Transcript for:
Guidelines for Instagram Ad Campaign Creation

In this video, I'm going to show you how to create an Instagram ad campaign from scratch. I'm going to walk you through the entire Instagram ad campaign creation process right from the beginning. So if you've never created an Instagram ad campaign before, or if you have but you're not 100% sure that you set up everything completely correctly, this video is for you. And just for context, I own a Facebook and Instagram advertising agency. where we spent more than $50 million on Facebook and Instagram ads, generating more than $200 million in revenue for 2,000 plus clients today.

So we've learned a thing or two about running Instagram ads the right way. Now, one thing that I do want to make very clear before we get started is that Instagram advertising is a skill, and you are very unlikely to be very good at it the very first time that you try. That first Instagram ad campaign that you create might not work.

That's absolutely fine. It doesn't mean that Instagram ads can't be really successful and profitable for your business, but it's something that you need to be aware of. So what I recommend that you do is you get a pen or paper or whatever it is that you'd like to take notes on and watch this video fully in its entirety in a lot of detail and really absorb the information.

Then go back and create your Instagram ad campaign with this video playing alongside it. You can rewatch certain sections and really make sure that you understand it because there are a lot of potential problems and mistakes that you could make with an Instagram ad campaign. This video goes through all the things that you need to get right. You need to make sure that you get each and every single one of those right so that's how i'd recommend you go through this and with that said let's get started so to demonstrate this fully i'm in an example meta ad account and obviously a meta ad account you can advertise on both facebook and instagram this video is very much instagram focused i'm going to walk you through the entire process now if you don't already have a meta ad account set up i've got a separate video that shows you exactly how to do that so i'll include a link in the video description to walk you through that process in case you haven't actually created an account yet assuming that you have and i think most of you watching this video will already have a meta ad account then you want to come come through here, what I can see in front of me, which is Ads Manager.

It's the best place to create Instagram ad campaigns from. You can boost from within the app. You can also use the Meta Business Suite, but I'd recommend that you use Ads Manager instead.

The way you get to Ads Manager, if you're already in Meta Business Suite, is to click on these three little lines, All Tools, and then click in Ads Manager, which may well be in your shortcuts. If not, then you just wanna scroll down underneath Advertise and select Ads Manager, as I've done, and you should come through to a window. that looks something like this.

Okay, so now let's go through the Instagram ad campaign creation process from the beginning. The first thing you need to be aware of at this stage is that an Instagram ad campaign is broken up into three stages. And you can see these at the top, even though we've got no campaigns created in here, I've emptied this out because this is an example ad account. We've got the campaign level, we've got the ad set level, and then we've got the ad level. And each one of these governs different things within your ad campaign.

I'm going to start at the campaign level because you sort of have a campaign and then within that you have the ad sets and then within the ad sets you have the ads and we'll walk through them in that order. All right. So the first thing I want to do is go ahead and click on this green plus create button.

And this is selecting some of the settings at the campaign level. So I'm going to walk through the important things here. So the first thing we do here is select our buying type.

Now, the default is auction. If we click on this, you can see there's auction or there's reservation. Now I strongly recommend that you go with auction, which is the default.

Auction effectively means that you're going to end up paying the price, the cost that it is to put your ads in front of people on Instagram based on an auction amongst other competitors, other advertisers looking to advertise the same people. So if people are more in demand, users are more in demand from advertisers to advertise to, you'll end up paying more. There's less demand, you'll end up paying less.

Reservation works differently where you can book in a certain price. I know that sounds fantastic, but it's not because Meta will often put your ads in front of lower quality prospects because they're cheaper to advertise to. So you want to go with auction. If you want more information about the two buying types, then I'll include a link in the description where you can go ahead and check that out and decide. But I'd recommend you go with auction.

The next thing we need to do is choose a campaign objective. Now, this is really, really important. And one of the central premises of advertising on Instagram, one of the reasons why it can be such an effective ad platform, is that Meta uses AI, machine learning, to get you the best results possible. In order for the AI to get you the best results possible, Meta needs to know what it is that you want.

So if, for example, you say to Meta, look, I want engagement, and you go ahead and select the engagement objective, Meta's going to run that ad campaign for you very differently than if you say, look, I want sales. Because the AI is going to use all the various data points that are gathered... during the course of running your Instagram ad campaign and work out, oh, okay, we know that we get more sales if we spend more of the ad budget on Tuesdays than on Sundays.

So they'll put more budget on Tuesdays. We know that the average person needs to have an ad put in front of them five times. So instead of spreading all the ad impressions really thinly across this audience, we're better off advertising to fewer people, but making sure we put ads in front of them again and again. We know that people more like to convert at this time of the day. within the targeting options, we know that this person is more likely to convert than this person.

So that AI is really powerful and you really want it on your side, which is why you need to make sure that you You select the right campaign objective and effectively select whatever it is that you want. So we've obviously got the six options here, awareness, traffic, engagement, leads, app promotion, sales. The majority of the campaigns that we create, especially if you're an Instagram advertising beginner, I'd recommend you either go with leads or you go with sales. Now, how do you determine which one of those two you go with? If you can track the sale online easily, so let's say, for example, you've got a Shopify store and you're looking to sell product.

Well, you can very easily track the sale. Then you want to go ahead and select sales. If you can't and there's a step before that, then you want to go ahead and select leads. So let's say, for example, you're an accountancy firm.

All right. And you're running ad campaigns in order to get new clients for your accountancy services, your bookkeeping services, things like that. Well, you're probably going to generate leads in the form of phone calls, maybe people filling out contact forms. And then you are going to try and convert that person offline. You're going to do so.

with a face-to-face meeting maybe, with a phone call, something along those lines. In that scenario, you want to go ahead and select leads. That's how we decide between the two.

Now, where a lot of Instagram advertisers go wrong, particularly beginner Instagram advertisers, is they think, oh, I'll go ahead and select traffic as my campaign objective because I want to get lots of people to my website and they will therefore become leads. If you want leads, go with leads because meta is smart enough to work out that certain people are likely to click and you'll get those people with traffic. but not actually go ahead and become a lead.

Whereas others are far more likely to click and then have the follow-through to go ahead and become a lead. And if you're new to this, this might seem kind of crazy, but this is why these advertising platforms are so powerful because they can use AI. to get you the best results possible and to work out all this information based on the data that they have and the interactions that all their users are making with advertisers billions of times every day. Okay?

Right. So we're going to go ahead and select leads for the purposes of this video, for demonstration purposes. But what I'm going to go through very much applies to sales as well.

Let's go ahead and click continue. Now, you will most likely see a window very similar to this. If you use a sales objective, it might look a little bit different, but the idea is the same.

Meta here is pushing us to use tailored leads campaign as opposed to a manual leads campaign. Now, I would recommend that you use the manual leads campaign instead. The reason why is that the only difference really between the two is that with a tailored leads campaign, you have less functionality. There are fewer options for you to be able to set things up, things like targeting and other various settings that you want to have control over.

