Transcript for:
AI Crypto Trading Bot Experiment

how much money can you make in 4 days from AI trading Bots well in today's video I'm going to put exactly that to the test I'm going to open up two crypto trading Bots for $3,000 and we're going to see just how easy or difficult it is to make money now I'm mostly new to the trading bot space but I'm really keen on experimenting and seeing just how successful some of these strategies can be there are influencers out there that will tell you that you can make $100 a day $1,000 a day from Trading Bots and that they're essentially a free money glitch but how true exactly is that how easy is it to make money using these Bots well this is the entire point of this week's experiment this is the first episode of a new series where I just Test new crypto products using real money using real time I'm going to experiment with some of the most popular products in the market and see if they actually work I think this is going to be super valuable for you because you're going to find out what works and what doesn't we're going to have a lot of fun along the way and maybe will even find some profitable strategies that end up being lucrative over the long term today's video we're going to be focusing on grid Bots and most specifically the okx grid bot everything is going to be done on camera so you're going to see the entire process from start to finish so before we invest in these Bots and I actually put money into the Bots first I need to explain exactly what grid Bots do and how they work Futures grid trading is an automated strategy that trades Futures contracts with present intervals within a specific price price range this strategy will continuously Buy Low and sell high for each predefined grid essentially profiting off the volatility of the market so this basically means it doesn't matter if the price necessarily goes up and down as long as there's volatility in the market this presents the opportunity for a grid to make profit the essence of a Futures grid is volatility Arbitrage so the strategy is most suitable when the market is moving sideways or volatile within a specific range there's long Futures grids which are essentially only possess long positions there's short Futures grids which possess short positions and then there's neutral Futures grids which present both opportunities on the long and the short side so they're essentially long and short depending on which way the Market's moving I'm super excited smash a like button if you do enjoy this style of content and remember if you do want to trade on okx there's a link in the description below and if you use that link you can get a mystery box valued at up to $10,000 so Link in the description to access that mystery box and if you're trading make sure to stay safe don't risk more than you are willing to lose let's get straight into the video I'm super excited to test these out so if you go onto the okx website and you go onto the trade portion of the website you can click on the trading bot section which will bring you to a dashboard that essentially enables you to either pick from their pre-built Bots or create your own trading bot I'm going to set up a new bot that we are going to test out throughout the remainder of this week I'm going to do a on bitcoin and I think I'm also going to open up a salot uh so first let's go into the Bitcoin strategy and I'll explain the logic behind it so what I'm going to do is come down to the Futures grid section this will enable me to open a Bitcoin bot with leverage if you click on the spot grid section then this will enable you to open up a Bitcoin bot just using purely spot so no margin so if I click on the Futures grid here you can see you can select from AI strategies and manual strategies today I'm going to be making a manual strategy so now I have to select the price range that I want the bot to execute across essentially what grid Bots do as I explained before is they create a grid of buy and sell zones that enables the bot to automatically take trades based on a predetermined set of criteria so here what we need to do is Define for the bot what is going to be our price range that the grids are going to be structured between so the reason why I'm doing the strategy on bitcoin right now is because you can see Bitcoin is chopping sideways now when you're in an environment where the price is chopping sideways this is ideal for setting up a bot strategy like this one because the price is just going to oscillate and chop in between hopefully the buy and sell grids that we enable so we can see we have the range here at 25,300 which is the lower end of the range um this is on the hourly time frame and we can see the top end of the range is at 26,900 so I'm going to shoot slightly below either sides so our lower limit is going to be 25,200 which is slightly below this Blue Zone and our upper limit is going to be at 27,100 which is slightly uh above the Range High here so once we've set our range now we need to set the grid mode and quantity I'm not going to bother with a geometric strategy today I'm going to just stick to the arithmetic strategy which means it's going to equally space the grids apart in a quantity that I pre-select for the grid quantity I'm going to go with 12 grids the reason why I'm going with 12 grids um is because if you take the bottom to the top of the range it's roughly 6 and2 half% so this is essentially going to spread the 12 grids evenly across the entirety of the range the more grids you use the more buy and sell orders that will be taking place um which also means the more risk if Bitcoin happens to shoot crazily to the upside