We're gonna talk
about the ovarian cycle. The ovaries are two
structures in a female's reproductive system that produce her eggs. Each month her eggs go
through a maturation process called the ovarian cycle,
and that cycle creates a secondary oocyte than can
be then fertilized by a sperm to result in a pregnancy. The ovarian cycle is also responsible for what we commonly know
as the menstrual cycle. Basically, the primary
oocytes that are destined to be ovulated will
develop in the ovaries, complete meiosis one
just before ovulation, and then they'll be
ejected out of the ovary as a secondary oocyte to be
picked up by the fimbriae and swept into the uterine
tube to hope for fertilization. So let's start from the beginning. Inside the ovaries, eggs develop in structures called follicles,
these purple circles here. And they start off as
primordial follicles. And so what a follicle is- I'll just blow that up for you- It's one primary oocyte, so an egg cell, surrounded by a layer of
cells called granulosa cells. And the granulosa cells develop
and become more numerous as the follicle matures. Now the granulosa cells
also secrete a few hormones. Estrogen, a little
progesterone and some inhibin, and we'll talk about
the functions of those a little bit later on. So let's put a timeline on this. Now the ovarian cycle lasts 28 days. This is day zero here at
the primordial follicle, where we're going counter-clockwise. All the way over here, this is day 13. Here, where the secondary
oocyte gets ejected, or ovulated, that's day 14. And then the rest of the
time spent getting back to the primordial follicle
stage are days 15 through 28. So now you have an idea of
about how long this all takes. So you remember when we said that the granulosa cells produce hormones? Well, as the follicles develop
over the first 13 days, and you can see the changes
between the one here and the one here. It's got a lot more
purple cells around here. Those are granulosa cells. So the number of granulosa cells goes up, and since they produce
hormones, what do you think happens to the hormone
levels in the blood? They go up. So that's sort of just a general point. So keep that in mind, but
first we'll jump back to these. We know these are
primordial follicles here. The next stage of development
are these guys here, and these are called primary follicles. And in the primary follicles,
the layers of granulosa cells and the oocyte, the egg,
start to be separated by this other layer that
starts to form between them. That's called the zona pellucida, and I'll draw it here in light blue. And even though the
egg I've drawn in blue, there's still a layer of zona pellucida, even though the egg is
originally drawn in blue because I wanted to draw the egg in blue. There's still a layer of
zone pellucida around it. Now even though the
zona pellucida is there separating the granulosa
cells from the actual egg, the granulosa cells can
still nourish the egg through gap junctions that
go through the zona pellucida and into the egg. Gap junctions are just little passageways from one cell to another
cell where they can exchange nutrients or other signals. And actually, through those gap junctions, the granulosa cells send
through little chemicals that keep those primary
oocytes stuck at that meiosis one stage, 'cause
you remember at this point all of these primary oocytes
are stuck in meiotic arrest. They're not dividing and reducing their chromosome copy number. So as we develop from our
primordial to our primary to our next follicle here,
called our pre-antral follicle, and you'll see why it's
called that in a minute, the granulosa cells are
actually starting to divide and become a lot greater in number. You can see that there's
a pretty big difference in granulosa cell number
from our primary follicles to our pre-antral follicle here. And remember the granulosa
cells are shaded in in purple here. So while the granulosa
cells are proliferating, this wall on the outside of the follicle called the theca starts to form. Theca cells have receptors
for luteinizing hormone from the anterior pituitary,
and when luteinizing hormone, or LH, binds these theca
cells, they produce a hormone called androstenedione. And when the thecas get
androstenedione, they give it to the granulosa cells, who
then convert it to estrogen and release it into the blood. So the blood estrogen levels
start to go up at this point. And so that's what these red and blue bits running down the middle of the ovary are, blood vessels, arteries and veins. And if they look a little
bit weird to you, or unusual, that's just because they're
cut in cross-section as well. Now you might be wondering
what an antral refers to, like what you see in
the pre-antral follicle and this early antral follicle here. It actually refers to the antrum, which will be formed in the next step. This space here is called an antrum. And the antrum is just basically fluid that's being produced
by the granulosa cells. And it's that antrum and
the fluid in the antrum that pushes against the
edges of the follicle and causes it to expand. Now just so you're aware,
during this ovarian cycle, multiple follicles are actually forming. It's not just this one
pre-antral follicle, and then this one early antral follicle, and this one mature follicle. You're getting a lot of
