Transcript for:
Building Trust in Ministry Organizations

thank you all right here we are in year three term two it's hard to believe how close you are to the home stretch of being done with your ens experience we're going to be looking in this video kind of a a dovetail off the Simon sinek Ted Talk that you just watched and we're going to be talking about building organizational trust ultimately in Ministry yes we broker in the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit but we truly broker and Trust our teams follow what we have to say because at some level they trust us people give to your church and Ministry and donors support what you do and people apply the teachings that you uh provide to them because they trust you we broker and trust that having high a culture of high organizational trust is super important in the Simon sinek video he said something I hope you caught he said if you get the environment right you have the capacity to do remarkable things and draw that capacity out of others as well that's really what we want to do in Ministry isn't it right to to get an environment where the capacity for remarkable things is happening our people are accomplishing things are growing in crazy ways are experiencing God in remarkable ways and that culture draws the capacity for the remarkable out of others the new leaders that you're developing the people you're discipling capacity is drawn out of them and while that was a good Ted Talk really all that TED Talks do even a great one like that one we just saw from Simon sinek all TED Talks do is Inspire us they give us the why but they don't really address how and they don't really address what to do how do we create a high trust organization what are the behaviors of the competencies that you need to have as a leader that's what we're going to discuss here in this video how do we create that team how do we create that type of environment how do we create the culture where the the brain of your team members can relax and bring forth then the best ideas the best efforts the best relationships how do we create organizational Trust there are so many things that you're doing to be productive but one thing that's crucial that we're doing in our organizations is that we produce a certain type of culture a certain type of environment because a certain type of culture a certain type of environment is going to produce a certain type of church and then your ministry work is going to be much less exhausting because the overall output in a high trust organization becomes naturally higher overall we're going to look at five important leadership competencies that you need to have to build organizational trust five leadership competencies these come from a study of 195 leaders from 15 different countries across 30 Global organizations so these leadership competencies cross the cultural dynamics that we have in our workplaces these are the things that people do that build High cultures of trust in their organizations under each of these Five Points there might be a couple little sub points that'll help flesh them out and develop them but the first competency that leaders have the first competency that leaders do when they develop High cultural or high organizational trust is they demonstrate strong ethics and provide a sense of safe safety leaders demonstrate strong ethics and provide a high sense of safety here's what we mean by that that you would live and lead by high ethical and moral standards now this may not initially be what it sounds like because I'm going to assume you're an ens student I'm going to assume that you're pursuing morality I'm going to assume that you live your personal devotional life with honesty and integrity but a leader with high ethical standards conveys to the rest of the organization to those who report to him to those that they lead that they convey a commitment to fairness simply meant that we instill confidence that both you as the leaders and your team members are all going to honor the same rules of the game so in other words if something applies to you as my team it also applies to me I don't have rules that are for you that don't apply to me ethical standards and moral standards and safety gets created when the rules that manage all of us as Leaders apply to all of us not just to some but not to me as the point leader additionally we can create these this sense of uh strong ethics and a sense of safety by communicating clear expectations this is under 0.1 communicating clear expectations this means that we avoid blindsiding people and we ensure that everybody's on the same page in other words to those who work for you know what's expected of them when we don't know what's expected of us we're kind of walking in instability there's a lack of safety because I'm not sure if I'm gonna walk into a meeting and if I've hit the standards because I don't really know what the point leader is expecting of me if I have high moral and ethical standards and if I communicate clear expectations that's going to start to create this safe type of environment that Simon sinek talked about in that Ted Talk it's the type of environment where those that are are helping you lead and those that are following you they can relax and in that relaxed State your brain's capacity for higher functioning goes up higher level of social engagement higher level of innovation higher level of creativity higher level ambition these higher functionings of your brain when you're in a more relaxed safe environment they start to kick in think of it this way but in fact let's think of the opposite imagine the next staff meeting that you're sitting in you've got your whole leadership team there together and you're about to start brainstorming and in walks a Roaring Tiger just interrupts your staff meeting how much creative work are we going to get in right when a dangerous wild animal shows up like a tiger our creative thinking shrinks to zero because that lack of safety causes in every person in every culture causes fight or flight so I'm not going to see this tiger walk in it wow admire the beauty of that Tiger's stripes or you see that shade of light on their teeth and their fangs how amazing is that red blood huh who knew it looks so great in this light right we're not admiring like creativity is not happening you're you're not noticing the beauty like what a supple coat of fur they have right your only concern is to keep from getting harmed you have