this video was made possible by cyber power PC UK Welcome to our timeline of the entire history of Elden ring this has been an absolutely massive project and covers every faction character and event throughout all the ages of the lands between however there is a ton of mystery surrounding almost every topic not to mention the complexity of linking everything together rather than letting theories stand separate there is lots of speculation and theorizing throughout out and to that end all sources have been provided on screen alongside our reasoning to help you make your own conclusions but to keep the video from pausing constantly we won't be prefacing every Point by saying it is only our opinion the whole video is just our opinion for one full potential timeline finally everything here was produced before the upcoming shadow of the UR tree expansion and our thoughts will no doubt change after delving into the land of Shadow once all was without beginning or end as a ring is its form was without measure and it was full and empty and expanse without division for division was not within it nor without it and it was whole and still until at last a great change Came Upon it and time arose with a great suddenness and there came Division and many came from one as droplets from one water and they have caused to return and they have caused to set forth this Discord is the means of their every expression the shaping of their every form their Journey proceeds along a single path a path of two ways the way that narrows is the path to order and the way that broadens is the path to chaos and they go upon it with Perpetual resolve now beckoned one way now shown the other at the outset of their Journey all all was disarray but chaos lost its hold and there arose the necessary forms as bows from the root of time and they were in all places and in none as tides to their Waters and they were as gods and all things were by them made surfaced by the currents of the deep there formed the stars and the lands the Suns and the waters and then sometime along the way nature gathered upon itself and life took form a form graced by perception and blessed by the means to think upon its world but to be granted life is to be granted a shadow a shadow that shall go with the living all the days of their lives as a beast stalks its prey and it shall be their guide their most loyal companion until at the appointed time their Shadow shall Usher them away so began but one land among many the lands between an unremarkable realm distinguished simply by its position among others and like all others this land was a product of the natural state of the world a state that stemmed from the highest of powers Gods Ki The Very forces of nature through whose friction came Land and Sea gravity colors innate power and finally life but for the lands between whose history has always been shaped by external influences it may be that no life arose at all and instead arrived from far away life's Beginnings were harsh natural selection lacked nuance and favored sheer strength above all else this led to ancient life forms of significantly larger proportions than those in the present day and one life form of colossal size naturally Rose to the top the rise of these Titans as the dominant life form began the most ancient known age of the lands between their rign expanded across the entirety of the present day land land mass and oversaw the beginning of the Stone Age although there is no definitive evidence of a written language the technological advancements and stonework of their civilization were truly astonishing elaborately crafted megalithic structures can be found throughout the lands between eons of weathering have rendered the stone smooth yet they still stand strong a true Testament to the skill of the age and all without the use of mortar made with stone blocks of such size that the Titans are the only known creatur who could have been responsible the weathered smooth stone distinguishes structures of this ancient era and yet the labor and Artistry poured into carving each and every Stone Face likely in situ remains clear what such carvings mean however has been lost to time so long ago was this culture the Titan structures though imposing in the current day conceal their true scale for they extend deep within the earth a curious detail and the first of many clues that point to the extent of the land's transformation Through the Ages but the Titan skills went far beyond their masonry for the Titans wo the very fabric of life into black stone and crafted artificial life an ominous development foreshadowing what would become a fixation for the lands between the manipulation of life and its natural cycles thus were Golems created bearing the same intricate detailing and weathered Stone aesthetic as the structures of the era curiously this technique likely became well established since a Golem crafter suggests there were multiple such Artisans indeed Golem serve as a crucial window into the era these Blackstone Golems appear to have been purpose-built for combat each equipped with bespoke Weaponry this suggests that despite the Titans Dominion there was no peace or unity in the Land There was such conflict that the Titans resorted to crafting artificial life to enforce order those that resisted were far smaller than the Titans likely dwarfed by the Golems for Golems were equipped with extra protection around their ankles hinting at the size of their adversaries after eons of fighting such foes few Golems remain today with their protective ankle gear intact but those that do remain formidable opponents there are more than just the black stone golems head covering made from the largely unaltered head of an impish golum on closer inspection although the detailing differs from the structures of the age the stone of the imps and indeed the catacomb Watchdogs also exhibits the distinctive weathering typical of the age albeit more subtly given their smaller size and sheltered environment furthermore to cement the similarities between these three Golems there is the crystal Dart long ago it is said that a Golem craft after employed a similar Crystal tool this Crystal Dart when used on any of these Golems causes them to malfunction either stunning them or even making them short circuit and turn hostile to everything around them the crystal Dart also points to the final life form that the Titans created the Christians are deed impossible for a human the crans are inorganic beings yet they live now these beings are inscrutable and are supposed to have but one clear purpose to safeguard their crystals unto the end the Christians were the most complex artificial creation though humans cannot understand them the crystian faint cognition is known as the wisdom of stone their magic staff can only be wielded by those of intellect high enough to grasp such wisdom a substantial 48 intelligence with output only slightly bested by the caran Regal scepter curious given the similarity of their respective sigils the true purpose of the Cristian has been lost to time for in their hidden intelligence there was likely some grander purpose behind their Crystal hoarding returning to Golems the design of the imps and Watchdogs illustrates the diversity of life already present in this ancient era for despite their modern roles as guardians of earthree catacombs it appears that Golem technology was lost with the extinction of the Titans no new Golems exist in the present day lands between and anything relating to Golems Cristian and indeed all other forms of artificial life is shrouded in the mystery of this ancient age the marionet fixate on crystals gargoyles are so run down some cannot move and the rest have been mended with corpse wax a patchwork therefore the design of these artificial life forms undoubtedly reflects the era of their creation as early as the Titan age there was glint Stone and sorcery Crystal sorceries ranged from encapsulating the Wrath of the csans to manifesting the crystal sun which serves as further evidence of the life form's complexity Glenstone sorcery was imbued as an ash of War into the watchdog staff the term croia means a hooked staff carried by a bishop as a symbol of pastoral office which though the staff is hardly hooked also points to religious systems there were social hierarchies which extended not just to Christians where some sorceries were reserved for high ranking adepts among the Christians but also among Golems the watch dogs are even said to command the imps there were even strata within golum variants some imp Golems were given autonomous life While others were crafted only as a powerful Lock and Key System a design that remains relevant even in modern times the range of imps showcases the variety of life forms that had already taken root in the lands between there were feline creatures fanged and long tonged demons and even wolves it's clear that death and its natural cycles were well established as was the transfer of generational wisdom indeed indeed it's possible that the imps and Watchdogs already served as Guardians of the deceased finally the aesthetic of the corpse imp head May indicate the presence of humans and perhaps even more extremely heavy this great bow requires enormous strength just to draw suggesting it was not designed for human use though this could be in relation to the tarnished attempting to wield the bow in the present day it may instead refer to the age in which they were made that when created ated humans could have tried to wield them might humans have been part of the Titan Alliance as well as other species as suggested by the Imp variants after all the incredible mechanisms behind the Imp loocks or indeed the lifts of the Divine Towers don't seem to have been made for Titans who had no trouble reaching such Heights but were instead for those of smaller stature to be able to join them in the sky and such a huge investment could only have been for allies for those within the Titan culture but the question remains for what why build the towers at all the Divine Towers though they have since been repurposed by the two fingers were originally built to pay homage to meteorites these towers the tallest artificial structures ever built that seem to reach up to the heavens themselves all feature at their top a mound of Earth encircled by eight meteoric ores which are each framed as if to oneor them while the central Earth may seem unremarkable the stonework encircling it matches other meteoric impact sites found throughout the lands between this combined with the eight surrounding meteoric HS gives the first cultural window for the Titans meteorites were Central to their belief system and the towers were constructed to venerate them or perhaps even to harness their power did Titans arrive these lands via meteorites or did a god bestow favor on them through meteorites indeed the style and positioning of the eight ores surrounding what once might have been a larger meteoric deposit as well as the detailing around each or is very suggestive of the deity now known as the fell God and the forge of the Giants whose size car [Music] ings and Foundation are all clearly of Titan origin ties these elements together the Giants and the Titans were both favored by the Fel God in fact they were likely kin the Titan species exhibited substantial variation in stature as shown by the difference in size between the kid corpses and those in the mountaintops thus perhaps the Giants were simply the smallest of Titan kin which could Explain why both the Giants and Titans Drew power from the Fel God indeed as with other gods whose power manifests strongly within life this God lived within the giant stomachs though some God's power is seen behind the eyes in any case it was the Titan faction that was responsible for creating the forge and the forge provides the second cultural window into the Titans for in its design and associations are snakes and dragons not only does this place both respective cultures as early as this age but it likely illustrates positive relations or even alliances between these factions throughout Dragon Society there is a focus on balance and natural cycles something that will be looked at in due course as such it follows that to remain on good terms with the dragons the Titans were also a faction that at least abided by if not also centered on Nature's cycles for example though the Titans had dominion over the entire land from their corpse locations it seems they chose not to live in every region and left some undisturbed but surely this is contrary to their deity the supreme power of the fell God is the flame of Ruin so how did that play into the cycles of life well the cycles of the lands between center around much more than life and death which will soon become clear and between the forge the Divine towers and the technology of artificial life the Titan's Legacy is clearly not defined by destruction after all the Golem seem to have been brought to life with the power of their Flames which illustrates a knowledge of their fire that has been lost in the present day where dragons exist as Divine eternity and snakes exist as Mor eternity it seems the Titans landed somewhere between them dragons Titans and snakes with such Powers working in harmony surely this age would last forever and yet through a twist of fate the age of the Titans ended just as it began at the behest of meteorites an Extinction event wherever you look in the ls between there is evidence of dramatic geographical changes all the way from the Weeping Peninsula which has become an island since its naming to the forge of the Giants which was surely once Tethered on all four sides everywhere has undergone profound alterations but of particular note here are the Titan constructions the majority of them outside the mountaintops of the Giants seem to be entrenched within the earth almost as if supporting the current Day land mass they are found deep within cave leaves nestled within mountains or propping up areas where the Weeping Peninsula might have once connected to the mainland they are encased in the earth like Divine rebars just like the Titan corpses at least until the Earth around them is eroded away the Divine Towers naturally remain above ground and yet they still reach deep into the Earth The Titans with their sheer size couldn't have been a Subterranean civilization so what is going on the answer is hiding in plain sight there is a peculiar but distinctive Rock adorned to the sides of the towers every tower has this including the icon within the map this rock face is clearly a fundamental part of the history of the Divine towers and yet it is equally clear that it was a later addition on closer inspection The Rock shape is not artificial it has no clear design to it instead it appears almost like a cooled liquid or magma so what could have generated such a large scale expulsion of molten rock contrary to the Natural pressures that had typically dictated survival there came a cataclysm that uniquely selected against size for the lands between was hit by a meteorite event of such magnitude that the Titans had no means to avoid it only life forms small enough to burrow within the Earth all those capable of flying well above it managed to endure the Calamity an event that in all likelihood was responsible for the central Crater of the lands between the impact size and energy caused an expulsion of vast amounts of molten debris across the entire land conditions for which the Titans had no defense or shelter as shown by each of the Divine Towers the magma was thrown in all directions illustrating the sheer scale of the catastrophe in one Fell Swoop the Titans met their Extinction the land was covered with a new stratum of Earth and the inaugural age of the lands between was over and yet life found a way and resumed Nature's Cycles competing for Dominion the lands between saw countless civilizations come and go but there was one that was truly Eternal where snakes persist through mortal means never truly extinguished and life forms akin to Titans rise and fall through time vying for their moment in the sun there are beings who are truly Everlasting the ancient dragons whose Society has fundamentally shaped the history of the land between in the present day this ancient civilization has fallen to ruin but there is still plenty to glean from what is left the theme of Frozen time permeates the ruins of phula placex is found at the heart of the storm Beyond Time a storm which endlessly rages within the perpetually floating city countless dragons tirelessly fly around the nearby skies and those that remain in the city appear almost inert creatures of of living Rock in the center of the city there is etched into the wall an Elden ring complex and multi-layered Order winding into spirals as it falls down then throughout the city is a focus on death for though faram maula was thrown into the sky before the night of black knives death rout is found in every [Music] corner those who live in death plague the ruins and worm faces group at its depths the very architecture immortalizes the dead integrating corpses into the brick work and even as part of the chest design a temple pays homage to a dead dragon skull in which I found a god-skin noble and Apostle who wield the black flame which could once slay Gods the flame that Drew power from destined death the power of the Glide Queen indeed the city was solely constructed for Dragons beastmen roam throughout the ruins as those who live in death or can be found in tombed within the brick work of the buildings themselves they wear garments that display their involvement within this Society there are rooms dedicated to their burial statues of beastmen with those of dragons and some beastmen were even granted the power of red lightning for use either as incantations or to imbue into their weapons the beastmen had a religious System complete with hierarchical ranks then there were draconians people of the ancient Dragons Who Bore a Stony face these humans seem to have had their own societal structure too overseen by royalty who were immortalized in stone work throughout the city phula is also home to a number of unmodified Storm Hawks which may suggest they too inhabited the city and each of these species relates to the dragons in some manner dragons are a form of Beast themselves they can change their form to become humanoid and the Storm Hawks appear to be their natural kin at one with the winds the storm is a war Hawk's cradle but surely each of these cultures couldn't all have coexisted in phula peacefully and if competition wasn't the driving force what compelled them to inhabit the same space there is something peculiar about the ancient dragon Society the motivations of the Dragons remain shrouded in mystery unlike Titans who fought for power expanded their empire and continually refined their Technologies to prosper dragons appear to have operated by their own set of principles their actions and behaviors seem to transcend the usual patterns observed in the natural world even in the present day following their downfall dragons do not conform to the typical whims of Life some lie dormant in their dilapidated City but most tirelessly sore around the ruins in an endless cycle unfazed by any events beneath them including the presence of an impostor slaying their Brethren placex their leader merely waits as though losing their God has robbed the Lord of their purpose only those who have acted like the rest of nature are found elsewhere forto saacs lancs or modern dragons all these Mysteries and much more can be unraveled by distilling this wide reaching Dragon civilization into its core principles ancient dragon Society had but a few fundamental tenants and they all derived from their one God the foremost pillar was time over which the dragon's God uniquely held power a scale of the ancient dragon lord lightly twists time time that which all must pass within the next pillar was their Queen's domain destined death death that which all must meet the final pillar shimmered with gold the Elden ring order that which forms life from chaos and Sprouts new beginnings beginnings ends and the time to link them the god of the Dragons the god of time is the god of many faces it wears the faces of all other gods Gods dressed in the guise of all events and all nature under their watch all is seen into existence and when the time comes all are brought to an end including other gods for they too exist within the passage of time it is the ability to twist time that allows the creation of a weapon capable of slaying a God the god of the Dragons the god of many faces encompasses all other gods however its purpose stands apart from the rest this God perhaps the one great does not V for powers or followers it is far more passive and serves as the great overseer and the civilization of the dragons are its Eternal Guardians who watch over the ages in the pursuit of balance across the realm but this balance they sought was not in activity across the land it was found through Cycles cycles of life and death the rise and Falls of peoples species cultures and even superpowers the natural spirals of Life the dragons observed the land intervening only when necessary and importantly their God did not play favorite a society rising in power and even taking control of the lands was welcome this was part of the Urban Flow of nature instead action was only taken when the very balance of the land was jeopardized and a society or God threatened to ground itself so firmly that its natural end was overcome and so the roles of the three principal sectors of the Society of phula come into Focus the dragons whose form has become symbolic of all manner of protections are literally walls of living Rock and served to protect this civilization their Eternal strength acted as a deterrent to those with lofty Ambitions serving a passive defensive role rather than an active or offensive one being truly Eternal meant their station had no cracks or moments of weakness the second sector humans was led by royalty which in all likelihood was the gloy queen whose scarce references align perfectly with phula she led the apostles two of whom guard an ancient Shrine within phula likely dedicated ated to the god of many faces the god of time Destin death exhibits clear thematic links to the god of time delivering a true end for Life the locations of God skins are consistently related to the Glide Queen even the Noble in the volcano Mana defends a church that also seems to pay homage to the god of time throughout phula there is a celebration of death and a vital role of beasts is inherently connected to Destin death the queen of d in death must be of ancient Origins as she predates the golden order the Nobles are ancient and no gods have been killed during the time of the golden order to provide the skin for their robes although the Glide Queen herself has few references in the present day the full history of the lands between makes it evident how much points to her as the queen of the Dragon Society a role which with the aid of her Apostles was fundamentally that of a back stop a safety net for the god of time for those that sought to evade their fate a concept melanina understands well to deliver you what is yours for most beings however their true death arrived naturally and the role of the Dragon Society was primarily a passive one for Life rarely required their intervention indeed destined death is not intrinsically offensive in nature the apostles were all embraced by the mind queen and the black flame was their armor within such knowledge and Nuance has in the present unfortunately been lost to time lastly there were the beastmen who were naturally subservient following the gift of intelligence that was in all likelihood from the dragons and the god of many faces the design celebrates a BEAST's five fingers symbolic of the intelligence once granted upon their kind a gift that would wne should the dragon civilization crumble for in the present day beasts who yet possess knowledge Beyond human Ken have begun to revert to their animal ways in likely the same manner that they gained intelligence the beasts must have felt how their wildness slipped away as civilization took hold though the beasts were graced they were passive in this process morphed to carry out the will of the god of many faces this included all sorts of tasks such as weapon smithing and likely lots of construction but certain beasts were crafted for a much more crucial role for the god of time empowered by the Glo of their Queen a position that only beasts have seemed to fulfill even to the present day beasts are drawn to Champions and to Lords a quality likely by Design much like their subserviant the beasts their eyes and ears covered represent an oath see nothing hear nothing doubt nothing and carry on along the path set in stone it appears that select beasts were intentionally crafted to become Shadows for they appear to have been molded past even a natural compliance in case they try to resist their fate while all beings May naturally have shadows in this world these beasts were crafted for and assigned to individuals of power who were deemed to require close loer monitoring even in this role there was a hierarchy the statement wolves are the Shadows of the Imperium suggests that other types of Beasts for instance Lions may have fulfilled less vital roles there are a wide range of beasts even in phula the wording of the imperion rather than of an imperion is also noteworthy could this imply a shared imperion for all such Shadows perhaps their creator rather than individual imperion for each Shadow Wolf Shadows were granted the power of destined death by the Glide Queen and manifested this power in their weapons and eyes after the right while the Glide Queen may be the source of such power being a shadow bound Beast seems to cause the same gloy coloration a seemingly permanent effect for though bl's water to served no master but ranii in defiance of the Fate he was born to to his eyes remain this distinctive purple color similar to how his weapon remains accented by purple despite its altered power curiously Malik's eyes are actively hidden from view with destined death and blood which glints with gold and thus never rots or decays these Shadows were ready to be sent out into the world for a life of servitude on the ground during the early stages of Life the the god of many faces likely required only the dragons and the glite queen to manage the land however as life flourished and expanded more hands were needed to manage this increased complexity leading to the recruitment of beastmen and the incorporation of beastmen further cements the timeline of the ancient dragons not only were they established by the Titan age illustrated by the bespoke motifs on the forge of the Giants as well as its connection to Destin death but likely where well before it the Beast man's history depicts three clear ages the Stone Age marked by their initial tools Stones were the first weapons of the beasts who had gained intelligence the copper age evidenced best by their burial sites and the Iron Age during which their latest weapons were developed despite building the forge of the Giants and pioneering the art of smithing the Titans were primarily characterized by their Mastery over Stone marking most of their age as the Stone Age thus the dragon Society was already well established by the time of the Titans such that they were capable enough to be able to give intelligence to beasts the purpose of ancient dragon Society is primarily passive Guardians of the cycles of nature the immortality of these Divine creatures and the timing for gifting intelligence to beasts suggests that the ancient dragons are likely the most ancient dynasty of the lands between first came the god of many faces in time there splintered further Gods eventually the first Elden ring was created giving rise to life of significance here is that an Elden ring is a dynamic and flexible phenomenon runes are a fundamental aspect of the world great runes can be discovered gestated lost and therefore likely also created they can be morphed added to the Elden ring or removed some seem to be attributed to specific individuals uniquely termed Elden runes this is how different versions of Elden rings are seen throughout history this most ancient version is the most complex known iteration power flowed through it rather than being contained within and was distributed through numerous Rings down into spirals below the spirals of Life the greater will was likely aligned with the dragon faction during this time in addition to the Elden ring gold prominently features in the dragons and Beast men's bodies and their culture which raises the question were the two fingers also part of this Society finger-like creatures do seem to naturally exist in this world and have existed since ancient times as evidenced by the fingerprint Stone shield and the ringed finger it is said that the glow mind Queen was an imperian chosen by the fingers however the phrase it is said could suggest this information is hearsay or propaganda possibly spread during America's Reign to solidify the two fingers absolute power after all there are numerous details surrounding the two fingers which does call into question their legitimacy for instance the depiction of the legend of the two fingers shows a starkly different shape to those in the present day and in the present day anyia a finger reader questions their power in a manner that seems unrelated to their current state the realm and all Life in Ruins impossible events transpire beyond the kin of the fingers but most importantly the legend of the two fingers began a new Faith which would only emerge many many years later therefore the two fingers were seemingly not established at this stage and the Glide Queen was not chosen by them it is possible the dragon faction had their own fingers though as the black flame sigil is remarkably similar to a fingerprint she would have still been an imperion however before becoming Queen a new God to forge a new order this quality is therefore not given by the two fingers but identified by them the three fingers were also yet to emerge or at least yet to earn that name for the very seeds from which frenzy first sprouted came from the reader fingers this phrasing draws comparison to the expectation of fingers having readers or at least being able to be read and thus places them as after the normalization of finger readers likely by the two fingers a very interesting detail for if this was the case and the dragon Society didn't have their own fingers it would suggest that frenzy a product of those in suffering reaching a Breaking Point and losing Hope was yet to manifest in the world and could imply the god of many faces and their society was successfully maintaining the world's Harmony as unbiased Guardians far maula's culture epitomized this philosophy celebrating death while also welcoming all walks of life within and beyond their borders dragons beasts humans birds and even worm faces find Solace at phula each with their own hierarchies and nuances the draconians had a lifespan that was typically short embracing the cycles of nature worm faces are arguably one of the lowest life forms worms infesting their gut and burrowing into their faces covered in pockmarked skin they are shunned in the present day alter's plateau and take refuge in a foggy Forest where some weep others peace and all except the largest cover themselves with dirty cloaks the largest wears a slightly more intricate Garb but it turns out that more is hidden beneath these garbs than their forms indeed the worm faces in phula the only other location they gather in groups do not cover themselves and on them are found bespoke clothing as detailed as the beastmen adorned with medallions and intricate gold fabric winds around them even their sticks are beautifully crafted it seems even worm faces or what turned into them were welcomed but the philosophy of the Dragons is best Illustrated in boreal's Mist the ice dragons were once Lords of the mountaintops long ago until they were defeated by the fire Giants and chased from their Peak even if these dragons were modern dragons they were still kin of the ancient dragons that were chased from their territory yet as established earlier the Giants and Titans had a positive relationship with the dragons and even worked together at times thus did the dragons rule over the lands between not by a firm hand but from a light touch at a far distance their Rule and thus their power even in the modern day was built with faith in their God for many ages civilizations Rose and fell and though it's unclear what order these all arose it is certain that many could have existed at the same time and they were all approved of by the god of many faces similarly from the volume of God skin amassed by the Glide Queen it is clear there were no small number of gods and their followers who were made to meet their destined end once a sign of the God's plural wrath this incantation became a trophy of the nobles's god hunt most such civilizations have been lost to time more still were likely wiped from history during the Titan cataclysm and few items remained save for the odd shield with ancient designs such as an ancient red thorn or an ancient Cipher other societies were more fortunate and survived the extinction event thanks to the stubbornness of Life indeed even the Titan lineage was not entirely wiped out as the fire giant survived until the war against America smithing remained Central their culture in the distant past smithing was considered Divine trolls in the present day continue to use mining tools and the Aged EEG exemplifies the refined touch these beings maintain another society that survived the Titan cataclysm was that of the astrologers who preceded the sorcerers and considered the fire Giants their neighbors the astrologers were established during the Titan era and their relationship to their neighbors was clearly positive both factions collaborated to create the legendary sword of night and Flame furthermore the carians who even by the time of renala considered themselves astrologers share the same sigil for their sorceries as the Christians they were taught magic downpour by the chrstian to Mark the swearing of the Old Concord forming such a close connection to the inscrutable Christians suggests the kons were also present during the Titan age when they were created furthermore the Cristian seem to have IES to all the present day sorceress factions they cleave close