Now, the reason why Meta do this is because a lot of particularly beginner advertisers, they make mistakes with their campaign setup that causes harm to their campaigns. So Meta has introduced this tailored leads campaign option thinking, well, if we just don't give them as much freedom and flexibility, people are less likely to make mistakes and they'll get better results. And that is true.

But if you're an Instagram advertising beginner and you are going through this video, you aren't going to run into those issues because I'm going to show you how to avoid them and what to select instead. In which case, it's much better to have the functionality and go with a manual leads campaign. You get a lot more options in terms of what you can do and you'll see that as we go along.

But I wanted to highlight this early on because I get a lot of questions from people that say, I tried creating a campaign, but I don't have this option and this option and this option, or my screen didn't look the same as yours when I was going through the tutorial. And it's like, ah, that's because you went ahead with the default and went with tailored leads campaign or advantage plus shopping or the sales campaign equivalent. You're better off going with manual campaigns when you know what you're doing. And I'm going to show you how to do it so you do know what you're doing. Okay, once you do that, that brings up the rest of the settings at the campaign level.

So the first thing I recommend is just give your campaign a name. Just call it something that's going to make sense. it as new leads campaign which is default for now but if you're going to be running say you know different promotions or product ranges anything name it because once your campaign once your ad account has loads of campaigns in it and it gets really confusing you'll be thankful that you did right next we've got special ad categories now if you run ads in any of the special ad categories it's very important that you declare it if you don't your ad account could get disabled and when you do declare a special ad category what will happen is basically meta will put some restrictions on what you're able to do particularly around the targeting who you can advertise to and they're trying to do that to protect their users right so you can see here that underneath the special ad categories header we've got declare if your ads are related to credit employment housing social issues elections or politics right so if your ads are related to any of those then you need to declare it in this special ad categories section so you can see we've got categories down here you just select from the drop down one of those four options if they apply to you so really have a think about that and if you're unsure I would err on the side of caution and go ahead and select the special ad category that applies. I'm not going to do that.

I think most people that are going through this video won't fall into one of the special ad categories. If you do go ahead and select it, you can still carry on. There just may be certain things that you can do.

particularly the targeting level that we get to that you won't be able to do and that's fine you're just going to have to carry on as is but very important you get this right because i've seen many ad accounts be disabled because they're not getting this right okay right then we've got campaign details we've already discussed this we've got uh buying type is auction campaign objective here is leads if we click into show more options as i just did there you can add a campaign spending limit if you want so none's added but i could go ahead and edit this i could click add a campaign spending limit and This might be a good idea if you're a little bit nervous about running ads on Instagram. Perhaps you're new to it and you're thinking, oh, I've heard a horror story where someone set a campaign up and they forgot about it and it spent, you know, $2,000 and I really don't want that to do. You could go ahead and add in like, look, I don't want to spend more than, you know, my account's in pounds GBP, but I don't want to spend more than 500 pounds. You could, of course, always monitor that and adjust things at other levels. So we can talk about the ad set level.

You can turn it off at any time that you want. But just if you're a bit nervous about potentially forgetting something, you go ahead and... Add in a campaign spend limit if you want to.

I don't do it because it's not necessary and we're going to be in our campaigns all the time, but I can understand why you might want to. A-B testing, that's exactly what it sounds like. It allows you to test one thing against another. So you could test, for example, different targeting options at the ad set level.

I'd recommend that you don't do that for now. It's a bit more of an advanced technique. You can run the campaign that I'm about to show you for a couple of weeks and get a feel for things, and then you can always look to add in.

split testing features like A-B testing. So I would leave that. The default is for it to be toggled off, and I'd leave that off. Then we've got advantage campaign budget, what used to be called campaign budget optimization.

And this is where basically you can set the budget at the campaign level, or you can set the budget at the ad set level, which is what we're going to get into next. You can see that second level over here. Now, the reason why you might want to set the budget at the campaign level is if you've got multiple ad sets within a campaign, then what will happen is Meta will work out where to put your budget according to performance.

So let's say you've got two different ad sets in one campaign, and ad set A is producing better results than ad set B. If that is the case, Meta will put more of your budget into. to ad set A. Now this is actually a feature that we used to use a lot because we would have four or five different ad sets within a campaign and we would always have advantage campaign budget or campaign budget optimization as it used to be called turned on. But now the majority of the time we're going to go with one ad set per campaign instead.

So it doesn't really matter whether or not you turn this on, it's not going to make any difference. So you might as well just leave the budget at the ad set level, which is the default. And I'll explain why we now use one ad set and differences. It's basically based around the differences that we've seen in targeting.

I over the last year, 18 months or so, and how that impacts Instagram ad strategy and the best practice in how we do things. Okay, so that is the campaign level, all fairly straightforward, the simplest of the three levels for sure. Now we wanna go ahead and move into the ad set level.

So you can do that by just clicking in here, or if you ever find yourself, you know, I'll minimize this down to make it easy. If you ever find yourself like out at the campaign level and you're thinking, how do I navigate here? You can see we've got campaigns up here. We can just jump here and we've got ad set.

And again, Merta's default naming is new leads ad set, which makes things easy. And we can go ahead and click edit on this. And now we've got the ad set level. So once again, I'd give this a name.

If you are going to be creating multiple ad sets, give it something that is representative that you can easily understand. I'm going to leave it as new ad set for now. But just be aware that naming conventions get important the more you do.

OK, and then next is the conversion location. So this is where we want to send people to generate leads. So interact with your Instagram ads. Where do they go?

Now the default here you see interestingly is instant forms and you've probably seen this feature even if you're not familiar with it. So it's where you click on an Instagram ad, instead of being taken through to a website or a landing page or something like that, instead you are kept on Instagram, which is presented with a form where you can enter in contact information, maybe answer some other questions depending on how the business has set it up. That then gets sent to that business.

That business can then contact you and look to progress you and turn you into a client or a customer. And that's the default. Now, if you don't have a website and you're running a lead campaign, it's absolutely the option to go with.

But there are other options. So obviously, website is the one that most people think of when they're running Instagram ads. You click on an ad, come through to website, come through to landing page, they can become a lead there.

Or if you're running a sales campaign, likewise, right? Click on an ad, come through to your Shopify store or another website, and they can go ahead and make a purchase. You've also got Messenger, you've got Instagram. You could send people to Messenger to send you a message, send people to Instagram. to send you a message and calls as well as an option.

Now the best option here is going to depend on the setup of your business. If you don't have a website, you're going to want to go with Instant Forms. If you are operating in say the UK or the US, we would normally recommend you either go with website or Instant Forms. If you're operating somewhere like India, where we've run campaigns for clients, then you are more likely to want to use Messenger or Instagram and start a conversation that way. We found that to be...

a better strategy there. And that's just dependent on the users in that location and what they're familiar with and how they typically like to operate. For the demonstration purposes of this video, I'm going to go ahead and use website. You could use the exact same for sales.

