Transcript for:
Baby Announcement and Kids' Video Reactions

[Music] so we have an announcement me and Gabby are getting divorced that's news to me just kidding put that back on visco bco listen listen Papa look at me look hey I have a very important look we're having a baby we're having a baby Gabby's 4 months pregnant yes that's why she hasn't recorded on her Channel correct because food and me not mixing right now U yeah uh dude it's been such a crazy last few months that I can't even begin to tell yall Muchachos like it's such a blessing yeah it's been such a blessing but literally our lives have completely changed in the last couple of months and they're going to our lives are going to continue to change till the baby's born yeah and their lives are going to be completely changed yeah we're we're so excited but also probably I mean I'm nervous I'm scared I'm scared but I'm excited too I'm excited too it's going to be amazing we also know the gender mhm but you know how I said we were going to make this a clickbait video mhm we're going to leave the gender till the end of the video you know what just let me have one let me have one clickbait okay let me have one stick around till the end of the video because the boys are going to be reacting to the gender reveal yeah so uh you know we're going to have a tamed gender reveal you know we're not going to have a a airplane crash out of the sky and kill someone just to show some like pink or blue smoke we're not going to set anything on fire yeah why not like setting something on fire sounds like a really nice gender Ral it's a match orange what does orange mean fun fact I am literally losing my mind actually though like actually losing brain matter yeah so in pregnancy you lose some gray matter the and that's where like all your memories and like memory processing and stuff happens I'm losing gray matter as we speak I know the you suck the purpose of that is so that when the baby's born then I will be able to learn how it's trying to communicate with me but in the meantime I'm brain gray I don't even know like what's going on sometimes I'm in the kitchen and I'm just spinning in circles and Eddie locks in and he's like Gabby what are you doing like I don't know Gabby's actually an NPC who lost its path I literally like you walked outside of your cated path and you don't know how to get back to it yeah it's been rough here's a video of uh us seeing the baby for the first time this is at 10 weeks look look look at I didn't even know that babies moved at this age me either this this little thing is kicking dude yeah so um we've nicknamed the baby the pilot because when we found out Gabby was pregnant narrator walks in the house and goes so how does it feel to be a Mech we're like what the what are you talking about and he's like yeah you're like a Mech and you're being piloted right now by a little baby you existential crisis I sat there and I was like hold up I think he broke me for like a solid 20 to 30 minutes anyway the baby's uh code name right now is the pilot yes the pilot wants food the pilot everything Gabby does is being controlled by the pilot mhm so if I get a craving for pizza the pilot wants Pizza not me the pilot which is why your next cooking video is like completely Just [Music] Desserts yeah so in the spirit of the baby announcement we decided we're going to scare the [ __ ] out of ourselves and look at by looking at kids are dumb yep dumb kids videos of the dumbest kids on the internet now Muchachos y'all know that I have been overly critical of children in the past and uh it it's to be honest it's going to be difficult to do that with my own but I don't know let's have a look and see what happens now that I'm going to be a dad I don't know if my perspective is going to change I think it will I think when it's your kid it's going to be different but we'll see I'm going to be a dad you are I'm going to be a dad you are and I'm going to be a mom I still can't believe it okay here we go first one 59° out Blake wants to go swimming I told him the pool is not heated right now he said he doesn't care you ready for this I Blake's a g bro he doesn't care here we go you sure you want to do this yes he's about to all right good luck go ahead know the manners go for it I friend swim okay go learn the I can tell your reaction compared to mine you're like oh he has [Music] [Laughter] manners yo check out this shirt this is coming up on Saturday on the boys channel the boys. store this is the moist boys collab and uh look at this we've collabed with Charlie the moist man s shirt and Hoodie available this Saturday at the boys do store go check that out popsicle dawon what is that in your hand a cigarette I'm sorry D I stop smoking that was another popsicle I told you no more popsicles why do you think a cig would be a better answer than a popsicle I thought dude the plot twist on the plot twist I know the first plot twist is like what kid's trying to smoke