to the ideals of the Primeval current and as such they are red guests of the sorcerers they reside by the Moonlight altar whose surroundings and architecture relate to both the Karan and the nox they are found within R lucaria Crystal Cave and tunnel and in Celia's Hideway only those in micha's halic tree break this pattern thus it would seem that the KNX the Academy and Celia were also present during this age though later than the kin or astrologers the noox and Celia belonged to a separate School of sorceress art and will be looked at shortly but Glenstone Sorcerers are the descendants of astrologers thus the academy came after karer who in turn came from the astrologers on the mountaintops as described by founding reign of stars the eldest primeval sorcery said to have been discovered by an ancient astrologer thought to be the the founding Glenstone sorcery the glimpse of the Primeval current that the astrologer saw became real and the Stars Amber rained down on this land the magical projectile of the night and Flame stance appears to be a less refined and thus earlier version of comet Aur which may imply that the origins of the academy stemmed from Kia originally azur was a grand master at the Academy alongside lucat a rank so high that none have reached it since their expulsion suggesting the two Sorcerers were Central to the Academy's conception this is pushed further by the stylization of the Glenstone crowns that might have been a method to mimic the process lucat and Azure undergo and the term primeval Sorcerers further cements the ancient origins of R lucaria the celan and the nox share Origins as is Apparent from their respective architecture and culture their night sorcery sigil denotes the giant Thrones found in Celia noxell and no whose associated giant maidens play Such history in the Titan age but most curious is that bubble sourcery also shares this design furthermore in contrast to the staff and sword Cross of the carians and Christians these sigils have two staffs instead the similarity between these designs suggests that one came first and the other repurpose the sigil for their new found societies a sword with the staff seems to indicate that that the Sorceress Arts had not yet been refined to the point of discarding the melee Armament furthermore the staff that excels at casting night sorceries is the staff of loss a staff missing its glint Stone which indicates that glint Stone sorcery had been established and that the staff set itself apart through the removal of its glint Stone therefore since glint Stone Sorcerers are descended from astrologers it seems the Cristian and the carians came first and bubble and night sorceries followed however bubble and night sorceries are vastly different and claymen were not part of the nox Society the claymen are naturally suggested to hail from a far earlier time than the KNX these life forms are more simplistic and underdeveloped when compared to the Eternal cities some seem to be fishing or digging eating or just inert bound with age the Warped remains of priests searched for revelation in service of the ancient Dynasty the NOS have Priests of their own so what was this ancient Dynasty the bubbles given off by Golems controlled by Crystal darts May link them to the Titans who were well-versed in artificial life plus their weapons have been made from a sharpened meteorite Shard or could the ruins claim an atypically found within relate to their ancient Dynasty indeed the design of the iconic statue of a man clutching a tablet with another at his feet may suggest these sculptures are also made of clay these ruins are found on the surface in Leonia by the anzel and shifra rivers and most notably at the entrance of and within the grand Cloister a Closter means a covered walk in a Convent Monastery college or Cathedral this was an incredibly important location once might the purple crystals above be the reason if the purple indicated some effect over gravity perhaps this would lift the area below and halt the flow of water Downstream generating the stagnation needed for rot though the environment might have changed drastically since those days found within the cloy is the Scorpion Stinger dagger fashioned from a great Scorpion's tail glistening with Scarlet rot a ceremonial tool used by Heretics crafted from the relic of a sealed outer God being heretical places this dagger creation many ages later once a certain monotheistic religion had swept across the lands between but it does illustrate that this location must have always been associated with rot and thus the mysterious statue was part of an ancient rot civilization not only are these statues clearly of the same styling as the Closter itself but there are even differently sized statues for while there is one enormous statue at the end of the hall above a sacred room containing the heretical weapon hidden behind this statue is another of the same design just much smaller perhaps the smaller statues hint at the civilization's modest Beginnings while the larger more prominent statue signifies its later influence and might and this was a mighty civilization that encompassed both great rivers in the lands between from northern Leonia all the way to kalid furthermore there is a subtle hint at a potential conflict between the Giants and the rot civilization at some point in history jiren says talking about the giant blacksmith EEG and funny thing his swords were all plunt as Stone but not one of them decayed when faced with a Scarlet Rock so perhaps this dynasty was powerful enough that the Titan superpower had to develop new techniques to combat the power of their God a God that was rought itself the ruins seemed to be tactically plac to lock off external access to the rivers rivers of flowing water the antithesis to rot to stagnant overflowing life this would make them a formidable faction safeguarding their weakness indeed shifra can be translated to fairy and it was a fairy who in Legend bestowed a flowing sword upon a blind swordsman blade in hand The Swordsman sealed away an ancient god perhaps it was the spirit of the river that taught this swordsman for a river does naturally maybe even blindly cut away at the Scarlet rot but how could one swordsman even with the power of flowing water take down such a mighty entity while the civilization flourished and blocked access to the rivers even before the Titan cataclysm layered new Earth across the land The Rock dynasty was underground the grand cloer was always by definition covered and currently marks the second lowest depth in the lands between but while this meant the meteoric event did not wipe out the civilization of rot the ground shifting and indeed being entirely removed in the center of the landmar likely damaged their infrastructure and opened up an opportunity for the Blind Swordsman to learn from the rivers and attack there are no sources as to when this civilization met its demise but thanks to the blind swordsman the glomi queen did not have to intervene and The Rock God was simply sealed the way importantly true Gods the Ki forces of nature cannot be completely killed even by the Glide Queen just like the god of many faces after all these gods are its faces and can only EB and flow instead it is the vassals of gods the physical manifestations of them that is slain this is why the Elden ring can still exist after defeating the Elden Beast the greater will remains but the god of the realm is is no more the remains of the rot Dynasty suggests its height was during the Titan era and fell shortly afterwards if the claymen were part of the dynasty perhaps they were created to seek answers on their demise the link between bubble sorcery and night sorcery is quite the mystery the nox Society shows no appreciation of rot but their ant mounts might who are often found in tunnels that Fester similarly to rot not to mention the proximity of the lake of rot and the grand cloer to nox Stella perhaps rot is not as far from the nox as first expected and some of their ancestors left to form the rot civilization the iconic statue is also quite the mystery in the present day there remains no memory of the ruins let alone this statue they are such a blank canvas that MOG is happy to set up his new Dynasty in the grave of this ancient civilization his followers even start to pay homage to the Forgotten statue so too do the ancestral settle within some of these ruins whatever this man signified he was of extreme importance for the statues of him are huge detailed and numerous perhaps this was the Rock God the role America or the glomi queen fulfilled in their cultures or perhaps this was a prophet of some kind imparting vital knowledge via the tablet the root motifs are certainly interesting perhaps relating to some AR Boral Vision returning to the nox and celion like the aforementioned Sorcerers they have survived to the present day as such their technology and culture has developed continuously rather than being lost at time however details of their history is sparse likely by Design after they invoked the a of the greater will in more recent years it is unclear whether the Eternal cities were ever above ground jist Herber grows plentifully around the cities which gives off the faint glow of Starlight this would suggest that they once grew directly beneath the stars and that their power has become faint from years beneath the surface under a false night sky however even during the blackest nights sojs underground or imprisonment in jail the stars are never far from a sorcerer's side thus the influence of the stars is not beyond the reach of the Eternal cities despite being Underground the KNX also survived the cataclysm something that would have been very difficult on the surface so it seems likely that these cities were always Subterranean but that's not to say they weren't active on the surface likely built after the Titans were gone and the land had stabilized there are a number of locations across the entirety of the lands between that feature nox architecture from orda to Celia lendelle Leonia at Mana celes the Church of Val or throughout the lakes and multiple lifts that effortlessly offer transport between the Surface and underground dwellings the KNX were successful and clearly Adept at navigating positive relations for a time at least perhaps this was when the mums were first created too another possible form of artificial life that would therefore date their creation during the Titan era their architecture is clearly of a similar build to the Eternal cities but it's it is unclear if their purpose was always as a mosum one is capable of powerful magic in the present day suggesting they may not just house bodies but keep them safe now the mosum is where the bodies of soulless demigods are lay to rest the Eternal cities perhaps working with the academy also produced the artificial life forms aloric during this ancient era they are said to have been created from a primordial drop of Jew which states them as pre a Empire there are no other known factions that have tied to the aloric and their silver themes either the Albano's most formidable foes were Sorcerers this oppression was not immediate however given how plentifully they survived to the modern day furthermore the Alban orics of old learned sorcery using a short staff with blue glint Stone embedded instead Sorcerers became their most formidable foes once sorceress allegiances shifted in the ages to come and their blind mood became heretical unlike any humor that flows in our grand realm Alban orics continue to be made over time and in the present day there are old male aloric young female aloric as well as second generation aloric with dumpy heads that resemble those of frogs the right to create the silver life remains unclear but the aonor harbor are secret they cast sorcery with their innate arcan silver tears and their mimicry were likely developed at a later date as they form closer relations to the kns in the present day mimic tear are the result of an attempt by the Eternal City to forge a lord which may even place this as late as the Earth tree era whatever the case may be silver teers were created before their banishment underground such that some silver teers can be found hiding on the surface another culture from the Titan age was that of the snakes there was an ancient serpent deity and a now forgotten religion practiced on Mount gmet this religion likely also paid homage to the god of many faces where snakes serve as mortal eternity the fundamental grounded aspect of nature the instinct to survive a link to the dragons that is further evidenced by the Beast iconography in the prison to Town suggesting this area was built prior to the Mana itself even if the deity was too large to survive the Titan cataclysm I and so this Society also persisted finally there was the realm of the sun today the seat of the sun is long faded away this was a shield of Honor implying an established society and those who wield this Shield as those who live in death are found all over the lands between including in phula by beastmen might the seat of the Sun have been related to Dragon Society in some way after all the sanctuary Stone found their places where ruins have fallen from the sky feeds and strengthens the light as it shines and the Sun never seems to set in Faraz could the Tombstones found throughout the land where skeletons with the shield commonly arise be from this civilization too nonetheless the seat of the sun clearly covered the realm and thus was once a powerful faction in the present day however the sun is surprisingly insignificant it is dwarfed by the moons in its apparent size and even the Earth tree was once as warm as the gentle Sun therefore to allow the time for such such a shift of power and to fall from memory the seat of the sun must have set prior to the Titan cataclysm the period following the Titan Extinction was prosperous and saw many cultures new and old flourish indeed the downfall of the first superpower of the lands between will have opened up the opportunity for others to rise up and seize control but who perhaps this would have been the civilization of rot had the blind swordsman not sealed their God away or maybe the death birds in their society or the fire monks the ancient stone Lords the various pre-existing civilizations or what about a civilization with the legacy of a disbanded Army the banished Knights whose beautifully crafted sets can be found throughout the lands between the banished Knights generally feature in the present day in fortresses Castle Soul storm Veil or the Fortified Manor there is even evidence of them at Red M Castle but what faction did they belong to these banished soldiers whether by Misfortune or misdeed were forced to abandon their homes most of these Knights were sent to the fringes where they were forced to start a new with only despair for company there is unfortunately little about them there are two styles of knights for some da a deep red scarf a change that likely followed their banishment red is a symbol of wild animal nature which contrast casts the highly trained and civilized manner with which they hold themselves both during and outside of combat furthermore the scarf is posited to have been used to block the winds for on the outskirts the winds bite with a stinging fierceness finally the original design of the armor features a beautifully crafted dragon on the helm but this is removed for those who wear the scarf even those found in phula there is no reference to what Misfortune or misdeed led to the Army being disbanded but the event was absolute and these Knights never reformed into a complete Army though they did retain their armor and sometimes their flag too even in the present day these soldiers are incredibly strong they seem to be consistently learning to improve their technique they have Incorporated new skills depending on where they work such as Dragon Arts or the power of the storm there are even golden banished sets found in the capital nonetheless the history of the banished Knights is curiously scattered across the lands between for each location has history that seems distinct from the other one such place was storm Vale castle built after the Titan era as implied by this painting storm Vil was home to the Storm Hawks and likely the storm Lord indicating an organized and established Society with unique Traditions another location was the Fortified Mana which features beastial reliefs that may explain its later purpose relating to Godfrey storm Vil in the fortif manner do share architectural Styles and both beasts and Storm Hawks could have been related to the dragons but the mystery remains how were the banished Knights involved in the time where there was no Ur tree death was burned in ghost flame death birds were the keepers of that fire the death bird culture was created at the latest during this preer tree era however the giant skeletons may suggest that they were in fact established during the Titan era and shared their techniques with the Giants their society had an ancient sacrificial right which recycled the magical aspects of those within restoring FP in the present day this was a magical Society after all the heart sings When one draws close to death and thus does one clings so tenaciously to life to render up a death worth offering the he and steeple was likely part of this process because it has the ash of War ruinous ghost flame the black steeple of the hen guides the dead of the spirit world the lamp light is similar to Grace in appearance only it is said that it can only be seen by those who met their death in battle similarly this States the tibian Mariners this far back too whose summons show that they too are Servants of death back then their job was as simple boatmen to help the Dead's Journey what they need is leadership there were Servants of death and Priests Guardians of the birds who were uniquely rewarded through the right of death which which also serves as an oath sworn to their distant Resurrection then there was the twin bird who is said to be the envoy of an outer God and mother of the death Birds an Envoy of an outer god control over resurrection and a right for the dead curiously similar to the earthree civilization the birds are graveyard FireKeepers it is said they rake out the Ash and remains of the dead from their kils but what was done with the Ashen remains given the level of ceremony it is unlikely they were tossed to the wind else the Cinders of the ancient death hacks might have become a horde of vengeful Spirits instead ashes were surely stored in something akin to cromi ears which are found in plenty in the catacombs across the entirety of the lands between these catacombs have been repurposed for the Earth tree faction by the present day for the earthree culture would have no need for tombs sarcophagy or storage of bodies of any kind their system involved being taken back into the Earth tree to fuel the cycle of rebirth instead these catacombs were created well before the Earth tree and they were built specifically around great tree roots a controversial description whether or not the term great tree is the correct name it is clear that there were world tree forms that predate the Earth tree Empire if the two world tree names were completely synonymous the sentence becomes the roots of the earth tree were once linked to the Earth tree which would be very strange Since By definition a tree and its roots must link when the roots are grown instead if this was the case the phrasing should have been the roots of the earth tree are no longer linked to the Earth tree highlighting the changed abnormal situation though that's not to say the Earth tree can't derive from this world tree something that will be looked at later going forward therefore the term great tree will be used to denote the world tree entity of this era the hero's graves are likely part of the same culture for as will be explored with the arrival of the urre faction it seems that America went to great effort hiding the past by rebranding and repurposing buildings across the land in this case removing the head and thus the identity of the statue on top of each entrance so was the great tree also part of the death bird Society was this how they could promise Resurrection before continuing it's important to establish the role of trees within the world for they are not just an arboreal type of Flora on looking closely there are examples beyond the Earth tree or great tree that hints at their power for while these later societies focused on one all powerful tree other ancient societies Incorporated trees differently there are trees in phula which are parts Stone they incorporate the power beneath them what about the knocks almost everywhere they are found or have associations with are these curious white trees that have recently attracted the attention of the ancestral followers both cultures clearly draw some form of power from these trees and it is likely that they were more alive in ancient times then there was the Propet of the rot civilization might The Roots have been related to trees in some form a prophecy of a coming great tree trees in the lands between are a fundamental part of life they appear to be able to absorb the land and the life therein distill this power and then distribute it depending on how they are managed ancient societies made use of this imbalance propagating forests then infamously later societies realized the system could be taken advantage of and funneled their efforts into singular Mighty trees that brought about entirely new new possibilities there is little that makes reference to the great tree but there are some environmental Clues a distinct relief and flag both of these clearly feature a tree of worship but they are far too different to the classic depictions to also be featuring the Earth tree right except the Earth tree cirat and the tree and Beast cirat which each use the thin tree design are both said to depict the Earth tree so are these simply two interpretations of the UR tree it is certainly possible however if such variation is allowed in official Productions of the earth tree is it not strange that there are only two and not more additionally if both designs were interchangeable in depicting the Earth tree then why is there such a clear pattern between their usage every thin depiction relates to an earlier time in history than the alternate styling even the cirat where godri and the capital forces would have Arisen right at the start of the Ury Empire if not earlier on the other hand this Ury styling was only applied to later editions such as the more modern landel structures whose later construction is clear when seen from above not to mention that while the latter design is always found in locations clearly paired to the Earth tree the former design is seen somewhat randomly across the realm with no clear pattern relating to the Earth tree or its Empire instead dead this thin tree depiction might mark one of the first examples of America's nature to olude the past and repurpose previous Creations look at the Earth tree Sentinels the tree Sentinels are the standard to which all Defenders of the earth tree Aspire adorned with a cape featuring The Mark of the Sacred tree except despite being the leading figures of the earth tree perhaps even the first this Cap's depiction is unique and it's almost almost unrecognizable though subtle it seems the early stages of America and the UR trees rise to fame is painted in these three symbols there was the first design well established and respected from before America's rise the second a new unclear Mark that was never replicated and then a third design many years later America after failing to gain traction with an original Mark adopted the Great tree sigil to both rise in power and exclude the past and only once she Rose to power did she present the new Ultimate Earth tree depiction and with history obscured the great tre's design could remain where it was believed by all to depict the Earth tree to the present day thus this design was a different earlier tree likely the great tree the great tree designs are found in the Fortified Manor storm Vil Castle the prison town in Mount galare the coliseums the grand lifs red M Castle the caran study hall as well as on the Divine bridges built to access the Divine towers that have become inaccessible during the Titan cataclysm this great tree civilization was enormous but as the wide array of locations indicate it was also multifaceted Ed and included a wide range of independent societies their reign was not to conquer and replace but to convert and this was likely the role of the banished Knights marked by their unique Banner a crusade across the lands to force other societies to Ally with them which explains their Mark left throughout the lands and ties the previously discussed factions together landar was likely the capital for the great tree Empire it was positioned by the great tree incorporates the great tree relief within the city and the heroes Graves generally center around landal Heroes would have naturally wanted to be buried with a ceremony near the capital thus the noox who built lower lendelle must have also been part of the Great tree Empire if not the Original Seed perhaps the glove W flora and associated cerem monies date this far back too since times of old large glove warts were used to comfort heroic Spirits given in tribute to those who died the most glorious of deaths in the hope their stories would become Legend there are many statues reliefs and buildings which hail from this Empire these statues of pouring in particular likely relate to ferary rights as they are often found within catacombs they are found in some Churches too illustrating their religious importance for the age they are similar in style to those found in these towers part of the newly built Divine Bridges as well as those of the carians such as on their study hall which may suggest an alliance after all their lift systems share designs and both buildings feature the great tree design but most statues are found in catacombs which does bring the C Golems into question could the catacombs have been built during the Titan era a hint at the cycles of the lands between perhaps nonetheless the extent of catacombs across the lands between suggests the Empire covered the realm but there were likely societies beyond their influence there was the civilization of zamor who were ancient enemies of the fire Giants cloaked in icy tempests the Knights of zamore have challenged the fire Giants since ancient time their culture involved an apparent Devotion to Winter perhaps the Caden 2 were around during this age since in the present day their home settlement is nowhere to be found but these hulking Fearless mercenaries are said to hail from the mountain tops of the wintry North since they were likely driven from their homelands they have roamed as simple mercenaries to the present day then there were beings of meteoric origin as the entire history of the lands between is really riddled with meteoric and celestial events onx Lords Alabaster Lords and likely falling star beasts too arose during this time the Lords were da as such in reverential fear of their destructive power though the onx and alabaster beings appear similar they seem to have been separate each weapon they wield is unique to one faction either made with white blue or golden hued meteoric or curiously their weapons share design similar ities as well as functionally similar ashes of War to the meteoric or blade a katana forged from meteoric or to dispatch life forms born of falling stars could this imply the two were at war with each other or sought to Stamp Out the falling star beasts whatever the case their history is both varied being found at SES from the Titan era within the lake of rat or at the Academy and damning for few remain in the present day day falling star beasts when fully grown become beings known in the present day as Asel a species not a name hence why there are two Asel and why they require a denomination in the present day there are young falling star beasts a full grown one three malformed stars and then the two asals which suggests a lengthy development period to become fully formed as such it is possible the first falling star beasts arose in ancient times there were the fire monks who hail from the mountaintops of the Giants they had a focus on combat the unique strong attack Rouses fiery combative spirit and it would seem that they were Allied to and honored the fire Giants sacred seal depicting the oneeyed god of the fire Giants adorned with braids of red hair enhances giant flame incantations even if they were not associated with the fire Giants directly they were certainly already fire monks before their later roles as Guardians indeed their incantations were likely what Drew America's attention for use within the war against the Giants however the hierarchy with the prelates as commanders of the fire monks was not yet established the prelates attire and weighty frame symbolize the onus of their grave vows as Guardians of the flame thus their sets were crafted for their role as Guardians a role that they were appointed to by America after the war against the Giants furthermore their weapon the prelate thorned whip is fashioned in the image of the bries of sin this would suggest that the thorn Sorcerers had also already partnered with the fir monks before their appointment as Guardians and served as the inspiration for the weapons creation these Thorn Sorcerers were exiled criminals from R lucaria for their a barent sorceries were most reviled by the academy because they scaled with faith rather than intelligence these Sorcerers were seen as heretical wielding a withered sapling that turns the blood of sacrifices pierced by it into glint stone similar to hex magic the guilty their eyes gouged by Thorns lived in Eternal Darkness there they discovered the Blood star however it would seem this Blood star did little to further their cause and to the present day remain paired to the fire monks flame protect me is the most ancient of the fire monks incantations and was used during the war against the Giants during which it protected the champions of the earth tree this may suggest the monks knew no incantations before the war however it is more likely that this was instead their most wellestablished incantation that was created well before the war and instead serves as the reason America enlisted them after all going turncoat is a recurring theme with this group this explains their fire and that their ancient incantations were not focused on combat so much as the value of fire Beyond destruction an aspect the fire Giants and the Titans were well versed in the ice dragons were surely modern dragons for ancient dragons did not compete in territorial aggressions nor did they Channel elements other than lightning or fire therefore during this period at the latest were born the modern Dragons by gryal the Elder Dragon GR was the mother of all dragons dwarfing all who stood before her like a looming Mountain gra stepped down from the pedestal of true immortality and joined the Mortal realm she became a mother and partook in the cycles of life these dragons lost a pair of wings and their arms conjoined with the remaining pair they were no longer Immortal vulnerable to Earthly corruption but they were successful beings who spread across the land and many survived to the present day the great tree superpower like the one that came before was fated not to last whether by Misfortune or misdeed the alliance broke and though there remains no record of the event the Earth tree can serve as an illustration of what could have happened for the great tree could not simply be killed such a tree transcended normal rules and similar to the Earth tree likely met its end being burnt only one flame could have managed such a feat the flame of Ruin however as the tarnished find out in the present day even this is not enough instead a second power is required the power to for something to meet an end it fights against destined death thus the power of both the fire Giants and the dragon faction would have been needed if this was true then the great tree must have trans transcended The Rules of Nature and threatened the balance of the land for only then does the glow mind Queen get involved once again the philosophy of the god of many faces is clear for the burning of the great tree did not Mark the ruin of the associated societies but simply a disbanding in fact this also illustrates the control and Restraint of the fell God and the giant Society further illustrating how the Titan civilization worked the Great civilization crusading Knights were banished which they accepted honorably but no societies seem to have been eliminated this is why so many of the contributing cultures persist to the present day the superpowers architecture remains somewhat intact and beasts part of the doomed civilization as well as banished Knights remained fully welcome in faram maula only the great tree and likely the god at the head of it all were eliminated which in turn fractured the Empire but the destruction of the great tree was not absolute instead perhaps The Remnant served to illustrate the cyclic nature of these burnings whether by Design or otherwise there remained life within the base of the tree and its roots remained thus did the great tree begin to revive with new offshoots each giving promise for a new future and this new phase of the great tree of unregulated sprouting incorp corated all life available to fuel its growth so began the age of The Crucible the final ancient age that preceded the urry Empire during which new leaders and religions would arise armed with the wisdom learned from the great tree civilizations [Music] downfall the age of The Crucible was chaotic and regulated where all life was once Blended together a crucible defined as a container in which other substances may be melted or subjected to very high temperatures or as a situation of severe trial or in which different elements interact leading to the creation of something new aply captures the essence of this age so it was likely a brief yet pivotal era and served as a crucial juncture after the great tree civilization that brimmed with a myriad of possibilities the stump of the great tree gave rise to several promising offshoots a concept nicely depicted in surviving Crucible imagery sala's tree for instance is explicitly modeled on its Crucible The Crucible tree Helm holds the power of The Crucible of life these multiple overlapping