all right folks welcome to the lecture what is CRT now if you came to watch this video and you're expecting some quick a quick uh spoonfed one 123 uh sort of video then you can uh simply click out right this video is for those who want to achieve a deeper understanding of the charts and therefore of course uh potentially having uh the chance to milk the markets a lot more than someone who doesn't understand CRT all right so before we start stop whatever you're doing right grab a cup of coffee or tea or milk whatever and uh watch pay attention and put aside all your preconceived notes itions about whether it's me whether it's uh my Concepts whether it's uh ICT whatever forget all you know and start from zero just watch and of course I don't need to say it but take notes so uh to begin with what is CRT CRT stands for candle range Theory right candle range Theory which is simply uh every single candle is a range right all candles AR ranges and this range this candle you see right it can either be broken out of in the next candle so the next candle closes below this candle and then continues lower or it can be Wicked below and closed above Turtle souped then you expect a rally right or vice versa right so every single candle you see can either be broken out of or uh Turtle souped there is no third option right yes you might have some inside bars so candle number one inside bars and then turtle soup but it's the same result now knowing this is the first thing uh the second thing is knowing which candle you want to pick right most Traders uh whether it's ICT or otherwise they don't know what they are right let me elaborate on that what is this uh what do you see a box now what do you see very simple this is uh the monthly range right so it's the monthly candle so monthly open low high close right this is a bullish monthly candle this is also a weekly candle weekly open on Sunday right open low high close a bullish weekly candle this is also a daily candle right daily open low high close this is also a 4-Hour candle open low high close this is also a 1H hour candle open low high close so Step One is Define the sort of range you're trying to trade are you trying to trade the monthly range then wait for the monthly power of three the weekly range the daily range they're all the same exact thing simply at different speeds right and this is the meaning of prices fractal right and uh that's your mission is go right now and mark the open and the close of a monthly candle and look at what you what do you see uh I'll do it for you for the monthly and then you go and do it for the weekly and daily and whatever all right so you mark monthly open you go to the 4 Hour right this is a monthly candle right this monthly candle another monthly candle and now you do the same thing with the rest of the time frames right I'll help you the weekly so monthly 4 hour right then you have weekly weekly candle 1 hour then you have daily candle 15 15 minute right 4H hour candle 5 minute and so on so that's how you look at the the power of three of each of those candles so monthly 4 Hour weekly 1 hour daily and you do the daily and the 4 Hour right daily uh 15 minute and the 4our candle 5 minute all right so go and go and uh go and see how they all look the exact same right because they are the same because whatever happens in the monthly time frame and this is a lesson on fractality uh is going to happen on the 1 hour right so the monthly candle is nothing more than a 1 hour candle which is moving at a slower Pace the 5minute candle is a monthly candle which is printing really fast and when you know this then you can practice you can get in a lot of practice on the lower time frames right so here's that's a lot of let's assume this is a monthly candle each right so this is years of experience getting gathered by studying the candles and their relationship a ships on the lower time frame right you're practicing because this can be a monthly this can be many monthly candles if I hide this time frame right now right this can be uh a yearly chart a 10-year chart right so use the the fractal nature of price to get in practice now is this rule fixed no because every time frame is printing at its own pace and anyone who tells you that there's a fixed time frame alignment is uh is lying or simply uninformed right there is no sequence of time frame alignment uh there's because each time frame is printing at its own pace you can simply tailor some uh time frames with others right you can pair them together uh such as this right this is how I do it to see the power of three this is how to see the power of three of each candle right and note this down the astute pupil is noting down everything I'm saying and his questions now so Step One is defining what what are you or what do you want to do this week at least right do you want to trade the daily range do you want to trade uh the monthly range the weekly range of next week of this week the 4H hour range right one of my favorites so Step One is decide and I am a uh mostly a daily and 4-Hour range Trader if there's a clean weekly range then I'll take it right that's step one step one is decide what range you want to trade now here's the fun part every single range is a candle and every single range has some sort of relationship with the range before it right that's turtle soup what you're waiting for is open and this is happens on every single candle right and knowing the fractal nature of price by the way it uh it alleviates a lot of fomo because you know that if I [ __ ] up excuse my language if I if I uh screwed up in today's daily range then I have a reset tomorrow at midnight New York