Transcript for:
Effiziente Datenrecherche mit KI-Automatisierung

time is a huge commodity and whether you're doing in a automation agency you're doing work or you want to grow your business you want high quality fact checked very comprehensive research and in this video I'm going to show how you can create an AI research GPT that leverages three separate language models to create an incredible output I'm going to show you how we can get an input from a client whether they submit a form or even giving it a URL we're going to analyze and scrot the entire website we're going to find interesting facts about that business online we're then going to reinforce that resar search and fact check it and get Source URLs then I'm going to show you how to use three separate language models Claude llama and chat GPT to create key and critical research points so that actually at the end of it you can get a completely bespoke document generated automatically for you without touching anything including who you're meeting with when you're meeting them what their dream outcome is their website and overview and 10 facts about the business that you may not be aware of on top of that a then kind of dri AI gener ated and refined response talking about their business it's going to understand what your business is about and based on those two things and the client's room outcome it's going to create this beautiful three critical paragraphs with questions that you can ask the client on top of that you're going to get a view from Claude you can get a view from chat gbt and La an llama model as well as a synthesized model that shows you everything all those things together in one single response I'm going to show you how you do all of that in one single Journey from start to finish so you don't even need to touch any buttons and the only thing I ask is if that sounds of value to you to consider giving this video a like down below and if you're feeling generous a common as well and that helps us keep Mother algorithm a bay and I really appreciate you if you don't know who I am my name is Jack and my YouTube channel and my school Community is all about the latest AI we're about creating incredible automations but most importantly this channel this community is all about finding the stuff that actually works if you haven't yet grab that coffee and let's jump straight I'd like to if I may show you briefly how this entire automation works from start to finish then I'll show you exactly the tools that you need and then I'll show you how you can recreate it yourself step by step and if I do my job properly at the end of this video it might change the way that you think about meeting preparation or research so what's the trigger so the trigger that I've done a use case for here is for those of you that want to get more clients or you've got prospects or you work with individuals but this could apply for work or anything so we start with a form for this example I've used something called paper form so let's check this out okay I've got client strategy by Planet automation we basically have this thing where someone gives us their email their full name their company name they choose which level their business is at this by the way is for my school Community we have like a level system where you unlock things so I've just left it in there it's colorful and it just shows you the kind of thing that you can do with these things um we get their website and then we ask them what their biggest challenges and their dream outcome are this is incredibly configurable there's lots of different forms that you could use I'm showing this as an example and it would say he come on man let's book your Discovery calls if I just quickly just show you very Bri this looks like so let's say I have my own name and then we'll go for Padawan Enterprises company name let's say we are level seven hero which is what I am in the community let's give it a website so I'm going to give it this website here for instance dream outcome I've said here I'm struggling to get clients uh I'd like to review the ways in which we could automate client capture so just give it something there and then we book at Discovery call let's say that hey I'm free on the 4th and I want a meeting at 9:15 to 9:30 what happens then now check this out guys so I'm going to come here this will run automatically in the background for you so you don't need to touch anything and whatever you do whatever the top part of your funnel is with your client whether it is a form whether it's a calendly link maybe they send you a DM or an email you can automate any trigger you want for this purpose we're going to go with paper form so what happens they submit they're going to book a 50-minute discovery call the second that done they give us all the information that we need let's go to our Jour now look this is what happens okay this grabs the submission from paper form this here website overview takes the URL and says hey this is what the website is I want you to look in their website look at their about Page look inside their website and do external research to find us like 10 like interesting facts about that business it could be stuff like you know um are they have they been featured in articles have they won awards have they got big competitors what's their product offering that's what research a does Research b says awesome I'm going to go look at what research a did and I'm just going to fact check it so we're using the Llama model here with perplexity and perplexity is like Google Plus an AI search so it's an incredible agent that helps us research things this website overview will give us a short Snappy really cool really brief perspective of what the website's about in just a couple of sentences to give you an example of what that looks like in practice if I come to my school Community I go to paraan a level two in my group you unlock $1600 uh doll worth of software at least so you see we look something like this which is a quick two sence overview followed by five bullet points by what it can do so if you've never heard of this business before you can take a quick glance at it you know exactly what they're about just something to make your life easier at a kind of executive level to just save you the time so website overview short Snappy overview research a researches the company looks at their website looks external researches Research b is checking research a is saiding hey this is what research a has said let's just make sure it actually makes sense let's make sure that those URLs are fact check let's make sure it hasn't hallucinated just to make sure you can have more confidence in what you're going to talk about and you'll also get the sources in the final document so you can check that for yourself what's happened after that now look this is the bit in my view I built this in a way to try and make it as helpful as possible for you now we've got the short Snappy overview we've got facts about the company then what we really need to do is like look we give Claude we give chat GPT and we give llama basically information about us what is our business what do we we do for the examples of this I've said that we are I believe it's in this document automation Planet which is an AI automation agency here are Services here's what we do all the different things that we do so we feed it that information and basically what we say to it is look here's what we do here's all the research and facts about the company and also here's what the client has said to us is there like biggest concern like they're concerned about scaling they're concerned about this problem so it takes those three pieces of information you see check it out right I come down can you see right here at the bottom look what they've said the research and date about the client and then all the information about our business and it uses those three things to create three really intelligent power graphs and crucially three core questions that we can ask the client in the meeting I mean how