APRI Conference Training: ArcGIS and Water Resource Management

Jul 22, 2024

APRI Conference Training: ArcGIS and Water Resource Management


  • Conference: APRI Conference Training, RCMRD International Conference (2021)
  • Participants: 50 attendees from various global locations
  • Opening Remarks: Focus on creating a global community of GIS professionals and interdisciplinary collaboration

Speakers and Key Personnel

  • Monica Manzier: Industry Lead, Water Utilities at ESRI Africa
  • Biko Olali: Industry Manager, Utilities and Telecoms
  • Sydney Youngesa: Solutions Engineer, Natural Resources Industry
  • Caroline Wangashin Viridi: Senior Research Officer, Kenya Water Towers Agency
  • James Boga: Project Manager and GIS Officer, CODIO East Africa

Main Topics Covered

Welcome Remarks

  • Different backgrounds of participants (GIS users, teachers, scientists, government workers, NGOs, business sector)
  • Importance of forming a global community for GIS professionals
  • Encouragement to ask questions and interact
  • Team members introductions

Program Overview

  1. Welcome Remarks by Biko Olali
  2. Case Study: Kenya Water Towers by Caroline Wangashin Viridi
    • Integrated Monitoring System for sustainable management of water towers
    • Challenges faced by water towers
  3. Complete GIS for Water Resources Management by ESRI Eastern Africa
  4. Showcase: Enhancing Coastal and Marine Resilience by James Boga, CODIO East Africa
    • Focus on the western Indian Ocean
  5. Q&A Session
  6. Closing Remarks

Detailed Presentations

Work at ESRI - Biko Olali

  • ESRI's global initiatives and support for GIS experts
  • Use of GIS in addressing critical global issues: energy, environment, climate change, urban modernization
  • Examples of ESRI's impact in environmental monitoring, natural resources, agriculture, forestry, land management, water sector, disaster preparation and response, imagery and remote sensing
  • GIS as a key role in sustainability and managing complex global challenges

Kenya Water Towers - Caroline Wangashin Viridi

  • Kenya's water towers: upland areas vital for water storage and biodiversity
  • Main water towers: Cherangani Hills, Mount Elgon, Mount Kenya, Mau Forest Complex
  • Importance of water towers in supporting various economic activities (agriculture, hydro power, tourism)
  • Threats: human activities, deforestation, declining water quality, soil and wind erosion
  • Role of Kenya Water Towers Agency: protection, rehabilitation, monitoring
  • Integrated Water Towers Monitoring System: centralized data platform, long-term monitoring, stakeholder collaboration
  • Use of GIS and remote sensing for mapping land cover, biodiversity hotspots, critical catchment areas, degradation levels
  • Examples: Fence demarcation, rehabilitation, use of tools like ArcGIS, GPS for fieldwork

Technical Session - Sidney Youngesa

  • ArcGIS for flood management
    • Hazard identification and assessment
    • Vulnerability assessment
  • Field applications: instant apps, dashboards, story maps
  • Example: Floodplain analysis and risk assessment

Enhancing Coastal and Marine Resilience - James Boga (CODIO East Africa)

  • Focus on the western Indian Ocean
  • Key issues: increased demand for food and space, ecosystem degradation, climate change impacts
  • Importance of marine spatial planning
  • Use of GIS for research and management
  • Examples: mapping marine habitats, coral reef dispersion models, surface temperature regions, flood risk simulation
  • Publications and scientific contributions

Q&A Session

  • Topics included: transboundary water towers, data sharing protocols, GIS capabilities in marine and coastal research
  • Feedback and engagement from participants

Closing Remarks

  • Encouragement to utilize GIS capabilities in addressing environmental challenges
  • Invitation for further collaboration and participation in future events