That's what you want to use there. And I think that most advertisers, it's the simplest option when they start. They've got a website. They think, okay, I want to generate leads or I want to generate sales. I send people from the ad platform to my website.

That's where they convert. And that's fairly straightforward. And you can experiment with the other options.

depending on your business and what you want to do with instant forms for example you've got to set up a whole form i'll include a link in the description below though in case you want to to work that out and test that option against website but we're going to go ahead and use website now at this point it's a good idea to say that in order to send people to your website and have them either become leads or sales there and use that powerful ai that meta's got that i talked about to get you as many leads or as many sales as possible for as little as possible you do need to have the meta pixel installed on your website Because that's the mechanism by which Meta can see, aha, this person became a lead. Aha, this person became a sale. That data then gets fed back into your Meta ad account, which helps you as an advertiser work out what results you're getting, how much they're costing, is this profitable, can I scale, all that good stuff. And it also allows Meta to optimize the campaigns and do all those things that I mentioned earlier to get you the best results possible.

So really important you've got the MetaPixel installed. Again, there'll be a link in the description below. to a video showing you exactly how to do that. Okay, so once we've selected website here, the next thing is performance goal.

So I talked about the campaign objective being really important for all the reasons that I mentioned, but that is also in conjunction with the performance goal, okay? So you can see here that the default is maximized number of conversions. And that's absolutely what I wanna go ahead and use is the default here. But we could change it, for example, to maximized number of link clicks, maximized number of impressions.

And- That's basically changing what Metis AI does, what its machine learning process does to optimize your campaign. So if I go for link clicks, that's going to basically operate like a traffic campaign. If I go for reach, that's going to operate like an awareness campaign.

This is not what we want. We want it to operate as a leads campaign, trying to get us as many leads as possible. You can do the same thing with sales.

The wording might be slightly different on performance goal. You may see highest volume. There are actually different options within different ad accounts to make it really confusing. um but you want to go normally with the default when it comes to performance goal then we've got this pixel data so like i talked about we've got to make sure the picture is installed this is an example ad account and the example ad account pixel is installed and set up for demonstration purposes the other video that i mentioned covers that in case you're lost and then you need to select the right conversion event okay so if we do the drop down here you can see there are all sorts of conversion events i want to go ahead and select lead that's the obvious logical one and what that means is that We've got a lead campaign, the performance goal is maximise number of conversions, we've got the pixel set up and we want Meta to optimise for the lead conversion event because we could have different conversion events set up for different actions that people can take on our website and we want to make it very clear to Meta we want you to optimise for this one. Put our ads in front of people that are more likely to do this one.

This is what we want with this ad campaign. Again, if you're confused with conversion events and things like that, that will all be cleared up by that pixel video. Now I've got a wall... Good morning here.

Your ad may not be optimized for conversions because we haven't received any activity from the conversion you selected at all or in more than 14 days. That's just because this is an example ad account. We've got this set up on an example website. We're not actually running ad campaigns. You shouldn't have this if you've got things set up correctly.

If you do, there might be something wrong with the pixel setup. So go ahead and check that out. This is just happening because it's a example setup. Then we've got cost per result goal.

So a lot of advertisers want to add this in because they think, great, I could tell Meta, look, I only want to pay a pound per lead. Wouldn't that be fantastic? And that sounds good, but that's not how this will work. If you go ahead and add in a cost per result goal that is unrealistically low, your ad budget will be throttled. You just won't end up spending much money.

So when it comes to bid strategies... I think that it can get really confusing quite easily, particularly for beginners. So I would recommend you don't include a cost per result goal.

That is something you can experiment with later. I have videos about cost per result goals and whether or not you want to use them. I think for most advertisers for now, better to go ahead and leave those off.

Then we get down here to the dynamic creative section. Now, this is actually disappearing in some ad accounts. As I record this, you may well not see this. In other accounts, the name's just being changed and we still have this option. But again, either way, it's a more advanced technique, dynamic creative.

I wouldn't worry about that now. It allows you to add lots of different ad creative into one ad and allows Meta to test between the various options. It's just not something you need to worry about for now.

You can always, as I said, experiment with that later on. And once you're more familiar with the ad platform, look to include that. Okay, then we get to the budget and schedule. Now, this is the ad set level because we didn't. on advantage campaign budget optimization.

First thing we decide when it comes to budget is do we want to use a daily budget or a lifetime budget? Now, I would recommend that you go with daily budgets. Now, daily budgets allow you to run an ad campaign and have it just run consistent consistently and scale.

There's no end date automatically. If you put in a lifetime budget, you're saying, I want to spend this over this period of time. That makes things more difficult logistically. The campaign does really well and you just want to keep running it.

It also makes things more difficult if you want to scale it because do you create a new campaign with a new lifetime budget or with a daily budget, you could just increase the existing one. Actually, I've Overall, we do see that results are slightly better with daily budgets than lifetime budgets. So once you've selected daily budgets, the next thing you decide is actually how much you're going to spend.

The default here is 20 pounds per day. And when it comes to budgets, there's normally a sweet spot that I recommend for beginners. And the sweet spot is don't spend an amount that if you completely lost it and didn't get any leads or any sales. it would put you in any sort of financial difficulty or business in any sort of financial difficulty.

If you're spending an amount that would, you're spending too much. And the reason why is that at the beginning, this is a skill that you learn and there's a good chance that your first ad campaign won't work. That's to be expected, right? Doesn't mean that you shouldn't keep going and you can't get campaigns to work really well for your business, but the very first time might not work out and that's fine.

But you also don't want to spend so little that it just doesn't mean anything to your business that you sort of think, oh, I sell this campaign, but I don't really care. There's normally a sweet spot where it won't put you in any financial difficulty if you lose it, but if you did lose it and get nothing back, it would still sting a little bit. And that's great because that means you're going to be involved and you kind of get the best of both worlds emotionally, right?

Now that amount, that sweet spot is going to vary depending on your business, right? For some businesses, it might be a really small amount, might be like $10 a day. For others, it might be... hundreds of thousands, right?

If you're a massive multinational business, then you probably need to spend a really good amount for it to be even worth the time of you and your team thinking about it, okay? So you can select whatever it is you want to start. As I said, start relatively small, and then you can always scale once you've worked it out and things have gotten working, and it's very easy to then go ahead and increase that budget if you're getting great results, if you're getting profitable leads and profitable sales. Just one quickly thing you need to be aware of, and you'll see this underneath the budget section, is that when you set a daily budget the average would be £20 per day, your maximum daily spend might be a chunk above that, £25 per day, and it will get you that average over a week.