incredible is that that this changes literally everything about the way you think about meetings we do it for the CLA Opus model we do it for chat GPT we do it for llama and then we've got this King module now I should also say by the llama's got like I think it's like a 70 billion parameter model and by leveraging different AIS together to say hey the king's job I should lift him up a little bit just a little bit higher right the king's job is to look okay this is response from clae this is response from chat gbt and this is response from llama look at all three of them together okay and I want you to take the best bits from each of those three models responses to get what I call the king response which is look you can check out the Llama the chat gbt the claw if you want to in a document no problem right in fact he can even show you here right look yeah there's a Claude there's a chat GPT there's a llama but actually what I want the king to do is I kind of like I wanted to learn something from every response cuz every one of the models is going to be slightly different in some way or another and I want it to kind of grab and synthesize like the best research if I only have time to read one I can just check the king response and I'll be ready to go now we have this really cool thing here tools and then these two modules is all about how we actually create the document and what will happen is that template will be created for for us automatically in a G drive so basically you come back to whatever folder you want to when we can automate that to be sent to as an email and it will create a completely bespoke document for you like that that you can just access or just have it directly in your email and that is the entire automation it is profoundly powerful it is simple sometimes with automations you can go big you can go complex but actually I think if you design them intelligently sometimes the more simple ones can be really powerful and if you think about how much time this saves you this is literally the way I want you to think about this is as an AI digital employee in fact you've got several of them okay you've got a research employee you've got another research check who's checking the research you've got one that's pulling the website you've got clae for you you got another one there that's five that's yeah that's four then you got five and then you got six all of them working for you automatically autonomously completely automated to get you a document that you can then just say cool right here's who am I meeting with today I'm meeting with Padawan Enterprises in incredible I go down and then I can decide everything that goes on so that's exactly how it shows you uh and by the way I'll put all the blueprints the proms the agents and also the scenarios so for example uh if you ever come down here you can click on more here import blueprint uh select the file uh you simply choose it you click save and it will automate all the uh all the sort of automations for you automatically that's all available in my school Community if you just want to know you have come to every automation for example you pick one like this one scroll down you got all the tools all the resources is you just download it here and you upload it and you're ready to rock and roll so look with that in mind let's quickly touch on the tools and then I'll show you step by step how to build this so the first thing I want you to think about is the trigger so I've used paper form here you could use tally it really depends on your own personal circumstances so say for example you have slack we could use slack as a trigger maybe someone says hey Jack could you check out meu Enterprises we want to work them out we can have a bot that looks over the slack and what it is you it can trigger you could do this in a Google sheet whatever it is for your particular business you know let me down below if you've got questions on that or you want to configure how to do for but essentially we want to trigger in other words an input that gives us a URL and business information I've used paperform and I'll show you how you set it up then we want access to perplexity perplexity is awesome they're always upgrading it I love the way that perplexity works so if I come over here to perplexity AI I've got the paid version you actually don't need to pay get the paid version at $20 a month you can actually get some something for five bucks so you want to deposit $5 API credits by coming down here onto your name click on your profile if it will allow me to click on my profile oh my goodness then you come down and you see this API you deposit five bucks look at me I'm not even American but I'm using bucks and all the kind of like americanisms I love it the idiosyncrasy then I go API I deposit $5 and then I get to link it to my make scenario okay so look I come back here that's when I imported right so basically you then connect it there but as I always describe bro like this is like the Everlasting Gob stopper of the API world I don't know how on Earth it's so cheap but genuinely like I feel like You' barely ever run out of credits with that you will do eventually but it's very very confident like that so we've got perplexity now zooming out you'll notice this is different than other videos I've done of a channel where we tend to lean in maybe one maybe two language models I feel the strength of this automation is actually the fact that we are we're we're covering our bases and I know a lot of the pros you know big research AI companies whether they're developed being you know any kind of interesting product or the frontier will use multiple models to cross reference and kind of you know synthesize them and find their best approach so we get to leverage the strength of all of them now there's more complicated exciting things that we can do and I will show you some really cool videos and stuff like that but as an introduction I think you're going to find this one really powerful and really handy so the three models we're going to use so we' got clae chat gbt and llama there are other things that you could use if you want to so for example in the community that I've got um when you're level two you get you unlock all these apps right so in here for example you can use grock AI these are all plugins that sit within make that ordinarily like €40 each but they're free as part of my community if you're joining there you can pick different things within there if you want to do like hens in there for example so there's many different models that we could use and plug in I've picked these three because I think chat gbt 4 is powerful Claude is powerful and llama is great and it's also simple because you're already using it at the research stage so check this out right you need access to chat gbt to get access to that if you're not currently aware I'll just show you come over to platform. going to come down to API keys and basically you deposit some money into that in exactly the same way that you did with um perplexity the third thing that you're going to need then if you want to do this one is Claude uh remember Claude is earned by anthropic so and again I what I'll do I'll put all these links Down Below in the description for you so that you can just literally press buttons sign up and then Implement them and you'll be completely ready to go with that Claude is my favorite for language I feel it's like a personal thing I I found other people some people feel the same way and I'm always going to show the stuff that I think works the best and I actually use in real life it just that's why I've had Claude as the king just because it's good at synthesizing those together and I just found that with experiment the outputs and then finally we've got llama which is what we're using with perplexity awesome so let's have a look right you see llama 3 Center online and you can pick different ones I believe the llama 3 is actually the in fact it's the 7 8B construct that we need Perfect all right cool sweet I think llama is like