fangs grow from a single root perhaps there a vestage of the primordial Crucible again hinting at the interconnected nature of the age there are statues that depict the early Crucible too the new found Sprouts of the great tree were evidently venerated and The Crucible became a focal point of Faith born partially of devolution it was considered a signifier of the Divine in ancient times salura tree is imbued with ancient holy Essence emphasizing its sacred nature after all the power to enable creatures to manifest aspects of entirely distinct species was a Marvel for instance humans could velop bony knots scales or even feathers Mis begotten are the epitome of this phenomenon with features drawn from a multitude of species to the extent that their true ancestry has been forgotten such was the chaos of life in the age of The Crucible but within that disorder was opportunity ripe for a new faction to emerge for a fresh religion to sweep across the land and the greater will did not hesitate the greater will sent a golden star caring a beast into the lands between which would later become the Elden ring crucially the Elden Beast wasn't the Elden ring originally the fusion occurred at a later Point even in the present day the Elden Beast remains a well-kept secret with scant references available this suggests that the Elden Beast operated discreetly and clandestinely recruited beings to act as its Representatives thus did they employ the fingers fingers cannot speak yet these are Rel quent persistently they wriggle spelling out mysteries in the air thus did we gain the words the words of our faith this new Faith was founded on the teachings of the two fingers for America was yet to join their ranks theirs was a language of light capable of crafting a formless cipher which deals holy damage no Shield can repel importantly their power stemmed from the Elden Beast with their Associated incantations serving as weaker EOS of those from the ancient her tree instead their primary role was that of prophets beings capable of communing directly with the greater will itself in turn they were able to command the A and respect of the populace as conduits for the Divine the fingers tremble to welcome you let their wisdom wash over you let the world words of the fingers guide you crucially the fingers and their words are distinct from the greater will itself as illustrated by enia the fingers would never permit it nor would the greater will thus any information garnered from finger readers is questionable at best the burgeoning religion swiftly gain traction meanwhile the Elden Beast chose one offshoot of The Crucible or perhaps caps grafted a branch on nonetheless this singular Sprout was infused with the Elden BEAST's power a power capable of nurturing a mighty golden tree destined to loom majestically over the land an area the Elden Beast is highly experienced in during this period The Crucible remained red the red tinge mirrors the primordial matter that became the urry primordial gold said to be close in nature to life itself the Elden Beast specifically cultivated this chosen offshoot at the expense of all others in the greater Will's Vision there was room for only one tree for which there would be but one God meanwhile a figure named Godfrey formerly known as horo the chieftain of the Brave Warriors of the Badlands was steadily ascending in power during the age of The Crucible he too recognized the opportunities unfolding and enlisted 16 kns of exceptional skill forming the renowned Crucible Knights among them two were held in particularly High esteem salura and ovas the great tree ornamentation is the Knight of sala's Mark displayed also by her men the axe ornamentation is the Knight oris's Mark hu likely emerged as Godfree before assuming the title of Elden Lord sash Lord of beasts went to become king Godfrey's Regent this unique use of the epithet King rather than than Elden Lord May imply a potential temporal distinction furthermore Godfrey used the Fortified Mana as his operational base for a time which must have been after allying with sarash since the architecture features lion reliefs that indicate its previous purpose while there is nothing that explicitly States whether Godfrey conquered the Mana the absence of references to sash's present-day injuries suggests a possible conflict where these two leaders as heads of their respective factions might have engaged in oneon-one combat to minimize casualties and thus needs no public explanation Godfrey who later exhibited a merciful approach throughout his Reign may have then seen in sash a worthy opponent as a result he enlisted sash as Beast Regent forming an alliance with the beasts and showcasing Godfrey's new diplomatic and strategic skills that horu likely lacked whatever the case was it was under Godfrey's leadership that the round table hold known as The Gathering Place of Champions was established Champions and later tarnished assembled at Godfrey's operational headquarters sitting at a round table that Now features a collection of unique armaments these weapons are embedded into its surface serving as a symbolic representation of the retiring of the Round Table's original role notably the most distinctive weapon among them is an axe reminiscent of the theme surrounding Godfrey not horu who fought with only his bare fists the throne room of the Round Table hold has been repurposed for the two fingers but the remaining Throne is of the same design as the one near Godfrey's statue in storm Vil as well as the Elden Lord's Throne under the Earth tree thus the manor and the round table hold served as a strategic base for Godfrey before his Ascent twell in lordship providing a Gathering Place for him and his kns as equals around the table subsequently the purpose of the hold under wenter transformation and became a space utilized by the two fingers a changeover that surely coincided with Godfrey's integration into the new earthree religion indeed the retired weapons on the surface of the round table are actually embedded within an ER tree and Crucible sigil which neatly dates this as the early stage of the ER tree either way the Earth tree allied with Godfrey and subsequently altered the hold's purpose Godfrey retired from his role as king from working as equals with his Knights and seeded control of the Round Table hold to the two fingers and he assumed the mantle of the first Elden Lord one of the earliest pieces of misinformation from the earthree era by marrying the soon to be Infamous Amica Amica stands as a figure of unparalleled influence significance and relevance in the history of the lands between right to the present day and yet despite her profound impact she remained PS and Enigma even the Ury ages are denoted by the corresponding Elden Lords and leave America's name separate the Newman are in fact of the same stock as Queen Marica herself and are said to have come from outside the lands between Newman are supposed descendants of denisons of another world long lived but seldom born it is certainly curious that both statements which describe the Newman as foreign to the lands between are ambiguous given that America is later falsely denoted as the one true God not to mention the propaganda surrounding the two fingers and the urre society as a whole it is clear she was well gifted in the art of deception and controlling the flow of information thus it is both possible and probable that in the process of becoming Queen and later God of the lands between America actively sought to distance herself from her true Origins perhaps the information surrounding Newman was part of a calculated narrative she propagated to manipulate public perceptions such Mastery over information will be a theme throughout America's history whether America was brought from distant lands another world or perhaps more likely was already within the capital the Elden Beast and the two fingers recognized her potential as an imperion perhaps her value to them extended to her ability to influence Godfree as she held a power over him that compelled a loyalty so unwavering it persisted through countless hardships and trials to the present day and Godfrey was Central to their plans for two primary reasons first was his remarkable battle prowess the age of the urrey began amongst conflict when Godfrey was Lord of the battlefield after all in the beginning everything was in opposition to the Earth tree the second reason lay in Godfrey's alliance with Beast which consequently extended to the dragons the culture with one of two Powers capable of undermining the earth tre's power after all Godfrey clearly has positive relations with them not just shown by the Lord of beasts becoming his Regent but also in the bespoke weapons crafted for him and the golden lineage these weapons were clearly crafted using the same techniques of the beastmen and serve to honor their Union thus was America chosen to join the emerging Tre to be faction her own eye in all likelihood was engraved with an Elden Rune solemn Duty weighs upon the one beholden not unlike a noring curse from which there is no Deliverance an important question arises now did radan exist at this point was his eye also engraved during this period his Elden Rune is prominently depicted in his statues suggesting it was crucial for his role in the present day this power manifests his roots blocking the path within the Earth tree but his Rune symbolism does seem reminiscent of a Tris a structure that would have been of profound importance for those endeavoring to cultivate the Ury offshoot during the chaos of The Crucible perhaps rigan was initially enlisted during this early Ury era for the power of His Elden Rune it cannot be certain however whether ragon was always a part of America only that in the present day rigan is Amica indeed Amica saying to rigan th yet to become me definitely suggests they were not always one and the same furthermore their motivations seemed to have been totally distinct and independent rigan was Central to the establishment of the golden order and yet America chose to search the depths of the golden order Radigan had little to no knowledge of incantations and only as the husband of Queen Amica did he study them Marica shattered the Elden ring and rigan attempted to repair it only one can manifest at a time when meeting the tarnished rigan's fixation to Aspire to be complete could imply he's only a part of America and seeks complete autonomy but this conflicts with the intention to fuse with America in later years however if he sought higher status when he was first recruited and was denied due to lacking qualities deemed fitting this might explain his fixation after all he clearly honed his fighting techniques through the years to later become a champion whose qualities are accentuated by his sore seal Vigor endurance strength and dexterity next he sought to master sorceries and incantations and thus the mind the only stat seemingly untouched was Arcane it seems most likely that Amica and Radigan were not always the same entity but at the very least their goals and characters are distinct and independent from each other therefore going forward they will be treated as separate entities and rigan's public debut would not be for many years Godfrey was made marica's Elder and Lord and when he vowed to become a lord he took the Beast Regent sash upon his back to suppress the ceaseless lust for battle that raged within this happened before the war against the fire Giants where America called him my Lord Godfrey America was given malth a shadowbound beast by the dragon faction but she had little use for him at this time perhaps he took part in the urry battles over the years or he could have continued in his role as a beast clergyman during this time was America elevated to the status of godhood made to be one more God among many or would that take place many years later upon the creation of the golden order either way her Ascension when and indeed where it took place has been hidden from view in the present day the timeline of the next few events is difficult to place particularly due to the mystery surrounding the UR tre's physicality in the present day there are those who question whether it can be seen at all do you see the Earth tree towering uh surely you see it too the gold that enshrouds the heavens the great tree which begets the pillars of light indeed at times from certain angles the Earth tree does appear to be translucent though these horses are somewhat circumstantial there are crumbs elsewhere that may be related the snake is viewed as a traitor to the Earth tree the audience delighted in seeing these bronze Effigies beaten and battered the disdain for snakes seems much more intense than for say the black flame monks who were also called traitors for abandoning their posts as Guardians of the flame of ruin the snakes must therefore have done something far worse the term traitor implies the snakes were once aligned with the Earth tree faction thus considering the cultural ties between phula and gmer this betrayal likely occurred after Godfrey was made Elden la Lord though the history of the snake betrayal has been lost to time the volcano Mana in the present day has in fact revived what came before for Reichard began on his Blasphemous path after discovering the ancient hexes of gmer the arrogance of attempting to harness the volcano is solely that of men and serpents this path has led to recusant those who would kill their own in the pursuit of Power with the ultimate aim of overthrowing the gods and burning the Earth tree there are even paintings that depict such an event but what if these paintings are not prophetic but historic and the Earth tree was once burned they yet remain in the area flags of the tree that preceded the Earth tree which implies the snakes are loyal not to the Earth tree but to that which came before fully converted by the Crusades of the banished Knights perhaps they saw the her tree as an impostor for it is clearly the ER tree in the paintings burning the her tree would certainly constitute a traitorous act one that would far surpass that of the fir monks the environment within leandel itself adds to this in particular the significant portion buried in Ash in the present day the burning of the UR Trey is the first cardinal sin the prophet despaired looking up at the Earth tree for soon the kindling would burst into flame bringing ruin such a prophecy is unlikely to be a reference to the role of the tarnished in the present day as the world has already descended into ruin the use of soon confirms this since many years have passed to the present day instead it suggests the burning of the earth tree was deemed the first cardinal sin because it represented a pivotal and early obstacle for the earthree society the final clue to the burning of the earthree is from its First Age the age of Plenty a Time the icon Shield looks back fondly upon this era was characterized by abundant resources and tangible blessings for its followers the grace of gold blessed those who were first to serve it with the most Vivid coloration the Earth tree was once as warm as the gentle sun and would gradually heal all who bathed in its Rays melan's unique incantation uses the Sigil of this era and forms a lifegiving tree of light when the age of the Earth tree began such blessings were personally bestowed upon their recipients by Queen Amica herself this pose for Amica May in fact indicate her Origins for it seems highly evocative of the funerary statues seen during the previous era but where those celebrated death America celebrated life and granted blessings the Earth Tre sought not to continue the cycle of life and death but to renew life through its power into a cycle of rebirth and renewal but this age of Plenty marked by its abundance is commonly jux opposed with the rapid decline of these blessings transforming the UR tree into more of a symbolic role for its followers the Earth tree Once flourished with abundance yet it was only for a fleeting moment such as the course of all life it was once thought that the Blessed sap of the earth tree would drip from its bowels forever but that age of Plenty swiftly came to a close if the Earth tree was indeed burnt it would provide a fitting explanation for the abrupt shift in its role the spirit of the earthree still very real and physical in various aspects just like many spirits in the lands between manifested in place of the original and with time the Earth tree became more an object of Faith as building faith inherently takes time in the end there can be no certainty the Ashen landel could be explained by the burning of the tree that formed The Crucible and such ancient details have been obscured through time but if the Earth tree was burnt surely it must have occurred before the war against the fire Giants and the ceiling of the flame of Ruin unless there is some other means not presently known that can burn World trees thus since the war took place at the birth of the earthree the age of Plenty really was brief a fleeting moment of Serenity and perhaps happiness before an age of War Began however the line between Crucible and Earth tree is unclear and instead represents a scale that gradually shifted over time from the red tinge the primordial matter of the earth tree to the gold it is well known for today this shift is Illustrated beautifully by the aspects of The Crucible which are in fact ancient ER tree incantations for the ER tree was originally just an aspect of the primordial Crucible where all life was once Blended together thus the birth of the earthree is a rather flexible term that likely describes the public debut of the UR tree faction rather than the literal beginning of the 's life whose circumstance has been wiped from history the precise extent to which the Ury culture was established before the war against the Giants remains unclear but much of the framework was already present key figures such as their Queen and Elden Lord as well as The Crucible Knights and the two fingers were already part of this nent Society additionally there were Guardians of the ER Tree in accordance with an ancient pact with the ER Tre it is said that their deaths LED not to destruction but instead to renewed eternal life as Guardians an offer which once destined death was sealed and the Earth tree renewed all life would have little meaning this ancient pact held significance because the era traditionally welcome death while in the present day these Guardians also surround minor Earth trees in the initial stages they likely defended only the Earth tree itself and have continued in their role ever since importantly the dragons and the Glide Queen was still present during this period the defeat of the glow mind Queen marked the beginning of the the golden order a development that was still many years away and will be discussed in due course furthermore the power of the black flame destined death must surely have been present after the war against the Giants to tempt the fire monks into becoming traitors and to give meaning to the ancient PA of the urry Guardians it's probable that the art of perfuming arose near the beginning of the earth tree as must have Miranda flowers throughout history perfumers have prized this Miranda pollen for as will become evident the delineation between history and prehistory seems to be dictated by America and the earthree empire in the beginning everything was in opposition to the earthree through Godfree an alliance was achieved to both the beasts and Dragons but the snakes had made their position clear traitors who at the very least intended to burn the Earth tree indeed even the birth of the earth tree met with turmoil though it has since been obscured faced with this threat or Worse lendelle transitioned from its typically defensive design and sought to remove the Earth tre's greatest threat the Giants flame is the flame of Ruin capable of burning the Earth Tree in ancient times the Giants were mortal enemies of the earth tree their bellowing Roars desolated nature triggered avalanches and Whi up storms of flame the first Elden Lord Godfrey led the war against the Giants showcasing his Charisma as a commander among his ranks were ancient champions of the earthree who likely made use of the ash of War vow of the indomitable to imbue with golden Power granting momentary invincibility then there were his faithful Crucible Knights but there were also some new factions that were recruited along the way there were the Knights of zamore who earned great re down during the war the faction of zamore were easy to recruit since these long-lived Warriors are said to have been the mortal enemies of the fire Giants since time immemorial then there were the fire monks along with their recent Associates The Thorn Sorcerers how the monks were convinced to change sides is unclear though their later weakness for the black flame hints at their impressionable Natures while it's possible that they learned to fear the flame following the war they might have already harbored an an apprehension of the fire Giants even when aligned to them this incantation does not burn the caster and so it is considered forbidden by the Guardians of the flame nonetheless their fire was ironically indispensable for the war during which it protected the champions of the earth tree finally there were trolls as Giants were to Titans trolls were to Giants their smaller kin trolls are descended from the Giants once again am and Godfrey must have been persuasive to convince the trolls to betray their kind but this event was not sudden it was premeditated and well planned to support the trolls in their allegiance bespoke swords were made and given to the Giants who fought for the her tree additionally a unique and permanent transformation was bestowed upon each troll their stomachs their connections to the fell God were removed and replaced with a unique stone featuring a cross pattern most likely to ensure this change was permanent the trolls were highly effective Warriors during the war and have continued to serve the Empire to the present day in particular the name of the ancient troll Warrior theodoric lives on as a hero of the war against the Giants while there may have been other individuals or groups involved such as perfumers or radicans there is no available evidence to support the presence of other factions thus it is likely the astrologers left the mountaintops when the fighting started if they hadn't already done so the war against the Giants was a brutal conflict the urry faction carved winding paths in the cliff walls right up to the summit leading to the untrodden snow Laden region Beyond this suggests the grand lifts were not yet established which will be discussed in due course and marks the ascent as but the first major trial the length and intensity of the war are suggested by the construction of key buildings such as the Guardians Garrison the Church of repose and the first church of America whether these were built during the war or afterwards the allocation of resources to such buildings in a region that would soon become forbidden speaks to the scale of the Bloodshed in marica's own words hark brave warriors Park my Lord Godfrey we commend your Deeds guidance hath delivered ye through each ordeal to the place ye stand put the Giants to the sword confine the flame at top the mount the war against the Giants Champions battle trolls betray fire vanquished the era of the earth tree begins [Music] the fire Giants borrowed from the power of a fell God and still they were defeated the statement suggests that the Giants did indeed employ the destructive power of their flame during the war deviating from their passive philosophy faced with the imminent threat of Extinction and having nowhere to retreat the Giants tried everything but soon realized all was lost just judging by the repeated passive Frozen pose of their corpses it seems they willingly surrendered in recognition of the overwhelming power of Godfrey and his diverse Army America though her intentions were better masked as time went on then showed her true colors Godfrey would likely have given them Mercy but America was ruthless she had no interest in Mercy and instead sort of only to minimize the risk to the Earth tree the surrendering Giants were rewarded not with peace instead they faced a mass execution America saw them as trifling as unimportant and trivial despite their previous threat to her Ur tree each giant met their end with what seems to be the formidable power of thorn sorcery presumably drawn from The Thorn Sorcerers whose camps also feature the same phenomenon power of a much larger scale than the thorn sorcery seen in the present and their corpses were simply left unceremoniously Frozen in Time upon realizing the Flames of their Forge would never die Queen Marica marked the last surviving giant with the curse oh trifling giant mayest thou tend thy flame for eternity Amica was skilled in the art of curses able to afflict even this powerful being that yet harbored the fell God within and America was a master of misinformation trixim Shield depicting a malformed oneeyed god this evil deity is believed to have been slain by Queen Amica a perfect illustration of the types of misdirection America continually employed in shaping historical narratives to serve her agenda following the war against the Giants the Giants Flames ruinous Blaze was sealed and Guardians were appointed to watch over it the fire prelates were likely established at this time as commanders of the fire monks the weighty frames of the prelates symbolize the onus of their grave vows as Guardians of the flame America presumably instructed them to etch this sight upon thine breast of my thunderous gravity using the threatening tone she often employed the mountaintops likely dropped in temperature once the power of the fire Giants was sealed away and it might have been then that the river froze Downstream the consecrated snow fields show signs of a once flourishing region evident in the settlements and groups of trees bisected by at one point fresh running water so too were numerous trees once scattered across the mountaintops now reduced to Spirits so began the age of the ER tree whether now or earlier the period of earthree bounty was brief dissolving over time into an object of Faith the war against the Giants was just the beginning for the ensuing age was not marked by the abundance of the earth tree but by the blood righteously spilled in its name during the Crusades of Godfrey lord of the battlefield the age of Godfrey was an age of War during which the Elden Lord led a golden Crusade conquering and expanding the Empire of the earth tree this was primarily against fellow men after the Giants were quailed man turned against man in violence Godfrey fought not for himself but for Queen America consequently statues of America rather than Godfrey can be found throughout the land only in unique locations are their depictions of Godfrey the statues of America are usually found in churches each with specific names that give an indication of their purpose and the likely time they were built of particular interest are those named the churches of America these churches were specifically constructed to commemorate the expansion and conquest of America's Empire as illustrated by the first church of America here America herself issued instructions to her brave warriors as well as to Godfrey urging them to put the Giants to the sword in this way these churches and statues serve as significant landmarks not only preserving the memory of Godfrey's conquests geographically but also chronologically there are a total of four churches of America together they illustrate the path taken by Godfrey during his Crusade the first church of America is located in the mountaintops of the giant the second Church lies in the west of the alter Plateau the Third Church stands on the border between Lim grave and kalid while the fourth church can be found in the west of the Weeping Peninsula thus did Godfree sweep across the lands between from north to south indeed the second Church May indicate that the traitorous snakes were targeted straight after the Giants whatever the case was the snake faction was overthrown and snakes became a rare sight in the lands between most in the present day are found hiding as snails but they yet retain their knowledge of the previous era and their connection to the dragons Godfrey's prowess was truly unparalleled in the days of the past a crown was warranted with strength throughout his entire campaign he remained undefeated all the while having his blood lust suppressed by sash furthermore Godfrey fought with honor and showed Mercy during his Reign he accepted surrender incorporating conquered adversaries into his ranks a fact underscored by the diverse backgrounds of the tarnished when Godfrey first Elden Lord was robbed of his grace he took with him his kin folk the tarnished from draconians to Northerners Aristocrats T Landers all were welcome after all tarnished were all Warriors once Godfrey respected his foes and sought to avoid Bloodshed when never possible as he likely did previously with sash indeed the siege of Castle mour near the end of his Crusade depicts this clearly a lone hero fights for his Vengeance only to fall at the hand of Lord Godfrey but this Warrior was given a choice a story told by the grafted blade great sword once wielded by a hero hungry for vengeance a Avengers weapon it is burdened with oceans of anger and regret a lone surviving Champion was so determined to continue fighting that he claimed the swords of an entire clan of Warriors this proud warrior refused to yield to Godfrey and thus his country's Legacy is now vanished such a story was surely not uncommon and the memory of many cultures was erased during the golden Crusades but Warfare was not all that marks this era while the Crusades wrought destruction across the realm in its way the UR tree Empire expanded and flourished roads were built throughout the lands between to facilitate transfer of goods and travel or so it seems at first however a closer inspection reveals a remarkable detail on these ruined roads on each and every panel of these paths found in almost every region of the lands between is an Elden ring Motif this Elden ring is unique distinct from both Maracas and the dragons it features four rings symmetrically arranged positioning that features in the middle of the dragon's iteration however the dragon's Elden ring has far more rings and a number of spirals in contrast marica's design features the same number of rings and very similar patterning on the sigil only the position of one ring is different so could these roads markings have therefore been an early iteration of America's Elden ring the initial form that was then adapted over time considering the earliest Ury incantations exhibit The urri Crucible sigil which features America's current Elden ring it is unlikely that the outdated design would continue to be used as the road was extended during Godfrey's Reign furthermore there are two designs for the roads the majority consists of a single Lane with square til however the road between lendelle and R lucaria showcases a different design which features two lanes bisected by a gutter and the tiling is arranged diagonally additionally there are circular features which are integrated into the design indicating they were not later additions if these roads were constructed during Godfrey's rign why would the path to Ral lucaria be deemed the most crucial these aged roads stretch across the entire expanse of the lands between originating from lendelle they wind down through Leonia Traverse Lim grave and extend into kalid they are found heading towards Mount gmer within the Shaded castle and by the apostate Church in the wintry North but perhaps the most significant in establishing their Origins is their presence on both the grand lift of deus and the grand lift of r a curious detail as there appears to be conflicting information surrounding the lifts as previously established the grand lift of Ral was not operational during the war against the Giants the red Medallion reinforces this portraying Two Fire Giants impaled by briers of sin placing it after the executions at the Wall's conclusion this implies that their construction occurred later during Godfrey's reign however there is more than just the symmetric Elder ring path that contradicts this timeline for carved into the wall behind both lifs is a depiction of the world trees's form that preceded The Crucible taking a step back the grander flanking the path that leads up to the left instead features the later Earth tree depictions including right above the entrance and then there are also statues with an Ury design that were added at a later period evident from the contrasting color compared to the previous constructions so it becomes clear these prestigious landmarks have been changed and adapted over time and their Origins were once far more modest than seen in the present day and consisted only of the paths and the structures within the cliff sides the eldering paths date to the age before The Crucible constructed likely as part of the banished Knights Empire Empire this Empire had positive relations between lendelle and the academy via the KNX and its reach extended across the entirety of the lands between from the consecrated snow fields to kalid as is further illustrated by the catacombs in this realization a theme of America comes into Focus the urrey catacombs were not originally for Earth tree burial the hero's Graves were built before her civilization the Divine Towers were not made for the two fingers the roads of the land predate the UR Empire the Fortified Mana was repurposed the grand lifts the Divine Bridges storm Vil castle landel and even the Elden ring all was just adapted America did not create she did not develop or discover or invent she simply repurposed previous Creations as her own after slightly editing them she included history controlled the spread of information and rewrote it all under the earthree banner Amica was certainly a curious Jos next to the Glide Queen the former centered on the creation of life where the latter delivered life's death and yet it was the latter the generated culture diversity development and ultimately the cycles of Life America only halted life's progress and stalled the development of the age her actions generated true stagnation even rot purported to be stagnation is in fact the cycle of Decay and rebirth overly energetic life with a high rate of turnover it is even