right it's a whole new opportunity if I messed up this weekly range then I have another weekly range waiting for me next week Sunday if I messed up the 4-Hour range then I simply wait right it's like buses daily range Journey daily range Journey daily range Journey each one is a new opportunity and in each one you're looking to catch the open if you're bullish you go the open it smacks into a bullish key level or an old low turtle soup and then it rallies right if you can catch that then you can make you can build your whole trading career on that right and vice versa if you're bearish and simply wait for an open bearish key level on the time frame higher than the power through time frame open key level SL liquidity pool turtle soup and then decline right that's all that's ever happening go back T this right that's a summary of the charts open turtle soup decline open key level decline right write that down it's important so you have to build your entire build your entire uh all your models all your trading all your trading happens within this everything everything and anyone who adds anything more to this is full of [ __ ] all right this is all I'm looking at and this is why by the way I'm going to link you to I'm going to give you a homework at the end of this video which is uh reverse engineer all my trades of 2023 and this year right I'll link the PDF uh as you know or you may not know uh you know now now I'm the world record holder of the highest accuracy in the entire trading industry with uh an 80% % accuracy all right publicly verifiable uh on Twitter right now you can go and check it out right I'll link to it and how did I do that with this and that gives me the authority to speak because when someone speaks on a topic right you always have to ask yourself uh who is he to tell me this which is natural right uh because you don't want to if you don't have something you can't give it right you don't you can't pour from an empty cup so when I watch someone when you watch someone you should ask yourself what's his credentials uh what qualifies him to say what he's saying and in my case uh the highest accuracy world record in the world and I doubt it'll be beaten right how this open if I'm bearish open key level turtle soup right very basic very simple there are some intricacies and some details but this is the this is the base premise of everything open key level turtle soup right invert scale open key level turtle soup key level turtle soup of course an smt going happen over here as well all right but open key level turtle soup remove the key level open old low turtle soup right an open old high turtle soup with the high being a wickr body right that's all that's happening can it get more simpler than that now if it's still not simple enough then I can't help you go trade the RSI right I wav homo some other nonsense but this is the power of three this is the Open high low and close this is uh the summary of everything you have to learn now at first you might find trouble you might uh Mark your key level and then it keeps going higher then you were wrong then you Journal right you journal and uh write down why did it go up I expected I expect it down it went up why right reverse engineer uh and eventually with practice with the third with the third fourth fifth 10th 100th time it becomes second nature right you can predict to the PIP open high to the PIP turtle soup decline all right so build everything you do around this this is the base now visually and here's the fun part uh this is where CRT comes in handy right because CRT says that each candle is a ranged so this range is a candle the monthly range is a candle the weekly range is a candle right if you look at this monthly candle it's a range right go to the 4 Hour it's a range same with the weekly candle if you go on one hour it's a range right so every candle is a range and this range can either be Turtle souped right or broken out of in this case let's look at the an example of each right so first of all the example of turtle soup this one specific candle is a range right and this is where we come into some time theory right week one accumulation week two manipulation uh and the rest distribution week three all right AMD each one is a specific C CLE that's why they don't tell you uh they'll tell you accumulation manipulation distribution but they won't tell you which ones they won't tell you each one is a specific candle you can look at right this candle represents time and price so this specific candle is the CRT high and low now if a candle gets a turtle soup then you can with an extremely high probability you can expect it to at least trade into the 50% and this what I said just now is enough to build an entire trading career any candle turtle soup or smt and then to the 50% boom that's your trade and then you wait for the next one all right so let's look at the one hour exactly what happened all right so that specific range of the uh the candle weekly candle Sunday all right to the next weekly candle weekly open Sunday 5:00 P p.m. all right true week open of course is Monday but this is the premise that's candle number one right so candle number one is there and then as soon as this specific candle of this one specific week is Turtle souped then you're going to take price to the 50% of the the range so candle one is a range candle two is manipulation of the range and candle 3 is uh distribution to the Target right 50% and then the opposing end of the range always take off at the 50% always right so this each gray shaded area is is a weekly range right weekly range remember what I said weekly range each one is a new opportunity