more powerful than mix rful from my understanding in terms of parameters and stuff cool and then basically once you've done that the only other thing that you need is a Google Document and also the platform we're building this on right so this is all built on is a no code automation tool basically enables us to parade around like coders we get to configure things together in a modular way and do things that you know previously you had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars of pounds to do we add modules we connect them we link them to different resources and it is pretty awesome uh and you know you you'll pick it up it like knowledge doesn't add it compounds when it comes to make it's really exciting so now we've covered what we need I'm going to show you how you build this entire thing step by step awesome so we create our new scenario and first of all where are we well that's our formalities so we're going to name this one 200 IQ research assistant and then obviously if it's 200 IQ level we need a big beautiful brain RI incredible if the brain loads in it will all right cool so look this trigger this form I'm going to show you how to do it using paper form okay so what do you do you click on this big beautiful purple button and type in paper form or tally or whatever form you want to choose or calendly completely your core we want it to happen when we get a new submission and think about the trigger best for your business then I'm going to put a pin in this for a second I'm going to head over to our website our trigger of choice and then once you head over to P you'll see you can create a form in the top right hand corner for the sake and benefit of your time and out of respect for that I'm just going to edit this and show you how it works high level so you can see and also the cool thing about these different forms is you can actually duplicate it so if you you got different ideas you want to look at that's quite easy for you to do so I've got a title I call it client strategy you can basically like type all the things you need to there very briefly all the fonts and stuff is managed over here in the theme section you know you can configure that to your uh preferences I have an image I find images convert better to people like text basically Chief text mini text image it's lovely little bit text so we just say what we want like hey let's schedule a 15minute discovery call doesn't sound so much like a sale as it's described as a discovery call and it's exactly what it is right Discovery call now here I'd want you to add in the questions that you think are relevant but what's critical for the automation of these two which is the website that they're going to give us and also their biggest challenges dream outcome so for example this will be very different based on your own particular business what is the key information that you need maybe it's what's your Revenue maybe you've got certain servic for different Revenue prices and then we have conditional formatting that says hey when you're building this out if revenue is X suggest y products if revenue is a suggest B products so we basically can go into this form and we can configure things and we can build it however we want to right to add new Fields you come down you come here add question you can can select the type of question here like is it a text is it yes no is an email blah blah blah blah blah blah whatever we want right really straightforward stuff and we can delete it there sweet and if you want to add an appointment which is basically like linking it to a calendar you can come down to add question come here type in appointment here okay click on the Cog like so come down and then basically you can go down to availability and you you basically will prompt you to connect your calendar so you can sign and give it permissions through your Gmail or your outlook there for enabling you to do things and you can specify things like the meeting how long is the meeting um what are the settings who's sending it what's the format what's the time zone all that sort of stuff just enabling you to kind of manage things either in tally or paper form it's completely your call so we've got a questions email fullone name company name which level is your business at what's your website your biggest challenges in dream outcome again you can splint these that as many as you like and then also booking an appointment if you would want to and then crucially we go over here to after submission so what do we want to happen once they've completed it so you can do success page and redirect I redirect them to let's say my classroom but it could be to anywhere or any location that you want to I've got a nice little tip for you if you go into the configure section you can also add in a title description and the cover image and then at the end of it you'll have a customized URL thing so you can basically design that however you want to when you've done that you'll have your form again just out of respect for your time I won't build it from scratch cuz that could be like 10 15 minutes that you could be spending on the rest of the video just getting to like the real super value for you so once that's done boom put our coffee down cuz on fire cuz we drink a lot of coffee building this sort of stuff then we're going to come back over now to our new automation let me move our old automation out the way cool now we've got our trigger again could be calendly could be anything we pick a hook so we click on add all right sweet this is an aworth which means that when you connect it you'll just be prompted to jump in a new window it says Hey sign in you okay for M to earn your life and you're like that's okay we come down to form and then we click on business strategy or whatever it is that you decided to call it excellent and now we've got a paper form I'm going to show you exactly how we actually grab the information from the website to get a bulleted list now for this we could use perplexity like I showed you in this automation here on the website overview I'm going to show you another way that you can do this that I think you're going to find very interesting and the reason for that is because it takes any error risk very very close to zero so instead of saying hey go and research URL what I'm going to say is I want you to grab all the information from the website and then focus and convert that text by itself and then we'll bring perplexity back to do the research so what does that look like we'll look I click on this I'm going to type in get HTTP to get a file and then what we do is we just give this URL from paper form now you may not see this yet unless you run it so before you do that what I would do is right click run this module only go over to your p form fill it out come back and then you'll see the paper form will work perfectly for you and then you'll be able to specify and add the data in that same time so we do get HTTP we click on this and basically you can see guys look at this everything's there look your biggest struggleing challenges text Boom come down email there we go there's another one uh Discovery call all the information is appeared there it's so awesome I come down and I've got a website so that is the particular website then Weck C okay and then what we do is we're going to convert it now if I run this from the top because I'll show you exactly what it looks like so we run that we come then over to uh our form or whatever form you're using let's just go through this again company name panan Enterprises uh again I'll go for the level six a wizard this time we've got the website we'll enter this fake thing and then we'll Buck a call on the 1st at 9:15 a.m. we click submit incredible that works in the background we come back over now to our automation paper form will flash up and say cool I got it any second now and when that happens we'll be able to pass the URL over to the HTTP file there we go it's passed it awesome and then what this file's done is just downloaded the entire