one thought self-preservation by the way we know that that would happen when a tiger walks in attack it and subdue it or run for the hills self-preservation the same is true when you have an organization that doesn't feel safe when the standards and rules are not applied to everybody when expectations are not clear people are not evaluating the purposes of God for your organization they're thinking about self-preservation how do I keep from getting fired how do I not get yelled at in a meeting they're not thinking creatively there's no innovation moving its way to the top trust is not being built people are simply thinking just like when a tiger walks in the room how do I keep from being harmed the number one job for leaders at least from a brain perspective and creating High trust perspective your number one job is making sure that people feel safe and that they feel safe on a very deep level and that happens as you number one demonstrate strong ethics and provide a sense of safety the second competency for leaders trying to create a high organizational trust is that you would Empower others to self-organize 0.2 is that liters Empower others to self-organize here's here's what we mean by that that you're providing clear Direction this is what I want to see happen but you're then allowing your teams to organize their own time and their own ways of working so you're not micromanaging everything that they're doing you're setting a very clear Direction and you're setting a very clear outcome and then you're empowering them with the autonomy to come up how they're going to work when they're going to work to meet the very clear measurable that you've given to them in other words you're going to distribute the power and you're going to rely on decision making from those who were closest to the action those who are closest to the action should have the autonomy and the power to make the needed decisions to adjust to the action as it's happening and research has repeatedly shown that empowered teams are more productive and more proactive that they provide better customer service they show higher levels of job satisfaction and their commitment to their team and their organization is higher than teams that aren't empowered research also shows that leaders who resist empowering the most do so because they fear mistakes and because they fear negative consequences when their teams make poor decisions they have fear which brings us back to point one of organizational safety of of fight or flight really what we're looking at here when When leaders don't empower the number one reason is self-preservation of the leader they have fear that the organizational trust the safety that they're trying to create for their employees in many ways the employees haven't created a sense of safety for the boss for the leader so team members and employees have to demonstrate faithfulness with what it is that they've been empowered with if they're faithful with what they've been empowered with the leader feels safe to offer more power and think more creatively and innovatively and to empower and to release and the more they're faithful with that with making good decisions the more safe the leader feels and the more safe that the leader can make the team feel the more likely that they're going to do well with the power and authority and Leadership and decision making with which they've been empowered so in other words we have a culture of trust getting built as the leader first acts with high moral and ethical standards communicates clear expectations and then as you empower the team that way they are also kind of running it back up the organizational chain where now they're create they're communicating clearly what they're doing and the type of decisions that they're making and they're also helping the leaders feel safe by following within the direction that they're given hopefully that makes sense to you so culture is initiated and modeled at the top but it needs to be embraced at the middle so we don't want to Miss kind of the reverse effects of fight or flight is what these first two things are saying I want to create for my team safety by all the rules applied to all of us there aren't double standards there aren't hidden agendas you know exactly what's expected and therefore it's safe and now you can create and innovate and in the same respect if you're not in the position of Point leadership if you're reporting to somebody you're faithful in creating safety in their mind that you can deliver what it is that they're asking you to do and you can be trusted to be empowered empowered at a high level which leads us still under this second point to to five levels of empowerment these can be found in you know all across the leadership literature is something we use here at our church but there's five levels of empowerment I think sometimes leaders can get nervous about empowering because when they say do this there nobody's really sure what it is we're asking to be done am I saying run with this and make it happen or am I say just check it out and figure out what's good and come back and report that to me and let me help make you the decision make the decision with you for safety to happen on both sides a team needs to know what they're empowered to do and the leader needs to know that they're going to do what they're empowered to do and we need to kind of figure out what are levels of empowerment so that we're speaking the same language level one of empowerment can be described as this do as I say level one would be do as I say in other words this means I am empowering you to do exactly what I have asked you to do don't deviate from my instructions I have already researched the options I've already determined what I want done as the leader and what I want done I am now empowering you to go do exactly what I want done the way I want it done that that is a level of empowerment and if that's what you're asking people to do you need to clearly articulate this is a level one empowerment decision so that they know that they're safe to do exactly what you've asked them to do and they will create safety back towards you as the Leader by not freestyling and innovating and producing something that you didn't want to see happen level one do as I say level two is research and report and by this we mean uh let's go research the topic go Ava gather the information and report back to me what you discover then as the empowered employee we'll