possible that America took action against any Imperium to prevent a new God to forge a new order in the age of the Elden ring and queen manica the precious emperion was born a new God to forge a new order the phrasing G uses implies that the ages before America were different and imperian were more abundant indeed in recent history there is no evidence of godkin activity but there must have been a time where they amassed such volumes of skin could America during her rule have eliminated imperion as soon as they were born before knowledge of them arose thus the only imperion that survived her Reign were those she could not silence whose lineage rendered them Untouchable nonetheless there were plenty of cultural developments during the age of Godfree even if they were not entirely original the Earth tre's old sap was treasured as the most most precious of jewels in the age of Godfree perhaps the physic chemists Priests of the earthree date this far back whose creation harnesses the power of Crystal tears which only form after the passage of many moons ritual combat was organized in the coliseums that can still be found in every land again these structures were simply repurposed built during the previous age talismans were created in the image of The Crucible Knights who presumably partook in the festivities held to honor the earthree the combat reenacted in the Arenas presumably depicted the defeat of the snakes where Crucible Knights would defeat the serpent Gladiators the audience delighted in seeing these bronze Effigies beaten and battered the Roundtable hold continued to be a Gathering Place of Champions and like the coliseums encouraged the strong to rise up and join the Army's ranks the two fingers were vital throughout this time and took a far more active role than seen in the present day Champions would gather at the round table hold in days past when the two fingers were masters of ation their flashh Yet full of vigor banished Knights were also recruited and rewarded with golden blessings on their equipment the tree Sentinels were established at the beginning of the age if not before very few are permitted to wear a golden wood crest of such size as SE on this Helm imposingly sturdy and nigh unbreakable the grace of old yet lingers blessed by an old incantation of protection the living Rampart of the earth tree the tree Sentinels are the standard to which all Defenders of the Erry Aspire enormous statues in their likeness were then crafted and added to the Grand lifts and at the entrance of landel as symbols of the Erry Empire though their creation postdates the initial urry structures there subsequently a structured hierarchy of knights emerged armor worn by Knights sworn to defend the Royal capital of landelle its left breast is emblazened with a symbol of er tree worship said to have once been imbued with an incantation of protection the golden canopy represents the honor of standing among the trees defenders in times of old When Faith and battle went hand in hand the urre great bow was created in tandem with the golden great ARA perhaps this period also marked the development of the golden vow incantation Tau to Knights of the royal capital for generations and knights sent on distant Expeditions lean on it as a source of Courage naturally most earthy related developments centered on combat but compared to the present day the Ury civilization was in fact much more openminded for example this was likely when demihumans were welcomed into Earth tree Society under the Earth tree co-mingling with the demihumans is made possible even the vulgar shall not be left behind under the rule of true order however as Kenneth discovers this inclusivity is no longer the case in the present day a discrepancy that serves to highlight a critical aspect of the age of Godfree the expanding Ur tree empire did not adhere to the golden order as it is known today yet which focuses on America as the one true God and instead centralized on the world tree itself and the evidence for this is multifold everything during this age paid homage to the her tree not to the golden order the seal and Sigil of this era revolved around The Binding of the Elden ring within the ER tree and it was this ER tree Crest that was once the focus of religion in the lands between the use of once implies that this is no longer the case as later on the golden order would redirect the focus of the earthree religion towards America the golden order is founded on the principle that Amica is the one true God the great bow specifically showcases ER tree styling the Knights of the capital proudly identified as Defenders of the ER tree and were adorned with its image Illusions to this era and its prevailing order consistently emphasize the ER tree as seen in phrases is like during the age of the ER tree myriel goes further explicitly labeling the order as the order of the earth tree Radigan once cleansed himself with Celestial due repented his Territorial aggressions and swore his love to renala the order of the ER tree and the fate of the moon were conjoined in stark contrast mentions of the golden order which are noticeably less frequent unmistakably shift away from the veneration of the earth tree and instead concentrate on the concept of order itself the ceremonial observation of order completely omits the tree from the previous design the golden order's emblem also discards one of the most fundamental motifs in the lands between the spiral the symbol of the cycles of Life a revered concept found throughout the ages of the realm the spirals of Life continue continued until America sealed the Rune of death suddenly halting life cycles and famously the golden order was created by confining Destin death consequently the once prominent spiral Motif even found throughout urry order designs was expunged after the establishment of the golden order furthermore all elements directly associated with the golden order can be traced back to at the earliest the age of Radigan the foundational principles of causality in regression have clear Origins and themes in Radigan who is consistently portrayed in the iconic golden order totality pose an amalgamation of both the inner and outer order poses then there are the rings of Light which relate to either radan or his son Mika immutable Shield depicts the BR Shield which was L employed in the shattering the rest of the golden order incantations focus on hunting those who live in death who arose after the Knight of black knives the golden order great sword was crafted once rigan was already King consort the tenets of the golden order also sharply deviate from maricas aligning instead with the ethos of rigan himself fundamentalism is scholarship in all but name using both intelligence and faith rigan studied sorcery and he studied incantations thus did the hero aspire to be complete in contrast America later says I declare mine intent to search the depths of the golden order through understanding of the proper way our faith our Grace is increased this illustrates a lack of understanding and suggests that the era preceding the golden order preceding Radigan was characterized solely by faith the era of the ER tree order whose associated incantations scale with faith alone so the golden order as seen in later years distilled with fundamentalism was yet to emerge and going forward the order at this stage will be termed the urry order for ease of clarity so the spirals of Life persisted during Godfrey's age which gave significance to the endless Waring of the era to the ancient pact of the earthree Guardians and establishes a chronological context that accounts for the integration of demihumans into earthree society crucially the Glide queen and the dragons remained allied with the earthree through the beasts and maintained their presence throughout Godfrey's Reign something that wouldn't be possible once the golden order was established and the Rune of death sealed after all Gran's former title death of the demigods couldn't have been earned before the beginning of the urrey age considering the first demigods with the Elden Lord Godfrey in his offspring instead this title gained relevance much later once numerous demigods had emerged amidst the turbulent times of War Godfree managed to produce a family line known as the golden lineage among his progeny were Godwin the golden presumably MOG and morgot twin brothers godric the golden and godfroy the grafted who might also have been godric's twin Godwin is surprisingly absent in history surfacing only during the war against the dragons and later as a victim of the KN of the black knives however his deeds during the former conflict paint him as an honorable and formidable Warrior morgot and M however were born into misery labeled as the ACC csed people called The Omen bearing Echoes of the chaos of the age of The Crucible they were likely dubbed Omens for embodying the imperfections of the desired order and the groundwork of the earth tree their a cursed blood was of Shifting Hue Omen babies had all their horns excised causing most to perish MOG and morgot however held Royal status Omen babies born of royalty do not have their horns excised but instead are kept underground unbeknownst to anyone imprisoned for eternity however they still tainted the golden lineage causing them to be kept under strictest confinement beneath landel never to see the light of day please don't hate me or curse me please the number of omen in the shunning grounds today emphasizes how many of the royal lines have been plagued by Omen through the years and in turn the lack of stability of the order the demigods are each and all the direct offspring of Queen Marica gri the GLA it was but a distant relation the run of the litter his Divine blood sorely diluted on first hearing this it seems godri is a distant descendant of Godfrey born many years later however both godri and godfroy in their later years underwent the extreme process of grafting a procedure that literally diluted their Divine blood weakening their direct relation furthermore godric is a shardbearer wields a bespoke axe emblazened with the figure of a beast and was esteemed enough to have participated in lel's meetings Mor even addresses him respectfully as godric the golden similarly godfroy possesses the Godfree icon a legendary Talisman depicting the Elden Lord together these details suggest that they were not merely distant descendants of Godfrey that arose many generations later but direct Offspring who sullied their blood and family name over time there is little information about their early years likely a sign of their cowardice which became more apparent as time went on indeed while the golden Crusades wrought war and Havoc across the lands between life within the capital likely unfolded as if in an age of Peace the power of the urry resulted in the birth of numerous Scions of great families but the burgeoning population of nobility became accustomed to a life of excessive luxury these shields were at times seen as the Hallmark of little Lord Lings who were too timid to earn a few Nicks and scratches and yet even in times of Peace an ER steel dagger was carried by the ER tree royalty for self-defense illustrating the tone of lendelle society beyond the erre faction various other civilizations underwent significant developments during the age of the ER tree beware the fire monks chariots bearing the faces of giants clearly the fir monks were skilled Craftsmen and were likely employed to actively spread fear of the fire Giants in the population Over time however the fir monks softened in their role as Guardians fire beguiles those who gaze into it and so the Guardians of the flame are also its worshippers the monks put in place reminders to distance themselves from fire this incantation leaves the cter with subtle Burns a reminder that they must fear the flame but even this proved insufficient it is said The Cauldron perched at top the head was originally furnished with Embers and would surge into flames when the wearer's faith reached its senith the fire of this cauldron has since died out however so the most hallowed monk prelate of the Giant's flame Barra severed his own head as a lesson to the others intending it to be used as a candle stand his face yet smolders from within the cranial vessel and still not all was strong enough to resist the Allure of fire the black flame monks enthralled by the gods slaying black flame became traitors abandoning their posts as Guardians the seduction of a taboo is never easily spurned after all the power of the black Flame the Rune of death was not yet sealed away it would be some time however before the prelates themselves faltered and turn banished Knights evolved into the role of wandering mercenaries and work throughout the realm as Illustrated later by enal and Ole these Knights operated independently and displayed no specific allegiance to their former comrades death Birds persisted across the land yet their vulnerability to Holy power likely compelled them to lurk in the shadows as time went on various meteorites likely struck the lands between over the age and meteoric beings contined to rise throughout the realm then over in Leonia a young Korean astrologer gazed at the night sky as she walked she'd always chased the Stars every step of her journey then she met the full moon and in time the astrologer became a queen karia and the academy were initially separate entities but in her youth rala was a prominent champion who ched the academy with her lunar magic becoming its master ralis connection to the full moon bestowed upon her extraordinary power enabling her to achieve remarkable Feats Queen renala encountered this enchanting moon when she was young and later it would bewitch the academy she also led the glint Stone Knights and established the house of Kara as royalty the alliance between Kara and the academy solidified at the latest during the early age of Godfrey a new Mighty faction unified by Queen rala leadership and Ali to the KNX theonia was poised for greatness or so it [Music] seemed in the beginning everything was in opposition to the her tree but through countless victories in war it became the embodiment of order the age of Godfrey was an age of endless Warfare but while the The erery Crusade swept across the entirety of the lands between only a handful of Wars managed to leave a lasting imprint on the annals of History most battles along with the cultures they vanquished inevitably faded from memory eroded by the passage of time and only pivotal Wars for the realm were actively recorded and memorialized the earliest such conflict is commemorated at the Bellum Church which was aptly named after the Latin word for war the church celebrates the first leonian war which marks the public debut of Radigan as a champion his glory burnt as red as his hair as he joined the hero's ranks there are precious few details about the conflict but the depiction is clearly of Triumph not just for the newly acclaimed Champion but for the Golden Army as a whole and yet despite the war's apparent historical significance there is no ention of the opposing faction that was fought perhaps the war itself was unremarkable and instead simply served as the stage to introduce the man who many years later would rise to the title of second Elden Lord perhaps the first and second leonian wars were two parts of the same conflict against R luara and the carians indeed the champions of the Ury did utilize barrier of gold for Magical defense in both Wars but but this raises too many questions why did the first war conclude without complete victory over the magical factions how could the carians have been a match for even the champions of gold in battle during the second war if they had suffered defeat in the first moreover how would rigan have attained such glory in the first war against the carians in the academy and yet managed to cour renala their leader in the second instead the omission of the enemy can be seen as a crucial clue to their identity for what other faction also used magic whose defeat served as a pivotal milestone for the Ury faction warranting a monument and that the greater will and Marica would have wanted to emit from the annals of History why none other than the KNX the KNX were once a wide reaching and Powerful faction of the lands between from the far North to the Deep South from the surface to deep within the land the nox presented a very real threat to the golden armies and their Ambitions of unification and more than most they had a personal motive to see the UR tree as their righteous enemy all were once in opposition to the earthree but the kns were likely the inhabitants of leandel before the monotheistic faction took root with strong ties to the previous great tree civilization as such much the KNX may have been the first to be supplanted from one of their homes only for it to subsequently be labeled as the her tree Capital however though they are skilled in combat they could never have beaten the golden armies and their lord of the battlefield head on their expertise centered Less on hand-to-hand combat and instead on tactical even secretive methods [Music] one needd only look at their Gars their various night sorceries all their puppet Creations even to this day they use their magic to hold dominion over their mounts the purple Hue Fades from the ant's eyes as they become hostile to their Rider so the the noxs relied on their intelligence and bided their time after losing landal by retreating to work in the shadows they had many other locals across the lands between the Eternal cities Celia orda and the Aria for though their own dwellings have long been destroyed there remains plenty of evidence of their station within the neighboring societies that did endure in caria and the academy their cultural ties are multifold the focus on Moons and stars the four belf freeze connecting to nocon the caran path to Noella the similarity between the caran and night sorcery sigils puppet techniques the use of mirror [Music] Helms the arc Ure of the Church of valves and mana cellers and throughout the Lakes the use of celestial Jew in toxicating [Music] drafts and the themes of [Music] silver and artificial life there can be no doubt that just as Celia sits near notron and lower Landell sits near the nameless Eternal City so too was there a settlement on the surface near nox Stella in Leonia the NOS used their time wisely and developed not one but two implements to counter their long-standing foe one in the mirror Helm which Wards off the intervention of the greater will and its vcil fingers and two famously in the Finger Slayer blade which is said to be able to harm the greater will and its facils in doing so the nox invoked the a of the greater will inexorably calling the golden armies to their doorstep for all their planning and intelligence the kns were defeated and only managed to survive by retreating to their inaccessible Subterranean cities locations beyond the perview of the earth tree while it is said that they were banished deep underground the greater will has in no other instance been so forgiving to the conquered as to only banish them the treatment of the Giants is a testament to the 's ruthlessness instead it is more likely that the KNX successfully fled and in time the greater will erased their memory and the memory of the Finger Slayer blade from the surface but given how skilled the nox were in the art of secrecy how did the Ury Society learn about their Blasphemous intent in the first place furthermore where was Godfrey the golden Army's leader during all this fighting and why do some KN settlements exist on the surface to this day if those in Leonia have been so thoroughly destroyed as previously outlined Godfrey's Crusade can be mapped chronologically by the churches of America found throughout the lands between in order these are found in the mountaintops the alter's plateau on the border between Lim braving kalid and finally in the Weeping Peninsula the path depicted by the churches suggests that Godfrey's Journey took him through the Leonia region situated between the second and third Church however this again raises the pertinent question why is there no evidence of his involvement in the leonian wars if he had been present it would surely have been Godfrey not rigan earning glory and meeting rala in battle he couldn't have moved through the region before Leonia was conquered nor would he have waited while his army fought to travel past later instead these churches stand as compelling evidence that the geographical landscape during Godfrey's time differed significantly from the present day and in fact point to a very different Journey for Godfrey's campaign the geography of the lands between has undergone significant Transformations throughout history primarily influenced by the power of stars and meteorites to which the ancient Titan Dynasty owed everything various life forms have originated from celestial bodies such as the Onyx and alabaster Lords from meteorites or the Elden beast and falling star beasts and asals which Trace back to Stars the heart of the lands between itself appears to have been shaped by a meteorite strike and numerous locations both on the land's surface as well as within the mines bear the marks of meteoric impact then there is the meteorite which struck phula the ruin crumbled when struck by a meteorite this meteorite far surpass the size of the one which breaks through limb grave in the present day evident from the relative scale of their lingering zero gravity effect the impact not only destroyed phula but propelled the majority of its land mass into the air and sent it soaring into the Skies of the Far East other giant frag were thrown westwards smashing down into the lands and roads of lim grave and Leonia the meteorite was cataclysmic and significantly altered the landscape of the area it is clear the city broke off from the mainland by the beastial sanctum from the shared architecture the draconic and beastial themes of the area and the farum Great Bridge nearby but importantly there is also an enormous and perfectly straight waterfall at the East side of the Central Lake this suggests that it is not a natural formation but rather an artificial one and serves as an indication of the land's previous configuration the Central Lake itself was once a true Lake surrounded by land on all sides kalid in the past was connected to the mountaintops by a land mass on which phoua was built and there are several clues that point towards this ancient connection between Aid and the mountaintops the hints lie in the various shared features between the two regions that in the present day are perhaps as far from each other as it is possible to be first is the presence of the ancient Titan remains which were only found in these two regions moreover there is a clear overlap between their forer namely the giant dogs and birds which are otherwise only found in the present day mwin Dynasty which lies below kalid furthermore kalid has a strong association with Dragons if kalid was joined to the mountain tops this would be a natural place to retreat to for the dragons that were chased from the peak by the fire Giants such a land connection also explains the straight waterfall which may be a Remnant from the base of an artificial structure that once stood there perhaps serving as protection from the Waterfront it also explains the isolated Divine Tower and how it was not not originally isolated and it explains how such a massive meteorite impact has left no clear mark on the land despite the scale of Destruction leveled on far maula the land was simply removed entirely returning to Godfrey's campaign with this Insight the path indicated by the four churches of America begins to change Godfrey's conquests began with the mountaintops which posed the most significant threat to the Earth tree in the fire Giants following this he targeted the alter's plateau the region closest to the earth tree and where the traitorous snakes dwell subsequently he traveled to kalid but not through Leonia instead he gained Passage through faram mizula via the mountaintops and he did so peacefully due to their Alliance before finally concluding The Crusade in the Weeping Peninsula and it is this part which explains all three mysteries of the firstly War why Godfrey was absent how the greater will discovered the blasphemy of the KNX and why some KN settlements remain to this day despite the war for one such settlement lies on Godfrey's updated path a town shrouded in mystery the town of sorcery Celia Celia appears unremarkable at first glance consisting of a small desolate set of buildings that are on first impression overshadowed by the immense rot lake or the oversized flora and fora nearby however on closer examination Celia shows increasingly peculiar qualities there appear spirits of sorcerers but these are not selian Sorcerers some are nobles and some are from the academy then there are magical barriers hiding away various parts of the Town safeguarding what G calls the secret of IIA the town you see there the secret not of lucat Staff but of a nox sword and Monk and their culture's giant throne and curiously distant at the south of kalid there is also a sword Monument commemorating the star Scourge conflict where Redan held Celia secure Celia's features seem to conflict with one another given it was clearly a nox settlement why is there such secrecy surrounding the nox inhabitants why would radan defend such a well-known enemy of the earthree and what role do the academy Sorcerers play there fortunately though Celia is a shadow of its former glory it's left quite a substantial Legacy unlike so much of the lands between indeed the selion produced a number of distinct night sorceries which beautifully illustrate the history of the celan the celan sorcerers were assassins and it is said that they often hunted their fellows used by celan assassins to present themselves as unarmed Sorcerers the celian Assassins considered every option that aided their dirty work there can be no doubt the celion not only targeted their own but they did so dishonorably from the Shadows their sorceries focus on hidden attacks at masking their intentions and countering fellow spellcasters creates a space of Darkness that draws in sorceries and incantation however on the day Godfrey's Crusade arrived at their doorstep the selens knew that such techniques would prove useless against the lord of the battlefield his prowess relied on Raw strength and skill in battle not Magic In A desperate Act of self-preservation they became turncoat and offered their knowledge and allegiance to the earthree faction Godfrey was open to such diplomacy as previously established for unlike the celan he had honor the selens Betrayed the KNX and revealed their rebellious intentions including the Blasphemous details of the Finger Slayer blades creation by aligning themselves with the UR tree faction the selens managed to secure their survival right to the present day albe it with a low population and in becoming an ally to the her tree the confusion around Celia becomes clear Academy Sorcerers which later also allied with the Earth tree would be welcomed and radan later defended Celia not just as a nox town or as the town that he trained in but as an ER tree settlement marked by the construction of an ER tree statue looking out over the town Eternal darkness and night maiden's Mist might have then been classed as forbidden sorceries because they originated from the Eternal cities and perhaps Celia's secret was put in place to protect the inhabitants from any that sought Revenge venge the celan Betrayal was how the plans of the nox were discovered and why Godfrey was absent during the war upon being told about the Finger Slayer Blade the greater will couldn't afford to wait for Godfrey to reach Lea and instead dispatched any available troops stationed in the alter's plateau in this way the golden armies caught the KNX off guard allowing Radigan to rise in prominent had Godfrey himself been present the KN might have been wiped out entirely like so many other cultures instead the first leonian war concluded when the KNX managed to retreat under ground unable to be followed Marica and the greater will banished them from the surface and wiped their Blasphemous Legacy from the annals of History not everyone managed to escape underground however time must have been limited amidst the Waring perhaps humans were prioritized for there are no kn found above ground say for inelia whatever the case was some life forms viewed as inferior a mockery of life turned to hiding above ground else they risked meeting The Executioner's axe used to dispatch the remnants of defeated armies felling them like Timber they scattered throughout the lands altering their form to blend into their surroundings some have survived to the present day taking on the appearance of of nobles some are putri corpse one even assumes the guise of the crayfish and while they transform into other ferocious beasts when provoked including Rune Bears a troll a giant worm face a lion guardian and even a grafted Scion their true form is revealed on death where they drop a lval tear the core of a creature of mimicry known as a silver tear this dates the formless life's creation to at the latest before the first leonian war they may even point to yet another attempt to upend dirree rule since silver teers are commonly spoken of in reference to the possibility of being reborn a lord likely another detail the celion handed over if the thematically linked albor were not brought to life before the age of the Earth tree their creation must have taken place before the creation of the golden order where such Creations would have been deemed Blasphemous indeed the alliance between the academy and golden order in later years likely began the aloric persecution for they were then seen to be Untouched by the Earth tre's Grace and to have led impure lives despite suffering a crushing defeat during the first leonian war and the present day inactivity of the Eternal cities the KNX remained remarkably active for a significant time following their Exile they now lived under a false night sky and lost their direct connection to the Moon of Noella once the guide of countless stars for it seems that moons are cautious entities and reveal themselves only to specific locations this is why Ronnie was led by the hand of her mother rala to encounter her Dark Moon even in the present day there exists a second moon that only becomes visible to those at the Moonlight altar the fate of nox Stella's moon has been lost to time and if it yet endures its influence has likely diminished over the years for throughout the land are found numerous stones that are said to be a fragment of the black moon that once hung above the Eternal City the nox may have lost their moon but even then the stars of the night sky guided fate it would be many years until Redan would restrict the Stars movement during the star Scourge conflict and even during sojin's underground the stars are never far from a sorcerer's side the prolific jist Herber throughout the Eternal cities which give off the faint glow of Starlight serve as a testament to the influence the Stars once had even in these underground Realms the Finger Slayer blade was secretly stowed away and became known only as the hidden treasure of notron meanwhile the development of silver tears continued and additional mimic tear were produced in an attempt by the Eternal City to forge a Lord but the kns did not stop there they turned to what they perceived as the ultimate embodiment of power in nature dragons they revered dragons as truly Immortal beings and the Supreme rulers of the lands between even commanding the respect of the earth tree armies but artificial life has never been without complications the Dragon Kin were born in the Eternal City where they knew no true sky nor true lightning instead ice lightning was their weapon alas the Dragon Kin soldiers never attained immortality and perished as decrepit pale imitations of their skyborn kin while powerful especially when summoned as Spirits the Dragon Kin ultimately proved to be a failure and their form drives this home when compared to True ancient dragons the dragon kin's arms are disproportionately large while their legs struggle to support them and while they do manage to briefly fly their wings pale in comparison to the Majesty of the dragons and yet despite such setbacks the burning desire for Revenge fueled the Eternal cities further they persevered and diligently honed their ability as assassins adopting methods reminiscent of those employed by the celan and this final scheme would prove to be their most successful of all though many years were still to pass until that fateful night then came the second leonian war Lord rigan came to these lands at the head of a great golden host when he met lady in battle this war likely began soon after the first war since it was a risk to leave the Kian in Academy alone after such a crushing defeat of their long-standing neighbors thus Godfrey was still unable to join in time ragam having showcased such heroism in the first war was positioned to lead the Golden Army in the meantime the barrier of gold incantation was used once again to counter their magical adversaries among whom were warriors who in addition to Magic were adapt in hand toand combat the caran KN swords could serve as catalysts letting them wield sorceress battle skills despite numbering fewer than 20 this power made them a match for even the champions of gold in battle the academy deployed their marionette soldiers crafted to serve the sorcerers in addition it is plausible that creatures such as trolls wolves Blood Hound Knights or even modern dragons played a role in this conflict however to this day the second leonian war stands out from all other conflicts its resolution was not born of blood no victory for the golden nor for the moon no prize but a atonement the birth of a vow in the midst of battle Ragan met the queen of Cara lady renala he soon repented his territorial aggressions there and became husband to the Kian Queen it seems this moment marked a profound shift in rigan's perspective perhaps extending back to his actions during the first leonian war I for rather thematic it was a hidden tear found in the Eternal City at a former Eternal City local that he used in his ceremony of absolution Radigan once cleansed himself with Celestial due repented his Territorial aggressions and swore his love to renala the order of the her tree and the fate of the moon