website but the problem is it's all in that Goble theg HTTP so to fix that all you're going to do is you're going to come here like so you're going to go and do HTTP excuse me HTML to text like so come over here as beautiful text passer and we enter the HTML from there and then essentially guys what that will do that will just create that will just get the text for us okay then once we've done that let's add a chat GPT module here so we come in going to create a completion we're going to go for Max tokens now with GPT you can just put zero that defaults at the maximum the model we're going to use is GPT 40 system and then we're going to add a message we're going to put it as a user now what's the message now check this out and so for the website summarize a copy we've got the following right so you're going to be provided with copy of a website your task is to carefully read and comprehend the content of the website after analyzing the text generate a concise summary of the key points and main ideas discussed on the website it should be informative helpful to the point with a maximum length of 35 words and we ask it to do things like identify the core message or the core themes highlight the most important facts and statistics blah blah blah avoid using a necessary fluff or Filip phrases or the stuff that we don't want to know we want it to be clear and efficient then we talk about concise and precise language and at the bottom we wanted to write five core features in bullet with emeries and we give it some examples so when we've got that we're going to copy all the text and then paste it back over to chat GPT so let's copy all this beautiful text and we do we type the message content in like that and then we have the data and just give it the data output from the HTML to text and then click okay and we're going to right click on this one in fact what did we call it I think we'll call this one here we'll call this one oops excuse me come back off this let's just rename it cuz it's good to keep track isn't it actually it so website Snappy all right sweet with a little crocodile for good measure or maybe it's an alligator I'm sure the um the biologist amongst you will be able to tell me in the comments and then we're going to move to website Snappy going to come down get the message content hit paste come down and then the website URL is basically going to be the thing that we get excuse me website URL it's website copy my apologies weite copy is going to be the thing from text pass like so then we click okay sweet so let's give this a quick test so come over to yoka website let's copy all of the content let's come back over now to our wonderful automation we're going to right click we come on run this module only enter the text click okay and the website Snappy should give us a short shot Snappy breakdown of what that website is about so we click on this for example and there you go look at this experts in Instagram and social media marketing Yola digital offers personalized content creation reputation management and affordable results driven services to help boost SME boost that social media presence to engagement driving customer growth and sales there social media expertise photo content creation reputation management affordable tailored proven success for clients I don't know about you but wouldn't it be awesome if they just had that at the top of the website let us help you hashtag better like that's just such a beautiful succinct way of describing what they do and for you as a busy person who has a lot of time it doesn't have as much time and you want to nail it that's just super helpful and valuable to us so let's just zoom out a sec okay like both literally and figuratively if this will allow us let's align down here so look we've got paperform we've got HTTP and we've got the website summarizer the next thing I want to do now is get perplexity to go forth and just do a little bit of research for us on that particular website so to do that I want to first of all show you what that looks like in reality in terms of what we're going to ask perplexity to do okay so the format and the file that I'm going to show you initially I've got research a and Research b now research A's job is to do the research get as 10 facts and inform us about stuff on that website and stuff off that website research B's job is basically just to fact check and keep research a in line to make sure he's telling us the right stuff so let's start with research a so he's is a fact find a mission think about this digital employee is like the chief research officer but we got to keep them in check so look your task is to uncover 10 fascinating facts about insert business dive deep into the website and explore a wide range of reliable external sources to gather the most interesting and relevant information for each fact make sure it meets the following criteria and we out list it needs to be well sourced needs to be high quality needs to be upto-date prioritize information that happened more recently like in the last 12 months versus stuff that happened in the Stone Age for example we don't want to ask what the Stone Edge guys think about the wheel it's much more relevant to think about more 2024 stuff diverse coverage relevance matters clear documentation we want to avoid redundancies so stuff that's like you know it's blue oh it's kind of like blue you like it needs to be unique different things that each point earns it spot on our roster data driven insights business relevant to focus on facts that people find valuable and insights about the company's operations thought-provoking aim to include at least one or two facts that are maybe more surprising you throw a few curve balls in that I don't mind lotting 20% of our information budget to something it's a bit random keep it on our toes and keep us guessing now look has to presented list of a format has to use the sources and tiations in the footnotes let me just say here as well include sources as naked URLs so what we do guys is we copy the document like so we go back over to our make scenario over here and then we're going to add in perplexity like so so come over going to find in perplexity uh the top one here is cool create a chat completion that's cool it's bouncing around let's go for the largest models on there which is larm 38 sorry 70b instruct like so click on this one Max tokens don't worry about that for now don't worry about any of these things come down to add item click in the content and then just paste it in there okay now 10 fascinating facts about what business so what we do excuse me we come here we're going to replace this value with dunununun let's go down to our paper form submission and find out where the URL was what is website Yola the code of UK awesome come down Perfect come down it's got the criteria for us there very very nice and again we'll just add the URL at the bottom of it for additional reinforcement and then we go y perfect click okay and the rooll is going to be for user and then we're going to click okay there now look we're going to come back over to the first scenario just so we named it we're going to rename grab that come back over to our scenario here uh and then we know exactly what they're all doing research a then let's clone him over here and then this one is going to be Research b and then go from yellow to Green to show the pathway that it's gone incredible now I'm going to show you exactly what research B's job is so we come over to research B which is uh this beautiful guy here please analyze the following output from the previous model so hey let go and check what research a said for each bullet point in the output please perform the following tasks first of all check the bullet point has a source URL if it is missing try and find it or a relevant alternative to support that information if a source URL is found include it in alongside the bullet point you must include the naked URL for every Source if no reliable source can be found just remove the bullet point from