or to the downside the less grids you use the less orders that are going to take place but of course this means it's going to take longer to play out in between trades so I think 12 grids is a good amount to give us a profit per grid of about 4.4 to 4.8% U which makes sense now I'm going to be using 10x leverage this will be using an invested margin of $2,000 out of a bank roll of 3,000 1,000 we're going to allocate for the salana AI bot that I'm also going to set after the Bitcoin trade for the advanced settings I'm going to keep trigger typers instant remember we are setting a neutral bot which means it's not going to start with a long or a short bias it's going to start in the neutral position which means a trade will trigger as soon as it hits our first grid and we're also going to set a TP price as well above the very top of the highest Wick which is at 28,200 and I'm not going to set a stop loss you can set a stop loss but the reason I'm not is because I'm literally going to be monitoring this bot all the time so if you if you're not as active of course you probably want to set a stop we are going to create our bot here you can see here all the settings on the Futures and confirm so our bot has officially been created you can view the details in front of you here let's see how this bot um goes over the next few days I'm very very intrigued to see how this goes but I do have one more bot that I want to set up and this is going to be a salana bot so I was looking through the strategies here and it's really really cool because not only can you do manual Bots but you can also use their predetermined selection of AI bots so if we go to perpetuals then we click on salana usdt and we scroll down and click on AI strategy you can see here that there are a bunch of strategies that have been back tested by okx you have this short Futures grid this long Futures grid this neutral Futures grid and they all look super interesting salana is an interesting case as well because it's similar to bitcoin you have salana in this range structure so these are the ranges that the AI bot um has predetermined and yeah let's check $1,000 into this and test this out let's do it on let's say we can go between 5 and 7x let's do 7x leverage slightly lower than our Bitcoin position and let's use margin of $11,000 as well setting my TP as well at $21.50 once again got a monitor so not setting a stop loss and we are going to create our position really intrigued to see how these Bots do I'm going to come back tomorrow and I'm going to give you an update on what is happening with these Bots these are the two new ones as you can see the four ones below are the ones that I've been testing over the last few days and I'm going to see you tomorrow and we're going to check in and see how these Bots are doing so I'm back for day two now let's check up on the bot's performance and we can see here that our salana bot is actually down 2% but it's not too bad because we've only lost $21 I want to look into the details here in a second the Bitcoin bot is actually up $10 so it makes up for roughly half of the losses of the salana bot up 0.48% um but the Bots that I actually set before recording this show are performing really well with the world coin bot now up 26.3% the curve bot up 7% and our other Bots up for a cumulative $10 in profit as well so overall we are actually up but on the Bots yesterday we are slightly down due to Sal I want to look at the data from this salana bot we can see that we're down 2.16% but interestingly what actually happened to the salana price yesterday was it did dump slightly from our entry at 1950 since then the salana price has dumped and it hasn't really had any major bounces since it basically came straight down and hasn't had any bounces now what this means because these are grid Bots is that essentially we've had a few buy orders taking place we can see it made a buy at 19.7 it also made two other buys but you can see here if there's no grid profit what this means is that the bot has made a buy but it hasn't found a corresponding sell order to match that transaction with so it ended up making a trade here which it was able to match with the sells side so it bought at 19.4 and then it sold at 19.5 this is where we make profit where we lose money is when the price goes down but it doesn't bounce to the next corresponding grid where the what would execute a sale and in that case we end up assuming a small loss until price recovers and is able to essentially match with the next grid which gives us uh a sale on the other side and allows us to make profit so the thing with this bot is I'm still comfortable sitting in it because we're still within the range and as long as we chop within the range the odds are is that eventually we do get a bounce which will enable us to realize some profit in terms of the Bitcoin bot we can see that this actually is in profit uh because Bitcoin has had a couple of bounces on the lower time frames we can see the main one was this one that we made for $6 profit where it bought some Bitcoin at 25.99 and sold some Bitcoin for 26.15% the Bots are performing and wow okay so some interesting stuff happening on the Bitcoin bot I guess let's start there uh that's actually minus $2 now because essentially what's happened on bitcoin is it's ripped to the upside we're now starting to get a slight pullback but because it's pumped to the upside there are a lot of sell orders which have taken place which haven't had a time to be filled so these are essentially shorts because we are obviously trading in the Futures Market with this bot that won't be matched uh with their other grids