And the reason why I might do that is because, as I mentioned previously, they might work out that certain days of the week convert better than others, and they'll try and put more spend on those. You can, obviously, there's a start date here, which is just entered automatically. Same start date in the past, but that's just because I've been talking through this campaign.

You can set an end date if you want. I'd probably rather you didn't. We don't, because I'd rather you, once you've created your Instagram ad campaign, you would then... in your Instagram account, monitoring it, not just forgetting about it.

I think that's really important early on. So I wouldn't set an end date, but if you're worried about forgetting about it and want to, similarly to campaign spending limit, you can go ahead and do that if you would like to. Okay, then you've got budget scheduling.

I wouldn't recommend that you use this. As a beginner, something you can look to add in later, it's exactly what it sounds like, allows you to increase, decrease budgets during certain times and days of the week, things like that. But I do think that for beginners, it's just one extra complicated thing that you don't need to worry about. may well find over time that, you know what, we get better results on weekends and we get better results in the week and you can adjust things accordingly. Okay, so that's through the budget section.

Now we get into targeting, which is one of the big things that you do at the ad set level in an area that we've seen really big change in recently. Okay, now most people who create manual campaigns, as I've recommended, will see this sort of two-tiered targeting. Structure we've got audience controls up here and then we've got advantage plus audience and this targeting structure is normally referred to as advantage Plus audience and it changes things if you had a dabble with Instagram ads previously and now you're getting back into it But pay close attention this bit because it's changed and quite a bit So anything within the audience control section at the top? That is a hard boundary, a hard constraint.

So if we say, look, we only want to advertise in this location, Meta will only put ads to people in that location. However, anything within Advantage Plus Audience acts as a suggestion. So if you're saying to Meta, look, I want to advertise to people interested in cats, they will put your ads to people interested in cats or categorize as interested in cats on Instagram.

but they may also put your ads in front of people that aren't categorized as interesting cats on Instagram. If they think you are more likely to get the sale or get the lead, the AI has worked that out. and we'll get you the results.

So there's a lot more flexibility when it comes to targeting now than there used to be. And what you'll see is that you might think, okay, well, why don't I just put everything in audience controls then because I want those hard boundaries? Well, A, you might not want to do that for performance, and I would recommend you don't. But B, you aren't able to put certain things in audience controls.

Most of the targeting options are in advantage plus audience. So let's go through the process, right? So in audience controls, the first thing you need to do is select the location that you want to advertise to.

Now, this here is defaulted to the UK. and that's because I'm in the UK. Now what I'd recommend here when it comes to location targeting is advertise in the areas where you can deliver your product or service.

It's as simple as that right. So if that is like my business for example as a Facebook and Instagram advertising agency we our main market is going to be UK you know we might look to add in the United States we could add in say Canada, Australia would probably be our largest markets although we do have clients literally all around the world and I think 50 plus countries now, which I was looking at the other day, which is pretty cool. So that might be a default because I would say that's going to be 90% of our clients probably come from those four countries.

However, if you just want to advertise to the one country, that's absolutely fine. If you can deliver nationally and you only operate nationally, absolutely fine. It's also absolutely fine, if I delete some of these out, to advertise locally. So let's say, for example, I was a local business and I was based in a town in the UK called Bristol. Bristol England, so see there are lots of bristles around the world Bristol okay, so you can add in the specific location and then you could select the radius around that town, city, whatever that you want to advertise in.

So you can see this is default to 25 miles, but we could change this to just the current city. Bristol is a reasonably large city in the UK, so you could just do the current city. You could change that to a radius around, but you think, oh, 25 miles is too far. We want to go with 15 miles. And what you're basically doing here is you're having to think about what area can we service, depending on your type of business.

How far are people willing to travel to come to your business if it's a physical location? Or if it's like a service and like that, how far are we willing to travel to see customers and visit them if that's how your business operates? So don't artificially inflate the area in which you operate thinking, oh, I need a large audience. I can't just advertise to my specific location.

You absolutely can. If you only operate within... a certain city, just advertise to that city. If you only operate within an hour's drive of location, just work that out in terms of your radius and add that in. Also, if you can, let's say you're selling products and you can sell product nationwide, don't artificially constrain your audience size either by say going, we're only going to target New York because we think that our best customers are going to come from New York, so we're only going to target New York.

If you can ship your products nationally, then... Meta's going to work out that if your best prospects come from New York, they're primarily going to put your ads there. But there might also be other people in other cities, in fact, there almost certainly will be, that are great prospects.

And Meta will work that out too using their AI systems. And therefore, oh, yeah, so most of the people are in New York, but this person over here would be great. Let's put an ad in front of them.

This person in Chicago, this person, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, right? And then they'll go out and work out where else to put your ads. So don't artificially inflate where you advertise.

Don't artificially constrain where you advertise. Just advertise where you serve your products or services. Now, for demonstration purposes, I'm going to go with back to the United Kingdom, which is the default.

But yeah, and this location targeting will act as a hard constraint. So Meta won't go outside this in terms of being able to put ads in front of people in other locations. Right, then I want you to click on show more options. Because we've got some other things that we can do at the audience control section.

So we can't set an age range, but we can set a minimum age. So if I click edit on this, you can see you've got 18 up to 25. Now, this I would only recommend adding in if you're just legally not allowed to advertise certain things to people under a certain age. Like it might be that the product service you sell can't be advertised to people under 21. depending and this can be location specific as well right so only add that in in those scenarios really otherwise i'd normally recommend you uh you leave them open this is only a minimum age don't worry about excluding custom audiences and explain more about custom audiences later on it's not something that you want to do and then we've got languages this now this can be useful depending on where you're advertising so for example you might be advertising in a language that is not the typical in a certain area so maybe you want to be more specific Like the example I often give is, let's say you're advertising in Canada, but you only speak French.

I mean, you might struggle with this video, but you only speak French. And therefore, you can only really do business with French speaking people in Canada. Therefore, you might want to come and add in. French in here as an example. So that's going to depend on where you are.

Most businesses aren't going to need to add in anything in here. It's just going to be fairly straightforward and obvious, but that is an option and something to be aware of. Now, that's all we can add in the audience control section.

We can't add in interests or demographics or lookalikes or any of that sort of stuff. That all has to happen at the advantage plus audience section. And you can see that Meta is saying that this is optional.

You don't even need to provide the audience suggestions. As an Instagram advertising beginner, I would strongly recommend that you do add in suggestions particularly if you don't have much conversion data within your ad account yet because otherwise it can take me to say a really long time to initially work out okay who should we put these ads in front of who's actually like to become a lead who's going to buy you can give them some direction and kind of get the best both worlds let meta have the flexibility to work out who to advertise to um because this is a suggestion but also give them some direction to help them out initially okay so if we go ahead and click on audience suggestions here and we can add in some details. So the first thing we've got in here is custom audiences.