the list back check the information each bullet point verify the accuracy of the claims maintain the original format of the output including the emerging bullet point so I'm saying like check it but I want you to keep the format consistent for each bullet point that passes fact check includes a source URL to V information blah blah blah all the way down you must include n of every Source please provide the output with fact check fact checked information so do copy all this awesome and we head back over now to our scenario we open up Res Research b guy we come down get rid all it push this in and then what we need to do is basically excuse me come down here move this guy over here so you can see now look you want to enter in come down to choices like so come down to message come down to Content and then we click okay sweet so with all that in mind now what do we do next well let's give it a quick run from the top so click run once I'm going to head over now to paper form to do another submission like so let's open up on a new window all righto come down here again pick the email company name Padawan Enterprises let's go level two Padawan this time what is the website what is the biggest fear I want to rule the world maybe we do I did that one I was like I should be more specific than one into real world kind of Darth vaded territory click submit Boom come back over to our scenario now we're waiting paper forms found it we've got the HTTP we've got the text so snap aot's done this thing awesome and then research a and Research b have done so let's check out what we've got for research a come down to choices come down to message and then we got the content string and look at this guys yoka is a UK Bas Commerce platform yoka offers 10,000 products uh yoka has a strong focus on customer satisfaction blam blam blam and then we've got all the different resources for there incredible and then check out Research b uh go down to the message content string is long there we go and you can use guys look at look at this guys look how crazy this is It's given us the Naked URL where it got the information we can see it's gone to yok you see how like this is good rather than just giving it a single URL it's actually gone a little bit deeper and we can see where it's gotten all stuff for like it's even it's even head of the trust pilot I could say hey yo guys so you've got 4.5 and Trust P that's pretty cool right and how many reviews that it's gotten um we know it's on charity is price match guarantee uh and then lots of other cool stuff so can you see how a difference in quality cuz look at this guys right I mean this is insane that responds both visually aesthetically and the naked URL compared to this this is this is just taking it to the level which I think is excellent and also like sometimes perplexity hallucinates and you know and cu the thing is guys like sometimes perplexity does hallucinate and it's good just to have that little fact Checker to make sure that we're keeping things in order now we've done that we need to move on I guess to taking the research we've got from our Target Avatar our business then we want to take on two things number one is what did they say you know is their biggest concern and their dream outcome or whatever it is that you're looking for and then information part three so their website facts about their business what they want and who we are we take all those few things together and we turn it into an incredible document that we can then use to save it as an hour multiple hours and just have a much more intelligent conversation with them so the first one I'm going to use is going to be clae so I open up I type in over here cloud like sir create a message sweet the model is going to be beautiful Opus Max tokens just set at 4,000 and then click okay come down to message excuse me come down to roll click on user and then we get to add content now the cool thing about this content guys is that typically it's going to be the exact same for all three models so we'll save time with a copy and pasty so the question is what is the actual thing that we need to ask it so let me pull that up for you so you can have a good luck all right sweet here we go opportunities bot by the way if you're wondering how I've got these images to be consistent I built out a tutorial in school Community about how you actually get mid journey to build out consistent images in a phenomenally simple way like that's why all the Styles that's why for example you'll notice in my classroom for instance these Styles like level two three four that's going live today F like it's all got like an avatar on the right and like they look like they're part of this like this image this Ninja image here for example is what I used to create this and this and basically all of them so if you're interested in that all about to say we' we've got more detail guys we've got the information now look let's go into what we're talking about the opportunities but as an AI powered opportuni bot your mission is to uncover valuable insights and identify potential areas where our insert business name here can best serve our prospective clients to accomplish this you will analyze three crucial pieces of information I told you about details about our Agency information about the client the client's dreams aspirations and pressing challenging pain points using this information generate three compelling paragraphs that highlight the specific opportunities where our agency or business can provide the most value to the client emphasize how the servic is going to overcome a challenges and guys like this is the bit what I'd want you to configure it I'd want you to really think about your sales process I've done this as an example but in reality it could be anything that you want so maybe you have a framework for your Sal maybe you like to dig deep into their paying points just simply recalibrate this prompt in accordance with your business needs and what you think I've done it as an example to show you what it does but realistically this is a canvas and you're an artist in the second paragraph explore the explore the client's dreams and aspirations showcase how our agency can help blah blah blah and so I've actually given it paragraph by paragraph instructions about how I want to think about it in a format that I'm comfortable with quite frankly finally conclude your analysis with three thought-provoking questions I like that I like that I can just have a few questions I can be like okay cool tell me about this or tell me about that and maybe you like we can download every sales call you've ever had and we can say look what were the questions that we ask a lot and actually of those 20 questions which are the ones that we want to ask this particular client or maybe you have those already pre-built a template millions of things we can do I've given examples for example hey to achieve your goal of scaling effects using AI please share your client acquisition cost and customer lifetime value blah blah blah remember to tell your language and tone to the specific client and that industry use Clear concise and clear concise and productive and blah blah blah we all that cool stuff there okay now look we come down we come up we're going to copy all of this now we're going to go back over now to our scenario we're going to come down here the type it's going to be text not image we come in boom we enter all in there nice let me scroll down and now if I show you for example what we had in our last so what I'm going to do just for the sake of speed I'm going to come down here I'm just going to copy all this text and I'm going to come back over to arenaria so it's the same it's the same text but the reason I've done this is I can show you where all of the data points actually sit with it okay which is completely oh there you go they're right there cool okay so look we've got client's dream outcome and problem where is that well it is if we scoll down it's the paper form right so what was the paper form one that