discuss it I'll probably make the decision and now based on the information that you brought to me I'll tell you what I want you to do with it right that's a that's a different level of empowerment it involves you bringing some of the information to the table but the final decision is going to rest with me and then the execution is going to rest with you level three is research and recommend this is a little bit different it means that you're going to research the topic as the employee is going to go research the topic they're going to outline some options and now they're going to start to apply more of their own leadership to it and that they're going to bring to you what they believe to be their best recommendations so now somebody on my team is going to bring me the pros and the cons of each option they're going to tell me what they think that we should do as an organization and if I agree with that decision-making process man then I'm going to authorize them to go ahead and move forward they're going to execute it they've done more of the front end work but have not empowered them to fully make the decision I'm building trust with them and they're you know they they could always do what I would say they were faithful with a little bit they did exactly what I said and as a faithful with a little bit I entrust him with more they research it they come back and now they bring me the information I make the decision and they go execute they've been faithful with that I now entrust them with a little bit more they research and they bring me their recommendation and we sort of push through that together and now they're going to take it and move forward with what's authorized and if they're faithful with that trust is being built we could do something with a level four level of empowerment uh which would be decide and inform and here's what we mean by level four decide and inform this means that my team member would make a decision and then they would tell me what they did so I can authorize Hey listen this new project that you're doing in kids ministry uh do that with a level four level of empowerment that means go do it you make the decision you make it happen but come back and Report how it went I trust you to do the research I trust you to make the best decision that you can but I do want you to keep me in the loop on what it is that you're doing I don't want to be surprised by someone else with what happened I want you to be doing it and at the same time informing me with where it's happening I trust you to make the decisions I trust you to execute but keep me in the loop I don't want to get surprised later to find out what happened and last the highest level if you will level of empowerment would be to act independently and this means hey you make whatever decision you think is best there's no need to report back I trust you completely I know that you're going to follow through you have my full support so as I'm building organizational trust and I'm building organizational safety which is going to lead to organizational trust it's helpful for the one that I'm empowering to know to what extent I'm empowering them and now they that's part of a clear expectation they know that I want them to do something but I want them to do it at a level one two three four five and you know what you can make a poster of these and keep them in your workspaces that you have around your churches uh you can have everybody put it somewhere on their phone and then you can almost incorporate this into some of your the language of your of your organizational culture you can say hey we're we're doing this I would like for you three people to get together get a work group together and it's a level three level of empowerment which means that you're going to research the topic and you're going to come back to three of you with your best decision and you're going to make a recommendation to where I'm going to decide do you see how that creates safety they now know what's expected of them they're not like we're going to be bringing too much or too little is he telling us or is she telling us to run all the way and get it done last time we did that we got yelled at uh are they telling us to innovate are they telling us to do exactly well it depends is it a one two three four five now I tell you that and now the team brings you back exactly what it is that you were looking for they had safety in knowing what was expected your safety and Trust goes up because they did within this scope that you asked them to do and that makes you more likely to empower in the future all right so our first two competencies number one leaders demonstrate strong ethics and provide a sense of safety second side of that and point number two is the leaders Empower others to self-organize and third is this leaders Foster a sense of connection and belonging leaders Foster a sense of connection and belonging which means that you as a leader need to communicate often and you need to communicate openly you need to create a feeling of succeeding and failing together as a pack We're All in This Together a good friend of mine leads a church here in the State of Florida where I live in the U.S and and I see it everything that they do somebody you know when the the team is doing something they have this tagline we all we got and you just see whenever they're doing something we all we got for those of you not here in the US it simply means like we're in this together we are all we have it's you and me and it's me and you and however you succeed is based on what I do and whether I succeed is based on what you do we all we got so they have a feeling of succeeding or failing of winning or losing together as a group and we'll talk here in just a minute how little simple taglines like that can help Galvanize the team but essentially what this competency tells us is that connection improves productivity connection improves productivity relational strength improves our productivity my wife Jennifer ran a marathon for the very first time in her life she's run one I'm so proud of her man she knocked it out of the park but she ran with one of her best friends and neither of them had really been Runners before but they were sitting down chatting one time and one of them said something just kind of off the cuff like someday I'd love to run a marathon and then the other one said you know it's funny someday I'd like to run one and neither of them alone had ever run one but