So custom audiences refers to people that have interacted with your business before, warm audiences. So you can create a custom audience out of people that have visited your website or are on your email list or have engaged with your Instagram profile. something along those lines right you can also add in look-alike audiences in here which is like a different type of custom audience that aren't necessarily warm audiences but both custom audiences and look-alike audiences are more advanced techniques than i'd like you to start with now so whilst this is absolutely something you want to use and you want to be retargeting you want to be putting ads in front of people that have already interacted with you before i have other videos on both custom audiences look-alike audiences they'll be back down in the Video descriptions to go ahead and check that out when you're ready But for your first campaigns to get things set up don't worry about custom audiences Then we can add in our age range right so just select the age range that most applicable to your Prospects to who you think is most likely to buy remember meta can go outside this so if you get this wrong It's not the end of the world, but you might better help matter out so for example if we're advertising our done-for-you Instagram advertising services, we might select an age range of say 25 to 55, something along those lines is like typical. We do have clients that are older and younger than that, but that's gonna be most typical.

so just go ahead and select that option and you don't have to worry about making a mistake here that's one of the really nice things about this being a suggestion is that meta has the flexibility to go ah okay we think you've got this a little bit wrong actually there are people in this category that you haven't included that would that are seemingly really interested in what you have to offer okay gender then we've got um all obviously we can go with men or women um i would normally recommend that unless you really heavily skew one way or the other you can just go with all Again, Meta is going to work that out for you. If you say 80 or 90% plus one or the other, then I would go ahead and select men or women because, again, this is a suggestion. But a business like ours that is not that heavily skewed, we would just go with all and a lot of businesses can do that. Right.

Then we get into the detailed targeting section. Now, I would like you to add some stuff in here. So what's detailed targeting? It's interests, demographics, behaviors.

You can just start typing things in here that. sound related to your industry, to your products, to your services. Or you can click on browse and go through the various categories of different things, interests, et cetera. If you've got the time, I'd recommend you do that.

And you'll find the category that, let's say you go into interest and you'd be like, okay, we're in shopping and fashion. And actually we're in clothing. And then you can get more specific.

Yes, we sell men's clothing. And then you go and select men's clothing as one of your interest targeting options, which makes a lot of sense, right? Or as I said, you can start entering in stuff here. So let's assume we're advertising one of our offers.

We want to reach people that are interested in social media marketing, digital marketing, things like that. So we could simply put in social media marketing as an interest. Oh, that's a really good point here.

We wouldn't want social media marketing as a job title unless we're looking at some people that work in the industry. Again, same with employers. You can see the categorization on the right hand side here.

We want people that are interested in social media marketing. That's likely to be your small business owners and people who are typically good prospects for us. Although we might decide, actually no, we do want to work with people who are say marketing managers in large companies.

So we might include that, but just something to be aware of. And you don't have to just add in the one here. You can add in a whole bunch of options. Now this is very different from what we used to do. We used to have different ad sets with different targeting options so we could test.

Now, we're far more likely to put a number of different targeting options in one ad set because of this new structure with advanced splash audience where it's a suggestion and Meta can put your ads in front of other people. Because of that flexibility, it just makes more sense to bring it all into one because otherwise you're going to have so much overlap between the various sections anyway that you don't really get as accurate data. And if you do have separate ad sets, Meta is going to shout at you and say, please put these into one ad set. to avoid audience fragmentation.

So we might have social media marketing. We could have digital marketing is probably another example that's going to come up as an interest. Great. We could also have some behaviors. So we could have, for example, people who are admins of business pages on Facebook and Instagram, business page admins.

could be it could be another example so don't sort of stress about this have i got the right ones have i not got the right ones the ones that logically make sense are probably fine you can add in two six however many there are in there There's no sort of, we have to add in four, no more, no less. It's absolutely fine. Things are a lot more flexible when it comes to targeting now.

So you just go ahead and add in some. I've just added in some that I know work for us as a business because we've tested tons and these logical and add these in. Now, when you are adding in detailed targeting options and things like that, it is normally a good idea just to keep an eye on this audience definition section on the right hand side. So you can see that we're in the green in the middle right now. A meta doesn't want us to either go too specific, make the audience too small, or too broad typically, although normally they're quite happy with you going broad.

So if, for example, you're only advertising locally... and the population within that local area isn't massive, like you're not advertising to the whole of LA, for example, like you're advertising to somewhere that's got a smaller population, and you start adding in lots of other targeting criteria, Meta might say, this audience is getting a bit more specific. So keep an eye on that, but I should say that doing that is far less important than it used to be because of the suggestion element where Meta, like if you end up with too small an audience, because based on your targeting selections, and Meta goes, no, no, no, this is too small, we need to expand this out, they will just do that.

Whereas before, They couldn't do that and you could really run into issues. And that's one of the reasons why Meta brought this in. Like with tailored campaigns, they're taking more control off the advertiser's hands and giving it to themselves to avoid people making mistakes. But you're not going to do that because you're going through this tutorial. Right, let's carry on going.

Before we get into the placement section, which is next, I want to quickly mention this, this switch to original audience options. So in some ad accounts, like this one, but not all, you do have the option to switch to original audience options, which goes back to the old setup. Well, we don't have advantage plus audience. We don't have audience controls.

There's just one targeting system. They are hard boundaries. I recommend that most advertisers don't do that because A, I don't think it's going to get you the best results, and B, it's almost certainly going to go away in all ad accounts at some point soon.

It already has in a lot of ad accounts, particularly beginner ad accounts, but they've left it in some of the ad accounts that have been around for years and years and years because I think they don't want the backlash from advertisers going, hang on, I used to do things that way. Why have you changed it? This is a nightmare. So I would recommend you do that, but there is the option in some ad accounts.

for you to be able to do that and wanted to highlight. Okay, then we get into the placement section. So we've got here the default is Advantage Plus placements, but you can actually change that. So if I go ahead and click on edit, you can see we've also got manual placements. So to explain the difference between the two, Advantage Plus placements is all the placement options on Facebook, Instagram, Audience, Messenger, where you can see ads.

Now, when you're running a leads or a sales campaign and you're optimizing for conversions or return on ad spend or highest volume, one of the default. optimizations. It's absolutely fine to go with advantage plus placements and basically let Meta work out where to put your ads because they're only going to put your ads on placements where you get leads, sales, et cetera.

If, however, you've gone with a traffic campaign, because let's say you can't track conversions, which sometimes happens, or an awareness campaign, again, I don't recommend these things, but some people do, then it's very important that you go ahead and click manual placements and only allow your ads to be shown on the highest quality placements. Because if you've got, say, awareness as your objective, Meta goes, great, let's try and put their ads in front of as many people as possible for the lowest price. Well, that means they're going to put your ads on the cheaper placements, and the cheaper placements are the cheaper placements because...

that's where people are less likely to convert. So you'll be really careful about that. So if you go ahead and select manual placements, you can see we've got the various platforms and then we've also got the placement options.