we did let's book a discovery call your challenges and biggest dream outcome there you go boom data and research about the client and so for this one guys I want you to go to research B you're going to go down to choices message content like so and then information about my business and then just paste in all the information if you're using an assistant again I'll there'll be plenty of videos on my Channel showing you how you build um you know open assistance with open AI but essenti you can load documents you can load turnone of voice you can load everything and that could just work there automatically alternatively write a document like this basically says like here are my services I do this I do this I do this this is how I do it CRM management automate lead assignment follow-ups and data entry task I I do this I uh automat assign process for sales to reducing blah blah blah you know be really specific the more data we give it the more configurability and different kind of outputs that we can get from it when it comes at smarter inputs smart output it's like they say an hour and pre is worth 10 hours in post so the more time you can front load this the better it's going to be quite frankly so come in now let's just re rename these ones so going to call this one clae with the beautiful little tree or plant as you will cool give that a second to load in we click okay we're going to click on it and it come down I'm just going to copy control C all of it now we've done Claude now let's do chat GPT here we go for our second guy we're going to go for create completion we're going to go for um yeah that's absolutely fine model gb4 system add message roll again is going to be user message content just copy and paste it just copy and paste it that's all you need to do literally um then come down It'll ask for a token limit I believe underneath Max tokens to zero goodbye grammarly click okay sweet and then this one I'm going to right click going to rename this one chat gbt little robot if it wants to load in it's like takes five business days for the emo to come in it's funny isn't it and then finally let's just come back here copy all the text click okay and then let's add in llama one as well so we're going to add in perplexity now perplexity we're added chat completion thank you very much let's go for the 70 billion uh instructed larger parameter model um add messages content is going to be everything we just posted there wonderful click okay I want a bit more data for us and the role is going to be of user and then we you can play with things like temperature and top PE and just for information about temperature basically the higher value the more creative and variable so like if you wanted a standup comic you'd want a high temperature if you wanted to be a bit more like deterministic and other words like the more consistent reliable inputs you would go for a lower temperature uh one being Max and like obviously the lower you get the more deterministic it becomes cool and obviously it's rename this guy now D LL I mean how cool is it guys you've basically got now three completely different models all answering the same question so then the final thing we want to do is we're going to create the king module who I'm going to use to synthesize three outputs but we're still going to grab and see what the other models have got to say cuz it may be that like when you do this you find it like the chat GPT seems to always nail it you'll have different sources and data that available to you so basically what I do here is I come again I'm just going to clone this guy I'm going to bring him over here um actually we're going to do Claud is the king uh let me come over clown Cloud come over here rename him give him the appropriate respect and homage that the king deserves with his crown no king is a King Without a Crown and we click okay awesome so with King prompt let's give it something interesting so let me show you exactly what I'm thinking with this so we've got the king research here now look your mission is to analyze the response from three AI models each addressing opportunities from a bot prompt follow these steps to create a final output carefully R the few responses focus on the insights recommendations for questions compare the responses to identify any hallucinations inaccuracies in consistencies that highlight the strength of each response such as unique perspectives compelling arguments and well-crafted questions it's also important to note by the way guys that you could run the same PR through chat gbt five times get six different respon well five different responses the point is that like even the same model will give you different things based on the way that these language models work in terms of like probability merge the best parts of each response to create a cohesive persuasive and insightful final output leverage the strength of each model to enhance it overall quality impact I I just think this is so so cool ensure the final output maintains a specified format and I basically look I wanted to do the paragraphs and the questions include a relevant emerge each section present the final output as a stand line response without any additional comment or explanations remember to maintain a clear and concise and persuasive tone that showcases our agency value proposition from competitors the final output should be a powerful tool to help prepare a productive and impactable meeting of the client and two bits that I I I did on that aren't this prompt the first one is that you must take something from each of the outputs in other words we're forcing it to take something of value from each one and then finally um this is an executive document concise helpful and helpful factual and numbers lead cool awesome and we copy this beautiful text from the King research PRT we come back over now to our wonderful automation King and we come here and then basically what you do is you're going to C going to paste it in there but for the purpose of showing you where all the different modules are let me just come back over to the king here for example going to come down copy this guy come back over now to scenario paste it in and essentially you can see at the bottom here there you go in fact I can say I added some additional information so let me just come back over and make sure that this is fully up to date for you okay so look let me come back here okay come here I'm just going to post this in so a couple of things I added to this do not write this as a letter keep keep each paragraph to a maximum of 75 words and write this in a succinct informative executive report you must add three questions analysis and I even specified paragraph paragraph paragraph question question question remember clear and concise you must learn at least one thing from each response do not just copy one of the responses we don't want the king to be lazy the king needs to be the king because he's Gathering everything so just two little small builds in there just wanted to add based on my testing and responses I got again all this is going to be available Down Below in the description within the school community so we come back over now to our scenario and then basically guys we say here his output one output two and output three so what's output one output one is going to be clae output two is going to be chat GPT and then output three is quite simply going to be the Llama thing come down to choices let me just move over here so you can see properly choices oh my goodness message content incredible guys how sick is that now what's the next thing that we need to do once we've done that as you can see from my scenario here we need to tools and then create a template and this is really cool but I think you're really going to like this I also want to call out somebody in my community as who actually did a full video in our tip section showing people exactly how you actually build a consistent configurable aspect in Google dogs she's incredible I appreciate you I just want to call out