here nobody gonna tell him nothing different dude out here calling people all kind of names she out here doing all kind of stuff ain't nobody GNA tell them that's wrong you would call that person if they didn't correct them a bad parent a bad supervisor a bad overseer you will call them terrible at the job they do so you can't be afraid uh or ashamed of receiving much correction cuz we all spiritual babes new to this trying to get it right give me that in 1 Peter 2 and 2 now 1 Peter chapter 2 and verse two 1 Peter chapter 2 and verse two as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby you're a newborn babe you can't forget that the caral the fleshly uh uh old man and you wants you to forget that you're now a spiritual creature and and act and walk in the flesh and don't let nobody tell you nothing you got ground you stand on business the old man wants you to say that to us so you can so so he can remove you from all the spiritual help that you need and end up ultimately destroying you that's what the spiritual man want you to forget you're a newborn babe and that you're full of what verse one verse one wherefore laying aside all malice you're full of malice go ahead and all G you're full of G and hypocrisies hypocrisies and envies en and all evil speaking man you just came from gossiping out there in the world the old man the carnal man man wants you to forget those things forget you a newborn bade in need of much correction Mark chapter 7 Mark chapter 7 and I want you to read verse 21- 23 Mark 7: 21 for from within out of the heart of men proceed evil thoughts how much more when you was Walking In the Flesh and the world and you you was without God how much more was we doing that with evil thoughts they was they hell they still plague us now for some of us that have been uh born again for a little while and they still plague us every single day now how much more when you didn't have no knowledge of God we read what happened you blood was touching blood swearing lying no mercy keep reading adulteries fornications murders thefts covetousness wickedness deceit lasciviousness an evil eye blasphemy Pride foolishness all these evil things come from within and defile the man all these things are in every single one of us as children cuz what did we read in Proverbs foolishness this is the foolishness that is in Us in the eyes of God the thing things we do as man it's foolishness it's in all of us and we need to be guided corrected on how to overcome each and every one of these things cuz we may have two or three of them that's in us four or five of them in us six or seven in us two 10 to 11 in us we might have more than one and you need somebody to guide you in those things to help you reform your ways Now give me that in Job chapter 3 2 Job chapter 32 and I want you to read verse 4 now here's here's what happens with many of the carnal that get offended job 32:4 job 32:4 now eliu had waited till job had spoken because they were Elder than he they were Elder he had some respect as a young man he had respect they were Elder than he go ahead when eliu saw that there was no answer in the mouth of these three men then his wrath was kindled read and Eli who the son of barel the buzite answered and said I am young I am young go ahead and ye are very old you're much older than me in the flesh I'm a Young Man y'all older than me in the flesh read wherefore I was afraid and darst not show you my opinion uh-huh I said they should speak the honor should always go to the age man it should always go to them read and multitude of years should teach wisdom they should be teaching me is what he saying go ahead but there is a spirit in man uh-huh and the inspiration of the almighty giveth them understanding read great men are not always wise those aged men are not always wise read neither do the Aged understand judgment read that again verse n great men are not always wise they are not always spiritually wise that great man is talking about the Aged just because you have you are up in aged carnally it does not mean you are spiritually wise to God read on neither do the Aged understand judgment and what God will do when you are spir you are uh of age carnally but you're not spiritually of aged God will humble you by giving a young man or a young sister the power to correct you he'll humble you in that making you realize the fact you a newborn babe make you acknowledge that yeah I don't know this I don't know that I need someone to correct me cuz foolishness is bound in me I didn't see that I needed that correction God will humble an aged man physically by getting correction from a spiritual man that's younger than him uh is that it on verse 9 yes sir okay give me that and let's prove that wisdom of Solomon chapter 8 wisdom of Solomon chapter 8 and this is why you can't be carnal because you may be of age in the flesh but you're babe spiritually wisdom of Solomon chapter 8 verse one wisdom of Solomon chapter 8 and verse one wisdom reaches from one end to another mightily and sweetly does she order all things now we know the context is wisdom now jump down to verse 7 let's see what wisdom does read on verse