when they started to kind of Bounce this idea back and forth off each other they got courage and strength from their connection and they were like well let's do it well how I don't know you look up you know the best type of running shoes online and you look up maybe running plans and before long one mile turned into two mile turned into ten turned into 20. and because they did it together there was something more than just accountability that there was a real sense of partnership that emerged so it wasn't just accountable like I don't feel like running today but Debbie wants to run so I guess I'll show up it wasn't that although accountability happens with relationship it wasn't just like the days where Jennifer wanted to run and Debbie didn't they'd run or when Debbie wanted to run and Jennifer didn't they'd run it wasn't just accountability it was partnership where I'm going to show up because Debbie's counting on me and then Debbie would show up not because she was accountable to Jennifer because at some level Jennifer's success was dependent on Debbie showing up and even if her feet hurt or her lungs were burning on fire they they were going to be there for each other and their connectivity led to productivity it simply means that I'm gonna fight for you because I know that you're going to fight for me and can we be honest Ministry can be isolating right Ministry can be isolating and sometimes on a large staff when you don't feel connected it can feel even more isolating because you're around people but you're isolated in what you're doing and because Ministry can feel isolating it's super important that we communicate often and openly we create this sense of of winning and losing together for connectivity uh is very very important from a brain perspective creating connection would be the leader's second most important job safety is first connection is second there's something that happens in the brain when we feel safe where it's able to relax to a certain level there's something that happens in another part of the brain when we feel connected and cared for where the other part of the brain can start to relax and when the brain starts to relax because it's safe and it's in proper relationship now all of a sudden you as an individual your team collectively can start to really unleash some of the higher functioning thought of creativity and Innovation and motivation that comes from a relaxed mind there are some simple ways that you can promote this sense of belonging among your team one thing you can do as a leader is you can smile at people you know when you're with your team smile at them you'd be shocked at how much that will help them feel connected with with you you can call people by their name a person's name is music to their ears rather than just saying how you doing this morning you can say how are you doing this morning Keith and just hearing their name helps people feel connected to you um you can remember the interests or the family members names of those people on your team or in your church you can pay focused attention when you're speaking to people look at them not at your screens and you as the leader will clearly set the tone for the other members of your team having one another's back another thing that you can do is you could maybe use a Psalm or you could use a motto right again we all we got or you could use a chant or or a ritual I know for us before our Sunday Services we have a rally and we get all the volunteers together and I'm sure you do something similar in your setting but we kind of do a quick run through someone shares a a little devotional that's just for those who are gathered there we don't pass it out to the whole church just for the few that are gathered and then somebody says what's our word for the day based on that devotional and we all come in and we all put our hands in and it reminds me of my days in an NBA locker room right before we run out on the court and we are going to beat those other guys I'm going to rely on you and you're going to rely on me and I can count on you and you can count on me ready and whatever the word is Joy Faith Victory something we all just one two three and we shout it and we raise our hands and it's a small silly thing but it helps to create connectivity somebody serving for the first time is instantly in the inside group they're part of the team little things like chance and rituals matter uh let's see another thing you could do um would be to have tag lines were things that we rally around you know this as we know this is a movement right we have a mission statement you know this in your local church or Ministry you have a tagline that rallies all of them around who you are as a collective people but I would say even among your leadership teams I'd have a have a couple mottos maybe maybe one tagline or two that's special and unique and it's just for us just for whoever that team is there there's a there's a phrase that is for us it's not for everybody else and when there's something that's just for us it draws Us in together and helps us stay more connected it's a very very important job here's your fourth leadership competency that you need we're gonna go through five number four is that leaders show openness to new ideas and Foster organizational learning number four is that leaders show openness to new ideas and Foster organizational learning a couple sub points under that means that there's going to be within you as a leader and within your organization a flexibility to change opinions not not doctrines not values there are some things that are written in blood in your organization but we need to have a flexibility to maybe change opinions we need to be open to new ideas and new approaches and we need to provide safety safety again right so we're not living in fight or flight safety for trial and error if you can develop these three strengths of flexibility to change opinions being open to new ideas and approaches and safety for trial and error if you can develop these strengths then you're going to encourage learning all across your organization if you can't develop them you're going to stifle learning all across your ministry and here's why because we learned very briefly with the tiger walking in and fight or flight is that both physiologically and psychologically stress Narrows our vision physiologically stress reduces blood flow to the brain it takes the blood flow out of the brain and send it to the muscles