but then he's making an excuse for the pops for the popsicle kids are dumb dude yeah kids are dumb yeah that's a bless your heart that Dad that Dad was like kid I wouldn't I wouldn't even be on you if it was a cigarette right sorry you keep pushing me I do yeah cuz you're leaning into the chair so you're pushing me over pull you into me that's not what I meant Gabby the baby's already made calm down sorry ah all right next one kid at the trampoline park God my thing ran out he's back oh say with him what oh there he goes there he goes there he goes thank you very he ran all the way it's like when you do like such a long process just to have a fail yeah does this does this uh make you confident to have a child no there's so many ways that they can self do do bad things that they can hurt themselves yeah yeah do you that's how much my bra did your brain matter just like diffuse or disappear right in that moment is that what happened just I swear to God I swear to God I can't I can't think of like basic words this one is titled ruining the moment pull out the Excalibur sword he's going to try to pull it out here we go don't stand on it you just pull it Brady get off it Go Beckham pull get it Beckham yeah wow you got it that beckh they ruined it you did it yay yeah Beckham was about to become a superhero but this is the start of his super villain Arc exactly they stole his moment he was robbed what do you think of this does this make you want to have multiple children no that is detering me from having multiple children cuz this is the [ __ ] they will do yeah I'm not not a fan there's probably little [ __ ] behind the screen right now going oh Eddie but not everyone is bad yes you are yes you are yes Benjamin is about to get destroyed we got two kids playing Pokemon battling each other uh-oh this can only end one way God I you [Music] to Benjamin it's okay if you lose I know buddy life sucks sometimes that's probably that that's probably the kid that won he dunked on that kid and then he like it's okay to lose just to teach him a lesson that would be me I'm not going to let my kid win just to just to win no no h you have to sometimes you have to some I say that now there's a healthy balance can you imagine if that kid plays fortnite with Uncle mlly Molly's going to dunk on that kid you would be surprised that kid would probably like surpass him and not much time kids in video games just like probably no don't give it to the doggy please a it's trying to share well it's going to go now he's realizing the consequences of his actions now a got no Vicky is he going to cry uh he just seems curious he's like give it back oh yeah there it is there it [Applause] is oh oh life is rough you know I feel bad for that kid that kid just learned that he will never give the dog anything again that kid will never share another thing with anyone ever again and trust me I know a big kid that has learned that lesson who narrator exqueeze me brother oh it's a magic trick one all right let's see it oh no she's about to be [Music] [Music] traumatized that's yeah that's oh bro Mexican kids are so gullible it's so funny my God she's never going to trust her uncle again but for real though from her perspective her dad just got like done yeah I'm trying not to YouTube will demonetize [ __ ] I understand you understand you get right you get it Daddy Edie is speaking now okay Issa is supposed to be asleep not watching TV she's supposed to be out I saw on Tik Tok to test to see if your kids are actually sleeping or not if you lift their hand up and air and it stays up in the air they're asleep but if it falls they're faking it so let's see if it stays up she's actually sleeping oh wow oh she is out she's out damn real stupid dad he just got played he just got played what do you mean he he just got played no he was playing her no he got played she was asleep he just got played this is supposed to be a dumb kid that kid is smart ASU you got played too you thought she was awake see your kid's going to outsmart you not me though oh no kid Drew all over my mom's Ralph Lauren purse how much is a a red Ralph Lauren purse oh I would bet that's probably like Ralph th000 bucks yeah it's something like this which one was it the one with the smiley face on it I don't see one you don't see the one with the smiley face no really okay it's a couple hundred do for Ralph Lauren purse if you buy it off of a random Merchant in the streets of New York yeah the kid just made you a limited edition purse all right if our kid draws on one of your purses like this how would you feel I mean I would yeah sure I would be upset but at the same time it's just a purse Ollie I want you to save this clip and we're going to revisit it in a couple of years audience clip this I'll post a picture of a of a purse Gabby's purse with the face drawn on it later on and see how she feels I'll be in tears I'm sure I'll be like so mad I'll be like what if I draw on it I mean honestly that