seven and if a man love righteousness her labors are virtues for she teaches Temperance and Prudence she teaches temp Temperance Prudence go ahead Justice and fortitude uh-huh which are such things as men can have nothing more profitable in in their life all the riches of the world like it said in Proverbs don't profit you wisdom is what we need to maintain our s or to reach salvation wisdom is the main thing go ahead verse eight if a man desire much experience she knoweth things of old so now wisdom will give you much experience okay go ahead and conjecture knoweth things of and conjectures all right what is to come uh-huh she knoweth the sub ities subtleties the subtleties of speeches and can expound dark sentences she foresees signs and wonders and the events of reasons and times as seasons and times Seasons go ahead and the events of seasons and times read therefore I purpose to take her to me to live with me knowing that she would be a counselor of good things and a comfort in cares and grief read for her sake I shall have estimation among the multitude and honor with the elders and what and honor with the elders wisdom will give you honor with the elders read though I be young though you be young wisdom will give young man that is that wisdom beyond the carnal age man that's what wisdom does that's why I said in above in verse eight if you desire much much experience you better take wisdom unto you because it'll teach you things that you haven't actually um learn yet like Temperance Prudence we don't those things ain't associated with young man Temperance and Prudence but when wisdom enters into a young man it gives them to you it gives you those experience it put you put you in those situations and though when you filter them through the scriptures you able to answer those things read that again in uh verse 10 verse 10 for her sake I shall have estimation among the multitude and honor with the elders though I be young though I be young wisdom will give you honor among the ancient In the Flesh though you be young here's some more proof of it Psalms 1119 Psalms 11997 to 100 Psalms 11997 down to 100 Psalms 119: 97 oh how I love thy law it is my meditation all the day now that's the thing that's how a young man that might have been called before you uh spiritually though he be younger than you in the flesh if he has meditated upon if he has loved the law of God and he meditated upon that thing he's applied it to his life what God gives him read the next verse thou through thy Commandments has made me wiser than my through the law of God and applying it it gives you wisdom right we read that all over the Bible read on for they are ever with me uhhuh I have more understanding than all my teachers than all my teachers now I'm going explain something to you when we read this as we read on in it I have more understanding than all my teachers read on for thy testimonies are my meditation uhhuh I understand more than the Ancients I understand more than the Ancients read because I keep thy precepts they would give a young man wisdom that he will understand more than the Ancients that still are carnal that's what happens wisdom will do that the applying of God's laws so it's not based upon your age of when you came into the world no God deals with the spirit that will give you more understanding than those that may be older than you in the flesh we just read it in job let's go back to just in case we forgot the thought of it job it's uh 34 and I think it's verse 9 of 32 verse nine well let's start at verse six uh yep there you go verse six job 32:6 and eliu the son of barakel the buzite answered and said I am young and ye are very old wherefore I was afraid and dur not show you my opinion here it is verse seven I said days should speak and multitude of years should teach wisdom age man should teach wisdom the age man should teach that you old you got great hairs you should know more than me read but there is a spirit in man uhhuh and the inspiration of the almighty giveth them understanding when they apply the laws go ahead great men are not always wise neither do the Aged understand judgment judgment because they've been living in the flesh for a long time time so long they got gray hairs upon their head and pride comes in when a young man that's full of the wisdom of God is giving them correction but according to the scriptures go back to Psalms chapter 119 verse 99 Psalms chapter 119 verse 99 I have more understanding than all my teachers that's not talking about the teachers that have applied the laws of God those captives don't know more than uh Bishops and deacons and SE we don't know that no we have more understanding than all our teachers of the world that are older than us we surpassed them in understanding why because we love the law of God it was our meditation read on I have more understanding than all my teachers for thy testimonies are my meditation read I understand more than the Ancients because I keep thy precepts there you go that's start talking about the the the elders in the truth that's talking about the caral minds of the world that believe they can't be corrected God says