were conjoined and all the wounds of War forgiven it seems rigan's emotions during this period were genuine his love for Anala ran deep and his past actions weighed heavily upon him this resolution of the war was a testament to the shared commitment of the UR Trey the academy and the carians both factions offered an array of Priceless artifacts and symbolic tools to signify their Union among these Treasures was the oneof aind full moon crossbow made to celebrate the matrimonial Union and Reconciliation between the houses of the earth tree and the full moon rather fittingly it reveals true worth when used with holy infused bolts a truly marvelous creation of exquisitely detailed craftsmanship and this was but one of the offerings exchanged there was a moonlight great sword bestowed by Kian Queen upon her spouse to honor a long-standing tradition [Music] though it has since been repurposed its Legacy remains even the ancient glint Stone Chris was presented to lendelle to celebrate their new found peace while the 's known offerings may appear less lavish than those from the academy They Carried with them a depth of meaning that transcended material wealth perhaps trolls dragons Blood Hound Knights and wolves with were gifted oath sworn to the lunar faction the sorcerers displayed a respect for trolls not seen anywhere else likely due to their ancestral history and bestowed armor and bespoke weaponry upon them called into service when the queen invoked an oath they swore the trolls are treated as true Knights of ker and fight arm in-arm with their human comrads rigan brought with him a set of golden tailoring tools accompanied by a fine golden sewing needle at first glance these items might seem curious given their purpose to alter demigod attire yet at the time Leonia was bereth of confirmed demigods so who was this for rigan was a mere Champion yet to ascend even when Redan came into the world I was born a Champion's Cub instead the true purpose of this kit extended Beyond tailoring demigod attire and illustrates the commitment rigan had to his new family it was intended to safeguard their private lives for the only pieces the kit is known to have been used for are The Masks of confidence mask with the mouth sewn Shar with golden thread when rigan married ranala he ordered the Karan magic preceptors to Dawn these masks to make it clear that all of their matters were to be kept strictly private he was not a messenger for the Earth tree or interested in using his new public status and by sealing these masks with golden thread he ensured that only a select few were able to unravel the stitches he safeguarded his new family thus began what was initially a happy marriage a rare thing in the lands between soon rala and rigan were blessed with three healthy children Reichard Redan and Ronnie these three were not yet demigods as outlined in both reichard's and redan's great runes they became demigod stepchildren after rigan's Union with Queen America during this period rigan had little to no proficiency for incantations it was only as the husband of Queen Marica that he studied incantations his children with rala further attest to this who Excel only in sorcery Reichard in his later life even chose to transform the ancient hexes of galare and brought them back as new forms of sorcery the details surrounding the order of their birth who is the eldest who is the youngest remains a mystery but each sought their own distinct path even in youth Ronnie would soon earn the title of lunar princess for led by the hand of her mother ranala Ronnie encountered her own Dark Moon what she beheld was cold dark and failed in a cult mystery presumably this took place at the Moonlight altar where rala likely found her Moon previously the location where Two Moons can be seen in the present day and where the Dark Moon sorcery is found after all the kin retained secret passage to this region even after the knocks were banished Mana celes was most likely fully intact too but this moon was not all she encountered in secret from the family even from rala Ronnie encountered a snowy Crone deep in the woods she was a witch and well-versed in cold sorceries that old witch was Ronnie's Secret Mentor the snowy Crone taught the young Ronnie to fear the Dark Moon as she imparted her cold sorcery the true purpose of this mentorship whether the Crone sought to instill respect in Ronnie or to steer her away from a dark p PA remains shrouded in mystery in the present cold sorcery is seen as heretical but this was not the case in Ron's formative years since the golden order had not yet been established her Mentor remained a secret but Ronnie was open about her magic she even went so far as to teach her own soldiers such techniques ice bear is a skill of the Warriors who served Luna princess Ronnie meanwhile Ronnie herself was taught spinning weapon a defensive skill skill employed by Kian princesses though in the present day there are curiously no other confirmed Kian princesses in the age of the Elden ring and queen maner the precious emperion was born ronie stood as the First new imperion in the era of Queen America at least the first publicly known imperion protected by her status though imperian are chosen by their two fingers they are born as such an intrinsic quality of the individual rather than something bestowed to them at a later date a new God to forge a new order the fingers did not choose but identified her unique qualities as a vessel and subsequently influenced her very Shadow too the two fingers gave blly to Lady Rani as a faithful follower her very Shadow incapable of treachery I received blly in the form of a vassel tailored for an imperion blly is Lady rani's step brother step brother is a curious term not related to Ronnie by Blood but by law somehow Ronnie's mother Queen orala approved of him and they played like siblings from childhood they were always happy to have me tag along as [Music] well none of us will ever forget our earliest days together Ronnie it would seem s BL and even EEG as her siblings a bond that seemed stronger than her connection with Redan or Reichard but while Ronnie was held in high esteem during this time and only formerly enlisted blly and eeg's vassals when she renounced her flesh much later it's possible that even in these early days she harbored doubts about the Earth tree witnessing the profound Devastation left by the first leonian war and its enduring impact on the survivors who had sought Refuge underground must have left a lasting mark on her not to mention the influence of the snowy Crone and the Allure of the Dark Moon so perhaps in her growing discontent she was already laying the foundation of an alliance with those who would become the black knives little is known about the early life of re card he began his journey as a gifted and esteemed individual eventually earning the distinguished title of prer rard in Roman society prer denoted a magistrate that ranked just below the console that's to say an exceptionally High position in society rikard's attire adorned with the trappings of his station clearly illustrates this he was stationed in galare at the volcano Manor a more modern construction than the prison Town below he commanded an army which took their namesake from the very volcano which unless their name was changed suggests it was formed after his station there a station that was likely to quell the Pagan Insurrection of the region Reichard and his lofty ambition were seen with respect and admiration by his soldiers for many years though this would falter with time it is unclear when Reichard began to waver in his commitment to this Society but his station as pror was fated not to last as he discovered more and more about the Pagan beliefs and the ancient mountains [Music] history finally there was radan from his youngest years Redan was naturally captivated by the lord of the battlefield combat was the focal point of redan's life he too would soon command an army that held unwavering faith in their leader a devotion that persists even today this Army bore armor fashioned in the likeness of Redan himself in turn redan's own armor paid homage to the two figures he revered most his father Radigan and the er's Elden Lord Godfrey thus the red M Knights were born the red of Radigan and the main of sash the symbol of Godfrey the cirat depicts a redmed lion raising a sword in the image of Redan thus they were red Ms and all proved they were worthy of the name this is the earliest the Army could have been established but more likely is that the red Ms were set up after the star Scourge conflict many years later while the intricacies of The Sibling relationships are a mystery there is evidence to suggest that at one point all three shared amicable ties Reichard included paintings of his brother alongside his own portraits at the volcano Manor even framing them with similar opulence Reichard is later involved with Rani in the plot of the black knives as shown by her gift of the Blasphemous claw and eegi rani's close friend lent his Aid to Redan and crafted his soldiers various armaments a gesture which would pay dividends in time far surpassing what any would have predicted his swords were all plunt as Stone but not one of them decayed when faced with a Scarlet rock it is unclear when each conspectus of the academy was established but it is likely that these were all created during this period at the latest first was the corus conspectus set up by primeval sorcerer Aur to pursue the mysteries of comet then came the olous conspectus founded by primeval sorcerer lcat which focused on the study of meteor and attracted Sorcerers from Celia in particular the twin Sage conspectus was established for the elite of the academy and studied a wide range of techniques then came the less traditional conspectus lazuli himer and hodas those in the lazuli sought to master the way of the Kian over those of the academy and saw the moon as equal to the Stars something that would later be seen as heresy by by the academy Scholars of the himer conspectus were known as battle Maes and served as adjudicators of the academy these Sorcerers sought to quell conflict with the all too forceful Canon and gavl they made use of a stone Club to better feel the impact of fighting another and were the only Sorcerers that would dare venture outside during times of War when the academy would seal its Gates finally the HED ass Crown was bestowed on those engaged in nomadic study this was most likely in all but name for those that were excommunicated from the academy the red blindfold is a mark of this where red denotes Instinct emotion and passion clearly opposite the blue values of the school Society calm and logical Wilhelm who wears this Crown also uses the staff of loss and night sorcery which may explain his banishment and the crown in the present day is only otherwise found in the hermit Village of gmir the region of blasphemy this time in Leonia led by ranala and rigan stands as a happy and prosperous period perhaps this was also when the academy sought to share their knowledge with the demihumans a gift once given to the demihumans to Foster peace this period also likely marks the latest time that Graven Mages came about the Primeval current is a forbidden tradition of Glenstone sorcery to have been a tradition once places them early in the Academy's history as does its focus on the Primeval current to those who cleave to its teachings the act of collecting Sorcerers to Fashion them into the seeds of stars is but another path of scientific inquiry a nightmare that would continue to haunt The Academy indeed right to the present day perhaps the Assassins of Raven Mount were established during this time they utilize a ritual implement for transforming into a death bird if only by imitation something that would have been termed heretical had they Arisen after the golden order was established however this harmonious era was destined to be shortlived longstanding alliances were poised to crumble and America's own husband Elden Lord Godfrey was soon to be replaced and by none other than the famously redhaired Champion the husband of Queen rala herself Ragan the lands between was about to change in a relatively brief period a number of key events rapidly unfolded that ultimately culminated in the establishment of the golden order an order that would rule over the land to the present day the true might of the urry faction despite the formidable golden armies was epit ized by one individual a man who am married enlisted even right at the Empire's Inception Elden Lord Godfrey from fighting the fire Giants at the outset of the age to Waring across the alter's plateau descending into kalid and traversing the Weeping Peninsula Godfrey's golden Crusade never knew defeat he even faced the storm Lord alone further illustrating both his respect for his adversaries and his unparalleled strength once again by jeweling their leader Godfrey limited the necessary Bloodshed and gave the faction an opportunity to survive past their defeat presumably the storm Lord refers to the ruler of storm Vil Castle following this Victory Godfrey assumed control of the castle marked by both an Elden throne and a statue of Godfrey stor Vil has since remained under the stewardship of the golden lineage to this day after the demise of their lord storm veil's faction surrendered and as such the survivors were incorporated into the ery Empire The Storm Hawks were enslaved they were Chained and Talon swords were affixed to the legs of the storm veil's warhawks however their skills were not overlooked and the blades were made to be thin and lightweight so as to not obstruct the Hawk's mobility and the birds remain Adept guards even in the present day it appears that humans comprised a portion of the storm Veil action as they were also subjected to slavery following Godfrey's Triumph these humans were given a unique task one that the urrey faction had not previously required nor would need again their task was to gather intelligence on a surviving enemy the company of slaves were ordered to explore the Eternal City as previously established Godfrey had only reached Celia by the time the leonian wars commenced placing the fall of storm Vil after the banishment of the Mars beneath the ground why the men of storm Vil were specifically chosen for this task remains unclear in honor of the long forgotten crest of storm Vil ancient in design the Fallen Hawks crafted the inverted Hawk heater Shield to symbolize their new Journey however they likely made this journey sometime later once the golden order had been established as such when the band's last Embers were used up they acquired the cold ghost flame which sealed their fate to remain underground for by that time such a technique would be deemed heretical outside of the golden order and then there came a moment when his last worthy enemy fell whoever that may have been and it was then as the story is told that the Hue of Lord Godfrey's eyes faded thus did Godfrey become the first tarnished of the lands between the phrase as the story is told is certainly curious perhaps hinting that this may not be entirely factual The Narrative of Godfrey's tale certainly paints a poetic image however America's own words paint a different picture in amica's own words my Lord and thy Warriors I divest each of thee of thy Grace With Thine Eyes dimmed ye will be driven from the lands between ye will wage war in a land ofar where you will live and die Godfrey's eyes didn't merely fade passively their Hue was actively taken by America she seized their Grace for the sake of retaining the 's power moreover the moment Godfrey defeated his last opponent was not the same as when Amica intervened this quote from Amica occurred at the Third Church of Amica by definition this marks an early ier Conquest than the fourth Church in the Weeping Peninsula the now Island where Godfrey likely completed his Crusade instead it would seem that Godfrey and his army were returning to the capital when America broke this news potentially reaching as far as the smoldering Church Lord Godfrey At Last At the end of his campaign his golden armies unvanquished and unbowed yet finds Grace lost tattered and Faded only Godfrey knows exactly what Amica said to him that day but whatever transpired he harbored no resentment despite his unrivaled battle prowess Godfrey chose not to resist and accepted his banishment along with his loyal Army now tarnished they turned and marched toward the Weeping Peninsula as if embarking on a pilgrimage subsequently at the pilgrimage Church America elaborated further then after I death I will give back what I once claimed return to the lands between wage war and brandish the Elden ring grow strong in the face of death Warriors of my lord lord Godfrey and then just like that they were gone Godfrey and his company set sail from the lands between carrying with them only a promise that they might one day return to the lands between to their loved ones shipwrecks dotting the shores extend beyond just the Weeping Peninsula but whether these remnants belong to Godfrey's Army remains uncertain while the tarnish left the lands between with their kind one boat alone was said to have been left behind this lone vessel remains a mystery who stayed behind and how is this known as far as the confirmed history of the lands between goes the the immediate banishment of tarnished was absolute until they were called back many years later the mightiest Warrior and his unbeaten Army was disbanded but why while the emergence of the golden order and its societal restructuring will be examined in due course of importance here is that during the Ury age there was a prevailing ethos of encouraging the rise of power and seeking to conquer the realm however once America achieved total control this Paradigm shifted the strong were suppressed to prevent any potential threats to her Reign yet even this doesn't fully explain Godfrey's banishment after all he was unquestionably loyal and would have served as an effective defender of the UR tree right Godfrey was indeed loyal and while he did dutifully follow his Queen's commands he was also Guided by another one who never left his side as king Godfrey's Regent sash aged counselor guides the golden lineage and it was this relationship with sarash that likely drove America to banish Godfrey for there stood one last problem before the Ury could truly reign supreme and create the golden order the golden order is founded on the principle that America is the one true God moreover The Forbidden shadow plucked from the golden order upon its creation as it was for the civilizations before Americas there was one faction that truly Reigns Supreme safeguarding the realm against stagnation the dragons and the power of the Glide Queen America's ultimate ambition was to ascend as the one true God and to take control over the cycles of life through the power of the earth tree and by sealing away destined death up to this point Godfrey's relationship with sash formerly the Lord of beasts had ensured amicable relations between the earthree the beasts and the dragons but now this Alliance hindered Godfrey from carrying out America's final wish his sense of honor and loyalty as Godfree rather than horal prevented him from betraying such an alliance a fact America surely recognized in this context therefore the phrase when his last worthy enemy fell may be a fitting broad depiction of Godfrey's timeline as the dragons were not his adversaries but his allies America banished Godfrey with a promise of their return but it is unknown whether this was a meticulously thought out plan or a contingency to ensure that America did not truly lose her most significant asset with the tarnished gone Amica turned her mind to the dragons the ancient dragons would protect their lord as a wall of living Rock without Godfrey the urry armies would fail in a direct assault on the dragons instead America recognized the need for a more subtle strategy to strike the dragons from within for in their open and welcoming culture lay their true weakness trust America had finally found a use for her shadowbound Beast malath see nothing hear nothing doubt nothing amica's sole need of her Shadow was a vessel to lock away destined death malth was already empowered by destined death himself as a shadowbound beast he could get close to the Glide Queen without so much as a question being raised only malth knows what really transpired that day was there a mighty struggle or did he catch the glowy Queen by surprise sacred sword of the dusy queen before her defeat at the hands of malth the term defeat implies a substantial battle it appears that both the Queen's Elden Lord placex and her godkin apostles were present too once his God was fled the Lord continued to await its return the apostles once said to serve destined death but after their defeat by malth the Black Blade the source of their power was sealed away it would seem that malth was alone during the battle but it's possible he received some assistance from the earthree Sentinels however what's particularly intriguing is the apparent passivity of the defeat if the injuries ptox retains in the present day were inflicted during this encounter his subsequent actions seemed disproportionate these are the dying whales of the Dragon Lord a significant defeat and yet once his God was fled the Lord continued to await its return fleeing within the storm Beyond Time a surprisingly subdued reaction similarly despite losing their Queen and having the source of their power sealed away the apostles also chose not to confront their defeat headon instead they fled with their Queen's heirloom drawn to locations associated with the Glide queen and the god of many faces although the Divine Tower in kalid had already been claimed by the urrey empire and in typical fashion slightly adapted with additional pillars the apostles took back a portion of it there they concealed the gods slayer's great sword in anticipation of the God's return malath his blade already imbued with the power of destined death now sealed the Rune away thereby eliminating death's dark fate from the lands between it is possible he then retreated from faram maula assuming the guise of gank perhaps the reaction of the Dragon Lord and godkin warriors further attests to their culture one focused on balance and not Vengeance however though they appeared somewhat stoic in their response not all dragons shared this sentiment in an unprecedented turn of events the dragons launched an offensive attack soaring straight towards lendelle the heart and capital of the urry traitors the first and only time in history that the ancient dragon acted in such an active aggressive manner a great ancient dragon grandx once reigned Calamity upon the Royal Capital the only time in historical record that land Del's walls have fallen this marks the dawn of the war against dragons grchs alone did what no others ever managed and their might and size was such that to this day their corpse remains as it died within landel alongside the associated debris but what is most curious is the pose of grand Sachs and how it is unclear how they died it would almost seem as though grch reigned Calamity from above struck the middle of the Ury City with its bolt and then found no more life within them nonetheless many more dragons followed golden lightning fortification was used by the Knights of the UR tree during the assault by the great ancient dragon grx and the bitter War of the ancient dragon that followed interestingly they were knights in contrast to the soldiers of the leonian wars being called Champions perhaps this illustrates the sudden nature of the war and that the capital was caught off guard the ancient dragons had scales of gravel Stone and spoken of in Legend red lightning is the weapon wielded by the ancient dragons Godfrey had been banished the city unprepared for such an assault during the war these twin red lightning takes with the Hallmark of the once ancient dragon who is now called the mightiest Boulder Stone the once ancient dragon might this act of aggression have brought these ancient dragons down to the Mortal realm between fortox his sister lancs and the rest of the ancient dragons present the ensuing war was brutal and without Godfrey what hope did landale have even the mighty tree Sentinels were shaken but but after the great ancient dragon grchs attacked the Sentinels had an epiphany the only way to truly protect the Earth tree was to become dragons themselves they even created new weapons whittled from the claws of great ancient dragons however only two of these grotesque tree Sentinels survived to the present day which may indicate that even these measures were not enough Radigan remained in Leonia with rala and his children Godfrey and his army had been vanished MOG and morgot were chained beneath the capital and godri and Godoy were likely too cowardly to take action and yeah fortunately for the urrey Empire there was one demigod Who Rose to the challenge Godwin long ago Godwin the golden defeated the ancient dragon forter saxs the routing of the ancient dragons after they had been driven from lel's walles Godwin the golden fought to the last earning the Friendship of dread fortox the Ury Empire was Victorious thanks to the might of Godwin but also in part due to the nature of ancient dragons for it seems that the majority remained in their capital and in the present day far maula's Skies remained beset by dragons when Godwin defeated fortox he also befriended his Fallen foe an event that gave rise to the Ancient Dragon Cult in the capital lanc took the form of a human to commune with the Knights as a priestess of this new cult something she would do right up to the present day and even got close to a night of the Round Table hold in later years the cult was intimate only those loved by dragons can survived the ordeal of cladding their bodies in lightning the cult became well established and supported a hierarchy there were standard incantations Superior incantations and even Secret incantations and this Union between the members of the UR tree Empire and the dragons was not born solely out of respect towards each other the worship of the ancient dragons does not conflict with belief in the earth tree after all the seal and lightning itself are both imbued with gold nonetheless this was a cult for though the her tree and the dragons did not contradict one another the golden order was another story with Destin death sealed the golden order could finally be set up an order that no longer featured the spirals of Life an order that would be absolute dictating not just how beings should live but how they are born and how they die this order held America as the one true God but there was another who served an essential role in the golden orders establishment perhaps even one more fundamental than America herself whether already a part of her or not all that stemmed from the golden order stemmed from rigan husband of renala the mystery endures to this day as to why Lord rigan would cast lady ranala aside and moreover why a mere Champion would be chosen for the seat of Elden Lord since rigan does not feature in the war against the dragons it may be the case that Mar enlisted him on her way back to the capital where they arrived after it conclusion was rigan always a part of America was rigan the central pece to the golden order and America a product of bureaucracy rigan's story as previously explored perfectly maps to the golden order these seals represent the lifelong duty of those chosen by gods this of course extends to the present day but may also suggest that Ragan's entire life lay at the whim of the Gods and his brief respite in Leonia was a rare luxury of Freedom that could never have lasted rigan had no choice it seems solemn Duty weighs upon the one beholden not unlike a Goring curse from which there is no Deliverance indeed curses are a familiar realm for America from the Giants to hug did she threaten him the Earth tree governs all the choice is thine become one with the order or divest thyself of it to wallow at the fringes a powerless upstart there can be no certainty how the events transpired but ultimately rigan left renala to return to the earthree capital becoming Queen marica's second husband and King consort taking the title of second Elden Lord the great run dwells within the Amber egg that was radigan's gift to her the great Rune of unborn demigods presumably rigan left this on his departure a hint to his past or a suggestion for their future whatever his intentions the gift would proved to be a lasting Obsession for the heartbroken Kian Queen thus was the golden order created an order that would be like no other in history there have been many that were also monotheistic manipulated death that were all powerful even but here the golden order sought to be absolute for this order actively crushed those who believed in anything that contradicted it those that believed in other gods those that sought power that might threaten the golden order especially from external influences those that meddled with the creation of life and later those who refused to return to the UR Tre all of them were deemed heretical and actively Stamped Out out where the urre empire was still somewhat lenient in its belief system the golden order took a much more extreme position enforcing their beliefs on the lands between and Beyond heresy is not native to the world it is but a contrivance now a proper death meant returning to the ER tree ER tree burials were introduced awarded as a hero's honor and curiously there were once Heroes who walked the battlefields abundantly blessed by the UR tree itself who upon earning their honor simply died those who made a name for themselves could not be risked and though the urry burials removed many sometimes a more active approach was required and so the knights Cavalry were established the knights Cavalry were once led by the Fel Omen and were deliverers of death for great warriors Knights and champions any that Rose too high in power that could be eliminated found death all too easily this role was an honor illustrated by their unique Ash of War Phantom slash skill inspired by the fond remembrances of the knight's Cavalry creates an apparition of the knight's former instructor who guides a joint lunging upward swing this Phantom their instructor was distinct from their leader suggesting a well organized system in place to train up new members the their leader was none other than the fell Omen the title of marget the alter ego of the Hidden Royal Omen morgot after an age of rotting beneath the capital morgot had a revelation he understood why the omen had been persecuted he agreed that they were a threat and he saw the Ury as the one true pure and good thing in this world despite being born without Grace he recanted and sealed away his accursed blood which reformed into his multicolored cursed sword an everchanging chaotic amalgamation of all of nature through this act at the very least morgot convinced America of his true allegiance to the ER tree he assumed the title of marget went out in public to safeguard the Royal Line and in time was finally recognized as worthy and became the grace given Lord leading the knight's Cavalry it is no surprise he was seen as the fell omen he ensured any Who Rose to power were eliminated serving the herb tree flawlessly until that fateful night many years later the Cavalry were formidable and executed a wide range of Warriors Illustrated well by the ashes of War they dropped that are clearly not their own there was the famous s Nate Hart Knight skilled with the spear they took down soldiers who had likely excelled in the war against the Giants those infused with poison as well as Blood Hound Knights while demigods were of course Out Of Reach the knights Cavalry did Target some of their followers such as the Warriors who served lunara princess Ronnie they even eliminated some golden order fundamentalists and potentially some remaining ancient Dragons Dragon communion is established by now at the very latest this is a pure and overwhelming power of those who have hunted dragons and feasted on their hearts while a terrible and Savage looking thing the heart has a peculiar Beauty to it those extraordinary individuals who perpetuate Dragon communion are called the dragonhearted dragon communion is a curious Endeavor for communion can mean the sharing or exchanging or even a relationship of recognition and acceptance could this suggest that some dragons encouraged the ritual both locations of Comm Union feature statues similar to those in phula and bodies of ancient dragons with which the tarnished communes one is even turned a cathedral illustrating the lost power and hierarchy of the belief nonetheless Dragon communions certainly came about before one important event the destruction of far maula an event that broke the city off from the lands between and left it in the state scen today severing the land that once joined CID to the mountaintops for such an impactful catastrophe there is surprisingly little that makes reference to it and as such there are many times that it could be placed it is said the ancient Royal City of phula has been slowly crumbling since time immemorial so perhaps the meteorite hit in ancient times in the early days of the lands between however immemorial simply means originating in the distant past or very old this in addition to America's control of history and that anything prior to the Ury is therefore termed ancient leaves a lot of uncertainty then there is the ruins great sword the ruin it came from crumbled when struck by a meteorite could this suggest that phula was already a ruin before it was struck by a meteorite if so then this might place the meteorite after the war against the dragons after the demise of dragon Society indeed this would explain a number of questions surrounding faram maula such as how Malik banished Knights and even Drake blood Knights devoted to Dragon communion all made their way there additionally it seems Godfrey was returning to lendelle after his campaign's conclusion via kalid which suggests the path to the north of the beastial sanctum was still present or could the meteorite have hit just before the war against the dragons finally offering a moment of weak for America to take advantage of after all Muriel's wording does indicate an otherwise confusing sense of urgency when Godfrey first Elden Lord was hounded from the lands between whatever the case was phula was hit by perhaps the second largest meteorite of the