weekly range weekly range Candle One Candle two candle three accumulation manipulation distribution now you look for the fbgs you look for the breakers you look for all all that uh Market structure you look for it within this because without this you can't discern where price is going and you'll find that market structure True Market structure right will actually happen excuse me will happen within uh CRT right right so this is CRT each candle is a range it's either going to be Turtle souped and traded back into or broken out of that's the basic premise now some of you going to see this and get excited and go and try it out and think you know everything uh no you don't right you know the basic premise you have a good foundation now right and now on the foundation you build more blocks of information right Little Gems little things here and there which is why it's important to stick to one mentor and uh listen to what they're saying every every little thing they say is linked to the base right for example uh the lows at the 50% of any price leg are usually going to get turtle souped right but that happens within the CRT right Candle One Candle two candle three you look for entries uh you sell above of course the advanced entries up here and that's what you see me do all right you'll see me selling the highs turtle soup right there and uh you wonder why how you wonder how do even possible do I work with the market makers do they work for me uh do I do insider trading uh all those questions will be answered but for you guys for the public uh learn how to trade and it's easier anyway right just uh it's easier and more it's quicker to trade candle number three right so Candle One Candle two and then candle three the strategy quote unquote is to sell above the open of candle number three right for the daily candle you're going to sell above if you're bearish you sell above the Monday midnight open with the weekly candle you're going to sell a Bo the Monday midnight open as well right while monitoring price uh on Sunday from uh 5:00 P p.m onwards right this is all happening New York time because that's the time the algorithm functions all right so sell above the weekly if you're bearish on the on the weekly range remember what happened remember what I said about the range couple of minutes ago right each candle is a range if you're bearish on the next candle range then sell above the open of the next candle if you're bullish then sell below the open all the breakers all the order blocks all the turtle soups everything happens above the open and below the open right above one bull one bearish and Below one bullish all right so in this instance you would go and you would sell above the Monday midnight open again remember open turtle soup decline always every single time you can ignore it at first because it may seem a bit complex to the beginner and if it does then uh uh that's an issue because this is this is the simplest it can get right but you'll see this happen and go back reverse engineer trades your losses and you should have a journal right you should know what your losses are because each loss is a lesson it's cliche but it's cliche for a reason right look at your losses and see what happened every single candle you took a loss at could have been corrected if you looked at through the lens of open high low close open turtle soup decline when bearish open turtle soup uh rally when bullish right now my is this one over here I bought here before the massive rally how do you predict that that also based on CRT blended with uh turtle soup all right and here's a little break uh just to tell you that anything that you're going to learn outside of CRT and turtle soup is garbage and a waste of your time right absolute nonsense oh what about ICT uh he's Al even ICT he he talks too much right uh ICT uh I give him credit of course for uh leading me towards the open hollow and close right I consider myself one of his uh in fact his best student is me right but the truth must be told I'm not I'm not a blind sheep right I'm a critical independent thinker so ICT built his business model on uh on selling his YouTube videos so he gets paid every month by you watching right so it's in in his benefit to make it long winded and make you listen for hours and hours and hours cuz your attention isn't free right nothing is free in this world you you listen you learn yes it's beneficial his content is uh the most complete content there is but there is long winded ramps which are unnecessary and we can all agree to that all right uh so even him I put him in that category if you want to learn from ICT because you enjoy stock teaching go ahead but uh what I've done is I've taken all his teachings and uh refined them into something better which is turtle soup and CRT I don't care what you think about that I don't care what anyone thinks about that but that's that's the objective truth which is it's it's not negotiable it's not debatable it's the truth right and I've proven everyone wrong many many times and I proven myself right by having the highest the world record for the highest accuracy in the entire trading space in the entire trading Community right which is why I I am in the position I am right now which is why I get hired by the people I do uh it's just some food for thought right now my trade um as we we know as you should know by now and before I move on to this part of the the lecture remember this candle one accumulation candle 2 manipulation avoid if you can candle three sell above the open all right let's look look at let's look at that the uh the weekly time frame let's view this candle from the weekly