through his precepts through his law he'll give a young man more understanding than the Ancients so that they could do what put forth God's laws and correct judgment here's the proof of it history of Susanna precept upon precept these things make sense to the spiritual man precept PA precept now let's read that in uh Susanna uh verse uh start at verse what 45 is that what we want yep let's see yep 45 go 45 history of Zanna verse 45 therefore when she was led to be put to death the Lord raised up the Holy Spirit of a young Youth of a what a young youth a young youth read whose name was Daniel a young youth whose name was Daniel read on who cried with a loud voice I am clear from the blood of this woman then all the people turned them towards him and said what mean these words that thou has spoken so he standing in the midst of them said are you such fools you sons of Israel that without examination or knowledge of the truth ye have condemned a daughter of Israel return again to the place of judgment for they have borne false witness against her MH wherefore all the people turned again in haste and the elders said unto him come sit down amongst us do what sit down amongst us wisdom put Daniel word among the elders to what point they said come sit down Among Us read and show it us seeing God ha given Thee the honor of an elder oh read that again from the top verse 50 wherefore all the people turned again in haste and the elders said unto him come sit down amongst us and show it us seeing God has given Thee the honor of an elder honor of an elder through what through his precepts through his laws through his wisdom it will give you the honor of an elder an ancient man why because you know the laws of God the wisdom of God is in you only what who will reject the wisdom of God give me that back in Proverbs what happens when you reject that Proverbs Chapter 20 what I want uh Pride destruction where I won't bear with me y'all bear with me um he 1310 let me see read that one 1618 read Proverbs 13:10 first Proverbs Chapter 13 Verse no read 1618 then come back to Proverbs 13:10 Proverbs chapter 16 verse 18 uh-huh Pride goeth Before Destruction and an Hardy spirit before a fall only a carnal man will reject the wisdom of God that's been put even in a youth to correct you cuz you're a newborn bab only Pride will do that and it ends up bringing what upon you read it again Pride goeth Before Destruction it goes Before Destruction now go back to Proverbs 13:10 Proverbs chap 13:10 only by Pride cometh contention that's why you will reject that wisdom and now when you reject that wisdom although it be from a young man because you was full of Pride now there's contention and now what has to be applied Matthew 18 before we get that give me that in John chapter 8 we going to get an example of an young man that was full of the knowledge and wisdom of God John chapter 8 verse 52-57 John chter 8:52 then said the Jews unto him now we know that thou has a devil Abraham is dead and the prophets and thou sayest if a man keep my says he shall never taste of death read on Art Thou greater than our Father Abraham which is dead and the prophets are dead whom makest thou thyself Jesus answered if I honor myself my honor is nothing it is my father that honth me of whom you say that he is your god read yet you have not known him but I know him and if I should say I know him not I shall be a liar like unto you but I know him and keep his Saints read your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and was glad and was glad now look how the carnal man man the carnal woman responds to a spiritual man read then said the Jews unto him Thou Art not yet 50 years old hold on young man who you think you are telling us who you think you are correcting us the Pharisees were carnal they looked on the outside they didn't look at the Spirit the wisdom that was dwelling in Jesus the Christ to lead them in the right way that they should go they were full of Pride and rejected it and was full of contention between Christ the disciples and the Pharisees all his life read that again verse 57 verse 57 then said the Jews unto him thou are not yet 50 years old and has and has thou seen Abraham they automatically hey man who you telling who you think you are telling us you young you ain't even 50 yet stay in your place you can't tell me nothing but look what the spiritual manad how he responds read Jesus said unto them verily verily I say unto you before Abraham was I am God called me before way before y'all was even on this Earth a thought of it I was here before God put his wisdom in me for you to help you out spiritually aged full of wisdom Jesus the Christ was Now give me that in Matthew chapter 18 so once contention now sets in place from Pride from the spiritually carnal man or woman now Matthew 18 has to be applied let's read verse ma Matthew chapter 18 let's get straight to it Matthew chapter 18 verse1 at the same time came the disciples unto Jesus saying who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven and Jesus called a little child unto him and set him in the midst of them and he said verily I say unto you except you be