looks like an adult Drew on it it's too clean to be like depends how old the kid is that's a that's like a seven 8-year-old but by that point artist maybe auti at that point they know better than to draw on purses come on you know what I mean you know what I mean I mean I mean I mean look I I was that kid oh so you were a dumb kid no no no I was gaining brain matter at that point in my life must be nice your jacket on I don't want to wear my stupid jacket Mom I don't care it's cold outside and you're going to wear a jacket I don't want to put it [Music] on was this you when you were that old no this was me was it yeah I guarantee you that kid isn't putting on that jacket because other kids make fun of him for the clothes he's wearing he wants to look cool to fit in with the other kids I was that kid that makes sense I never wanted to wear an ugly jacket even though it wasn't ugly it was just a jacket that kid just wants to look good yeah respect but he's going to be cold as yeah good catch that's a dumb kid that's a he almost wrecked it that's a smart adult he knew he knew exactly what that kid was about to do I'm going to do that to our kid I'm going to do a back flip and then I'm going to tell the baby to do it as well yeah yeah didn't know you could do a backflip shut up exposed go slow over the step there you go good job oh we spilled a little but that's okay oh don't look at it oh did you panic it's okay it's okay your sock got wet and you panicked it's all right okay I feel like I can relate to that child so much like a little little something happens and then I'm like and I just freak out when like it wasn't a big deal you know what now that you say it that's this is you as an adult you're this kid actually so so if your baby like starts to slip a little bit are you just going to let it go no no what if what if your baby start spilling you know like babies like start throwing up in your arms and [ __ ] you know babies do that nasty [ __ ] where they start growing up I know I would probably just sit there and let it happen and be like okay so that's what we're doing and then would you throw up on the baby the baby throws up on me and I'm like as a little payback imagine you got to teach them while they're young yeah got to put them in their place so that they stop that [ __ ] they will never ever puke again we're talking so much [ __ ] but we're going to be the biggest softies dude I'm telling you right now yeah wait hold up pause what the is this cat doing this cat [Music] a she did that on purpose bro she did that on purpose homie is just chilling belly up look look she sees the tail and she's like I'm going to step on him and whoever was recording just let it happen that girl a criminal that girl needs to go to little girl jail unbelievable if that were my kid I you say that now you say that now but my my cats are still my babies like yeah but it's just a little step the kids just experimenting to see the cat would react cat should have given her a little skibby Bop like absolutely that cat's too chill for that kid for real for real for real did you just for real I said for real did you just ffr on this video I did I said for real for real SK Gabby I'm already that's how you know I'm no listen that's how you know I'm a mom because I'm already like saying cringe things no this is how we know you're losing brain matter m we're dropping the subject and going to the next one moving on what all he did was wink and she like freaked the is that is that I missed it I was like why the did she just like watch him [Laughter] that baby is on a war path y you know how like war generals in like the old times were just like power hungry and just wanted to destroy everything in their paths that's that little girl with crying yeah little babies that cry on planes just for the sake of crying they're on a war path they just want to destroy every everything in their way yeah I have a feeling that like if we ever try to travel with our child they're going to they're going to be like the best kid ever right and then the minute they step foot on that plane they're going to be like bucking and like people in the head but you realize with what we do we're going to have to be that guy bringing the baby on the plane we could just leave him here we can just be like again you say that now yeah baby sees dad with a new haircut oh no oh this is this is the funniest [ __ ] dude it never goes well hi making daddy feel bad you crying the the I just can't believe he's like oh sh haircut no man no no you know that that bab the way that baby looked is I can't believe you got that haircut you look like [ __ ] dad that fade is they done you up Dad I can't believe this is my daddy now you know what I wanted I want to like I want to grow out continue to grow out my beard and continue to grow out my hair and then do this to our kid at like one years old I'm just going to cut my hair and just film this video and like fully shave I wonder