lands between and the ruin was left floating above the Far East of the lands between Dragon communion came about before this banish Knights use such incant within phula and the Drake blood set is also stored in a chest there from birth Drake Knights speak not a word they spend their lives pursuing the strength of dragons for its Sublime Beauty and inspiration of all despite such views the ACT went against the golden order by seeking power beyond its realm it was deemed heretical and participants were cursed even those of ancient honor like the ancient troll Warrior Theodor a hero of the war against the Giants it said these land-bound Dragons Were Once humans humans who partook in Dragon communion a grave transgression for which they were cursed to crawl the Earth upon their bellies Shadows of their former selves similarly despite its popularity and the shared gold the Ancient Dragon Cult remained only a cult for it would not be allowed by the golden order a Nuance Illustrated best by The Scribe Corin in the present day a golden order fundamentalist through and through on giving the golden order prinkipia he says this is a volume of incantation it's good to see your enthusiasm indeed I will happily take it off your hands and yet for any other prayer book including those of the Dragon Cult and even the two fingers themselves he says that is a work of heresy it's incantations bear no lineage from the earth tree very well I'll take it off your hands the golden order was a completely new religion likewise those who created life outside the system of the earth tree were deemed heretical the academy despite rigan's abandonment remained Allied to the Earth tree his icon to this day is stored in the debate parlor and his Elden Lord statue is set up in the grand Library as such the Sorceress faction sought to erase their previous actions that now contravene to the golden order the creation of artificial life the Albano's most formidable foes were Sorcerers after all the cus were established by now at the latest and they were tasked with stamping out the pale life forms the Knights of the cus do declare Behold thy defiled blood though the leonian faction as a whole ceases its creation of AR icial life the practice is not lost and many years later second generation aloric would arise the cus begin as loyal Knights but right from the start they felt resentment towards the academy its left breast is emblazened with a peering cuu whence came their name perhaps the bird's shrewd gaze is an expression of their refusal to be mere Servants of the academy like the creation of life so too was the medling with death heretical infamously Illustrated in later years by those who live in death the golden order has no mercy for those who trespass Beyond life's bounds Necromancer GIS the heretical sage therefore turns to hiding and the method of snakes to try to bring back his family there are however some who turned away from the UR Trey in the hopes of returning back to Nature's cycles that succeeded the ancestral followers whose primary residence lies beyond the view of the earth tree beneath the ground they Areo letters and metal working they reject runes and gold as much as they can instead they are versed in distinctive spiritual Arts a number of new growths Bud from the anike horns of the Fallen King each glowing with light thus does New Life grow from death and from Death one obtains power the society returned to Nature's roots and rejected the mon theistic golden order though it is difficult to place their emergence they must have Arisen at the earliest after the golden order was established in order to reject its control over the cycle of Life given they are still in the present day awaiting new Buds and instead simply wear the horns of other creatures it is likely that they arose much later close to the present others whose beliefs lay beyond the Earth tree were not so fortunate heresy was absolute where the academy simply exiled those it deemed heretical such as individuals who cast blood or later death sorceries using Faith Graven schools and perhaps even Ronnie's Secret Mentor the golden order went far further the Scorpion Stinger was made a ceremonial tool used by Heretics crafted from the relic of a sealed out of God Heretics plural and yet other than this weapon this group of rot worshippers seems to have been entirely wiped out melenia with micha's help would later reject the rot in their early years and only in the Years following the shattering do new followers rise up the golden order must have thoroughly dealt with such Heretics then famously there was the great Caravan the ever moving home of the nomadic merchants and insula people but as tarnished find in the present day they are still friendly and provide services of Great Value to the realm these Merchants once thrived as the great Caravan but after being accused of heretical beliefs their entire Clan was rounded up and buried alive far underground almost every member of this peoples was thrown deep beneath the capital further down than even the accursed omen then they chanted a curse of Despair and summoned the flame of frenzy this was not the first instance of frenzy in the world it is said that the sickness of the flame of frenzy began with shabiri the most reviled man in all history shabiri had his eyes gouged out as punishment for the crime of slander and with time the blight of the flame of frenzy came to dwell in the empty sockets interestingly slander is hardly a crime that warrants being the most reviled man ever thus it is what he began to do after the adoption of the flame of frenzy that earned such a title and shows how strong this maddening influence is in the present day shabiri has the power to take over another body and in ura's body his words Bell a tricks some nature one that guilts the tarnished about the life of a fair Maiden in the name of the righteous path of lordship only to then order them to incinerate all that divide es and distinguishes something that would ruin the lives of all maidens and Beyond sadly this tactic worked in the past a story Illustrated well by vik in later years curiously the door baring access to the three fingers seems ancient in design and the fingers themselves seem withered with age thus it is possible they were sealed away in a previous age and the nomadic people the moment they were into the same pit were fated to succumb to its Temptations during the golden order's Reign is likely when malth became known as death of the demigods Godfrey was gone and so was his protection thus malth stood as the ultimate power of the land and his control over the Rune of death stood as a means of keeping the demigods in check he was aided in his tasks there were the Valiant gargoyles mended with blackened corpse wax such as the mark of those who serve malth perhaps the draconic tree Sentinels too but most important were the vulgar militia untiring unsung watchkeepers for not only do these men defend the beastial sanctum but even across the realm some have been blessed with the power of destined death Malik's power as such their roles can help to highlight what Mar wished of malth in these years years freshly singed Battlegrounds fusing with the stench of the Dead forbidden lands that will be excised from the memory of History this is where the vulgar militia serve the vulgar militia are the undecorated stewards of rancid scorched battlefields that none dare approach and forbidden domains better forgotten by the rest of the world a silent but very important role aiding America's control of information there was but one final Act required to complete the golden order one true God it needed Ragan but Marica was the Empire's current God Ragan had returned to the urre capital becoming Queen Mar's second husband and King consort taking the title of second Elden Lord after this Union his children with rala Ron Rani and radan became demigod stepchildren a title of status further illustrated by Godfrey Who Bore no relation to America and something the finger readers continue to obscure in the present day but one final Act was needed something likely done in private a secret in the Queen's bed chamber in America's own words o Radigan Le Hound of the golden order Thou Art yet to become me thou art yet to become a God let us be shattered both mine other self and so to the present day rigan is America one true God if not already the golden order great sword was forged by King consort Radigan to proudly symbolize the tenets of the golden order and to mark his new chapter repurposed from the great sword bequeathed to him by his first wife ranala he continued to strive to be complete focusing now on incantations after having learned sorcery with renala incantations that Center on two key tenants causality and regression the pull between meanings the connections that formed the relationships of all things and the pull of meaning that all all things yearn eternally to converge the golden order sigil illustrates the movement from a tree of worship to the purity of scholarship depicting the Elden ring amidst order his duty weighs upon him just as maricas does on her and soon he would even begin a new family with his new wife the twin prodigies Micha and Melania mea and melenia are both the children of a single God but suffered afflictions from birth one was cursed with eternal childhood and the other harbored rot within in the age of the Elden ring and queen manika the precious emperion was born of the demigods only I Mika and melenia could claim that title as a candidate to succeed Queen Marica to become the new god of the coming age ia's great Rune should have been the most sacred of all a curious detail for surely being the child of a single God cannot be the only variable else Micha would share the same qualities instead it likely points to the relationship between females and the role of imperion of becoming Gods something for which Mika perhaps due to his eternal youth proved to be an exception there is little detailing melania's early life but her suffering was profound right from birth and served as the Catalyst for her twins ambition Micha though cursed with eternal childhood was blessed with talent and determination michar embraced the religion of his father and excelled at the scholarly Pursuit he produced two new incantations discus of light and triple rings of light gifts from The Young Micha to his father rigan wonderful demonstrations of the laws of causality and regression in action though the term young Micha could describe him at any age due to his eternal childhood the pattern of his abilities throughout his life does suggest these were in fact created in his early years rigan received these gifts warmly and sought to return the favor with his own adaptation a gift of gratitude to the young Mika from his father curiously Mika's incantations made rings of light where rans produced a golden ring of light skill extended far beyond the religious the pulley bow and the pulley crossbow were made with a series of pulleys and po Springs the complex mechanism which required Advanced mathematical and mechanical understanding to craft was likely made by a certain genius who learned golden order fundamentalism after all who else could have been this genius the tarnished were yet to return to the lands between not that gold mask or Corin seem capable of such a craft and it would be odd to call the creator of the golden order someone who learned golden order fundamentalism Micha was already outperforming his father even in his early years and in later years developed many other creations that demonstrate similar mechanical skills however it seems that micha's true intentions in pursuing golden order fundamentalism was to Aid his twin sister melenia soon however his home's religion was found to be lacking and yet the young mola abandoned fundamentalism for it could do nothing to treat millenia's a cursed rot this was the beginning of unalloyed gold an idea that may have taken inspiration from a flower a lily of unalloyed gold beloved by the Imperium in his youth indeed this Lily in addition to experiments with a strain of buds cultivated with youthful sacramental blood proved highly formative for micha's following years years for famously on leaving the golden order Micha sought to create his own order one untainted by others that provided refuge for all an order of unalloyed gold for which he needed to grow a new world tree Mika inspired by the sacramental bud applied this theory on a much grander scale he sought to water a sapling with his own blood and create his own holy tree he also went on to experiment with this Lily combining it with these sacramental buds thus was the bewitching branch created a very unique and Powerful tool that compels foes to become temporary allies the imperian Micha is loved by many people indeed he has learned very well to compel such affection and when using the bewitching branch a unique sigil is displayed that helps to date this technique the Ark of the halic tree micha's own world tree grown from a sappling the same sigil is also found within the ash of War of the golden epit a sword made to commemorate the death of Godwin the golden as such the helic tree was established in this early period of the golden order before the night of black knives thus Micha first experimented with the sacramental buds which may have partly inspired the creation of the halic tree and then at a later point he developed the bewitching branch as such Micha clearly continued to experiment and research options to Aid his work while cultivating his world tree one such passion may have even been the phenomenon of sleep the domain of a somewhat hidden character St Trina the carvings depict St Trina but in adult form somewhat unnervingly what could make an adult form unnerving unless the individual yet remained a child plus sleep is a theme which softly pervades micha's history from Millenia to the Alban orics and perhaps even to his journey retracing marica's footsteps and those who witnessed such Powers were like many who knew Micha utterly captivated after all the Allure of sleep is similarly magnetic to micha's own power sweet dreams while sleep was never widely established there was a society built around this purple Power that persists to the current day Priests of St Trina used these arrows to spread their teachings though the halic tree ultimately failed micha's aim was to create a new her tree he watered it with his own abundant blood dreaming of creating a new order that welcomed all walks of life to lessen the suffering he saw across the land who is it that micholas shall bless if not the low and the meek and yet Mika took inspiration from this same broken land only trying to recreate it he sought to create a second her tree not something entirely new he sought metamorphosis rebirth both of himself within the Halo tree later and of the aloric that made it into his Haven weapon designs were not original and even his buildings were heavily inspired by pre-existing ones nonetheless when and how the halic tree failed remains unclear perhaps millenia's rot proved too strong as it infested the trunk perhaps Micha being taken prematurely by MOG left the halic tree without support in the current day the halic tree is bursting from the brace built to support it there are in fact two trunks the primary trunk is now Hollow and instead it is an offshoot that has continued to grow a a warped amalgamation of branches that pales in comparison to the Earth tree now with the halic tree misshapen this wondrous rendition is a fleeting fantasy Ivory became a symbol of the halig tree and its Haven the foot soldiers wear a Shaw in the color of Ivory and aged aloric carry a sickle fashioned from Ivory which serve as evidence of their dedication to the halic tree despite never having entered its presence Letta once a royal Kian Knight went on a journey in search of a Haven for Alba noric and determined that the halic tree was their best chance for eventual salvation goetta later changed her allegiance to Mika illustrated by how her weapon blue glint Stone has been replaced with unalloyed gold and her present day station it seems that the carians were at least on good terms with Micha for though mola's Society failed to reach his vision and thus this weapon was never given to a knight the sword of Nia had a design modeled after those carried by caran Knights indeed this connection May hint that Mika worked with Ronnie for a Time both share this trust of the golden order and both show interest in Celestial movements Ronnie in her fate and age of the stars and Mika in the eclipse then there are the Assassins at orda it is certainly an interesting period for the experimental young Imperium it is certainly interesting that the halic tree was formed before the night of black knives as shown by the golden epot sigil since this suggests that Radigan America supported the Endeavor even while their order remained under control perhaps they even lent their aid meanwhile Micha continued to develop methods to ease his twin sisters suffering golden prosthesis once used by the one-armed Valkyrie a Masterwork of craftsmanship golden May implied he developed this before he abandoned the golden order since it is not specifically unalloyed but either way he continued to hone his craft such that his sister could use two arms blade built into melania's prothetic arm through consecration it is resistant to rot might this explain the motive behind consecrating the snow fields melenia seems to have only suffered in her childhood but finally she found someone though Born Into The accursed Rot when the young girl encountered her mentor and his flowing blade she gained wings of unparalleled strength though young melenia had fully grown up at this point as illustrated by the heirlooms depiction perhaps their swords are straight here to illustrate the use of training swords since given the similarities between millenia's technique and that of the strong attack of the flowing curved sword it seems m IA found a master someone who had sealed the god of rth itself who was also blind and who knew best how to curb her plight the art of allowing one's opponent to strike so as to leave them vulnerable to a well-timed reply melenia was a prodigy despite her suffering or perhaps it was because of this suffering suffering that drove her to fight no matter what to push through something that is made clear by her great Rune whose blessing reduces the healing power of flask of crimson tears and objectively negative great Rune thanks to her curse of rot and yet due to the infusion of melania's spirit of resistance attacks made immediately after receiving damage will partially recover HP in time Micha further honed a technique to allow Melania a semblance of a normal life and unalloyed gold needle that could Ward away the meddling of outer Gods but even this was not enough Micha sought to banish root from his sister and created micha's needle and yet Mika never perfected this creation though he made multiple they could only function when separated from time independent of any influence and Melania was fated to never be free of the curse of rot but melenia served as an inspiration and soon she built an army of her own who styled their Armor after her the clean rot Knights vowed to fight alongside melenia despite the inevitable if gradual putri faction of their flashh their acceptance of their fate made these battles fiercest of all they equipped a diminutive Shield that was blessed with an incantation that war do FR for a time at least micho continued to hone his incantations despite leaving the golden order and imbued one into the Halo Scythe for the commanders of melania's Army and yet despite her prowess despite her fearsome Army melenia only served Micha my brother possesses the wisdom the Allure of a God he is the most fearsome imperion of all thus did Melania gain her purpose becoming the blade of Mika and henceforth all all her actions were by his will carried out however the clean rot Knights were only celebrated for their undefeated campaign in the shattering thus it seems that these developments either took place over a long period of time or the twins kept to themselves in the intervening years over in Leonia radigan's departure had left the region in turmoil when rala head of both the Academy of raria and the Kian royal family lost her husband and rigan her heart went along with him and then those at the Academy realized that rala was no champion after all the academy lost respect for the carians and just as they had quickly been enamored by their full moon leader they soon lost respect for her when she faltered it makes the most sense for this Uprising to have occurred early in rigan's age as a direct consequence of ran leaving that way the stars were still in motion and Ronnie retained her true body to be able to cast such a powerful defensive spell for her mother at the very latest the Rebellion had to occur before the shattering since whenever war broke out the academy sealed its Gates the academy was successful in their Revolt but unable to eliminate the carians likely due to Ronnie's aid for her mother rala when the academy rebelled against the Royals she was locked away in the grand library in the end lady ranala was left alone alone cradling the Amber egg Lord Ragan bequeathed her now she devotes herself to it through forbidden right the Grim art of reincarnation and yet despite the loss at the Academy it seems the Karan had prepared for the inevitable betrayal Karan retaliation was the Kian Royal Family's secret means to prepare against the disloyalty of the academy the moon and stars would one day go their separate ways perhaps this was their fate the academy did not falter after expelling the carians from raria they sought to Stamp Out the faction entirely when the Raya lucari Academy turned on the carians the Knights of the cuu descended on this tract after leveling it They carried on to the manor the carians were taken off guard but their strength had not waned and they repelled the knights Onslaught Loretta might not have left for the halic yet Rony Soldiers made use of their unique ashes of war the carians laid traps throughout their home both large scale bombardments outside and Small Tricks within perhaps even some aloric lent their aid puppets finger creepers and more indeed the siege of Karam Mana went poorly the resting place of the contemptible cus lost in the siege of Kara Mana given how confidently the carians fought them off and that they were taken off guard perhaps the carians did not fight to retain the academy the Cuckoo's defeat would have only exacerbated their frustration who already refused to be mere Servants of the academy the cuu saw themselves as a separate faction and simply served a contract with the academy taught the nights of the cuu by the academy as payment for their contract interestingly it seems the academy though it sought independent from the carians did not break off ties with the golden order for as previously established the academy sought to eras their now heretical acts of creating life the aloric ri luara was not attacked during the shattering and were happy to let armies walk through their lands perhaps the Karan Knight shield hints at this Alliance remaining strong excels when facing magic or holy attacks just who were these Knights preparing to fight this change of rule likely marks a shift in various beliefs seeing the moon as equal to the Stars was now deemed heresy the relations to demihumans were soon revoked sneered at by fools in the academy perhaps it was then that the Grandmasters Aur and lucat were driven from the academy since now the Primeval current is a forbidden tradition of Glenstone sorcery Salin too was around during this time who had air as her first teacher jiren denotes her as an enemy of Kia something that would be very non-specific after the denouncement of the Karan by the academy thus e salum was exiled during Karan rule as a Graven witch the toothless pedantry pedal by the Kian royal family can rot for likea or perhaps this suggests that Selen undertook more direct actions against the carians and serves as a subtle hint to Selin's part in thead acy's rebellion of course if this was the case Salon would later also end up exiled from the academy as a reviled apostate witch leaving her vulnerable given rigan's abandonment ral's mental state redan's later allegiance to the golden order and reichard's station in Mount gmet it seems only Ronnie managed to fight for the Kian cause a sad contrast to the previously happy family and likely another formative period for rani's Brewing contempt of the age redan's early years Mark a time of earnest learning specifically of gravity sorceries a gravitational technique studied by the young Redan his master was an alabaster Lord with skin of stone it is unclear if this Lord was given a choice in this tutelage but radan was a respectful student nonetheless thanking his teacher at his educ A's completion Redan stands as a remarkably curious character throughout history he is called the Mightiest Hero of the demigods and yet there is only one event he is known for until the shattering the star Scourge conflict an act that proves to be of utmost importance for a wide range of factions the kns the carians and even blocks the tarnish progression in the present day however there is was conflicting information surrounding redan's motivations during this period on the one hand the Red Lion General wielded gravitational Powers which he learned in Celia all so he would never have to abandon his beloved but scrawny Steed an endearing sentiment that suggests redan's ever growing size would prove problematic for his Noble Steed and needed help from Gravity magic to offset this imbalance but could affection for a steed he named Lenard really be behind the entire conflict when Redan completes his training he says now I can challenge the Stars not only does he not reference his Ste but he seems to be planning for what became the star Scourge conflict then to add to the mix is that the result of the event arresting the cycles of the stars and halting the flow of Fate is said to have been feted by the golden order and so one becomes clear the true reason for the conflict has been hidden from view obscured through various contradicting means to leave no clear answer perhaps ran was simply doing it for his horse and everything else was just a side product however is it not curious that Redan learned his gravity magic in Celia Celia is not known for Gravity magic but night sorceries he was also taught by an alabaster Lord A fitting Choice except they are again unrelated to Celia historically surely Redan could have easily learned back in his home region or at the capital if he had already aligned with the Earth tree instead he was specifically placed in Celia with that in mind listen to the wording of the sword Monument Redan alone holds Celia secure and Stands Tall to shatter the stars does this in not suggest Redan held Celia secure as an ongoing act and then stood tall with the future aim of shattering the stars that is to say keeping Celia secure and shattering the stars are not the same act there is forethought in redan's actions in his placement in Celia in specifically learning gravity magic that counters the Stars so well the Fate once WR in the night skies had been fettered by the golden order it seems that the golden order carefully controlled the sequence of events and unsurprisingly the information surrounding the conflict ever since whether Adan acted knowingly or was falsely guided is unclear he could have genuinely believed he primarily learned for his horse and yet be directed for greater schemes in the meantime nonetheless the Revelation that the golden order was behind The Star urge conflict allows the rest to fall into place Celia was incorporated into the urrey Empire by Godfrey during his campaign illustrated by the large statue looking over the town they were spared for betraying their own and informing the earthy faction about the rebellious intentions of the kns but this made Celia a Target the turn coach deserved retribution as such it needed Defenders though the details surrounding the star conflict remain unclear it seems that Redan defended Celia through two means one in standard combat holding Celia secure and the second in shattering the Stars themselves redon confronted the falling stars alone and thus did he crush them his Conquest sealing the very fate of the Stars this does raise the question could the vengeful KN have been using the Stars to enact their Revenge it was would certainly be poetic given how later a Mal formed star once destroyed an eternal City and took away their Sky however this plan was likely put in motion the moment the KN evacuated underground after the first leonian war for though they were defeated the kns yet retained the most dangerous tool which importantly cannot be wielded by those without a fate then Along Came Redan who from his early years was naturally captivated by the lord of the battlefield one who could learn collapsing Stars a technique that pulls others closer whose famous weapon is imbued with star caller cry another ability to draw foreign objects in techniques to fall celestial bodies into reach the golden order in one Fel swoop managed to train a loyal demigod while keeping him none the wiser to securely defend one of their towns and to sap the traitorous knocks of the one power that truly threatened its rule the fact that this also halted the Fate for the carians and in particular Rani might have gone unnoticed however for in the present day though some keeni individuals are aware the carians themselves remain ignorant of how their fate remains in stasis as long as Redan survives oh no wait how did I not see it before I ought to retire as War counselor for such a gross oversight let me explain the fate of the Karan royal family is Guided by the stars as is the fate of Lady Rani but General radan is the Conqueror of the stars who stood up to the swirling constellations halting their movement in a smashing Victory and so if General radan were defeated the Stars would once again resume their movement as would lady rani's Destiny Rani and radan were likely to be on distant terms by this point anyway given Ronnie naturally aligned with the moon worshipping carians and radan naturally aligned with the her tree that which Godfrey and rigan served the longest serving member of the red M Knights Ur studied techniques to manipulate gravity alongside Redan though it was Redan alone who held Celia secure as the town would have fallen without him there were others who fought alongside him this may suggest Redan already commanded the red main Knights and only prestigious members were permitted to learn gravity techniques alongside their leader or it could suggest that his companions were only that fellow soldiers and with the honor ran garard in this heroic Conquest he then set up the infamous red M Knight thus this marks the latest point the Army was Crea ated interestingly there are a number of signs that will be looked at in due course that suggest red main Castle was only recently made their station given there is no other clear base of operations and that Redan held a seat in the capital it might be that Redan primarily spent the following years in L out of note here is that the star Scourge conflict occurred when Redan was young which really puts the scale of the land's timeline into perspective Redan was still young despite so much happening since his birth as such Redan serves as a useful reference point to illustrate the time still left before the tarnished were called back to the lands between between the star Scourge conflict the rebellion of the academy and the strict authoritarian regime of the newly formed golden order which was already revealing its flawed design to the Discerning few the realm hungered for change but true change was difficult the Empire held strong and there remained few armies outside of the golden order that could threaten it directly instead a select few planned to disrupt the order from within and release one of the core tenants that gave the urry total dominion over Nature's Cycles they plan to steal death's dark fate destined death and the night that would later become known as the night of the black knives it happened in age ago on a night of wintry fog the night of the black knives a night which served as the spark for the kindling that was the lands between a night which set the realm of Blaze with the vision a night whose ramifications persist to the present day where only the tarnished remain as the Lion's potential poal salvation the night of the black knives is Infamous but it is also highly mysterious to this day none can identify the true motivations behind the event nor even everyone who is involved as such it is even unclear when exactly the conspiracy occurred it happened during the golden age of the Earth tree long before the shattering of the Elden ring but what exactly is the golden age of the Earth tree might this mean the age of Plenty the metaphorically Golden Age the most Bountiful of times or could it suggest everything after The Crucible marking gold is the new age compared to the red tint of primordial gold however from the golden epito it is clear that Mela and Melania had already been born before the Fateful night which rules out the age of Plenty furthermore as a scholar it is unlikely rer would term any time after The Crucible as the golden age since this is such a broad period Instead This is a technical term one that warrants capitalization and marks a specific era thus this must denote the age of Radigan or in other words the age of the golden order the order that followed the age of the Earth tree indeed Ronnie is described as a demigod on this night further confirming this timeline since she and her siblings became demigods only after rigan married America the siege of karia Mana surely came before the star Scourge conflict such that Ronnie could wield such power as shown in the grand library in the present day but it seems the Knight of black knives came after the star Scourge conflict in turn for it seems very strange that Ronnie should undertake This Night To slay her imperian flesh and then over the many intervening years do little of note especially since the shattering Ronnie's whereabouts since the shattering are a well-kept secret she hasn't been seen even once unless Ron's fate had already been halted and restricted her from before the night of black knives which as previously established is something she