Transcript for:
Understanding Drainage Basin Hydrology Essentials

Haven welcome back to another video from eleven cents online I'm gonna be covering physical job today part 19 of our entire physical job series of kickin I'm gonna be starting on drainage basin hydrology right to some of you this is a topic which can be quite a challenge key because yes it is indeed a bit hot okay to actually understand sometimes okay but I hope that through this video and the next part as well okay you'll be made much easier for you to understand all right so it's gonna be a long video so let's try and stay tuned okay with a bit breaks in between pause if you need to absorb some stuff okay okay firstly you have to understand what exactly the basin hydro hydrological cycle is Killah drainage basin is basically an open system kay what I mean by open system can open system basically means that it is basically it is much much it is much sorry with the environment okay so anything that's in the environment can play a part in the drainage basin hydrology okay so by definition over here key there is basically a clearly defined input and output beyond the confines of this drainage basin which is going to be your precipitation cable Anita evapotranspiration as well okay and it is known as an area of land in which water flowing across the surface drains into a particular stream of it for K naturalize KBC what it means K is that your drainage basin hydrology is basically an area of land here by this water flowing Kb okay as a form of your your stream as a as a flow or as a storage this is basically the entire drainage basin hydrology okay so a main input that you learn in this topic here would be precipitation precipitation is basically main for various in bulk and your main outputs would be River runoff an evapotranspiration he will jump into exactly what each one of these are in a bit alright so as I've been saying here the components are basically your inputs outputs K your pathways flows as transfers as well as your storages okay essentially our pathway flows and transfers they're all the same thing usually I like to call it flows I think it's easier to remember so inputs flow storages and output all right so I the input key the main input of a drainage basin is basically precipitation right the only reason why it is only precipitation key is because nothing else can produce water which will flow into a drainage basin okay water is always derived in the entire atmosphere psycho-killer by your input which is going to be preservation precipitation in this case in the form of rainfall he is the only way with your with your channel is great to actually gain this amount of water heater water cannot just doesn t appear I cannot appear often a key or it has to come from somewhere in this case it always comes from your rainfall quezada is going to be a main input key it is basically the deposition of moisture on earth surface from the atmosphere there's basically a very complex way of saying the area to enfold k by a various in terms of its type cubes why that could be several types of input okay why it could be snow it could be man it could be due or possibly condensation as well k by device in a very very small amount okay and in the quantity and intensity and duration can also change K so these were all means out in a different level of drainage basin in terms of how the drainage basin performs so are there more flows are there more storages is there less storage okay this is all as a result input so you know this input over here K when it comes to writing essays you'll notice that it is basically like the main factor the biggest factor it basically affects everything in the drainage basin hydrology okay so that pathways and flows k it is basically by definition the path in which moisture is being transported within the drainage basin so it is think of paths of those K as a form of transportation K how does your water go from one place to another that is basically a flow case would have made different types of flows we will start off with interception loss cameras interception loss guess the name suggests interception water has to be intercepted somewhere case we be silly first to the holding of Angel type lands as the water falls onto leaves and stems or vegetation cover K any refers to a loss of water k because it is an interception loss cleared by water is being lost as a result of in and as a form of interception in this case vegetation cover okay so precipitation - interception loss equals to them all reaching the crown can them off precipitation intercept it will depend on the leaf type so is it a very big leaf okay it's a very small key if it's the smaller this the lesser interception the more water will reach the ground the more water goes into a drainage basin hydrology okay wind speeds also a determining factor the intensity of precipitation all these will determine how much water is actually being intercepted and as a result being lost in the process when it hits your vegetation that is present there he wished later on affects how much water there is in a drainage basin okay no this is what starts your syllabus of K you notice that infiltration is a huge huge huge flow for your syllabus key infiltration basically refers to a transforming water internal permeable surface key the key here is permeable surface okay infiltration always think of it as any way any if any form of water cannot