when fear happens you're not thinking blood is dropping your brain it is going straight to your muscles so that you can fight with more endurance or that you can run away fear and stress does that physiologically it reduces your peripheral vision if a tiger walks in you are going to cease to see everything else in the room threat right your scope your peripheral vision Narrows down to that thing which is causing immediate stress it creates tunnel vision creates intense focus and this is physically but it's also psychologically when when the brain and mind is under stress when we're afraid of failure when we're afraid of innovation when we create stress around risk taking measure risk taking you don't want people risking your organization all over the place but hey I have a new idea is there safety in certain spheres of innovation and experimentation or am I going to get my hand slapped for doing that if I'm if the organization is open to that I'm going to be able to see a lot more options if there's fear around Innovation if there's fear around new ideas or learning I'm going to close my sphere of vision gosh some level of stress it it it it all shrinks your vision I remember this as an athlete people always ask me all the time you know at least here in the U in the US and in the NBA when you're shooting free throws the the backboard that you're looking for you're standing there all by yourself there's 20 000 people in the arena and right through the through the basket the backboard is clear so theoretically you can see people back there and fans love to hold up wacky signs or wave things and scream and yell so that they're trying to distract you as you're standing there shooting a free throw this big chaotic through the basket and people like man how do you shoot free throws like that and I'll I'll tell you how you do is you just don't see any of that you don't see it because when you step up to a shoot of free throw in a high stress situation your field of vision is narrowed down to the rim and that's it you don't see all this stuff because stress eliminates everything else from your field of vision I hear all the time man it was so loud in there wasn't it and I'm like I honestly have no idea because the stress of a competitive moment it blocks out all the other sounds twenty thousand screaming people in a band playing in music in the arena you don't hear any of it and despite all the noise that bothers everybody else you can actually tune all of that out and hear your coach's voice one among 20 000 people giving you instructions stress has a way of narrowing everything else that we have access to see or to hear so think about this if you create stress around failure in your organization don't don't you take a risk because if you do something that cost us tisk if you create stress around that people are not going to be willing to take a risk and they're not going to be willing to even see good new innovative ideas in their environment when stress is created around the risk of doing something new our opinions actually become inflexible because you're not going to start to see you'll no longer be able to see contradictory evidence in organizations with low Trust they actually end up hurting their own performance because low trust means out at some level I'm afraid of how you know I'm going to be treated if I take a risk so I'm not going to take any risks and I'm going to overlook all kinds of contradictory evidence and if this is the way the organization is going I'm not going to Rave the wave the red flag and pretty soon the fear was going to cause me to actually not see contradictory evidence it'll create tunnel vision which is going to close me off to new ideas it's going to create tunnel vision which is going to close me off to seeing creative options and this is super important because failure in many ways is required for learning we have to re create a culture that supports risk taking we have to create a culture that supports a measure of innovative thinking even if you don't apply all those new ideas we've got to at least celebrate and reward and not create stress around thinking innovatively innovatively if we're going to be a learning organization last number five here's the fifth leadership competence that you need if you're going to create an organization a high organizational trust leaders nurture growth leaders nurture growth which means that your team needs to know that you're committed to their ongoing training your team needs to know that you're going to help them grow to become a next generational leader they need people need to know that you're investing in them think about it for yourself think of somebody to whom you are most grateful who are you most thankful for chances are they cared for you and chances are they taught you something important the people that you're most grateful for invested in you they looked at you and decided that you could be more so they taught you an important lesson somewhere along the way they upgraded you one of the most impactful people for me in my life is my dad wonderful man wasn't a follower of Jesus until the week before he died when I had the great privilege of leading them to Christ but he was a good man by all measure of account short of his spiritual life he would be considered a good man and I'll never forget he worked in in construction Labor Relations which simply means that he negotiated contracts on behalf of Corporations with labor unions now here in the U.S labor reunions are oftentimes associated with organized crap think of like the the mafia or any mafia movies you've seen and that's kind of who he would have to sit down and negotiate with and I'll never forget he was working on a big project up in a in a city that had deep mafia ties in um here in the U.S and he invited he was invited by the labor union which was clearly run by the mafia to a big cookout so he invited my brother and I alone and we had no idea we're just like Dad negotiates contracts for construction companies I'm probably 18 19 years old and we were super tall so he wanted to walk us around and show us off so he brought us to this this cookout and man I got to tell you I met I met a guy named Louie and then I met another guy named Louie and then I met Louie Jr and then I met Louie with three fingers and then I met seven different guys named Polly and I'm like everybody's name Louie and Polly and then I noticed like about four of these dudes were carrying guns