because I feel learning from others is an incredible way to accelerate and share your tips and knowledge is one of the best ways to learn she also did part of our competition she launched a new product I'm going to put a link for it down below because it is awesome she's innovating the space and I really appre appreciate you now check this out guys what do we do we're going to come down here and I'll show what this looks like in this other module here okay so we've got the set multiple variables and then we've got this cre a template so the setting of the multiple variables is basically if I show you my document here can you see this is the variables in other words these things in curly brackets okay and then this is what happens so when we're setting these variables anything we want to change based on output is a variable so look what does that look like in reality now look I come here I type in set multiple variables and I just connect it I click on it we come on variables and then we just add every single variable that we want so to start the Google Doc side of the thing head over to and you'll see these kind of templates at the top of the page so pick one that you like I for instance chose this geometric one is for for example but it could be anyone that you like so let's just say I don't know we like let's say we like this business letter as a for instance okay we click on it like so and when Google Docs decides to land and work it's okay now this is the bit that gets really really cool so you'll see for example if I compare this to one that I did earlier now you see now look we can add in all these specific you can if you're doing like reports businesses you can have your own fonts your own logos and stuff okay so look what do we want to do the first thing we want on ours is going to be company name so let's just say for example we want to have automation planet and then we want to have the name of the company so we could say what we do is we to those beautiful curly brackets and then we just say hey company name and curly brackets and then we can also specify the formatting so for example I like to use a lot of color and for the company name I can just come here and then change that color to like say I want P just as an example right and then we've got this stuff here and then basically we can build out all the stuff that we want so then all you do for the whole thing is you're meeting okay then we do the curly brackets and we say okay cool it would be client name when are we meeting them the date the website and again it's just curly bracket cly bracket the name of the thing that you want to configure and and the curly bracket and then we've got dream outcome we've got website overview and then we just insert website overview and then what I'd want you to do is create the opportunities King and call this one opportunities King we've got Cloud call that one clae and then we got chat GPT and we got llama and you can do different things in here like insert images and do whatever you want and then once we've done that we come over to file going to come down here to find move right here come down to move and then we're going to say where do you want it to move so I'm going to put it over here to 1,00 IQ meeting prep and then click on move like so change your as access that's completely fine if you're happy with that boom that's done now we've created a template we've added the curly brackets for all the stuff that we want and we've moved it to a folder that we can now access within make so then what you do next you're going to come down here you're going to come down to Google Docs and you're going to put create excuse me come down to Google oh my goodness Google Docs okay create a document from a template like so and then what do we do we need to find the document ID so we click on this guy here for instance give this a sec to load up all right cool now look I come into thousand IQ meeting prep which is what I wanted then I click on plus to find the document I I created automation Planet template with a diamond does that look familiar well it should do because that's exactly what we solved it as how cool is that guys and this bit's going to blow your mind because it's so simple and so cool now look I come over to the actual CP page which is this one and then look it's automatically populated all of the different fields that we set in the first one so then all you do at this stage is go through one by one on and pick out and just align everything together so we start with the company name okay let's do this together right now company name value don't click on the title click on the value client name same thing come down to client name which is going to be D your full name Jack Roberts meeting date let's find out where the meeting dat is come down to value on this one and then I like to do this one which is like dates and then and time right so I do date and the date is the start date and then the time is the start time and then we got website and again you know based on the form you're using or how you're getting these triggers it will look slightly different for you but you just kind of just basically configure it to your own purposes and it'll just be exactly the same process just go through and do the same thing then we've got dream outcome which was uh this one down here wasn't it the value awesome and then website overview well for that we need to go to Snappy result and then opportunities King is opportunities King Claude is clae chaty BT is chaty BT it's all fairly straightforward stuff and then finally llama is the Llama come down to choices come down to message come down to Content and then we need to give it title my suggestion for you would be to call it the name of the business so just come straight down to the company name which is Padawan Enterprises now look what this will do is will create a brand new document called Padawan Enterprises in the folder that we want so then before the meeting we load it up we have a look at it we can get we can set it up to centers and email if want to we can do anything that we like new Drive location new document location which is basically hey where do you want it to go and I'll just throw it in th IQ meeting prep then I click okay awesome now what I do I'm going to line it and so for the final example guys we want to use something slightly different let's go a little bit out there let's think of um let's do a coffee company uh in fact there's a big big one in London okay who were like they're blowing up I used to get coffee from directly called grind coffee let's say they grind coffee look at this guys beautiful websitee by the way love the Ping love that kind of branding let's say grind coffee and loving life but you know what guys they'd benefit with some AI Automation and you know what I know just the agency it's called automation planet and they're pretty they're pretty cool planet automation I didn't even get the name right obviously not that well okay so look emo let's add this here what's your full name full name is going to be James diamond from the coffee company company name is going to be grind coffee house like so what's their level level five trial Blazer come down what is your website we enter the website there grind and what is your biggest challenges and dream outcome so for example let's just say my coffee company is scaling but not fast enough we want to acquire new consumers through Ai and digital marketing we also want to automate our processes and simplify our operations and be good if processes was spell right that's cool operations using AI automation okay okay sweet okay when do they want to meet us well they're busy this week they want to catch up with us on the 4th and it's got the time zone there it's a busy day for Planet automation because hey we got so many clients guys you know what you have to book in advance with those 9:45 to 10 cool now what do we do we come back to automation come down here going to click run one so that's going to wait for paper for I come