time frame right so candle number one you ignore all the other candles candle one accumulation candle two manipulation candle three distribution and blend these by the way the candles with the times of formation of the high high high of the day low of the day high of the week low of the week and you'll get uh you'll get a pretty accurate read on the markets all right CLE one 2 three sell Above This open right so let's go back good old bar replay which I've earned by being the highest accur rate in the world all right Candle One accumulation candle two turtle soup and candle 3 is going to be uh targeting the 50% and then the opposing into the range always partial at the 50% it's that simple it's the fastest candle 3 is usually the fastest trade you will ever take right cuz the manipulation is done all the suckers who wanted to buy Above the high because you know rule number one is never buy above a high and never sell below a low and buy low and sell high right so all the suckers who bought above the high uh the market will never give them a chance to recover just go dump straight into the target all right that's how the market makers move these markets uh another thing is uh if you're confused about Direction always ask yourself who's getting screwed over right because retail buys above highs so at this specific moment who screwed over retail right and regarding IRL and erl I'll link uh an i video where you can learn the actual thing from The Source not secondhand parrots an IRL Trader would be trading till his fvg and that's uh simply wrong because the correct technical Target is the 50% as you can see right so he' he' partial right here and a turtle soup and CRT Trader would take it right down to the 50% right some food for thought over there now my trade let's go to the 2day all right you got a CRT there now what happened here was a range right as you know the market moves in range to Trend to range to Trend nothing else happens it's either ranging or trending right or it's a trend now trading Trends start from a range anyway right it's simply buying the range and then holding for the deviations of the range right holding for a breakout right the safest one is uh you replicate the range of breakout one and that's it safest fastest trades now a range is generation of Interest on both the buy side and the sell side of the range right so range range range um breakout Traders are looking to buy Above the high and breakdown Traders are looking to sell below the low what happens usually is it's going to trip one of them and the first breakout of range is usually fake and there you go right from range to Trend that's what happens range turtle soup Trend and I hope for your SA take you're noting this down everything I'm saying right and if you aren't go back and watch again 1 2 3 10 times uh the most successful students I have and I have a bunch and by successful I mean both in accuracy and uh extracting uh a [ __ ] ton of money from the markets and excuse my French uh they have one thing in common they're obsessed with the charts they can't sleep it's the way I was right they're constantly looking for more they're always hungry they're watching uh my content one two three 10 times if they have to right because there's no way in hell that you got everything from uh the lecture so far when you watch it again the second time you might catch some things you didn't see the first time when when you watch it the third time you might catch some things you didn't see the second time and so on right so each time is a new there's there's a solidification solidification excuse me a solidification of the previous knowledge and building on top of it right uh a reminder is the best teacher so don't shy away from watching stuff again all right repetition teaches uh you know the thing so if the market moves from range to Trend to range to Trend then this is a range right range Low Range High and these are my favorite setups where there's a clear range price range or time range range range Low Range High turtle soup and rally right that's Elementary and of course every turtle soup has a failure swing with it remember so what happens is uh range range range turtle soup all everyone's selling down here all the buyers stopped out and then and then rally everyone buys over here it dumps almost to the low because when the low is created it's created at a certain time right they create the low and then they get another they they dump it again once more almost take it out scare everyone and then rally all right go back and back tce that right every turtle soup has a failure swing to scare away the people about the turtle soup right range Low Range High and You' be done over here as a beginning budding student You' be done the Range High from the range low right and if you look at the higher time frame then this range is a candle candle one remember candle two candle three range Low Range High CRT High CRT low CRT High let's keep the C terms alive uh CRT high and CRT low right so you look at the that's whole idea turtle soup if we if we had Clos below this candle remember Wick Wick versus close this is how to find the bias in the next candle right so how do you find bias in in the next candles by closes in Wicks close above the previous candle equals higher prices in the next candle close below the previous candle equals lower prices in the next candle wake above below not belows Wick above the previous candle you saw that example on the weekly equals lower price in the next candle wick below the previous candle equals higher prices in the next candle and excuse the spelling mistakes higher price in spelling all right so this