until we come back down so Bitcoin does need to pull back here for us to make profit on those grids if we go into the detail section of the Bitcoin bot you can actually see our grid profit is $17.73 so this is the realized profit on actual trades that have taken place however our floating p&l is down $90 meaning we are currently down $19 worth of orders that are currently placed but haven't been matched because Bitcoin hasn't yet corrected uh if Bitcoin does start to pull back then of course these matches will turn from floating p&l into grid profit so that's quite interesting salana has actually ticked into the positive territory it was slightly down yesterday and that's due to the fact that salana pumped so the opposite happened with our salana trades we were DC on the way down we put in a few buy orders at our corresponding grids the price has pumped a lot of these sell orders are now starting to get executed and we are now seeing our salana grid profit tick into a positive territory of plus $27 and our floating p&l is about the same we need some of these levels to be hit as we can see we have a transaction here on the buy side that needs to be matched with a sell that would only happen uh when salana goes up in price because we have started to have a slight pullback here our worldcoin long is actually up uh but due to how the chart looks right now just given the fact that it's now at the extremity of the r here and looks like it could be on the verge of a breakout I don't really want to risk it so I'm actually going to close this bot I'm going to make the decision to stop the bot and close all of my active positions going to confirm that let's check in tomorrow to see how our Bots are performing in light of a little bit more Market volatility let's check in with the Bots to see how they're going looking at salana this has ticked into a profit of over 5% it's now at $51 because as we said yesterday we needed salana to move to the upside to trigger some of our sell orders and this is exactly what happened so the grid bods were buying all the way down as soon as we got that move to the upside we were able to secure some profit so that bot is performing extremely well the Bitcoin bot has ticked over into negative territory although overall we are still in net profit the reason the Bitcoin bot is now ticking into negative territory is essentially because there were some sell orders that were executed but because Bitcoin moved so quickly the price didn't retrace to give the bot a chance to match some orders on the buy side but as long as we stay within the range it's okay and I guess that's been one of the major learnings from these 4 days I actually just got home from the gym and I was supposed to get around to recording the conclusion of the video but I started getting some alerts on my phone that the market actually started to pump quite aggressively so I'm going to go into the office right now and I want to check up on the salana bot specifically because that was configured in the long Direction all right so I'm at my computer now and as you can see the salana bot is now officially in $100 worth of profit and the reason for this is because we turned our floating p&l into grid profit because the price of salana actually pumped to the very top of our Range High here and then had a slight rejection which meant a lot of our buy orders were matched with sells as we started to pump in price the Bitcoin bot is still slightly down but now overall including the Bots that we already closed were around $100 in profit and it's just been a few days uh with a relatively small initial investment so I'll get into all my learnings now in the official conclusion but it definitely was a nice surprise today to get one of our Bots performing so well and it just shows that as long as price maintains itself within a range uh you can actually end up doing quite well of it in 4 days including the Bots that I opened prior to officially starting the challenge I made $104 which equates to around $26 per day if we exclude the Bots that I opened before I officially started recording it live then we made $63 profit in 4 days which equates to around $16 a day that is $16 out of a bank roll of $3,000 so percentage wise it's quite a small gain overall I'm pretty happy with how this challenge went because I learned a couple key things the first key thing that I leared is that these type of grid Bots are most effective during sideways volatile markets if if there's a major dump in the market and then a range starts to form that would technically be the perfect time to set a grid bot strategy and you could have invalidation either side of the range in really volatile choppy markets with in kind of weird periods it becomes more difficult to execute grid bot strategies and that's probably where I would look to maybe go with more of a biased long or a biased short uh strategy which can utilize different Automation and that's something that I'm going to cover in next week's video in this series where I focus primarily on short-term strategy so I would consider today's video to be a medium to long-term strategy as you can kind of set and forget it as long as price is within the range in terms of this series there's a lot more to come we're going to be experimenting with a lot more bots so if you did enjoy make sure you smash the like button let me know in the comments below which crypto products you would like me to try next of course if you do want to trade on okx there is a link in the description where you can get a mystery box valued it up to $10,000 and I'm going to see you in the next video have a lovely day peace out [Music]