how they would react my entire life my dad had a mustache and then when I was like 16 he shaved it did you cry no but it was weird like like I just I can't describe like the feeling I look at him and I'm like you're not my dad yeah it's weird right it's like you have all this like you have all this facial hair it kind of becomes a part of the face it's your identity yeah and then you like shave it all off and then you look silly oi did you just fing shave me bro oh cat video you know it's boy careless kid mm we don't do that put it down please we don't do that yes he's happy for me he's happy for she's happy oh I see that cat is definitely happy for her yep sorry look look at the face the cat makes at the very beginning dude I think that cat's permanently like stuck it must have some sort of like take or something well we have cats yes are we going to let our kids pick up the cats well if we teach them how to do it properly yeah what they're cats there's a right way to hold them I've picked up visco in many different ways yeah how'd that go with Choo oh you know I got a couple scars to show for it but it doesn't mean it can't be done anything can be done but what's the safer way to do it look kids got to learn somehow that'd be a painful lesson shaved my beard off for the first time in like 10 years oh no they were excited about it until they [Music] [Applause] weren't the kid's hiding you know it's bad when even the oldest one is like what do I do oh no her face her face likey dad kind of ug wait let me see the dad oh he doesn't look bad that's a handsome man the identity thing again you're like cuz you don't know what's under that beard you don't know what shape of the chin it is he could be a total Chad or he could be like he could have a butt chin M he could have a butt chin and if the kids have never seen a butt chin before that's scary that's probably why that's probably why they're scared yeah dad's got a never mind he's ugly what the is this what is he doing is he catching [Music] dreams oh [Music] no goodbye door okay that is a that is a shitty door if that kid can like support it hold up see Gabby there's something you have to understand this is the male brain at work what happens if I do this and this could be anything it could be I wonder what happens if I stick my fingers in a wall socket that's exposed I wonder what happens whe When I pour water on a toaster that's on I wonder what happens when you leave the fridge open overnight slightly cracked so that Mom doesn't notice is I wonder what happens if I scream curse words across the house will the sound travel through closed doors I wonder how high a baby duckling can fall from before it takes off flying do you know what I'm saying uhhuh you look absolutely disgusted right now I'm not disgusted I'm terrified oh my gosh if we have a boy it's I'm scared okay well let me put it to you this way if this this uh young scholar was not doing this science experiment for us no one would ever know if putting rackets in door cracks would break the door but now we know now we know now we know and now we can give him the award for discovering it first yes thank you for your service to society young master I'm tatto Halen hey Ellen do you have any idea what's going on excited should I put it on the what is put it on some more no I think we're good [Music] [Laughter] okay yo that kid just got the Simba treatment you know when Rafiki does the thing yeah wow he's beautiful now he's got a little flower CR me tell you that the other one was the last one no more tattoos on your brother please what is that kid seeing holy [ __ ] have you noticed the way he looks at his mom yeah what does she look like for him to have this reaction she's making faces look dude he's like excited to see Mommy right and she's making faces and he's trying to like mimic no more tattoos on your brother please no more tattoos this is the face I make when you say we're having Patty melts for dinner you're like Nummies really Nummies this is the face I make every time you show up to my desk with food a go Show Mommy oh no that's a model that's a model Lego oh I really can't believe it oh what do you mean you can't believe it you gave it to your kids that's probably like thousands of pieces to put together oh that hurts my soul and I'm not a Lego builder type of guy I love building Legos oh yeah and congratulations cuz I don't that wasn't my point oh I just hate them okay Lego stress me out so much all go go go go go go I'm sorry I'm sorry too good for Legos like okay I'm too no the opposite I'm too dumb for Legos dude my brain don't work that way okay go go I've spent hours building Legos so I understand how much time and energy it takes I would never ever give something like that to a [Music] child I forgot that you can see me straight from there yes I can see you this is my this is the face app that messes up your eye um [Music] that what is that [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is