these happening at one time. But only one of the biggest
ones is the one that eventually gets ovulated,
because you only ovulate one egg every 28 days. And that one that gets ovulated is called the dominant follicle. So let's just say that
what we're seeing here is an example of the dominant
follicle's development. Because the rest of the
ones that were developing along this pathway sort
of degenerate and die off in a process called atresia. So I'll write that at the bottom here. And atresia just means to degenerate. So another note. In the ones that undergo
atresia, both the follicle and the eggs they contain die off. And that means that a woman
loses anywhere between 15 to 25 eggs per
menstrual cycle to atresia, while only one gets ovulated. So you can kind of imagine how you go from two to four million
eggs when you were born to having zero after about
35-ish years of ovulation. It's not just that one
egg you lose by ovulation. You lose quite a few. So anyway, back to the development
of the dominant follicle. It enlarges mostly due
to the expanding antrum, as I mentioned earlier. And granulosa cells actually start to form this bit of a mound
here that protrudes into the middle of the antrum. This mound of granulosa cells is called the cumulus oophorus. As part of the development
of the dominant follicle, the cumulus oophorus and the
egg sort of separate together from the wall of the
follicle and float around in the middle of the antrum,
like a little island. And the follicle increases in size. So the actual follicle
is increasing in size as it gets filled with more and more fluid from the granulosa cells. And the granulosa cells
are just producing fluid as a by-product of their metabolism and creation of hormones. Eventually this dominant
follicle, which at this point is called the mature
follicle, it starts to balloon out the side of the
ovary, kind of like this. Just starts to push out
against the edge of the ovary. And then because the edge of the ovary and the wall of the mature
follicle are in such close proximity, enzymes
within the follicle break down that common wall between
them, and the egg pops out onto the surface of the ovary, because now this wall is broken down. And by the way, an
enzyme is a protein that carries out a specific task. The task here is to break down the wall between the mature follicle and the ovary, and that happens on day 14. So it takes day zero to 13 of
build up to get to this event. When this happens, some
women feel a little bit of pelvic pain. And actually sometimes, by
chance, two or more follicles reach maturity, and they all pop out. And that's how you get twins or triplets or quadruplets or octuplets,
when they all pop out and get fertilized by
different sperm each. Because they're all subsequently swept up into the uterine tubes where
sperm can fertilize them. So now you have the egg out here, but what about the old follicle it was in? The follicle actually collapses a little and transforms into a structure
called the corpus luteum. And in this transformation
the granulosa cells get a lot bigger and start
to produce more estrogen, progesterone and that
other hormone, inhibin, that we mentioned before. Just briefly, inhibin
lowers the amount of FSH, follicle stimulating
hormone, that comes from the anterior pituitary. And it does that because
follicle stimulating hormone actually propagates this whole process of follicle maturation, as you
can imagine from the name. So if you didn't know
this before, these are the exact follicles that follicle
stimulating hormone refers to. At least in a female. Anyway, if the egg doesn't get fertilized, then the corpus luteum
reaches a maximum size in about 10 days. So that's about day 25, which
it's probably sitting at in this diagram. And then it degenerates by apoptosis. That's a process that cells use to sort of self-destruct and die off. And here I'm abbreviating
corpus luteum as CL, just so you know what I mean. But if the egg is
fertilized, i.e., it travels into the uterine tubes and
gets fertilized by a sperm, then the corpus luteum persists,
I mean it keeps living, because we want it to
keep producing estrogen and progesterone. That's because estrogen
and progesterone prepare the inner lining of the uterus, that's called the endometrium, for implantation, which
would be really handy since we have a fertilized
egg now that needs to develop. And that's where it does it, by implanting in the endometrium of the uterus. So just a final note. Ovulation doesn't happen forever. At about age 50 to 51, females undergo something called menopause. First menstrual cycles
become less and less regular. In other words, they
don't happen every 28 days like they do when you're
under the age of 50. And then ultimately, they
stop happening entirely. And that cessation of
ovulation is called menopause. The main cause of menopause
is sometimes referred to as ovarian failure. Basically the ovaries lose
the ability to respond to signalling hormones from
the brain called gonadotropins. And we know these as LH and FSH. And this happens because
most, or all of the follicles and eggs have already
gone through that process that we talked about called atresia. In other words, they've degenerated.