specific candle is arranged look at this candle let's let's mark it with the gray area this candle is a range right you go to the lower time frame the 1 hour the 4 Hour right and then what you have is a range turtle soup rally that's a timed range right range range range turtle soup all this is scaring people away and then rallying right so always think like the market maker always think who's getting stopped out who's winning who's losing all right that's what the markets book on on liquidity right liquidity sweep Turtle to soup uh stop hunt this is turtle soup CRT is turtle soup right they're not two separate things uh how do you find an entry well youd find an entry of course the first entry the most advanced entry is entering on the second candle uh next up you have model one right simply wait for the candle that dug into the low right so that be this one over here and sometimes it's clean sometimes sloppy in this case it was a sloppy model one right but it never got stopped out right close above this candle when you close above the wick is not it doesn't count when you close above this one specific candle then this one specific candle from the high to the wick is the one that caused this entire rally right ignore the Wicks look at the bodies of course my buy was uh over here in this one candle all right so I waited for the for the uh because I like to see a thick down close candle When I See This flimsy down Clos candle uh you can s it but when I see a thick down close candle indicating a a strong dump and scaring everyone right those are the candles I like to rely on right so for me it was this one was this candle open you close above this candle here close here and then this one specific candle is the one that caused the rally and that's model number one right you simply wait for any candle to stab into an old high or an old low and that one specific candle is uh your entry right this about entries turtle soup the up close it's not supply and demand it's one specific candle right you got this here this is your entry right here the can the up close candle the thick up close candle that's stabbed into an old high or the thick down close candle that stabbed into an old low that's it it's not supply and demand it's not those African order blocks you see right there's a Sound Logic to the sequence of entries that happens right entry one turtle soup entry two order block entry three a breaker right so if the breaker is hit or the OT is hit then looking for this is foolish right it's a Time sequence sequence one entry one turtle soup down here that's mine entry two order block entry three is the market structure shift and then you have a breaker or an OT right for a second leg all right uh that's enough for uh this video that's already been uh it's gone too far that was a dense dense video right so in summary in summary what is CRT CRT is candles or ranges candle number one range candle number two turtle soup week above lower prices candle number three is going to Target 50% and the opposing in the range swing guy all right now no this is not anything Top by ICT or anyone else look at it uh no one has mentioned by the way targeting 50% of the range that's what we mentioned uh the wicking the closing numbering each candle candle one candle two candle three uh the techniques of entering candle two uh how to enter candle three model number one turtle soup fastest three is the fastest one right it has the most velocity because they're in a hurry to to hit the target they're in order to distribute the liquidity they accumulated above the high right so that's three can model and you find it on all time frames every single day all the time every day every week and it will never stop if you can catch one of these if you can catch four of these on The Daily time frame in one month then you're you're a better Trader than uh than 90% of uh of Traders right if you can catch one or two of these per week on the 4H hour time frame and you can then you're a better Trader than most Traders uh there's excuse me the voice crack uh there is more details obviously on the timings of the highs and lows and that's the that's the final key to CRT is every high and low of every candle is timed right weekly high low is timed daily high low is timed 4our high low is timed and time is more important than price right there's certain times for consolidation certain times for expansion and uh a hint is that you know candle one is accumulation candle two manipulation and candle 3 is fast you want to try and get as many candle 3es as you want as you can excuse me right Candle One Candle two candle three and remember don't force a turtle soup it'll always be there right if it closes above Let It Go wait for another one I've seen some of you forcing Turtle soups and getting wrecked uh stop it right it's either there and you take it or it's not any weight right so it's either there for you to take or it's not and you wait I'm running out of time all right uh perhaps it'll be part two uh the homework is go to Telegram and watch the pinned messages go see the uh the 2023 trade highlights right something like that uh go watch them reverse engineer all of those trades not a single one don't be lazy right reverse engineer all of them and uh you will find that every single one was based on CRT all of them and the turtle soup episodes the turtle soup series what is turtle soup is going to commence next week onwards I hope you found this insightful I wish you good luck good trading and watch it 10 times if you need to there's no shame in that no one no one will know anyway right wish good luck good trading and see you in the next video