converted and become as little children be reborn unless you are like little children spiritually when you're reborn taking it in being corrected because foolishness is in you read except you be converted and become as Little Children You shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven if you going to walk around here as nobody can tell me nothing because I am who I am I got gray hairs here I got money over there if that is your thought process in this spiritual walk Christ said you cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven you cannot read whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child do what humble himself as this little child and what does it mean to humble yourself it means to Humble to the word of God this the the Matthew 18 or or or correction ain't meant to uh ain't for personal reasons hey I don't like the color you wear stop wearing it no I don't like the way you tie your shoes I don't like the way you do your hair no Matthew or correction is not for personal reasons Matthew 8 or or correction is to make you spiritually better so that you can humble yourself as a little child so that you stay on the straight and Narrow Path that's what correction is for it's spiritual and it's through the laws of God through the word of God read that again verse four whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child the same is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven now read on let's jump down to verse uh verse six I guess it is yeah verse six but who so shall offend one of these little ones no let's get let's let's get straight to the point verse 15 verse 15 moreover If thy brother shall trespass against thee now there's contention there big contention cuz pride is in there someone's being prideful contention has taking place if there's a trespass against thee a sin committed against thee go ahead go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone and don't seek an audience immediately that's the out of order according to God it says see it says between the and him alone now give me that in Proverbs where Christ got this from I think it's Proverbs 25 and verse 8 let's see bear with me let's see is it 25 and 8 no no it ain't 25 and 8 25 and N there we go Proverbs Chapter 25:9 debate thy cause with thy neighbor himself debate thy cause with thy neighbor himself go ahead and discover not a secret to another there you go that's that's where Christ got Matthew 18:4 he's expounding upon it cuz that's what Christ was it was prophesied he would do he would magnify the law so when there's alt so there's trespasses against your brother go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone keep reading go back to uh Matthew 18:15 Matthew chapter 18:15 moreover If thy brother shall trespass against thee go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone uh-huh if he shall hear thee thou has gained thy brother the whole purpose of reconciling between another individual that's your neighbor is so that you can gain your brother back not so you can tell them how you feel cuz you made me angry that's not the point of it and I'mma tell you how I feel cuz you made me angry and after this you go your way I go my way that that's not the purpose of going to your brother and sister alone it is to actually gain them back to gain means to restore to make better not oh no just leave it where it is no that's a loss that's not a gain gain your brother or your sister back give me that in Sarat 31:15 real quick we'll wrap it up here in a second Sarat 31:15 ecclesiastic is of the book of Sarat CH 31 and verse1 15 judge of thy neighbor by thyself and be discreet in every Point say read it again judge of thy neighbor by thyself uhhuh and be discreet in every point in every Point all right let's go back go back now let's read verse 16 Matthew chapter 18: 16 but if he will not hear thee then take with thee one or two more that in the mouth of two or three witness every word may be established because you might not be spiritually in depth enough to convey yourself scripturally to the person of what happened you might just be carnal and now you need somebody help you to get it across to that person so they can see them faults of man I didn't okay they didn't say that they didn't explain it that way they a newborn babe they didn't know they was just mad I gave some correction this happened and then they just it was sprouted out of control go get two or three more people so that person can maybe then see their faults oh okay I'm understand now you say it like that okay yeah you're right and if they do on the flip side no I didn't do that well okay now we taking it to the next level because I brought two people they said something and they still didn't see it read on now verse 17 verse 17 and if he shall neglect to hear them tell it unto the church now you take it to the leader so it's a chain of commands first to them then to two more and now you take it to the leadership go ahead and if he shall neglect to hear them tell it unto the church but if he neglect to hear the church let him be unto thee as an Heathen man and a Publican there you go now