If you are going with, say, awareness of traffic, I'd recommend you just go with feeds and stories. Get rid of the stuff, including the apps and sites, and get rid of Messenger, and then you just want to go with Facebook and Instagram. Now, because this is an Instagram ads tutorial and you don't want to run any ads on Facebook, It's not actually something I'd recommend.

I think why not let Meta work it out? Again, if you run ads on both, then Meta will see the results from both platforms and they'll go, okay, yeah, we're getting good results on both or we're getting nearly all our results on Instagram. So let's not run ads on Facebook. They'll work all that out for you. And you might end up with a situation if your business is more Instagram heavy where 9% of your ad spend is on Instagram, but you also have some ads running on Facebook to just the very best prospects.

We see that all the time. But if you did just want to run ads on Instagram, you can also go ahead and do that. I can deselect Facebook and now we've just got the ads running on Instagram. So that is an option which you may want to do and this is an Instagram ads tutorial.

If you just want to run ads on Instagram but you are using leads or sales campaign objective, then you don't need to get as specific with the various... Placement options, you can just go ahead and set it up like this. Right, so we've now got all the Instagram placement options selected, feed stories, et cetera, but none of the others, if that's how you want to set things up.

We can leave things as they are like that. to carry on with. Right, so next it's time to jump to the ad level.

So if I go ahead and click on new leads ad. Now, once we've got different ads set up, you're going to want to name different ads separately so you can see. We don't need to worry about that for now. Partnership ads, probably not something that if you're an Instagram advertising beginner, you need to worry about yet or turn on, but just know you can run ads with creators, brands, other businesses, and these ads will feature both identities, both Instagram profiles, for example, in the header. You've probably seen, whether you've clocked it or not, you've probably seen ads that have that feature.

Definitely something I'd recommend, like partnership ads are great. Being able to get other creators, influencers to create your ads for you and be involved in that is fantastic, but probably not something you need to worry about for now. I would say. Next, we've got identity. So you wanna make sure that you've got the right Facebook page and Instagram account selected if you've got multiple ones within your business manager account.

Again, that will be covered in that video that I talked about right at the beginning, setting up your business manager and getting all that in place. in case you're not familiar with exactly how to do that. Obviously, you want to make sure your ads are coming from the right page, the right Instagram account. Otherwise, that would look weird if you have multiple.

And then we've got ad setup. So you can see the default here is create ad, but you could use an existing post. You can just select use an existing post.

And once you do, go and find a post on your Instagram profile that you just want to run as an ad. That's absolutely fine. I'm going to go ahead and through and use...

And that's fairly straightforward to do as well, quite obvious. I'm going to go ahead and use create ad because... I think that's what most people are going to want to do. And what you're posting versus what you want to use as an ad, probably going to differ to some extent.

Right, creative source. We're going to go ahead and use manual upload. If, for example, you've got an e-commerce store, you may well want to use a catalog instead, but that's grayed out because, as an example, that account doesn't have that set up.

You may want to use a catalog because that's going to have the images associated with your products and things like that. But I'm going to go with manual upload. I still think that catalogs get a little bit confusing for beginners, so starting with a very simple manual upload makes a lot of sense. okay format we can go with a single image or video which again is what most advertisers going to start with we could also use a carousel or a collection carousel for example is you've probably seen where you have like a card of ads so you have like you might have five different cards representing a different product in each one for example or a different aspect about a service you've probably seen the sort of thing that i'm talking about there but i want to focus on single image or In this case, video is what I'm going to use as an example here, because I think that's what most advertisers are going to start with.

Multi-advertiser ads, you can turn it off, leave it on. I used to not like this feature more. Now I'm a little bit not bothered by it. Basically, what it means, where you can see method provider description, says your ads can appear alongside other ads in the same ad unit to help people discover products or services for businesses that are personalized to them. So basically, your ad can pop up alongside another advertiser's ad, a little bit of extra reach.

allowing you to do that effectively. But I wouldn't worry about that too much. Then we've got this add sources section, which as of the time of recording this video is very, very new, not something to worry about. Just go ahead and pop your website URL in there.

Meta will work that out for you automatically. You can get more granular and creative with this later on, but just pop that in there for now and don't worry about it. You can see as I've done that, a preview has popped up on the right-hand side. I'll explain more about that as we go through it.

But what we need to do is get down to this ad creative section. I'll quickly explain what I'm going to do here to demonstrate this. I'm going to recreate an ad that we're currently running. What we typically like to do is match the size of the ask with the complexity of the ad format.

So if you're advertising a relatively inexpensive e-commerce product, Image is great. Really simple ask, go ahead, buy with a simple ad creative. If you're asking for something a bit more complex, like let's say we wanted someone to become a client of ours, we're going to want to use video primarily because that's a really big ask and we need to provide more reasons for them to do so, more proof, more evidence, things like that.

So we typically go with video. It is fine as an Instagram advertising beginner to use image. It's often much easier to use. You can use free tools like Canva to help you create images and that sort of stuff. And I will talk more about how to create high quality creative later on because I've got a little trick for you there.

But yeah, so I'm going to use video for this option. If you do have video content already made, people are getting much more comfortable with it. A lot of businesses watching this will have that ready to go and fantastic.

Or you might have the capabilities to go ahead and produce it. Now, the offer that I'm going to advertise here and the offer is one of the most important parts of any Instagram ad campaign. You have to work out exactly what it is you're going to offer to your prospects to convince them to become a lead or purchase. The offer that I'm going to use here is our new course with community called Facebook Ads Mastery.

And I'll include a link in description to that as well, by the way, guys. It's called Facebook Ads Mastery, but also covers Instagram advertising as well. And it's brand new course material for me and my team. It's literally stuff we use to train our staff. It's like the best quality stuff there is.

And it's got a full school community as well. So me and my team are in there all the time interacting with people. The feedback so far has been fantastic. We do live calls and trainings. As I said, there's a link in the description if you want to check it out.

But I also wanted to explain what it is that we're going to be advertising here. So I want to go ahead and click on add media, and in this case, add video. Then you come through to this section here. You can either upload or you've got all videos that are associated with this ad account.

But you can also, for example, select Instagram videos if you've got a video already on your Instagram profile and go ahead and select that in. There are various options in here. Most likely, you're going to want to go ahead and click upload, as I am. So I'm going to go ahead and get this video uploaded. Okay, so that might take a second, but once you've got that, in this case, video or your image uploaded, you can go ahead and click next.

And now you've got an option to trim the video. Now this has already been edited and worked out, so it's not something that we're going to want to do, but just know that that is an option once you come in and get that uploaded to your MetaAd account. And then we've got various aspect ratios. So...

This video here, this ad that we're running for the Facebook Ads Mastery Course with Community, like I mentioned, this is just in a vertical format and that's going to work fine across the various placement options. Now in an ideal world, we would have another option that we would add in that was square because you can see here that for stories and reels, the vertical fits really nicely. Whereas for feeds, search results, they recommend a one-to-one format.

