Transcript for:
Cocoa Note App Features and Benefits

How to use Cocoa Note app? So this is amazing new app, highly recommend you to try out, especially if you're a student in the college, university or in a high school. So the idea of the app is that you can turn audio and video into notes, flashcards, quizzes and more. So if you're in the lecture, like for example, if you're in some boring lecture which lasts two hours, you can just record this lecture, upload as audio file and then this app in seconds we'll create really nice summary and then also quiz and flashcards everything for you.

So yep let's just try it out. You can also upload YouTube links and things like that. So for example here's the some lecture at Yale University about Roman Empire or Middle Ages. So let's just open the app. It's a free app.

Here it is and then basically, yeah, you just tap to create a new note. This app has a paid plan, but it allows you to create few tests, free notes, but then, you know, it's becoming paid. So here, for example, I have a YouTube video of the, oh no, of the lecture.

So then I need to invite friends, but basically, all right. So let's just show you this. Let's see if I can create.

Anyhow, so they just only allow one note which is a PD, but and then just it's like 40 minutes lecture or like 40 minutes youtube video. I don't have time to watch all of that, maybe I'm just falling asleep or something like that and then let's just see if it's gonna work and then creating your note. And then let's see how it works.

Of course you can just use it on lectures or upload audio instead of video, but that can be really helpful to summarize, for example, also some long YouTube videos. So that can be helpful as well. I don't know how much time it takes, but as you can see, the video was like 40 minutes, so that's around can be like the lecture. and it took like 20 seconds and then here it is and then as you can see here's the video then wow you can see welcome and course introduction so presenter course title course period course themes teaching fellows sections course logistics syllabus and assignments course content overview Then, so as you can see, let's see what was in the video description and all of that just just to be like you know what you can get. So here is, here as you can see that's the description.

So not that much, like it wasn't here and then here you can just in the note you can see fun as like all the details starts with crisis of roman empire uh ends with the inheritance of the roman empire by 1000 a.d key historical themes fun and stretches of the course in like super short note and then instead of watching 40 minutes you will see this criticism and realities of roman empire it's like four bullet points like imbalance, military endurance and flows, like so it's like literally one paragraph of text instead of watching 40 minutes and then evaluation of historical closing remarks and there you have it. So yeah, quite a nice note. Then you can view the full transcript. So here you can see the whole transcript is quite long. and then edit note and transcript you can then just edit note and edit transcript and then basically what you can do you can share note link and then you can just share text you can edit delete um and that's then you just have your note yeah like the idea is that you just you just create a one note and then you will have the whole overview of the lecture And then if you want to invite friends here you can just go out and invite a friend and then you just for every invited friend you will get a free note.

Obviously they can't make it that everyone uses it for free because I guess all these AI calls are quite expensive. So that's just what it is.