jump down to verse 21 verse 21 then came Peter to him and said Lord how of shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him till seven times Jesus said unto him I say not unto thee until seven times but until 70 times s 70 times seven uh be merciful go ahead therefore is the Kingdom of Heaven likened unto a certain King which would take account of his servants now he's going to give a Purble of forgiveness go ahead and when he had begun to reckon one was brought unto him which ow him 10,000 talents but for as much as he had not to pay his Lord commanded him to be sold and his wife and children and all that he had and payment to be made the servant therefore fell down and worshiped him saying Lord have patience with me and I will pay the all uhhuh then the Lord of that servant was moved with compassion and loosed him and forgave him the debt that's that this is you put yourself in okay I was full of all these sins I had many sins and God had compassion with me and forgave me of all that debt and allowed me to come into this Marvelous Light go ahead but the same servant went out and found one of his fellow servants which owed him a 100 Pence and he laid hands on him saying pay me that thou owest and his fellow servant fell down at his feet and besought him saying have patience with me and I will pay thee all and he would not but went and cast him into prison till he should pay the debt read on so when fellow servants saw what was done they were very sorry and came and told unto their lord all that was done then his Lord after that he had called him said unto him oh thou Wicked servant I forgave thee all that that all that debt because thou desirest me now if you don't have mercy one for another in the eyes of Jesus the Christ you're a wicked servant automatically when ex Mercy extended to you not first by your your neighbor or your your brother it's first extended to you by God and Jesus the Christ himself that's where mercy first came from and if you can't extend that same Mercy that Jesus the Christ gave you before you even came in contact with the person that may have offended you Christ says you're a wicked servant read on oh thy Wicked servant I forgave thee all that debt because thou desirest me you love me you love God with all your heart you desire that of me read should as not thou also have had compassion on thy fellow servant even as I had pity on me shouldn't you have applied the second greatest commandment love thy neighbor as you love yourself you was good with the first one you desired me you sought me you asked for forgiveness you fasted you prayed I forgave you of those sins you got the first commandment right but you forget the second one and you lightly esteemed it and didn't show Mercy to your neighbor and love them like yourself what's the Judgment keep reading and his Lord was wroth and he was what was wroth so you you can't just focus on loving God and not loving your neighbor remember in the beginning of this class I said what righteousness in the context of this class which is loving your neighbor as yourself is one of the greatest uh one of the the highest uh or the one of the most important things that we tend to not focus on our Salvation deals with loving God and loving our neighbor as ourself just the same those two are the greatest Commandments read that again and his Lord was wroth and delivered him to the tormentors till he should pay all that was due unto him so likewise shall my heavenly father do also unto you if you from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses so if you have pride on you and it turned into contention and now you have lost your brother you've separated yourself from the body of Jesus the Christ which no man should be able to do that you got to examine yourself forgive your brother everyone is trespassed because he still has things he has to work on she still have things she has to work on and you have to gain each other back and if there's no gaining of each other back and restoring it to where it once was where you knew it was before that it says what read verse 35 again so likewise shall my heavenly father do also unto you if you from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses there you go because all of us imagine evil one towards another in our heart Christ said you better in your mind forgive your brother and your actions better match it when you gain them back all right so that's been Matthew 18 for the spiritually carnal or Matthew 18 for the old man and US whichever one feels better to you and it rolls off your tongue you can call it whichever one you want to but you better apply it before you shut yourself out of the kingdom of heaven and blot your name out of The Book of Life sh [Music] on Shalom Israel this is Bishop methel I want you to know that you can view all our Sabbath classes live on iuic TV that's right I said on I IC TV download the app today sh what is a [Music] nation nation is men leading by [Music] example nation is family nation is communed nation is children with robs we a nation is [Music] UN nation is H and finally my brotherr be strong and alone his one his one his one his one