even form k any amount of water that is trying to infiltrate k trying to attack okay trying to get in k get into the ground case with a crown the amount water that she gets into the ground it means how did is determine K by how permeable the ground is K so it contributes rainfall to your soil moisture moisture storage will in this little cave abide the more Pama permeable destroy the faster the infiltration rate so it sounds a no brainer right if your soil is going to be very very less see extremely permeable key because there are a lot of let's see a lot of holes on the surface well what is gonna go in very fast it's gonna seep in very fast as compared to if your if your your ground is all concrete Kida is not a single crack or anything for the water to enter the rate of infiltration is gonna be much slower okay so we look at invitation we are always looking at infiltration rate and infiltration capacity I think I have defined it later on maybe k maybe not kiba essentially infiltration me is how fast invitation happens k invitation capacity is how much can be infiltrated at a certain amount of time okay so notice one is time one is amount okay alright so the factors affecting in features you need to notice okay basically firstly rainfall intensity so the higher intensity of rainfall kid surface for definitely rich infiltration capacity faster which means that it reached the maximum amount to which in water can be infiltrated here and as a result there'll be less infiltration okay on the other hand another fact that would be a vegetation cover by a higher density of vegetation cover key it was slow down rainfall right because of interception loss here and this can help infiltration k by slowing the infiltration rate okay because that's the water touches the ground okay that's the water can go in with in the appear of time so that was slow down your infiltration rate kailia of Hamas can also hold rainwater key Hamas is basically water impermeable k hence it can eat in storing down the infiltration as well ka would basically cause water to just flow on top before seeping in kiyotaka much longer time for those who do know Hamas a scale is basically decomposed matter okay so the type of soy will also matter Kia paucity versus permeability this is where the concepts that come into play que pasa T's we see the amount or how latch okay the poorer spaces are within the soil or will in the locks case will basically the greater the more post pieces kiddie basically like kind of like you think of it as bubble ski air bubble ski within the soil keep the larger and the more amount of pore spaces they are these bubbles are being able to fill up with water more water keep if there are lesser pore spaces then there's lesser bubbles which can actually hold any water that is being infiltrated k permeability is different is on the surface see how much water can actually come in in the first place key if the layer is not even permeable key water we took a long time and a may not be able to come in as fast as well okay so an impermeable layer SOI queues are in less infiltration for example concrete okay there are no holes on top so as we have a water to actually sleep in it is an extremely improbable surface or on the other hand for example soil or clay k which has a lot of pause bases can help to increase infiltration okay so more pause business means that more water can come in here infiltration capacity k would not be hit as as early k as a result the soil connealy home owatta this will encourage infiltration to occur hence there will be more water which can actually see downwards into the soil okay the next flows that we have key would be percolation very important as well a percolation is basically slower than infiltration so it's kind of the next step okay firstly I have got infiltration then as I go down into the soil I'll have population P okay so BC contributes to go out the story should learn this later on okay so it is basically the flow of rainwater which has been filtered downwards in the subsurface SOI k to that joins and pause basis other soil so this basically what happens after the water has actually infiltrated KT event like like a war zone k once the water has come in k then it goes in further to wipe out the rest of the enemies okay that is percolation so it goes further behind the first line of defense defense basically infiltration so once it has passed this type of infiltration it will move on to the groundwater storage area k the base flows all those kind of stuff at the bottom key in the form of flow called percolation that is how that is busy what they called a moving water in the area k so the weight of population will definitely slow down here as it gets deeper key because the layers of rocks and so I get more compact history a pause pieces actually reduced key this part I've gone through before in soy profile I can't check my previous videos okay on soy profile okay like a cover exactly or a different horizons k water will play a part in those as well Kida is why percolation stores down key because the rocks become very very compact we saw the factors affecting percolation very simple caifa see volume of pore spaces in the soy and the frequency of joins key essentially like I've said the air bubbles key arrest you a lot of pore spaces left key we see the more pore spaces that are the more water can actually be held okay and more cracks and fissures also