remains ignorant of even in the present day thus this is the most likely time for the conspiracy and importantly it was only the one night where everything pertaining to the plot took place on the night of the black knives someone stole a fragment of Death From malth the Black Blade and imbued its power into the Assassins daggers these assassins on the night of the plot imbued their knives with the ruin of death and slew Godwin the golden however two demigods perished at the same time Rani was the first of the demigods whose flesh perished while Godwin perished in Soul alone so who organized the conspiracy the person who orchestrated the Knight of the black knives lunar princess Ronnie then the Assassins were all women rumored to be Newman who had close ties with Marica herself the Newman are said to have come from outside the lands between and are in fact of the same stock as Queen America herself so what exactly is this rumor that the women were Newman or that these known to be new women specifically had close ties with America the phrasing would imply the former since otherwise it would say they were all women Newman who were rumored to have close ties with America herself the technique behind the concealing veil of their armor is very similar to veils America makes use of which further hints at their shared Origins therefore it seems the rumor is that the women were Newman not that they specifically had close ties to Amica and it is only this suggestion that supports the theory that Marica was involved in the plot not only is this questionable evidence but everything Amica does following this event illustrates how devastated she was which is unlikely to be the case if she was part of the plot even if the outcome wasn't expected furthermore given amica's history and talent in obscuring the past is it not likely that her own people her past would have been obscured too and if that was the case the disregarded faction would surely not continue to stand by her and rise up at her command to conspire against the golden order but instead hold resentment against her and the golden order they say the Assassins who carried out the deed were SS of the Eternal City a group entirely of women arrayed in armor of silver under cloaks which fooled the eye silver Scions of the Eternal City could this be America's True origins or perhaps the rumor that these women were Newman was incorrect and these assassin were only that of the vengeful KNX that had been many years in the making America like the rest of the empire was caught off guard by the plot perhaps she was only informed of what transpired the following day what is certain is Ron's involvement not only does the black knife print reveal this but she outright admits it I stole a fragment of the Rune of death and used it to forge the gods slay black kniv through fearsome r the Assassins themselves made use of scale armor which is thematic given their rebellious snake like actions then there was Reichard it is unclear whether Reichard was involved in the plot served as a backup plan or something else entirely either way reichart had already begun on his Blasphemous path and thus was trusted by Ronnie to not reveal her secret Reichard knew about this night even if he was not involved and on the night of the dire plot Ronnie rewarded pror rard with traces of the ruin of death only they know the purpose of this exchange and whether it was a reward for his actions that night for being trusted with her secret or perhaps even as a preparation for the future and rikard's blasphemous ambition finally might Mika have been involved somehow too he seems oddly emotional following Godwin's death specifically and has tied the Assassins the black knife assassins clad in armor with a concealing Veil which muffles the sound of footsteps managed to steal a fragment of death from Malik this was possible because malath had only sealed the Rune of death within his blade this is why the blade is now a sad shadow of its former glory the Assassins seem to have literally broken off some of the weapon to take its power later when malth realized what had happened he bound the blade within his own flesh such that none might ever rob death again however he never forgave himself for his mistake that night and continued to suffer in guilt to the present day a ritual was performed on the oddly misshapen blade and imbued it with the power of the stolen Rune of death weapons whose Ash of war is curiously similar to the blade of callings Golden Flame the kindling maiden's prior weapon the one who walks alongside flame shall one day meet the road of Destin death then the Assassins traveled to the capital lendelle itself where they slew Godwin the golden the hero of the war against the dragons and Sion of the golden bow became first of the Dead among the demigods the exact circumstance here is particularly curious for two demigods perished at the same time this would be a highly difficult ordeal unless Ronnie was with the group yet electo was the ring leader and to add to the Curiosity Godwin this Mighty Hero Of War seems to have been very passive for the ceremony the pose depicted in this artwork surely would have woken Godwin if he had been asleep unless he was also forced to sleep or perhaps Godwin was in fact part of the plot nevertheless in a ritual killing both Godwin and Rony were slain and died in Soul and body respectively I stole the Rune of death slew mine own imperian flesh casting it away Ronnie later hid her body on the Divine Tower accessed by the Karan study hall and it seems the carians or some of them were aware of Ron's conspiracy o Celestial Globe transmit posterity the wisdom of the moon and stars and obscure forever the transgressions of the princess thus was the tower inverted and the path to the imperian body that bore the half whe wound of the centipede evidence of Ronnie's involvement in the plant was hidden from the world though in the present day Ronnie is happy to disclose such information she clearly wanted the body Out Of Reach for it was no small feat to transport her corpse there and yet despite how smoothly Godwin and Ronnie were slain something must have happened for the Assassins were noticed before they managed to escape during their flight from the Royal Capital te the daughter of the black knife ring leader electo was killed protecting her mother curiously electo in the present day is locked in in ever jail in the Moonlight alter a hint perhaps at a betrayal by Ronnie to cover up her footsteps n n theless it was morgot who whether he spotted The Intruders himself or not took responsibility to chase down the Assassins perhaps the rest of the royal leaders were either unaware or absent morgot sent the knight's Cavalry after them but the damage was done morgot having finally been entrusted to live above ground had failed but his faith in the UR Trey only strengthened and he made plans for a new technique to defend against the assassins in the the future furnished on behalf of the earth tree and the grace given Lord such that a knight of black knives will never come again the devastation from the death of Godwin was only the beginning though forgotten in the present day there were other demigods who were also slain the Run of death was stolen and the demigods began to fall starting with Godwin the golden the melum is where the bodies of solar demigods Alain to rest it is certainly interesting that all the demigods who were slain seem to have lost their souls except Rani there are seven mosum scattered across the lands between which suggests seven other demigods fell that night perhaps there was even an eighth the soulless King but most impactful of all later the Rune of death spread across the lands between sprouting in the form of death route after the of the plant death route appeared in the lands between and those who live in death soon followed those who live in death will continue to rise again this is the grotesque fate of those who come into contact with death route these Souls have committed no offense they have every right to life only they happen to touch upon a floor in the order the golden order had once taken total control over the cycles of life but after the night of black knives the population was able to resist returning to the Earth tree and due to this fault in the golden order's artificial Cycles they simply persisted even in death naturally the golden order has no mercy for those who trespass Beyond life's bounds and soon established the hunters of those who live in death whose role is to Stamp Out defiled reason all for the Perfection of the golden order bespoke incantations were developed specifically for fighting these beings to ensure they do not revive or to alleviate death blight buildup then there was the Usher of death Rosa who shows the path to the catacombs throughout the lands between and is depicted on this ritual axe the ash of War for this weapon is called roses's summons but when used it is clear this is the same as the tibia summons indeed with the tibia Mariners guiding the dead what need was there for Rosas as well unless Rosas arose after the culture of the tibia Mariners indeed it is likely that roses never truly existed and served as an artificial character for the golden order to ensure the Dead return to the roots of the earth tree and like much of amica's past this was achieved simply by rebranding and repurposing a previous civilization's culture roses was likely created during the earthree Age since the statues in Hero's Graves depict the corresponding sigil however it would also make sense thetically for roses to have come about when the Rune of death was sealed and the Ury was made the focal point of the cycles of Life all by this time at the latest when those who live in death arose and needed further guidance it is difficult to discern what state of control Godwin retained throughout this all whether he was simply a vessel through which such power channeled or otherwise Godwin the golden became the prince of death his friend the ancient dragon fortox was not happy with this and fought long and hard against the death within its companion alas victory was never achieved and its only reward was corruption it seems that the Act of Killing Godwin in Soul alone set in motion that which could not be stopped without a complete overhaul of the order of the land itself thus this quote of America was most likely as a result of seeing the effect the floor of the golden order had on her firstborn child and Beyond I declare mine intent to search the depths of the golden order through understanding of the proper way our faith our Grace is increased those Blissful early days of blind belief are long past my comrades why must you falter America was finally driven to move on from blind belief and research and question the state of the world questioning the golden order itself heresy a dangerous place for her fellows but one that began Mar on a path to understanding Marica questioned the golden order persecuted morgoth and malth repented but some embraced this era more actively some soldiers sought to continue to serve their fallen souless demigods and became mosum nights these soldiers followed their masters into death by severing their own heads from their bodies and though this was a form of fighting death just like those being persecuted this seemed to be sanctioned by the golden order LOL sacrificed her life so that in death she could continue to protect to soless demigod until their Revival earning her the hero's honor of her tree burial these Knights Drew power from the eclipsed Sun drained of color which is the protected star of soulless demigods it aids the melum Knights by keeping destined death at Bay however in contrast it also seems that the eclipse is able to Grant life to soulless bones so perhaps the role of the eclipse isn't protection against something in particular but from any external influence whatever the case Mika refused to accept Godwin's death and sought to imbue Godwin with a soul once more but with no success Lord Mika forgive me the sun has not been swallowed your comrade remains soulless Mika like Rony had his plans fail due to the hold radan held on the stars and though Micha likely researched every option he could find no solution at least for now but the cracks across the lands between had begun to form and with time the unity the land once saw began to fracture little by little in fact it is likely that the first outright Warfare against the capital occurred before the shattering the First Defense of landel a sovereign Alliance rots from within traces yet remain of bloody conspiracy conspiracy is hardly the word for after the shattering broke out where the Empire splintered and the demigods each fide for power the Mad Ted of their new f strength triggered the shattering the subtlety of a conspiracy and the slow disintegration of a sovereign Alliance couldn't have taken place after the outbreak of the war of the shattering and instead stood as one of the first major events that illustrates the instability of the realm furthermore godoy's thematic links to godri suggests he too had a cowardly nature and sought external measures to grow in strength thus this had to be after the black knife conspiracy such that the capital and golden order was vulnerable indeed with America questioning the order itself after the night of black knightes there was no Sovereign holding the alliance together this Alliance on the surface held six seats godric the golden the twin prodigies Micha and Melania General Redan pror Reichard and Luna princess Rony whose smaller sized toin to micholas illustrates how Ronnie escaped notice during the prior plot and was likely seen as simply another demigod victim who had to resort to using a doll for a body but there was also morgot godfy and then Marg remained below the capital the alliance rotting from within certainly describes this group well for every single demigod other than ran and morgot had already begun to act counter to the golden order in some manner despite this marking the first realized Warfare between demigods there is little that references it perhaps this is because the capital warded off the feeble Rebellion with ease after the first offense of landelle Kristoff earned the hero's honor of urry burial for the feat of capturing God Frey the grafted a lowly Knight capturing a demigod illustrates the sad state of the attack his reward for the ceremony of a nury burial further dates this battle as pre shattering where such Society met Al order likely fell by the wayside godfroy was imprisoned as punishment and placed in the golden lineage ever jail outside the capital his appearance therefore dates the grotesque Act of grafting this early too though it is unclear when godric began grafting in turn or whether they both began grafting at the same time their similarities may suggest that godric was involved in the siege of land traces yet remain of bloody conspiracy does suggest that the whole conspiracy was not found out so perhaps godric managed to separate himself from the failed coup in time and buy a few more years in his home bathed in Rays of gold related to the ever jails are these mysterious Stone beings in the present day there is no reference to them and thus it is difficult to place them in history they appear to have a strong connection to the ever jails often appearing outside them but it is unclear what relation there is for they do not pretend the ever jails nor do they power them since the ever jails remain strong whether or not these creatures are alive furthermore they are found in some locations unrelated to ever jails they possess power over gravity but a little like the ancient dragons they do not seem to abide by the normal Rules of Nature many simply explode however though the stone beings seem ancient in appearance the ever jail seem to be a more recent development all with ties to the urri effect Affairs in some manner or another at any rate these Stone creatures and the ever jails were created and developed by this point at the latest this is likely the latest time melanina could have been born one of the most enigmatic characters the tarnished meat in the present day despite her traveling alongside them for most of their Journey a character who has strong opinion surrounding the flame of frenzy one who casts an incantation unlike any other other s and one who wields the blade of calling dagger given to one who set out on a journey to fulfill her Duty long ago the power of its former owner the kindling Maiden is still apparent I was born at the foot of the earth tree where mother gave me my purpose I have to ascertain for myself the reason for which I live burned and bodyless thus though melanina could have Arisen many years earlier her relation to the ER tree Empire suggests she couldn't have been born after the Earth tre's decline during the shattering and as previously established though she later gains a glow mind power she arose specifically post ER tree where the Glide Queen existed well before Dragon communion had become established to the point that there were now Dragons Who devoted themselves towards enacting Revenge upon those who would defile them so ex's Dragon communion Revenger did not forget his hatred even as he succumbed to the Scarlet rot at the end of the shattering finally Marica came to a conclusion though there can currently be no certainty as to its exact nature the result was regret she no longer believed in everything she had created she saw the rampant flaws in the world she had formed during her reign as Queen after doing away with faith and genuinely examining the world she sought to rectify her mistakes the world was not lost yet however America no longer had complete autonomy she shared her body with another one who was even more pivotal in the establishment of the golden order one whose Faith would never falter and should she act against the golden order one who would fight against her while Mara and radan were each immensely powerful if they were to compete against the other's will as gods they would be evenly matched and end up almost powerless perhaps for this reason perhaps for any number of reasons America hatched a plan that would require only one Act One Moment One strike such that even if she remained unable to do much of significance afterwards the damage could not be undone it was a ruthless plan but what choice did she have to her loved ones she warned them as best she could without revealing her true intentions here me demigods my children beloved make of thyselves that which he desire be it a lord be it a God but should ye fail to become ought at all you will be forsaken amounting only to sacrifices and so Amica broke the Elden ring and the order entire and immediately her other half fought to oppose her Queen Marica shattered the Elden ring and rigan attempted to repair it however the power of the shattered Elden ring was not lost but dispersed across the land when the Elden ring was shattered these seeds flew from the earth tree scattering across the various lands hands as if life itself knew that the end had come Runar settled throughout the realm and infamously marus Offspring demigods or claimed the shards of the Elden ring this is a very mysterious event for it seems that every demigod was bestowed one great Rune including many that are unseen in the present day either discarded hidden taken or likely lost and each great room was either an innate power of demigods already or quickly adapted to their new found owner the power they provided therefore reflected their assigned demigods it is curious that for example godfy did not claim a great Rune but godric Ronnie or RAR did perhaps this suggests that there was a conscious active process at play perhaps by America herself that chose the recipients based on current knowledge importantly there was a substantial period between the KN of black knives and the Elden ring being broken it happened during the Golden Age of the ER tree long before the shattering of the Elden ring Marica was thorough in her investigation of the golden order the breaking of the Elden ring was the ultimate betrayal of everything American his life including her loyal Shadow bound Beast who still suffered guilt from the black knife plot even then she betrayed him ARA why would thou go me why [ __ ] marica's trespass demanded a heavy sentence but even in Jackal she remains a God and the vision's vessel perhaps Marica was Irreplaceable or perhaps it was her Union with rigan but Marica was never seen outside the ER tree again the Earth tre's entrance itself was sealed with vines that are pattern just like radigan's Elden Rune perhaps an adaptation from what he learned at Ral lucaria Wrath of gold was discovered when the Elden ring was shattered and it was feared as a sign of the earth tre's wrath a golden adaptation of noble presence once a sign of the God's Wrath the land was in disarray with no one to guide them some stay Tru the Earth tree even though the Elden ring is shattered and the Earth Trey has dulled from its former Radiance Earnest Faith continues to hold the answers but most saw this as a new opportunity and none more so than those who had gained the most power of all the demigods the Mad taint of their Newfound strength triggered the shattering a war from which no Lord arose a war leading to abandonment by the greater will these demigod sought to realize their own new orders and this time the Sovereign Alliance s truly broke and the earthree Empire that had unified the land for so many years splintered as the most brutal war in history [Music] began the fallen leaves tell a story the great Elden ring was shattered soon maricus Offspring demigods all claimed the shards of the Elden ring [Music] the Mad taint of their Newfound strength triggered the [Music] shattering the shattering fractured the entire realm into a number of factions vying for power since it was the Mad taint of their new found strength that began the war there was at least a short period after the Elder ring was smashed before the fighting broke out indeed not everyone turned to violence immediately Michela and Melania returned to their halig tree Melania remained absent during the shattering until its Infamous conclusion after marching to kalid and confronting Redan however much was yet to take place until that battle and so the twins kept themselves once again Reichard retreated to the volcano Mana illustrated by how the forces of the capital l brought the fight to him Ronnie most likely stayed out of the war entirely unless she worked with Micha for a time however there is no evidence of how she spent these years which aligns with her stalled fate even in the present Ronnie finds the doll's body surprisingly draining and must Slumber periodically this doll's body is not without its hindrances she even mocks the other demigods for their fruitless violence what could the demig gods ever hope to win by Waring godfy remained locked up to the present day and MOG remained beneath the capital but for the first time began to stir and soon escaped from his prison and ventured even deeper underground godric remained at the capital which he would later be hounded from alongside his army Godwin survived only as the prince of death and death rout continued to spread through the land morgot served as the omen king or as he was publicly known the veiled Monarch eternally loyal to the ER Tre raria acted as they had previously with Wars beyond their borders and shut themselves away after they declared they wouldn't interfere with the shattering The Academy cast repelling seals on the East Gate leading to the capital and the south gate leading here however not all remained in the academy me there were the himer scholars who refused to let War inhibit their Pursuit for Discovery the Knights of the cucko continued to roam and fight across Leonia and numerous marionet remained where they were presumably already stationed Additionally the academy lost control of the number of their puppet Creations ah the puppets the puppets besiege us thus the region even to the present day features civil conflict throughout likely in part a from the academy Rebellion against the carians I just popped out and now I'm uprooted from my place of learning taes a student who had been disrespectfully coined the blunt Stone despite possessing skill of such import that it warranted a new conspectus managed to get locked out from his home this also helps to date Selin's expulsion from the academy though selon may have been expelled much earlier even perhaps during The kian's Reign what is certain is that toes was a fellow student at the same time s was well known the most promising sorcerous in the history of the Academy I followed her at school but selin was expelled from the academy accused of Unthinkable treatment of certain Sorcerers under the name of the Graven witch I still don't believe the accusations the illustrious selin would never do such things the fact that toes distrusts the information however may suggest that this all happen since toes got locked out either way salum was kicked out of the academy during the shattering at the latest for the then ban practice of collecting Sorcerers to Fashion them into the seeds of stars which interestingly suggests that before selling actions in the present day she had only carried out such practices on other sorcerers and not herself finally there was Redan as previously established it is unclear where his base of operations was during during the age of the golden order however it seems he was stationed outside the capital since Redan the Mightiest Hero of the demigods was in all likelihood responsible for the first outright Warfare of the chattering the second defense of lendelle there is conflicting information regarding which faction attacked the capital this scene in all likelihood depicts The Siege in question but while the soldiers marching forwards where the colors of of red M soldiers their Armor's heraldry is of godric's Army and their helmets the same as godric's soldiers lacking the fanged visor of the red Ms perhaps this suggests that godric and radan United forces for this attack however this seems unlikely for numerous reasons not only did Redan later attack godric but when godric fled the capital he hid amongst the women folk if godric was a leader besieging Landa this would have been a pointless act since he could have easily just retreated instead the situation may highlight that this depiction of the battle is more artistic than factual thus the second defense of lendelle was in all likelihood a fight between Redan and the capitals forces who were led by the veiled Monarch morgot there is no reference to Ran's motivations during the shattering and in his current state such knowledge is surely lost to time but perhaps tradan saw himself as the most worthy of rising to assume the Throne of the capital he was after all the most heroic and pure epitomizing the best of both previous Elden Lords this would explain how the conflict concluded before either side was completely defeated indeed perhaps this is how morgot seemed to come out on top when facing ran in combat likely under the name marget they were not fighting to the death Redan did not seek to destroy the capital or kill its armies but sought to do what he thought was best for the faction but morot knew better the her tree Wards off all who D approach we are we are all forsaken none may claim the title of Elder Lord in the chaos of The Siege godric succumbed to was feared that the city would be breached the soldiers who served godric fled the Royal capital of the ER tree yet even in this cowardice godric did not flee with his soldiers but hid amidst the civilian women when godric was hounded from landel he took a multitude of treasures including one known as America's Mischief the word hounded suggests he was chased which may imply that Redan also broke off his Siege at a similar time or as a result of this act and chased godri perhaps to claim his great room seeing as he was undeserving of its power this Chase went through Leonia and likely culminated at storm Vil where godric only survived by hiding from Redan behind its impressive fortifications fortifications that had over time been gilded with a golden finish celebrating the golden lineage finally after what seems to be a heavy assault on the castle especially on the water front facing side Redan retreated for a second time over to kalid during the second defense of landelle morgot reorganized the capital's forces for war armaments like the heavy crossbow and the brass Shield became commonly used across the land he employed lel's perfumers but not as healers indeed their perfuming crafts could easily be used offensively and the role of this sect transformed into an influential military one the perfumers were drafted into service during the shattering the perfumers excelled in this new craft and to this day there remains evidence of new recipes that were developed during this period devised expressly for Warfare a record of crafting techniques left by military perfumer contains martiall techniques beyond the repertoire of an ordinary physician this new aspect of their craft grew quickly and the perfumers were so effective they soon became exceptional Commanders perfumer ensors were even weaponized as ballistics during the second defense of landel interestingly their greatest power in this role was not offensive instead it was a potent moral raising effect that makes those accustomed to it Fearless in the face of death in a way it was still their healing that was at work and with it they could strengthen a unit of troops under their command by many factors these perfuming Arts though once jealously guarded in the capital likely leaked and they became widely practiced throughout the lands between after the perfumers were drafted into service during the shattering and as time went ever on there were those who had fewer quals about exploring the darker side of the craft these heresy inclined perfumers embibe their own spices to alter body and mind their slow descent into self-destruction is what earned them their name soon enemies of landal employed these UNSC scrupulous perfumers who were called depraved they dawned an apron with embroidery of a curse upon the Earth tree a symbol perhaps of a candelabra and interestingly featuring a spiral symbolic of the spirals of Life which the golden order halted these depraved perfumers brought their own augmentations to the Troops around them instead of a morale boost they made their soldiers enter a state of fervor such that they could charge Fearless into battle reformed as Berserkers however it was not just those that went against the Earth tree who possessed flexible morals the shattering left no space for idealists and some Arts developed by Capital perfumers serve well to illustrate the desperation felt by landelle in this period though fire was prohibited to those who served the her tree this rule was forgotten as the war Drew ever on gargoyles who had lost their ability to move were taught these techniques as well and served as Sentinels throughout the city these gargoyles alongside the second defense of lendelle help to date another important event the sinking of lower leandel in the present day there is a curious Lake right behind the ramp parts that would be easy to miss visitors are unable to enter through the main gates and instead have to enter through a side passage to the north this lake is enormous and very jarring amidst the inside of the City furthermore this scene clearly illustrates that Redan sought to enter the capital through the main gate thus the lake must not have been present at that time indeed right below lower Lal is the nameless Eternal City where Godwin's body lies and strangely a number of the perfume using gargoyles perfumes that were not developed until the shattering as such it seems the area behind the the walls of landel has sunk in the time since redan's Siege gargoyles unable to retreat were drawn into the deep root deaths as well as some morum knites perhaps who refused to leave their soulless demigods the cause of the land's movement is unclear but it surely isn't coincidence that Godwin's body lies below whose Roots infest the ground throughout the lands between morgot compromises didn't stop at fire and he turned to the rejected offspring of earthree society the Omens he used his own kind as Brute Force Warriors and sent them into battle to fight for the society that had imprisoned and rejected them since birth bespoke weapons were created and awarded Twan as a tool of War but this weapon that even lacked the kindness of a handle was cursed to break indeed when bestowing a weapon preparations must be made for taking it away in this manner morgot ensured The Omen were less dangerous for times after the war or if they managed to escape his control indeed if they had not already come about before morgot was allowed above ground this likely marks the latest time The Omen killers come about a craft born from a perfumer named R the progenitor of the omen killers and a perfumer of antiquity once a famous perfumer R em bibed the physic to rid himself of emotion thus enabling him to enact his nightmarish labor hunting The Omen and yet The Omen Killers embraced their charge with surprising Glee as butchers of Twisted conscience the blade of this huge loathsome Cleaver comprises a row of amputated Omen horns which caus blood loss adding vibrant colors to the ongoing Mayhem and perhaps the most merciless technique was wearing the omen smirk mask this Visage is in the image of the evil spirits that haunt The Omen in their nightmares after fighting off Redan morgot heard news of the growing blasphemy in Mount galare news of such devastating import that morgot risked the ER Tre safety and launched an offensive assault on pror Reichard the soon to be Lord of blasphemy Reichard refused to fight for the pieces of the old order and instead declared absolute War on the earth tree he would not accept the role of Lord or even God within the plan of the greater will and instead sought to completely overthrow it a sentiment put well by tanith our Lord indignant has refused to Scurry about fighting over what miserly scraps they allow us if the Earth tree and indeed the very Gods would debase us so then we are willing to raise the banner of res existance even if it means heresy this heresy of Reichard was to try to overthrow the entire system inspired perhaps by the Pagan beliefs of those he had been sent to quell around the volcano so many years ago and of times before the