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Stereocenter Configurations
Jun 13, 2024
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Stereocenter Configurations
Learn to assign R and S configurations to stereocenters
Learn to assign Z and E configurations to double bonds
Assigning R and S Configurations
Basic Steps
Prioritize the Four Groups
Based on atomic mass from the periodic table.
Example: Cl (35.45) > O (16) > N (14) > H (1).
Orient the Molecule
Lowest priority group (often hydrogen) must point away from you.
Draw arrows through numbers 1 to 3.
Determine Configuration
Counterclockwise (numbers 1, 2, 3) = S configuration.
Clockwise (numbers 1, 2, 3) = R configuration.
Common Mistakes and Fixes
Incorrect prioritization leads to wrong configuration assignment.
Ensure you follow Step 2 (orient the lowest priority away).
Use three methods if the lowest priority isn't easily orientable:
Rotating the Molecule
Opposite Trick
: Only if the lowest priority is a wedge.
Switcheroo Trick
: Switch the lowest priority group with the dash group.
Naming Molecules
Include R or S in the name depending on the configuration.
For molecules with multiple stereocenters, include every configuration:
Example: (1R, 4S)-1-bromo-4-fluoro-1,4-dichlorobutane.
Advanced Topics
Multiple Stereocenters
Treat each stereocenter independently.
Apply the previous steps to assign R/S to every stereocenter.
Example molecule with two stereocenters: Assign configurations independently for both.
Breaking Ties
When identical atoms are directly attached to the stereocenter, look one atom further away.
Compare atoms directly attached along each path.
Identify and prioritize based on first point of difference.
Continue comparing until you find a difference.
Example: Tiebreakers between two carbon groups differentially attached to other atoms help determine configuration.
Alkenes: Assigning Z and E Configurations
Basic Definitions
Z (Zusammen)
: Highest priority groups are on the same side of the double bond.
E (Entgegen)
: Highest priority groups are on opposite sides of the double bond.
Steps for Assignment
Determine Priorities
on each end of the double bond using atomic mass.
Compare Priorities
If same side = Z
If opposite sides = E
Example and Naming
Correctly name molecules with Z/E assignment at the beginning of the name.
Example: (Z)-2-pentene vs (E)-2-pentene.
For multiple double bonds, include position numbers and configurations of each.
Example: (1E, 3Z)-1,3-pentadiene.
Fischer Projections
Identify stereocenters on Fischer projections.
Low priority groups should ideally be in the back (- position).
For wedges (โ), use the opposite configuration technique.
Orient without flipping.
Identifying Diastereomers and Enantiomers
Naming and Configurations
: Compare configurations after naming (R/S) for both molecules.
Completely opposite configurations indicate enantiomers.
Some configurations the same and others different indicate diastereomers.
Three Methods
: Rotate, name, or compare configurations.
Practice and Summary
: Apply tricks and methods to various molecules.
Stay Basic
: Always fall back to basic steps when complex molecules are daunting.
Reach Out
: Contact for further guidance and clarification.
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