tucked in their waistband and I was like that's not like most cookouts that I go to and it was very strange and these guys were definitely I kind of got got a vibe off them so we we drive home afterwards I'll never forget I turned to my dad and I said I said Dad I think some of those guys were in the mafia and he said no son not some of them all of those guys are in the mafia I said man I've seen enough gangster movies I'm like so you negotiate with the mafia and he said yeah I do that's what I do for a living and I said wait wait aren't you afraid like aren't you scared like they're gonna make you an offer you can't refuse if you've seen The Godfather like how do you you negotiate with the mafia aren't you afraid and what he said he said he said no son I'm Not Afraid at all because they know I'm an honest man I said well aren't you concerned that they're gonna like threaten you he said no no they only threatened those who are willing to make deals and do Shady things he said they know me they've dealt with me I'm honest and if you're honest they really don't want to engage with you in an unethical way I might I I gotta tell you to this day one of the things that most bothers me about people is when they're dishonest one of the values I hold most dearly and deeply on the inside is honesty being a person of your word letting your yes be yes and your no be no I see that in scripture but I learned it from my dad who wasn't Walking with God he invested in me he he was he was concerned with me becoming a good man the best of the kind of man he knew how to form what do your emerging leaders think about their relationship with you do they see you investing in their character do they see you training them in their skills do they see you concerned with them as the whole person and wanting them to be the best that you're at least that this season of your influence with them do they see you wanting them to be the best that you're capable of helping them become When leaders show a commitment to their team's growth that same emotion that I feel toward my dad and that same depth that I carry I'm going to be honest that gets produced in them our teams are motivated to reciprocate back to us they're motivated to express their gratitude they're motivated toward higher levels of loyalty they're motivated to go the extra mile when you as a leader want to invest in them and nurture their growth sometimes we if we're not careful can manage through fear sometimes we can lead through fear sometimes we can get at least a momentary higher performance if somebody feels like their job is on the line but ultimately that's going to create stress and that Express might for a moment help them do a little bit better but it's ultimately going to impair their brain function it's ultimately going to impair their quality of work and it's ultimately going to have them living in an environment of fight or flight where they're not going to be in a relaxed inspired state that comes from when you're advocating for your team when you're supporting training and promoting your team when you're going back to your going to bat for your team when you're putting your leadership muscle behind projects that are important to them I want to just kind of end with this last thought here um with regards to building organizational Trust you know despite creating the most trusting organizations still not everybody's going to be loyal to you how do I know that well because Jesus had a team of 12 and one of those 12 bailed on him so you could literally do everything right you can hit all five of these competencies out of the park and you can have a wonderful culture but the reality is some people are just not loyal no matter what even that one wasn't loyal to Jesus now how do we know because this is it can be a challenge for leaders we can think we're doing an amazing job of building trust and we can think all the people leaving our organization is because they're not loyal it's it's their fault I'm doing great I'm building trust they're disloyal I I think there's two traps one we can think if anyone leaves maybe I'm not doing it right or we can think despite everybody leaving I am doing it right and it's their fault research tells us that a a good ratio if you have a high trust organization there's about inhumanity there's about one in ten Jesus it was 1 in 12 but he's the perfect leader it's about one in ten that are just not loyal people so if you have a team of ten and you have turnover in one spot kind of repeatedly you're probably doing an amazing job if you have higher turnover 2 out of ten three out of ten four out of ten with consistency you may want to look at these five competencies and reevaluate whether your team really has a high culture of trust if you have 20 people yeah about two of them probably aren't loyal people and you can have an incredibly High culture of trust and you'll keep 18 people growing and loving what you're doing but you're still going to have two that don't if you have a hundred people on your team you know probably 90 of them if you have a high trust culture are going to love it they're going to trust one another they're going to be in it to win it but you're still going to have that 10 out of 100 that for whatever reason loyalty toward even a high trust organization isn't their thing now if you got 100 people on your team and 20 30 40 you have that level of turnover you probably don't have a very high trusting team if you have higher than that like six seven five that aren't loyal you have an extraordinary level of trust in your organization but a very very high level Benchmark would be where about nine out of ten strongly believe in the organization and about 1 out of ten they're just the kind of folks that aren't loyal anyway and honestly you probably should have seen that and been ready to move them on before they decided to leave from you right just know that that's probably a pretty good ratio but when your culture is good when your culture does not produce fear trust is built and more people are going to stay and more productivity for the kingdom of God is going to increase I hope this was helpful for you as you're looking at this semester between what I had to share and Simon sinek had to share he covered the why how is it or why do we want to have high trust hopefully with these five competencies you can learn about how YouTube can create and build trust across your church in the organization foreign [Music]