going to be me this is going to be me I'm going to do all the the apps where like it shows a little cockroach like crawling across their face oh my God I'm going to buy masks just to wait for them around the corner and be like don't do that don't please not that one not that one please I still okay listen my dad used to do that to me when I was a kid and I walk up the stairs in our house and I still think someone's going to jump out at me so please don't do that I'm still traumatized from that thanks for uh thanks for saying that no okay time for the gender reveal in this video me and the boys were on a Discord call when Gabby walks in to let us know that uh that we got the test results back and uh everybody got ready and we all got surprised together so here here's the what are you hoping for what do you guys want I I don't care I don't care I I I don't I don't want either a boy or a girl whatever preferably just like just like you just want it to be like a human baby jender Jen jender reveal all right here we go what's the pilot hang on hang on we have to include fetal sex I can't wait to know what the pilot is include what oh oh my God it's loading it's loading nous yeah here we go we have to go through this little app and it's like telling us to start okay I'm shaking bro I'm shaking oh my God chromosome conditions low risk results okay got it got it go to the next thing go to the next thing uh-huh it's this little robot I can tell you if you're having a male or female would you like yes yes yes here we go here we go y yep yep yep what is it what is it is it it's a girl a [Applause] girl congrats congratulations there's a little girl it's I no way the the Pilot's a girl pilot a girl congrats congratulations guys ooh who's playing inscription we having a little princess yeah yes oh my God okay thanks guys wait how accurate is this it said 99.9% holy [ __ ] yeah okay so there's a 0.1% it still might be a boy there A1 it might still be a boy Gabby finds out the gender of their kid and goes who's playing inscription oh my God congrats I have a lot to learn holy I have a lot to learn you're going to have to learn how to like do hair and like I have a lot to learn here we go [ __ ] oh my god well um well that's it yeah we found out that nothing compares to this congrats guys well it's a girl it's a girl it's a baby girl and I am just over the moon yeah I'm going to be a girl dad you are I'm going to be a little girl dad and I'm so happy that I'm not going to be able to discipline her it's going to be on you now that's not fair that dad's going to have to that's not fair dad's going to give her everything no she's not going to be a spoiled little brat no pleas no she won't be but it's going to be tough for Dad to say no honey she needs discipline she needs discipline please I cannot be the bad like I'm I can't be the bad guy you're not going to be the bad guy the little girl the the little pilot is a girl she she's going to be make coming in for a landing soon yes around January maybe yeah hopefully but that's it we're going to be parents thank you for watching video oh her name do you want to tell them what we're thinking or do you want to just announce it once it's official I think once it's official for now code name the pilot yes once it's official we'll announce it there's nothing said in stone yet we could still change our mind that's right that's right the day she's born I could look at her and be like that is not her name but you guys can post in the comments and um let me know your guesses for what we decided to name the baby or just tell us your favorite baby names yeah yeah that that could work yeah yeah yeah be let the audience names our baby what no that's not happening thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video leave a like let me know down in the comments what you guys want to see next but that's it just wholesome moments life-changing moments thank you for being a part of this journey with us um nothing's changing for now but as you've noticed the last few months I've been uploading just a little bit less to make room for family and U I think this Rhythm works for me so definitely not not going to be able to be uploading on a day daily basis for a while and I don't think I want to I don't want to burn out I'm having fun with what we're doing and and this is a good balance for me yeah I don't have any plans for my channel and I might not even you know continue we're just going to have to see what happens we'll just play it by ear yeah we'll play it by ear whenever you want to cook something film it and um we're uploading a video together this Friday on Gabby's channel uh she needed help so I helped her out and we did a cooking competition so uh if it's Friday by the time this video is up then uh go check that out yeah and go check out the moist boys collab over at the boys. store thank you so much for watching I love you guys and I'm going to see you next time byebye bye