back over now I hit submit and be in mind guys what have you done in this scenario you've done nothing this is just this is just the form the client had and all this stuff is going to start happening in the background look at this pay for's grabbed it HTTP has gotten the file text pass has already done its job so snaps a lot website Snappy's done it and he's already gotten for us the summary and if I look at this guys I load up website Snappy ethically sourced premium coffee products available for home delivery or cafes compossible pods subscription discounts and bundles offered sustainably focused with various gifts options and accessories beup satified with the charitable Foundation monthly coffee subscriptions 22% off ethically sour extensive range of bean pot beob certified boom boom boom how helpful is that like that just gives me everything I need to know at high level how do I know that's true well I was a customer so I I know for a fact that's how it works I even tried their coffee in London their cues were long but their coffee was great research a done his job research be done the fact checking and might come down and check out what responses we've got look at this here are top 10 facts about grind grind is expanded to 11 locations in London grinds Revenue grew by 25% in 2020 grind's Coffee Source from in 20 different countries grind's partner over 100 startups and scale UPS grind's membership model has 90% retention rate with members Sting the community networking opportunities key benefits and look at these resources guys co-working insights in London it's got It's got multiple examples from their website not just their homepage so many different things in there grind coffee shops designed to be Instagram worthy this is a it's good article from a completely different website grind is a loyalty program with 100,000 members that's actually really impressive to be fair and they partner with food delivery services like deliveroo uh they've done these different partners I mean absolutely insane we come off this and look going all the way to the end and the tools module has failed D let's find out why let's figure out what happened here okay so guys it looked like I didn't actually save it when I completed this and so it terminated the end of it which is a shamed you know what we're going to have to do guys we're going to have to rub this whole thing back one more time so we come back here let me save this and let me reun it from the top okay me run once but I'm going to save you the skips I'm going to fast forward and I'm going to submit the form and then we'll pick back up from tools I've just rerun the form I've done the paper form again it's now time to Rocket it through and work through Claude chat gbt LL it's done the research and at the end of it it's going to create a brand new document for us that's going to sit in a folder and guys so right now at the DAT of recording it is the 19th of June in a couple weeks the Jack Roberts YouTube channel we head out to Vegas to meet Alex homos in some ovens because we will fortunate enough because of you to win the school games last month and if I haven't expressed my gratitude ofing already I want to say thank I want to say say thanks from po the channel and the journey I remember when I had like 13 subscribers on the channel in fact it was a joke with my ex partner it was like I said I think AI is pretty cool and she goes yeah well who thinks that I said well me and my 13 subscribers certainly thinks that we both laughed about it and it's so wild to think of like where we are like a year and a half later from that moment and it's going to be cool to go to Vegas so if any of you guys watch the channel live in Vegas and you want to hang out when we get out there this month I'd love to hear from you so let me know Down Below in the comments so look we got the TOS that's complete Google Docs has completed so what does it mean it means if we head over now to this part of the website on our Google Docs I open up a th000 i me prep I should see a new document entitled ground coffee house with some information that might help us prepare for our meeting and where are we oh grind coffee house awesome let's check it out we load it up automation planner and grind coffee house let's check it out who am I meeting with you Mee with Jason Diamond when is it okay that's cool what's their website brilliant let me come over here so and get a better better look what's their dream outcome okay my coffee company is scaling but not fast enough we want to acquire new consumers to Ai and digital marketing we also want to automate our processes and simplify operations using a automation okay I mean can you just see how Snappy this it's so helpful website overview grind coffee offers ethically sourced home compostible coffee and products and pods bum bum bum what are their core features ethically sourced various various subscription models and then we've got our opportunities Ki now check this out executive Port gr coffee's company's primarily primary challenge is a need to scale rapidly to capture a larger consumer base our AI driven Solutions can directly address the painbot by optimizing lead generation and qualification process by developing custom AI power chat Bots and integrating them seamlessly with grind's existing CRM we can effici efficiently generate and qualify leads reducing response time and ensuring quicker conversions this will enable grind to focus on high high high quality leads we talk about how grind aspiring consumers through a digital marketing and simplified operations it's picked up on what grind wanted to do I cannot stress enough how amazing that is like it knows what grind wants and has basically washed that with the research and washed it with our own business data guys this is this is the future this is the future has arrived and it's right here our high volume copy generation service can support gr digital marketing by rapidly producing SEO friendly blah blah blah blah blah it's it's almost done all the thinking for us do you know what I mean how cool is that an opportunity for grind is blah blah blah then what question should we ask well let's have a look what specific pain points do you experience in your current lead generation and qualification process and how do you envisage AI pod Solutions helping you with that how do you currently measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns what metrics do you use at the moment to determine the success what are the most timec consuming labor intentive processes in your operations that's a great question and how do you think automation could help then we've got CLA perspective and close questions and we've got chat GPT and chat GPT like chat GPT think it's good question simp to CL quickly which areas of your lead generation conversion process do you find M challenging maybe I look through that and I think I actually chat gbt was on to something there let me nip it and grab but guys you know what the cool thing is it's at your discretion it's at your call what you want to do how you want to go it all you care about is the fact that they do the customer does what they do and you get a beautiful highly researched document created by digital AI employees that you just take receive and do what you want and hopefully if I've done my job properly in this video it makes sense how configurable this is and how many different things that this can help you to get started with now if you're new to AI or you're experienced and you want to challenge yourself a little bit I encourage you watch this video on screen now which is like 10 levels of AI automation we start with something like really basic and really simple and build on each level to get something at level 10 which is more complex and really powerful it's a great video I encourage you to check that one out because it will really help expand your understanding of how to use a in automation but any case guys thank you so much for watching have a great week and I'll see you in the next video