Python Tutorial by Mosh

Jul 2, 2024

Python Tutorial by Mosh


  • Instructor: Mosh
  • Course: Python programming fundamentals
  • Popularity: Python is used for automation, AI, building applications, websites like Instagram and Dropbox.
  • Career: Python's versatility is beneficial for job seekers.

Course Content

  • Core Concepts: All foundational Python concepts.
  • Projects:
    1. Website: For an imaginary grocery store using Django.
    2. Machine Learning: Predict music preferences based on user's profile.
    3. Automation: Processing thousands of spreadsheets.

Getting Started with Python

  1. Download and Install: Python from
  2. Setup: Ensure you add Python to PATH on Windows; follow the setup wizard on Mac.
  3. Code Editor: Use PyCharm (Community Edition is free).

Writing First Python Program

  1. Create New Project: In PyCharm.
  2. Create New Python File: Name it
  3. Code: Write and run simple programs using print statements.
  4. Basic Syntax:
    • Strings: Double or single quotes.
    • Variables: Store data using variables.
    • Expressions: Perform operations like multiplication.
    • Execution Order: Code executes line by line.

Variables and Basic Data Types

  • Variables: Temporary storage for data in memory.
  • Integers and Floats: Whole numbers and decimals.
  • Boolean Values: True or False.
  • Type Conversion: Convert between data types using int(), float(), and bool().
  • Exercise: Define variables for patient details in a hospital context.

User Input

  • Input Function: Collect user input using input(). Example: `input(