So ideally what we do is we've replaced that out with a square version. So if someone else is creating your video ads for you, and it fits like sometimes it doesn't always work but um if it fits you can say oh can you please make a square version versus a and a vertical version so we can use both but for the purpose of this video it's not something you need to worry about and it's um it's sort of extra brownie points if that makes sense it's not necessary so i'm just going to go ahead and click next then we've got this section here which is optimize your ad with advantage plus creative enhancements i think if you're a beginner instagram advertiser just go ahead and let matter do what it wants to do to your ad creative and it's going to be fine Basically, they use AI tools to do certain things like they'll increase the contrast on your images. They might add a little bit of text overlay based on what you've got in your headline. We'll get to that stuff in a second. So there's a few different things that they might do as part of Adventure Plus Creative.

Just let them do it. You can come in and get more specific later on. I've got videos talking about advanced plus creative enhancements. I'll include a link in the video description so you can check that out at a later date. But I think for beginners, it all starts to get a bit confusing.

Do I let them put this music on it? Do I just, it's probably going to be fine to allow them to do it. But again, as long as you've got your campaign set up correctly, Meta's only going to make changes that are likely to get you more leads or more sales to your Instagram ads, which is what you want. So we can go ahead and click done here.

Right. So we've got some warnings pop up, but I wouldn't worry about that too much for the purposes of this video. OK, so now that we've added our creative, we can start to see on the ad preview here that our ads starting to come together. Right.

So we can you can get. sense of what it looks like so you can see this is done by placement options so we've got like you know this is what this is the instagram feeds what's going on this is the instagram stories and you can see obviously how like meta's automatically cropped it to fit feeds you can see it looks absolutely fine it's not square but it's not as vertical as the full stories options and it looks it looks absolutely fine i'm not going to run through exactly what's included in these videos like the strategies and the hooks and the details in this video because i've got another video that talks all about that and i don't want this video to be 14 hours long. So if you want to check that out, you can go ahead.

There's a link in the description that will show you how to put together a really great ad creative using a tool that we use all the time. Obviously, we know what we're doing with the ad creative. This is what we do. We can create stuff that looks really nice that includes the positive points that has good hooks and stuff. We know what we're doing.

But it's absolutely fine to start with something more simple and go with a simple boring image ad. And that's why I'm not going to cover what's included in this video here because this just won't be realistic for a lot of businesses watching this yet. But you can check out that other video and that'll go through it all and you can work your way through the system and get better at it and practice and things like that. And you can also, by the way, always check out my ads using the Meta Ads Library, which is a free tool. I've got videos on how to use Meta Ads Library, but you can always take a look at what I'm doing if you want to model from that as well.

Okay. So yeah, just wanted to quickly mention that. What I'm going to do now is move on to primary text and headlines, which we can run through as a simple topic. And I'm going to copy.

over the stuff because we're literally running this ad right now to promote Facebook Ads Mastery and we're going to copy the stuff over that we've got in there so you can see what we've got. So here I've just copied in one of the primary text options. You can see we've got primary text here, one of five.

write in multiple primary text options if you want. You don't have to. It's not something that I would want you to think of as a barrier to entry to getting your Instagram ads live in the first place. Much better to get started.

You can add things in here. But just know that on the actual live version of this ad, we've got a whole bunch of primary text options because there is added benefit to having multiple options and letting Meta work it out. So just to run through what we've included in here to promote this Facebook ads mastery offer, this is the sort of logic that you can then apply in your primary text to promote your product or service as well. We've started with testimonial.

The amount of value insights education I've got in this community in just one week is absolutely insane. That's great. The value proposition there is obvious and testimonials are fantastic, particularly in industries like ours where people are a bit more skeptical around the service offerings. And then we get into the stuff that's included within.

Facebook Ads Mastery and why it's valuable. We're laddering everything up to why it's valuable for the prospect. You've got to think about that. Why would someone want to buy my product service? What did they get out of it?

Here we've got, I'm sharing all the strategies that have helped me generate over 200 million in revenue for my clients. Inside, you'll get hundreds of advanced training videos, behind the scene ad account audits, weekly live trainings and Q&As, weekly live ad accounts and teardowns, access to 450 like-minded advertisers, all investor success. That's how many people are already in Facebook Ads Mastery. New live monthly exclusive Q&A sessions with me. me, Ben Heath.

Click learn more to get access. So we've got a testimonial at the front. That's the hook we're using in the primary text.

We've got the body, which is... what you get, why it's great, why you want this thing, all that sort of stuff. And then we've got the call to action at the end.

Click learn more to get access today. Very simple primary text. You can model from exactly that structure.

We've got other structures that we use, but that is plenty for you to be getting started with. And if you do want to add other primary text options, you can go ahead and get those added in. You can see Meta now has these text generation options. So you enter in one primary text and Meta's like, hang on, we've used our AI to come up with all these other primary text options. Do you want to use these?

Most of the time, they're not great, to be perfectly honest. Have a read through. If something you like, great.

Maybe you could take elements of it. But we tend to go with what we go with because we know what we're doing. But just know that that is an option.

OK, then we've got the headline. Now, the headline you can see on an Instagram. feed ad for example is going to be far less important than it is say on Facebook.

Now I did recommend earlier that you actually run ads on both platforms so I am going to go ahead and add in some headlines and show what we do there but just know if you are sticking to Instagram it doesn't matter as much typically although there is a caveat to that which I'll mention in a second. Okay so this is one of the headlines that we are using right now we've got scale your ads with Facebook ads mastery. Very straightforward, what the value proposition is there. We're explaining what the product, well, we're mentioning the product itself.

We can't really explain in just a headline, Facebook Ads Mastery. And scale your ads. That's the main benefit that someone will get.

They learn, they get better, and they're able to scale. So we can add a headline in there. Again, you can add in various headline options. And we usually do.

In the live version of this ad, we do have them. But I don't want to make this too confusing. And again, there is AI generations for different headline options that you...

may well want to use as well. Have a little look through and see what works. I do expect, by the way, these AI-generated primary texts and AI-generated headlines to get better and better.

And whenever you're adding in text, you want to see what it looks like, you can just have a look on this right now. hand side right like we can see that the um primary text has gone down like just after the instagram uh name the profile name and then you beneath the creative and then you've got you know various different ways of it looking depending on what you're doing and you can have a look at the you know the various options of how it looks and it's going to vary whether or not you're just advertising on instagram or you're advertising on instagram and facebook now we've got this optimized text per person section enabled um so you can actually turn this off within the advantage plus creative enhancements remember we didn't mess with any of that i wouldn't recommend you mess with any of that so i just leave that as enabled but that's where you can turn that off if you want to And what that basically means is that meta has the flexibility to change around your primary text and headlines and descriptions and all that Sort of stuff. It's fine to leave it on.