Earth tree this as well as some of his other plans led morgot to launch an assault on the volcano mana and these plans to become one with the god the varing snake were likely just plans at this time yet to be realized there is no evidence of snake men on the actual Battlegrounds where the forces of the UR tree and of gare met furthermore in the present day the galare night armor Bears an emblem that none wear any longer standing as it does for a Lord that fell from Loft ambition into gluttonous depravity as their lord lost their dignity so too did these Knights lose their Master though there was likely some overlap between the ongoing assault and Reich feeding himself to the serpent there must have been enough of a delay between the beginning of the assault and his descent into gluttonous depravity such that the battle became a deadlock indeed the battle was so evenly balanced and the tactics so base that it is called the most appalling battle in the entirety of the shattering even an experimental firearm was considered until it was discovered that no one knew how to use it a war that dragged on and in which both both sides suffered appallingly the assault on volcano Mana the squalled the sick the Blasphemous a wretched unending war with no glory fighting continues in the present day and the flame of frenzy has even burst forth in the eyes of some landel soldiers who remain long before the assault on volcano Mana Reichard had met tanith a dancer in a foreign land and soon he made her his consort but this affection had not been Mutual until the day when Reichard finally fed himself to the Blasphemous serpent she was the only human to remain by his side when he became the serpent of blasphemy in that moment tanith was truly Charmed by him she even refused his gift of the tonic of forgetfulness my Lord there could be no greater distress than to Forget You conversely no others stood by Reichard if this this putrid field of death is what your blasphemy would bring then I can no longer abide no one can indeed there are no gmir Knights who remain in the present day Reichard however understood the road of blasphemy is long and perilous one cannot walk it unprepared to sin reichard's Knights abandoned him having lost their master and some even searched for a weapon with which they might hold their Lord but though they did find one they ultimately failed in their task and yet through it all Reichard was not alone he had tan and the birth of the man serpents followed however morat's Army was spread too thin to take advantage of the disbanded gmir forces indeed some under moro's command seem to have moved Beyond his order Omen Killers for example began to hunt any of impure blood and started killing Alban orx as well perfumers lost their faith and those who strayed found work elsewhere such as at the nearby shaded castle of which the marai family served as both executioners and castellons however the sons of house marai were all sickly born and as such either by now or soon after the battle of aonia Marley Mari was beguiled by the beautiful and fierce goddess who was born into rot one who gave hope to their suffering m and indeed Micha had been absent in the shattering so far it seems likely that this was when Micha embedded himself within the halig tree if this was also when he taught aloric the technique of metamorphosis then it may also date the second generation of Alban oric for though these frog-like Alban oric clearly wish to visit the halic tree shown by their numbers in the consecrated snowfield and their use of michler's incantations there were only the male first generation albor within the Halo tree thus it is likely the second generation albor and perhaps even the female Alban orx arose after michar embedded himself in the halig tree cut off from the rest of the world and the roots of the ER tree however Melania did eventually move through the lands between she led her clean rot Army southwards which may indicate she passed through the capital peacefully she marked marched down through Leonia and P godri who after throwing insults lost to her in battle only to lick her boots rather than die like a man literally on his knees begging for mercy until finally in K it the Conqueror of the Stars General r and the blade of Micha melenia I 7 these two were the mightiest to remain and locked horns in compact but why why avoid the Bloodshed for so long and then March Southwoods with such purpose why pass through L andell peacefully why leave the disrespectful godric alive but Risk Everything to try and kill redam I am melenia blade of Mika [Music] as previously established melenia served only as an extension of micha's will thus mola sent Melania to kill Redan specifically perhaps so that the Stars would be released to allow Godwin to regain his soul though there could be other reasons in the present day michler is found deep underground coincidentally below where the Battle of aonia took place however how would Mark have taken Micha before Melania had left the Hal tree with her Army surely none could have gotten close to Micha while his twin sister was by his side furthermore had Melania been seeking her lost brother she would not use the phrasing as I awaited his return she would be active in seeking him out not passive in Waiting instead michler embedded himself in the halig tree sending melenia to fight Redan in the meantime and it was melania's absence that left Micha vulnerable after retreating from his assault on storm fail Redan had in fact undertaken a third siege for though the castle in the present has been named red M on close inspection it is clear that the island has in fact only recently been taken over by redan's forces there is Siege equipment outside manned by Red M soldiers like those used against Lander there are hanging of the soldiers who bear armor of the styling scene in Lim grave there are bonfires of the unarmed locals and strung up throughout a weapons of Exile soldiers and banished Knights the red Ms ruthlessly took control of the castle and slaughtered the inhabitants who likely had nowhere else to go however if they conquered the castle before fighting the CLE rot Army Redan chose not to fight that instead he met m IA in the center of kid little is known about the fight itself but both sides suffered heavy casualties with only few survivors unlike Godfrey Melania did not seek to minimize the Bloodshed and sent her Knights on radan first incredibly Redan ended up using this against his adversaries and converted the Spears with which he was stamped into great arrows that he imbued with his gravitational power eventually melenia did fight Redan herself but they were locked in stalemate then the Scarlet rot [Music] bloomed melenia had but one task to fulfill and she couldn't walk away with failure so she sacrificed herself The Pride she abandoned to meet redon's measure the will that was once her own the dignity the sense of self that allowed her to resist the call of the Scarlet rot melenia removed her unalloyed gold needle that was crafted to Ward away the medling of outer gods and pushed to the very limit the Scarlet rot bloomed an enormous flower that exploded and tainted the very land itself the Flora and FAA the buildings and soon the region all of it was consumed with rot modern dragons were forced to flee and made nest of the plateau to ced's North thus it was named Dragon Barrow and none D to enter exes however did not escape and became infested with the blight the red Mains either learned quickly or already knew how to fight the rot the application of fire in particular even today the survivors of redan's Battalion employ fire to saave off the Scarlet rot and as such the flamb Burge beloved Lord of jiren eventually became the symbol of the castle itself but this was not enough for their leader eaten From the Inside by Millenia Scarlet rot his wits are long gone reduced to a beast who eats any he can find melenia herself entered a deep Slumber but then Finlay in an unimaginable Act of heroism carried the slumbering demigod all the way back to the halig tree she managed the feat alone fending off all manner of foes along the way in the present day millison retreads this path painting the story even more clearly now I'm tracing the path Millenia took thus Finley traveled North to the alter's plateau via the ruin strewn precipice over to the Windmill Village of dominula through the capital and the Forbidden lands all the way to the Halo tree unsurprisingly earning the status of legendary Ashen remains who was truly the mightier demigod will never be known the red Ms were driven to defeat in the end but Redan was the last man standing despite melania's Bloom then again melenia in the present day has recovered unlike Redan though that was only with the help of Finlay and yet surely Redan also had the help of his army even to the present day one of the Eternal Mysteries of the lands between as previously looked at it is most likely during melania's Expedition that Mika was taken I heard speculation Micha embedded himself in the Hy tree but before he could finish someone cut the tree open and absconded with his infant form and not just someone but micha's Omen half brother MOG for multi ages MOG was locked beneath the capital the cursed blood pot serves as a childhood memory and caused summoned spirits to assail him with a rabid fervor but finally MOG had had enough unlike morgot whose opinion aligned with the her tree agreeing that the omen curse was a dangerous thing MOG took pride in his form he broke out of his prison and ventured deeper underground where he found the formless mother the mother of Truth craves wounds when MOG stood before her deep underground his accursed blood erupted with fire and boted with the defilement he was born into finally his curse his suffering had purpose and blessed him with power he used a sacred spear both as a weapon and as an instrument of communion with an outer God who bestows power Upon A cursed blood MOG was directed to form a new Dynasty which he prepared for in the ancient ruins deep beneath CID but MOG could not rise to full godhood and instead looked to one he could serve as consort and eventually MOG chose Mika his half brother apparently MOG managed to take Micha from his halig tree and return to his underground ruins without anyone realizing for in the present day none are even aware he is the Lord of blood and Melania remains blissfully ignorant that she likely waits in vain for her twin he even seems to have projected himself back into his prison should anyone check up on him MOG wished to become mola's consort taking the role of Monarch but no matter how much of his bloody bed chamber he tried to share he received no response from The Young Imperium Micha did grow substantially in this new cocoon since he was much smaller when M captured him but showed no response to Mar however though he appears unresponsive even in the present day it seems Micha himself may not be concerned with his corporeal body and instead continues to seek answers elsewhere the Battle of aonia marks the end of the shattering a conclusion born from destruction rather than order where organized forces had been left in utter disarray whether by casualties losing their Master being spread too thin or having to fight the accursed Scarlet rot the formal Warfare devolved into a freefor all a situation that worked in the Lord of blood's favor MOG began to aass followers by abducting those who had a proclivity for blood blust such as War surgeons who were effectively Mercy Killers all those who hail from the land of reeds which has long been locked in a miserable Civil War Little Wonder that the entire nation has succumbed to blood soaked Madness however none were able to tame the cursed blood for now at least in kid melania's very first flower spawned the swamp of aonia and from this swamp the pests emerged though men might recognize the Keen intellect of the pests evidenced by this Spear's uncanny design it will never be understood by them so clearly these pests are more advanced than they might seem they are also present deep underground in the grand cloer so it is likely that the swamp spawned new pasts on the surface but that this was not the beginning of their kind they had simply suffered heavy losses since their God had been sealed away oh Scarlet blossoms flourish in distant lands and return to us The Unwanted children since Melania fought radan and the great Scarlet flower blossomed in aonia I have dedicated myself to her G sought to realize the order of rot primarily through a number of buds that had sprouted the four sisters and then even a fifth sometime later then there was commander O'Neal even after his Lord was fled he continued to brandish this flag in the devastation of the rot eaten field of battle the sole veteran who remembers this battle with pride over at redmain Castle a new tradition was taking shape a war Festival honoring the last battle and death of general radan jiren served General radan as a guest commander and they are said to have sworn an oath of honorable death to one another jiren must therefore have been serving Redan before the Battle of aonia and so has been bound to The Fortress until he could deliver radan the honorable death he deserved across the lands Havoc reigned Supreme with no one to lead Bandits ran rampant in the wake of the shattering Flur The Blood Hound Knight found that there was only one Lord he would ever serve a true king and so the Rabid stray never found a master the academy never opened their Gates Again such was the Havoc across the realm a war from which no Lord arose a war leading to abandonment by the greater will this was only the abandonment of the previous figureheads of the demigods who had been entrusted with great runes and proved to be unworthy but the greater will has not abandoned the realm so it is that the tarnished are Guided by Grace called to act or perhaps America managed to do one final act before she was completely shut down whatever the case was the legacy of America's unbeaten Army their ancestors found themselves seeing Grace and were called the lands between the tarnished overseen somewhat fittingly by the two fingers once again the two fingers warned the tarnished follow the path that has been set for you and you will make enemies of all others the monks the [Music] sorcerers the Ancient Dragon Knights and the Scions of gold the lands between offers no welcome to the time indeed the tarnished would even find oppression from the two fingers themselves whose servants served as the Assassins of the Round Table hold the Assassins were charged with eliminating tarnish to estay from guidance ironically the Assassins were themselves once tarnished who had strayed from guidance and they pursued their Duty in the darkness that is without Grace these assassins were called confessors and wore black attire for blending in with the darkness even the churches outside the lands between dedicated to the teachings of the two fingers send confessors out to follow the guidance of Grace the two fingers even spent resources to try to eliminate the demigod Rani the two fingers and I have been cursing each other ever since and the baleful Shadows are their assassins assassins empowered by the Rune of death importantly though the Shadows are naturally obedient which causes blly difficulty in the present day they are clearly not something under the control of the two fingers despite what some characters believe relic of an assassin who assumed the guise of Ronnie The Witch's loyal Shadow the likeness is striking why would the two fingers carry out such a complex and delicate plan of sub auge if they could simply take full control over blly nonetheless Ronnie managed to evade the attempts on her life and EG blly and salvis continue to serve her in her dark path right to the present however it is likely Salis lacked loyalty even then since he helped selon well before his actions in the present day she owes me for the help I gave her when she was expelled from the academy importantly the tarnished were not all beckoned at once and instead were continually graced over a long period of time up to the present this is why some tarnished the first arriving in the present where others have been stationed in the lands between for some time indeed just more are continually brought in so did those who showed little promise have their Grace seemingly revoked the guidance of Grace I mean I can't see it at all no more Gideon for example has remained at the round table hold for a substantial period by the present Gideon has had a long exchange with the two [Music] fingers has adopted nef as his daughter loved and lost arrival of salus and is a self-proclaimed true member of the Round Table seeing the newcomers as nambi pambi tarnished one of the first tarnish to visit the round table hold was vram the Raging wolf he earned his nickname from the white wolf pelt that adorns his Helm however instead of Elden lordship farram aspired to become a shadow of the imperion which explains his armor styling and later he managed to acquire the godslayer great sword too he was friends with one called errant sorcerer Wilhelm who was also one of the first tarnish to return Wilhelm once belonged to the hodas conspectus and so was in all likelihood an outcast from the academy a silent seeker of sorcery who had gone so far as to make contact with the Primeval current explaining his expulsion but Wilhelm was led by guidance into confrontation with his friend vram and it is said that he was then taken prisoner in Roundtable hold a very interesting story it seems that the two fingers were not happy with vm's choices as might be expected but wilham refused to follow their orders to confront his friend and thus he was punished too and so the two remained allies and continued to fight adversaries together to the present day [Music] little is known about mad tongue alreck but this heretical practitioner was an aloof yet Disturbed sorcerer said to have been driven mad by jering tongues during his service to the Roundtable hold long ago though in the present day the round table hold is a quiet calm Place initially the tarnished were Rowdy and plentiful Hugh lightly served at the round table hold from before America shattered the Elden ring likely cursed I know he was given this great in treaty to craft a weapon which could slay a god hug served only to craft such a weapon right unto his Dying Days even once his shackles were broken but no tarnished ever gave him that chance none that he could call Lord at least until the present however there were some tarnished who showed promise over the years who had the make Kings of Elden lordship and even managed to claim great rues although these have been lost in the present day and most promising of all was vik no other tarnished was closer to the throne of Elden Lord than vik but without announcement Vie traveled far below the capital and was scorched by the flame of frenzy did he make his choice for his maiden or did some other Force lure him with suggestion only once before have I seen two great runes together so vik managed to claim two great runes and gained access to lay andell if not already VI joined the Dragon Cult and quickly Rose in their ranks in fact of all the knights bike the dragon spear was the one lancs loved the most then it seems that shabir's words managed to dissuade him from his quest and he went beneath the capital to the three fingers like Vie himself it has been tormented by the yellow flame of frenzy from within ah Lord VI it seems that you are no Lord after all so VI must have intended to inherit the flame garard frenzied followers and then regretted his actions after inheriting the flame perhaps he even requested he be locked in an Ever jail to limit the danger he posed osed curiously he does not make use of frenzy within his ever jail and also curious is that he was not required to remove his armor to be embraced by the three fingers which may suggest the finger power was still strong at this time compared to their withered state in the present day there was house hoslo which has existed for Generations this work of art is handed down through the generations of the illustrious house the tale of house hoslo is told in blood Talos the younger brother was all talk and no trousers and still remains in the round table in the present day meanwhile the elder brother Juno inherited the hoslo Legacy without resistance and though he would never consider himself a champion this earned him an invitation to the volcano Mana which he discreetly refused an act that was not received [Music] well indeed the volcano Mana had also begun to stir when the tarnished had started returning this furled finger is covered in snake scales an heirloom of the lord of the volcano Mana bequeathed to tarnish to have become family to grow in power Reichard lured worthy Champions with questionable morals to the volcano Mana to to Aid in their dirty work before you consider hunting any of your own kind think on that and if they proved fit they could join King as family on reichard's sword are remains of the countless Heroes he has devoured now they share the same blood bound together as family Reichard continued to grow at a rate faster than his snake body could manage and his insides full of these Champions burst from his skin in the present day snake people were actively created in repellent birthing rituals which is how Rya was born they apparently seem to be able to take the form of humans too then there were assassins known as the formless serpents who specialized in deadly poison though it is unclear whether they had any true relation to the volcano Mana nor exactly when they arose it is likely at least inspired by the recent snake Revival for news did spread across the lands between whether good or bad troubadors sing Tales of Champions both in The Honorable service of the earth tree and the one who spurns honor for blasphemy meanwhile godric emerged in the wake of the shattering and took control over Lim grave acting as the Lord of storm Vil a feeble man sought power through the grotesque Act of grafting one day will return together to our homes bathed in Rays of gold this is the most likely time godric began grafting since it is mentioned in tandem with being Outcast from lendell he sent out his soldiers still loyal to him to control the lands and seek out tarnished for his use that depraved L obsessed with sacrificing tarnished like you for the sake of grafting and he recruited Outcast soldiers in addition to the Storm Hawks to man his castle this place is bristling with tarnish Hunters you know curiously it seems godric managed to slightly normalize grafting Illustrated in the present day by Rod r oh you've come to be one with the spider well that makes us two peas in a pod rodor Rica also illustrates that some arrived to the lands between without ever seeing Grays thus this was also when grafted Scions were born after falling from Grace the drgs of the golden lineage sought power and purpose in the past some even went so far as to become Royal revenants whose grafting is is so extreme in the present day that healing incantations make the various limbs tear the body apart causing a ton of damage godric even set up a chain of command at Castle mour I'm Edgar Warden of this Castle as ordained by Lord godri himself though this didn't last long morgot seems at the very least to prefer godri to the tarnish and remotely defended storm Vil from Intruders right to the present day interestingly though they are all termed willful traitors morgot only seems to Bear malice when referencing the Lord of blasphemy prer Reichard nonetheless while storm Vil stood undefeated through these years deep beneath the castle a problem grew it is unclear why this location is so important perhaps it relates to the boat's ferary right here perhaps the relation of the castle to the golden lineage but a second manifestation of Godwin's soulless body began to form in the Castle's depths and through this mottling and Thorns spread throughout the castle a mystery even to the inhabitants some say it is the curse of grafting which causes such Affliction While others talk of its root being something altogether more Sinister hidden deep within the castle MOG continued to recruit for his dynasty and the tarnished proved the first to be worthy none were able to tame the accursed blood none but V that is though he was an exception then there were those who hailed from the blood soaked land of reeds there was elanora whose Legacy is stained by a cursed blood and then there was Oka one who Rose above the absurdity of the world there was only himself his Katana and its Mastery before long Oka became a demon of a swordsman and then he met MOG in battle when MOG first fell hen's sword and Madness upon his flesh he had a proposal to offer Oka the life of a demon whose thirst would never go unsated a demon who would continue to haunt the tarnished right up to the present day and though M's Dynasty is yet to be realized he did establish a hierarchy using a medal proof that one is a glorious night of the new dynasty of mwin over in the north the Guardians of the flame of Ruin continued to falter some monks had already abandoned their Post in favor of the black flame but now they even had a legendary hidden incantation taken arany the chief guardian of the flame had kept this incantation in a well-kept secret until it was stolen by a Don fir monks and Thorn Sorcerers were sent in Pursuit finally capturing this thief in Leonia where they locked him in a ever jail as punishment this must have been a recent development considering the monks still remain in Leonia in the present day and so even the prelates the commanders of the fire monks began to break ranks the fire of this cauldron has since died out [Music] however indeed one who abandoned their post discarded their red gar on which was marked the onus of their grave vows as Guardians they seem to have aligned with the blasphemers and joined the ongoing battle against the capital's forces by attacking fort livee some tarnished were recruited to help the numbers at the guardian's Garrison perhaps because the monks Sorcerers and even prelates could no longer be trusted there was Devon and Darian who were of two bodies and two minds but one single soul curiously a theme that resonates with that of Mara and Radigan and the golden order was the only institution not to revile them as a cursed beings as such they became fundamentalists and sought to reinstate the golden order they had been friends with rer we found ourselves journeying together for a Time Bound by our exploration of death but our paths have since diverged de saw the disgrace of those who live in death when Grace is soled it rots people from the inside breaks them where rer saw that these beings had done nothing wrong and felt sympathy for them eventually forming ties with another tarnished fear one who was a deathbed companion even before seeing Grace and who soon Beed with none other than Godwin himself gold Mark a widely respected fundamentalist looked beyond those who live in death in pursuit of true answers during this time he was as a Lord and had disciples who followed him though in the present day only one remains for the time [Music] being then infamously there was the dung eater a tarnished with the heart of an omen without the body to match a man of extreme beliefs the heavy sun-shaped Medallion represents both the guidance he once saw and the ring to which it will one day lead to this end the man murdered thousands and defiled their corpses with the seed bed curse by doing so he prevented dead Souls returning to the Earth tree leaving them forever cursed one of the most loathsome things found in the lands between a man who was worth the resources of locking up beneath the capital though how that compared to bogur is unclear however even this did not work and the dung eater continued to curse others even as far as the halic tree right up to the present day gank continued to try and make up for his mistake on the night of black knives and worked with what remained of the golden order to seek out death route to reunite with the Rune of death inside him he may have even removed his own eye to Aid others in this task a fruitless Quest all all the while fighting against the fading intelligence that was gifted upon their kind and confused at his master's actions AR why would thou go me why [ __ ] one who hailed from AOK a land of proud solitary athetics at some point managed to at least partly overthrow the Mari rulers at the Shaded Castle he somehow managed to snatch the family storyed sword from the sight of his looming execution and furnished it with battle skills from his home and with this he continued to reap the Havoc he had likely been previously charged with Elma murdered numerous instructors and Merchants and was known as the bell bearing Hunter there were also the noble living jaars it is difficult to date these beings they could even have ancient Origins given how jars featured in Beast culture though the jars are brought to life by human flesh and blood they are all rather kindly folk perhaps they were made to be better than their innards these jars seem to serve as an alternative method to bring the bodies of Champions for the minor her trees that were growing across the land there the avatars would break them who had emerged in the wake of the shattering however the living jars were fully sentient and grew a culture of their own settling in the east of Leonia once there was even a nameless man who sought to be worthy to join the Warriors inside which may suggest Society saw this as an honor just like her tree burial unfortunately new perfuming Arts were developed that acquired fragments of hunted Noble jars depraved perfumers are plainly in League with jar poachers and so the jars lived in fear seeking one who could protect them the urry Guardians spread out across the lands and protected the new minor Earth tree Offspring though not all of these have survived to the present day some tarnished made friends with the ancestral who had rejected the artificial cycles of the her tree in favor of returning to nature and life from Death the spiral horn Shield was once given to a tarnished Warrior who cultivated close ties to the ancestral followers by this time at the latest there arose people who collected the power of meteorites the desperate ones which scavenge for these shards dubbed themselves star callers and as such they paid homage to those beings that Rose from meteorites the falling star beasts or malformed star Mars and finally the first ever tarnished was also called back to the lands between Godfree he had done as America originally instructed he had led the Long March and waged War during this time his weapon had been broken in a battle for his leader of the tarnished finally he had died strung up alongside his Beast Regent sash but he he too was graced once more and with this new life he returned to the lands between after the long march of the tarnished came to an end Godfrey divested himself of kingship becoming a simple Warrior once more this is somewhat unclear does it mean he became a simple Warrior over in the foreign lands after all he is called hu when he is gifted Grace or does this include his return to the lands between mean he does act as Godfree rather than horor L right up until his last moments fighting at the foot of the earth tree and the transition to become a simple Warrior once more doesn't seem reversible which it would need to be if he had done this in a far away land previously Muriel infinitely wise whose life has spanned many ages remains to the present day at the church of vs offering guidance and a to any that may need it all things can be conjoined and there were others who sought to do good within the realm there was a traveler an associate of a Healer who is said to be in search of new aromatics and flower gardens in hopes of treating Mis begotten Omen and all those seen as impure this healer was most likely Trisha who dedicated her efforts to treating these impure beings when her efforts failed she was their companion as they died watching over them to ensure that they could pass peacefully free of pain a tale akin to the origins of the deathbed [Music] companions the years went on and more and more tarnished were beckoned with Grace all to no a veil the two fingers grew tired aged and trembling they could no longer speak with the ease and only greeted new round T members once they had at least claimed their first great Rune they lost many of their servants as suggested by the phrasing that they once served the lands between at every level was broken just like the simple weathered straight sword though the Ury styling is still visible time has not been kind to this sword now merely a shadow of its former self gravekeepers were insect ridden there was no longer any societal hierarchy beyond the small factions that fought on and Aristocrats or Nobles became Wanderers abandoning their birthplace after the shattering these Undead Wanderers are the pitiful product of unending life this even included the Aged which serve as an apt comparison to the stability of the previous era in the capital there arose or orle envoys it is said that when Oracle envoys appear playing their pipes they do so to Herald the arrival of a new God or age soon one capable of changing the age itself would arrive unless Perhaps it is too early to sound the call these oracles also appeared at the halig tree which suggests that despite everything that went a Mika had created something which could bring forth a new age could this be what Gideon implies when he says perhaps the queen sorrow was justified that Mika was the best chance of the demigods and when he learns of M's actions he understands the truly hopeless situation that Amica must also have realized until finally there was one other Grace would again bless who may just be worthy of becoming a lord tarnished oh tarnished seek the Earth tree and stand before America its Queen become the Elden Lord and so just as marica's Reign was built so would it fall despite everything she did to avoid fate the cycles of nature are inevitable and the rest [Music] is history thank you for joining for this episode on the timeline of Elden ring for more consider supporting the channel and get early access to upcoming releases you can also have your own theories featured in video format on the channel or even get access to new labe bed videos ad free for less than a doll your support makes content like this possible so thank you [Music]