mean that the water can pass through different layers very very easily and very very fast okay so likewise give there are more post pizzas it means that the story can actually hold more water hence this more room for percolation to take place okay the next row we have is gonna be true flow k to first base the horizontal flow of water in soil moisture storage Kyra's uses excess flow of paka of percolation key this one not very important just understand that to flow occurs within the soil moisture storage okay moving on we have got base flow okay not a typo damn it up there it's not truthful we're looking at base for now key base flow is basically anything that occurs we did the groundwater storage okay it's all the way at the bottom hit the wrong button KBC go grant what the flow key or base flow he is the horizontal flow of water in the groundwater storage case was already at the bottom of the gun he and it goes towards the river channel key he only called vertically so it not vertically and horizontally get towards the river channel so think of it this way this is the top of the soil okay I have got another lever over here and then I have got the rock bottom this is the work button down here key basically true flow is all of the water that goes within this layer here so it goes towards the river channel key and then up here is basically truthful okay so true flow is up here and then down here it's gonna be peaceful okay anything we didn't hear is your soil moisture storage anything within down here is your groundwater storage so look at it this way it's a very simple cross diagram to it okay it's actually nice low due to high saturation key because of thermal rocks that are key it's very compact on there okay overland flow more the more important force you have to understand it is the fastest flow out of all of the first queue by a portion of water does not manage to infiltrate the soil here so any water that is basically left on the surface that cannot infiltrate the story okay because of let's say maximum in future invitation capacity was reached or the rainfall intensity is too high infiltration rate has slowed down to a max out to a minimum ki Fateh be speaking on infantry key to basically become this other flow called Overland flow okay so there are two types of Overland flow there is your hortonian overland flow as for SD saturated Overland flow key so he show a few hartounian overland flow is basically when rainfall intensity exceeds the rate of infiltration okay understand this first our coach way after the scale sof occurs when SOI is a water holding capacity so when the land is really saturated and water just simply cannot infiltrate okay then that is where sof all right I got you one by one he should I firstly of course after infiltration he is busy like why I just it just now it is post infiltration session okay when infiltration is really occurred but infiltration capacity was maxed out no more water can infiltrate it becomes hof kids when conditions impede infiltration and channeling water to Overland flow occurs when PPP precipitation exceeds infiltration capacity or rate of infiltration when the gun is frozen or on steep slopes okay so essentially when water is unable to infiltrate for Less a certain physical conditions such as steep slopes you know what does has to flow down the stairs hey Jeff did that if your invitation capacity has been reached it also becomes HOF when there's excess excess rainfall okay as well occurs when the ground is saturated me what I cannot in fact rate at all key and it flows on the surface so it's different this is not even this means that basically infiltration cannot even take place to begin with gives way maybe develop when rainfall is heavy and takes place over a few days Kimi's out hanging piece of high water table high soil antecedent moisture k what is soil antecedent moisture key I think I'll go to later on Kiba in for for those who don't know SOI antecedent moisture is basically when they were in previously to see the day before T and s to excess water in the soil K which means that there are no pause basis for any water to infiltrate when the next rainfall comes hence this can cause your soil to become saturated saturated basically means it is extremely dense very wet K can cause it to be saturated and hence water is unable to infiltrate and this results in your saturated Overland flow k if we didn't catch that go and we played all my time getting that consoling digested is very very important is crucial okay so just technology chef always occurs before sof and the soil must be near saturation before sof container cold so like i said just now must be very very dense packed full of water before it can occur okay so there's just a pictorial illustration okay Hof versus SOF okay so basically hof as seen on the left hand side kids when infiltration exits Overland flow P and hence the water king can start to run off the surface so this that down below here they're actually still some pause pieces so some waters infantry infiltrating but because of the high rainfall intensity there's so much water on the surface that the infiltration rate becomes very very slow K the water is unable to infiltrate that fast and possibly at the surface the capacity has really been wish so it takes a very long time to trickle down the soil K and as a result there's some water which is left on top and this becomes your hero F key on the