I just wanted to highlight it in case you're like, what is this? It just gives met more flexibility with where they can put stuff. So just leave that on for now I don't I want to make this as simple as possible because it can get complicated and Yeah You don't need to worry about that. You can always mess around with it later when you start playing around with advantage plus creative enhancements.

Okay. Then we've got the call to action. So the default here is learn more.

And that's obviously what we're going to be using because you already saw in the primary text, that's what we're using as the call to action. But there are lots of different call to action buttons. Now this is the part here you can see where it says learn more in the button there, or it's going to look different.

You can see that's what it looks like on a story. It's going to look different in different placements. Just go with the option here that best describes. Whatever it is that you want people to do next.

Like in our case, we know they're not going to click through and immediately purchase Facebook Ads Mastery. Like that's unrealistic. They're going to want to find a bit more information.

So they're going to come through to a landing page and check out all the details and be like, yeah, okay, this looks fantastic. Looks like a great deal. I'll go ahead and join. So we're going with learn more. If get quote is more appropriate, use get quote.

If shop now, if you're sending people to a Shopify store is more appropriate, use shop now. It's absolutely fine. And you can always test different options on different ads.

Right. I said we've got advantage plus creative here. This is where you can edit.

So these were the enhancements that I talked about. So they've done, you can see the three out of three, they've done visual touch up, text improvements, relevant comments. They've got three out of three. There are up to 10 currently. They're adding them all the time, but it depends on the creative that you upload.

Just ignore that for me, please. too difficult to start with. Okay, next we've got the destination where we want to send people. Now this is different to the ad source.

The ad source is all about gathering information for the ad and site links and just not something to worry about. Destination you do need to worry about because that's where you're going to actually send people. So you can see that Meta's just put in our website URL that we entered up into ad sources, but that's not where we actually want to send people specifically for this Facebook Ads Mastery offer, which is this is the URL, which I've just gone and copied in, which you can obviously go and check out.

But just make sure that you add in the right URL here. You don't just go. go with the default homepage of your website. If you want to send people to a product page or a specific landing page or something like that, then you want to go ahead and add that in. And then you can add in the display link.

Now, again, this can look different on different platforms, but in some places you're going to see the display link. So we could change up the text if we're not happy with how that looked. Most of the time, we don't bother.

Okay. Browser add-ons, too complicated for now. Don't worry about that. This allows people to get in touch with us in different ways. This is going to look different on a sales campaign.

So yeah, I'm just going to just going to go with none. Don't add a button. We don't want calls. We wouldn't want them for this offer anyway. But even if some of these do look appropriate for your offer, please leave them off for now.

Because I think it's more complicated you need to get to. Same with industry experience and same with Facebook events. Those are unlikely to apply. Now languages we already discussed at the ad set level, whether or not you want to target specifically to speak different languages.

This is a little bit different because you can add your own translations or automatically translate your ad to reach people in more languages. So let's say you are advertising in a location where people speak different languages and you want to actually advertise to people in both languages but you want to customize it for each of those then great turn this on and either upload your own translations or let meta do it automatically better if you do it yourself or at least take a look at what meta's done for you automatically to make sure that works But just know that that is an option, which is really handy. You don't have to sort of build out separate campaigns for different languages.

You can include them all together. And you do that with this section here. I'm not going to do it because it's not something we do. All our stuff's in English. And also, I imagine most people who watch this, that's not going to be the case either.

Then we've got tracking. The pixel associated with the ad account should automatically be set up here. It should be absolutely fine. If you don't see a nice green tick and things like this, then you're going to want to get it set up.

Again, there was a video. discussing pixel setup and all that sort of stuff. And you'll see as we scroll down, that's all we need to worry about.

Things like offline events, URL parameters, definitely more advanced things that I don't want you to worry about for now. And that's a relatively simple Instagram ad campaign. Tried to keep it simple whilst showing you all the important things, but that is now created.

You can go ahead and click publish. And what'll happen once you do is that Meta will review your ad, make sure that it doesn't violate. policies, or at least their AI will have a look and see if you violate policies. Prior it's approved, it'll probably go live within an hour or so.

Sometimes it takes less time, sometimes it takes more. Likely to take more if you've got a brand new ad account and haven't run an ad before. And then your campaign's up and running and you can go ahead and monitor the results and see how it goes. So the way you do that, I'm going to close this down, is you just keep an eye on it within Ads Manager.

So because this is still in draft mode, we haven't actually published it, I don't actually want to run this ad. from a new campaign we've already got it here but you can see take a look in the results column that's going to show you in this case cost per lead but it could be cost per purchase if you're running a sales campaign optimizing for it and you come in here and you can regularly take a look at the results and um and make sure that they're either profitable or you can make adjustments it's how you can take a look at the difference between different ads how they perform and all that sort of thing if you did want to make extra ads like let's say you've got one video but you've also got some images you want to test the easiest way to do that is to take this new leads ad, this video ad, click duplicate into the original campaign. And if I just click duplicate like that, you will see now we've got two. So if I minimize this down, you can see, look, we've got the campaign level, we've got the ad set level, and then ads.

We've got the original one, which is new leads ad, and then we've got a copy. So then we could just come in, edit the copy. We could, if we wanted to test different headlines, although you can do that within the ad itself, you could test different media.

We could delete out this video. Add in a different image or video, and then you can run both ads alongside each other and see which one performs best. Something that we do a lot of, as you might imagine. Now, if you are going to test multiple ads, make sure that you don't add in more than six ads into any one ad set. Meta have been very clear about that, that if you go beyond that, it just Meta struggles to optimize and work it out for you.

Whereas if you cap it in a maximum of six, then you're all good. In general, the more you spend, the more ads you can run because the more data you'll gather across the ads. Whereas if you operate with a small budget, one, two, maybe three ads is probably best just because you don't want that budget spread too thinly across the different ads. And then when it comes to testing, you're thinking, OK, I'll create multiple ads because I'll test them and I'll run that within my Instagram ad campaign.

What should I test? The most important things to start testing are offers. What are you actually offering?

So we've got the Facebook ads mastery offer there. But. Do we need to test different price point?

Do we need to test including other things? Do we need to test this, that, and the other? What's the offer?

And then the creative itself, obviously. That's the most visual part, the part that either grabs your prospect's attention or doesn't, and that's gonna be the next most important part. So we might test that video alongside some images, maybe alongside different videos to see which performs best. And like I said, when it comes to producing more creative to test, I'd strongly recommend that you check out this video.

In it is a full walkthrough on how to produce high quality ad creative that could convert. We use a tool often that I feature in this video that is absolutely fantastic, makes the process a lot easier. If you enjoyed this video, I'd really appreciate it if you click the subscribe button and let me know in the comments below. It's really useful feedback. That's enough from me.

Best of luck with your Instagram ads. I'll talk to you soon.