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Why is integrity a crucial part of impactful speaking?
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Integrity involves keeping your word, which builds trust and credibility with the audience.
What are the seven deadly sins of speaking according to the notes?
Gossip, Judging, Negativity, Complaining, Excuses, Embroidery/Exaggeration, Dogmatism.
Explain why negativity is hard for listeners to engage with.
Negative speakers are difficult to listen to as they often darken perceptions through their response to simple statements.
How does dogmatism affect communication?
Dogmatism involves confusing facts with opinions, making it hard to listen to rhetoric presented as truth.
List two vocal warm-up exercises and their benefits.
Deep Breathing reduces tension and Lip Trills help with flexibility and strength of the lips.
What is the importance of silence in speech?
Silence used effectively can enhance impact by providing pauses for emphasis and reflection.
How does the quality of 'timbre' impact communication?
Timbre is the quality of voice that can be improved with training, affecting how pleasant and trustworthy a voice sounds.
Describe the 'siren exercise' and its purpose.
The siren exercise involves gliding from high to low pitch on 'weeeaawww' to improve vocal range and control.
What is the purpose of vocal warm-up exercises?
To prepare the vocal cords, improve sound quality, and reduce the risk of strain during speaking.
What can imagining a world with conscious speaking and listening accomplish?
It could lead to better understanding and communication, creating beautiful soundscapes.
Why is gossip considered a deadly sin of speaking?
Gossip involves speaking ill of someone not present, creating distrust and negativity.
Describe the H.A.I.L. framework for powerful speech.
Honesty: Speak truthfully, Authenticity: Be yourself, Integrity: Keep your word and build trust, Love: Wish others well.
How does 'complaining' affect communication according to the class notes?
Complaining is a common habit that spreads misery instead of positivity, impacting the quality of conversations.
What role does 'register' play in effective speech?
Register involves using different voice pitches that convey different meanings and emotions.
Why is pace important in speaking?
Control of speed allows the speaker to emphasize points and maintain listener engagement.