other hand your SOF is a bit different oops okay so fits with different you notice that the soil is really awfully photo kids off your water so the water is unable to even enter K hence it starts to fall along the side here on top on the surface as a form of your saturated Overland flow instead okay so it does beefy flows and your input that I've just covered k and it has been a bit absorb so just take a quick break before we move on to stores and output all right and then after that we should be nearing the enemy dealer okay so take a quick break okay one two three four five seconds all right let's move on okay so starts basically interception and biological what the storage is the first one we're gonna be covering okay BC interception and biological water storage essentially it's very simple okay like it states k biological is busy when there is vegetation cover on the earth surface which holds a certain amount pacification history can be removed by evaporation this base village just not the first thing we have an interception loss okay when s interception loss to be three means that water has touched the vegetation cover and it has fallen to the ground so there's some there's some water which has been lost but everything they realized that then where did the water go right the water's actually stored on the vegetation itself so there is basically interception storage simple right okay so emotional story it is important so much noise refers to the storage of moisture in the soil okay so this occurs basically after infiltration and before percolation case we think of it as this this is the surface over here and then this is where populations are stalkers so the Vieira's percolation KBC soil moisture storage is this whole region in here this is soil moisture storage so if within the surface s Oeste your your groundwater storage the middle part is your soil moisture so it's key so this is your soil moisture storage and the bottom down here is your groundwater storage well then decide on okay so we first areas above water table where post pieces are not saturated water so with both water and air kiddies just by the book definition all right next the storage like I've just seen before so the storage of water in the subsurface zone that is fully saturated below the water table kiss to the upper surface of the water of the saturated zone case called the water table water tables this is an imaginary line K where the processes are completely filled with water and it separates the sunna variation versus zone of saturation essentially what it means is when you have a plot of off of soil okay let's see there is water that covers all the way down here this is basically the water table it is basically an imaginary line okay because up here is all air this part here or air up here and down here is all water so the line that crosses in between over here that is the water table simple okay channel storage refers to the river channel it is a physical confine of a river so this where water from your groundwater storage sub surface your soil moisture storage it is where all your clothes and everything travels towards the channel itself with his water entirely to the flows from other stores and their elephant precipitation clearly see if it rains and it falls into the river that will be three help to increase the level of water in the river channel as well okay then we move on to output skid a busy two types outputs I won't go through it because it's so simple to understand here in Fair cover mauve evapotranspiration the next video clip stay tuned for that but firstly we've got River runoff they see the water that is flowing from the channel towards the sea so it's being lost from the drainage basin system so this goes out into the huge open sea that is away from this drainage basin that is basically a River runoff here next I've got evapotranspiration which is basically water loss due to evaporation and transpiration okay so when water evaporates due to hot weather that results in a loss of water as well okay so last exam requirements kvc you just need to understand the entire drainage basin hydrology in terms of your inputs outputs flows and storages k be able to explain and discuss the function of the different parts of the drainage basin hydrology and how they all work cohesively to form one system all right very very simple okay it tends to come up for any questions and possibly you need to identify a bit of it in your dlq data response work history question alright so jr. spits in hydraulic hydrology that she very simple key you're going to be looking more at your other things to clean such as essentially your vector scalar effect the change based in hydrology so for this part video just understand what the flows your storages input output is ena next part we'll cover more on the factors as well as your water balance actually factors I've covered most of it in this video so let's go and look to the entire video again if you if need be here and that should actually help you out for your drainage based in hydrology right so if you did enjoy this video be sure to give it I'm some key readers a lot as well as the leaf I mean be sure to subscribe here if you actually enjoy the content key stay tuned for more I've got more content coming out this year a lot more job a lot more occurrence possibly some GPS well so just stay tuned for that if not I'll see you guys in the next one bye bye